On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Gear is required to down the last bosses in Operations (raids), and semi required to down bosses in hardmode flashpoints (instances). If you're running full greens, don't even hope to kill a boss, but then again, there is no way of being full green by lv50 because of modifiable gear. Pve gear is harder to get than Pvp gear, so top raiding guilds extracted the mods from pvp gear and use them for pve. Operations are hard and fun, with the exclusion of normal mode operations.
As far as pvp goes, you probably heard a lot already. I have been dominating pvp with my fully pve geared powertech, but then again I only pvp in a premade and I have a personal healbot. I certainly didn't have an easy time in warzones until I got my pve set.
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Nightmare mode Ops (which give the top gear) are pretty damn hard.
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Gear is required to down the last bosses in Operations (raids), and semi required to down bosses in hardmode flashpoints (instances). If you're running full greens, don't even hope to kill a boss, but then again, there is no way of being full green by lv50 because of modifiable gear. Pve gear is harder to get than Pvp gear, so top raiding guilds extracted the mods from pvp gear and use them for pve. Operations are hard and fun, with the exclusion of normal mode operations.
As far as pvp goes, you probably heard a lot already. I have been dominating pvp with my fully pve geared powertech, but then again I only pvp in a premade and I have a personal healbot. I certainly didn't have an easy time in warzones until I got my pve set.
Edit: also, 400. Lurking FTW.
Um, kinda irrelevant but anyway, whats a healbot? I thought they dont allow companions in pvp?
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Gear is required to down the last bosses in Operations (raids), and semi required to down bosses in hardmode flashpoints (instances). If you're running full greens, don't even hope to kill a boss, but then again, there is no way of being full green by lv50 because of modifiable gear. Pve gear is harder to get than Pvp gear, so top raiding guilds extracted the mods from pvp gear and use them for pve. Operations are hard and fun, with the exclusion of normal mode operations.
As far as pvp goes, you probably heard a lot already. I have been dominating pvp with my fully pve geared powertech, but then again I only pvp in a premade and I have a personal healbot. I certainly didn't have an easy time in warzones until I got my pve set.
Edit: also, 400. Lurking FTW.
Um, kinda irrelevant but anyway, whats a healbot? I thought they dont allow companions in pvp?
I think that means a dedicated healer. Also called pocket healer, a player that follows you around and focuses on healing / buffing / dispelling you.
ps: Deltablazy !!!! How dare you !! <3 I saw that no one did answer for 10 minutes, so Ithought "hey time to post something useful!" But I have to admit that was a great ninja move
Wow this thread has gone from being great to being very argumentative very fast. Everyone was talking about strats and how much they liked the game+ what they thought needed fixing 20 or so pages back, what happened.
I really dont want this to turn into the General forums on SWTOR.com where the people who dislike the game or have quit try and convince everyone whos enjoying it how bad it is. Thats just pathetic.
If you dont like the game thats fine, say your piece but dont go around arguing with everyone thats having a good time, whats the point? Also it makes sense to defend a game in a forum about said game, but it doesnt make sense to do anything beyond saying what you disliked about the game and why you quit (constructively) to stay in forums and repeatedly try and argue your points about how you hate the game in a forum about the game is just wierd.
Move on ^^
edit: well reading on i guess its not that bad, I was commenting about a few pages back, i hadnt refreshed i guess since i got back to my computer
On January 13 2012 08:56 Executor1 wrote: Wow this thread has gone from being great to being very argumentative very fast. Everyone was talking about strats and how much they liked the game+ what they thought needed fixing 20 or so pages back, what happened.
I really dont want this to turn into the General forums on SWTOR.com where the people who dislike the game or have quit try and convince everyone whos enjoying it how bad it is. Thats just pathetic.
If you dont like the game thats fine, say your piece but dont go around arguing with everyone thats having a good time, whats the point? Also it makes sense to defend a game in a forum about said game, but it doesnt make sense to do anything beyond saying what you disliked about the game and why you quit (constructively) to stay in forums and repeatedly try and argue your point and get people to see why you hate the game in a forum about the game is just wierd.
