How to get purple crystal: (stolen from /r/swtor, all credit to epsilonius)
First Step - Tattooine: Click the base plate of any Water Vaporizer for a refresh buff (waterglass icon) -- I found mine north of Mos Ila, but they are scattered about. Note: they seem to be on a fairly long cooldown. Second Step - Travel to the really tall mountain on Hoth (X-907,Y 637) - The closest speeder is at the Leth Outpost. Your buff will disappear and you will get the Pure Shockfrozen Water placed in your inventory. Third Step - Take a couple of level 50 friends and go to the Depleted White Adegan Crystal node on Ilum; to the far west (-553,-5) and click it. A Force Ghost will spawn from the frozen pool (boss level 50 mob). A crystal will then spawn for the group a few yards away from the depleted crystal. Loot this for the Magenta Crystal.
Dosnt look like those guys got past lvl 25 tbh. You can reaname this to Review of Leveling in Star Wars The Old Republic.
This, pretty much. Anyone that reviews the leveling is eaaaasily going to give it a 9X% rating, and I would too. Once you start reviewing the game minus the storyline/leveling then scores start to drop. Still decent, but a noticeable drop. I really hope Bioware improves the other aspects of the game and their released statements have been promising so far.
Yeah, i unsubbed to. The leveling is great, proberly the best ive tried in any mmo. But tbh, what made me not sub again was, that i didnt feel like a mmo at all, it felt like a solid singleplayer game. The awsome part about mmos is the ammount of interaction with other people, and you together make this new world. There is none of that in this game. Now to the more specific part. The pvp was very meh. Ive never loved battlegrounds, and tbh, the bgs in wow are better than theese. Now add that unresponsive combatsystem, the lvl 50 who pvp against lvl 10 people, etc.. and you get a very,,, meh system. Now,, the endgame, again, if you wanna do pve endgame, wow is better. I dont play wow, i unsubbed a looong time ago, but if doing raids, doing battegrounds where my thing, i would play wow, not this game. This game only really shines in the leveling process, but im sorry, mmos are not about leveling.
On January 07 2012 23:13 Benkestok wrote: Yeah, i unsubbed to. The leveling is great, proberly the best ive tried in any mmo. But tbh, what made me not sub again was, that i didnt feel like a mmo at all, it felt like a solid singleplayer game. The awsome part about mmos is the ammount of interaction with other people, and you together make this new world. There is none of that in this game. Now to the more specific part. The pvp was very meh. Ive never loved battlegrounds, and tbh, the bgs in wow are better than theese. Now add that unresponsive combatsystem