Move on ^^
edit: well reading on i guess its not that bad, the last page was pretty bad though T_T
Yeah thankfully the mods are watching The last page was pretty bad, to be fair it was a fairly standard MMORPG PvP discussion It always degenerates one way or another. Anyway you are right about the TOR general forum, it is really messed up. Takes a long time to gather actual constructive feedback among all the trash.
On January 12 2012 19:36 Rikke wrote: Nah, PvP isn't really fun. Playing as level50 with/vs Level10s is no fun! And the rewarding system for PvP is total RNG Crap! If you are lucky you get full-pvp-set in 10 bags and if you're unlucky you open 50 bags and only get like 1-2 items. Right now, I will just finish the class-stories for my Juggernaut&Saboteur and if the Endgame is still that boring I won't pay for another month.
Dude, there is a level 50 bracket AND the non-RNG gear being added this month
I still see no motivation in PvP, the Itemscaling is ridiculous. Illum is dead and a Daily-Quest only zone and the PvE Content ist the most time waste in a long time. If BioWare doesn't put out HUGE changes to the endgame until January 20th, 80% of players will don't touch this game again and it will be like Aion or LotRO.
Leveling was alot of fun but at Maxlevel there is absolutly no conent beside doing boring dailies in PvP or PvE.
At 50, you do dungeons, raids, pvp and dailies to grind reputation or whatever in either PvE or PvP. There is all of that in SWTOR.
You just dont like MMO's then?
No! WoW had alot of motivation in Vanilla and TBC. SWTOR doesnt have that! There needs to be something to work on at maxlevel! I cleared the bugged heroics, I cleared the bugged operations, I have seen enough of bugged PvP... motivation gone! There is just no point in doing heroics/raids/pvp. The endgame is so bad that you are full-epic after 1 day at maxlevel and heroic-gear = raidgear. Would be better if you only got Blue Gear in Heroics and Operations had only one Difficulty (=Nightmare). I saw all the Encounters now and no one has the motivation to clear the same operations in Nightmare, when the only difference are the boss hp/dps scaled up. If the game were much harder, there would be content left to motivate for.
And I don't think BioWare will make the game much harder, so WoW has destroyed the MMO Genre for Non-Casuals.
Well in 5 days a new lvl 50 flashpoint comes out normal and hard modes, a bunch of bugs are going to be fixed and they are adding 4 bosses to karagga's palace.
And then there will be another content patch mid march, content every 2 months is a hell of alot better than wow did, not to mention they are releasing content within a month of when the game came out.
Personally im really happy they decided to spend most of their time refining the leveling experience, i would prefer that then an unrefined leveling experience with a refined end game at least for the first couple months of when the game came out.
Not to mention the new FP is going to be a scripted FP like Esseles which im super stoked about! Social points here i come!
Here is the trailer for the new flashpoint coming out.
And if someone says "lame they are cashing in on the zombie craze" ILL KEEEL YOU!
Rakghouls are not zombies and have been in the lore since kotor.
From wookiepedia: Rakghouls were a type of Sith-spawned mutants, engineered by the Sith Lord Karness Muur. Desiring an army to rule over and seeking a way to cheat death as so many other Sith before and after him did, Muur forged a talisman that he poured his spirit and power into, one that eventually came to be known as the Muur Talisman
The rakghoul plague was a disease engineered by the ancient Sith Lord Karness Muur. Muur, seeking a means to escape death and achieve galactic conquest, forged a Sith amulet that came to be known as the Muur Talisman, an item into which Muur poured his mind, will, and Sith magic.
that being said it does look really creepy, which is really exciting especially for a scripted instance
Here is another vid from gamespot that came out today previewing the new patch.
and finally an interview with James Ohlen discussing future content beyond rise of the rakghouls also on gamespot.
Meh the balance in PvP is pretty screwed at the moment. Consumable stacking + retarded burst from scoundrels/operatives are kinda annoying. My gear isn't the shittiest, (~300 expertise) but I still get dropped to 30% vs operatives in the opener and if I don't have my trinket and/or shield up I'm 100% dead.
But I'm still enjoying it, just because it seems like 95% of the people are so bad at this game (at least on my server) that I can outplay pretty much all of them if it's a fair fight.
On January 13 2012 11:55 IMABUNNEH wrote: For any Empire players, there's a great Datacron guide to be found over at http://www.fuseguild.com/
Covers all 68 datacrons, with instructions on how to get each one and a handy youtube link to show getting each one as well. Is pretty good
EDIT: Find it in Articles along the top bar.
Yep this is what I used to farm all mine. It is really well explained and informative, the videos are mostly what I used rather than the actual text in the PDF file.
Also, does anyone else find that the AIM one in Ilum where you have to walk through the exhaustion zone is bugged and you can't actually collect it? You get the dialogue but you don't get the stat increase or the codex entry.
Yep this is what I used to farm all mine. It is really well explained and informative, the videos are mostly what I used rather than the actual text in the PDF file.
Also, does anyone else find that the AIM one in Ilum where you have to walk through the exhaustion zone is bugged and you can't actually collect it? You get the dialogue but you don't get the stat increase or the codex entry.
Yea i had that problem as well. which is a bit disappointing, Because now I have to count on people buffing me so my sorc can get the appropriate aim.
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Nightmare mode Ops (which give the top gear) are pretty damn hard.
Waste of time! Its the same bosses like in normal only with more hp/dmg.
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Nightmare mode Ops (which give the top gear) are pretty damn hard.
Waste of time! Its the same bosses like in normal only with more hp/dmg.
Hmm, I've read reviews, but am still quite undecided about whether I should get this or not. Haven't played any MMOs other than DCUO (3hrs), and the original Guild Wars (quite extensively), and reviews seem pretty mixed. And so, I come to TL for advice. As someone who is new to MMOs since Guild Wars' vanilla days, would you recommend this? Is it worth sinking hours into?
On January 13 2012 14:05 KoTakUEurO wrote: Hmm, I've read reviews, but am still quite undecided about whether I should get this or not. Haven't played any MMOs other than DCUO (3hrs), and the original Guild Wars (quite extensively), and reviews seem pretty mixed. And so, I come to TL for advice. As someone who is new to MMOs since Guild Wars' vanilla days, would you recommend this? Is it worth sinking hours into?
Depends on what you are looking for. It plays like an RPG more than an MMO, and has excellent storylines. However, classes are extremely straightforward with minimal customization, the engine is outdated and slow to respond, and PvP is bad in general compared to other MMO's. PvE is as good as any other MMO pretty much.
Been playing this game since release, love it so far. I have lots and lots of experience with MMOs and this one manages to stand out as something different.
However, I'm a little concerned at the moment about the balance of Telekenetic Sages, or Lightning Sorcerors, in terms of overall DPS. I'm a 40 Sage and I feel like I'm way behind the other classes in terms of overall DPS, mostly noticeable in PvP. I know, it's hard to compare to other classes when most people in WZ's are 50s, but I went into a WZ as a 10 Gunslinger and could almost keep up higher DPS than my Sage, as well as having a 3500+ damage ability that I know becomes something ridiculous like 5k+. At 40, even with my highest damage nuke, I can only hit for 2500 on very low levels (10-15s).
Curious if anybody here has noticed the opposite; kinda hard to tell with all the Balance and Corruption Sages/Sorcs around who seem to be doing fine.
On January 13 2012 14:05 KoTakUEurO wrote: Hmm, I've read reviews, but am still quite undecided about whether I should get this or not. Haven't played any MMOs other than DCUO (3hrs), and the original Guild Wars (quite extensively), and reviews seem pretty mixed. And so, I come to TL for advice. As someone who is new to MMOs since Guild Wars' vanilla days, would you recommend this? Is it worth sinking hours into?
Okay ill break it down for you. Here is basically how the game stands right now. Their is an EXTENSIVE amount of levelling content, basically each class has their own class storyline and each planet has their own storyline as well. Then among those storylines you can make decisions that can affect your gameplay decisions you make in act 1 can affect something in the game in act 3, its not exactly noticeable to most people yet because i dont think anyone has played through the same class but different advanced class obvs twice yet. On top of that their are companion story lines for your five companions and as you gain affection your storylines progress with them and they have quests for you to complete etc. Throughout your levelling experience you will not beable to complete every planet, i didnt pvp at all and did minimal flashpoints and besides doing class quests on each planet i had 2 skip some planets almost entirely and some planets i half finished. So probably for your second and maybe even third time through you will beable to do alot of different quests (not to mention make different decisions for the world quests) that you have not completed yet.
Basically what im trying to get at , is their is ALOT of story in this game, as you probably know 95% of the quests are voice acted as well, immersing you even deeper into the story. Bioware did a great job refining the leveling experience and despite complaints of bugs i did not run into a single bug that stopped me from progressing through the game or stopped me from completing a quest. Their are easy ways to work around any issues you might have with a quest but its usually minimal.
So if your looking for a fantastic leveling experience , instead of it feeling like a chore to get to the end game (like in alot of mmo's) then the old republic is probably for yoou, especially if you are into star wars. The end game has some issues but if you havent started yet by the time you hit level cap you probably wont even need to worry about it. The raids and some of the end game hard mode flashpoints are still buggy, but with 1.1 alot of that will be fixed.
I cant speak to much on the pvp experience besides the open world pvp, which ive had alot of fun doing. Also on every planet their is world bosses and groups of around 20 will try and take said world bosses down, but if the opposing faction realises this alot of times they will start a raid to try and take down the opposing faction and get the world boss kill for themselves, its actually pretty awesome.
The combat is pretty standard, no auto attack though so yoou will be pressing buttons more often, also i find compared to other mmo's more of my skills have use, so i dont just end up spamming two abilities over and over and wait for procs this is as a smuggler though i dont know how it is for other classes. Their have been complaints of ability lag, because of the animations have to finish before you start your next ability but unless your an mmo pro you shouldnt notice it (at least i dont except for on 1 or 2 ability's and ive been playing mmo's for years) any of the issues they have can easily be fixed and probably will be in the coming weeks/ months.
So if your into a story based game, that can either play like a single player or a vast multiplayer experience yoou may want to try this game out. I for one have thoroughly enjoyed the story and i cant wait to experience another class.
It really depends what your looking for in an mmo, if its mainly pvp and your not interested in the story then maybe its not for you , i know people who only really leveled their class story and then pvp'd the rest of the way and they seem to be enjoying the game too, so i guess it really depends.
On January 13 2012 06:50 Mondeezy wrote: Does this game have good end-game pve/pvp competition?
i.e. Only top guilds will be able to get top gear, or will total noobs be able to walk in and stomp everything? I've been highly considering getting this game since one of my friends has it, and I played the beta(to about level 20, it was pretty fun but perhaps because it was *new*), but if the game is only going to last me 2 months I'd rather not play it. If anyone could share some insight that'd be awesome
Thx in advance!
Nightmare mode Ops (which give the top gear) are pretty damn hard.
Waste of time! Its the same bosses like in normal only with more hp/dmg.
Seriously? It also drops better gear. If you didnt know this is pretty standard in mmo's for raids to have hard modes. If your only looking to do a raid once just to "experience it" then raiding (or really mmo's) probably arent for you.
For others raids are about team work and coordination, like and epic feat that you must overcome and the harder it is the more teamwork and coordination is required and you also reap the better rewards
Its very common for guilds to run raids once a week for months as they progress through the fights and then have the raid "on farm" so that all the guild members can get geared for the next content.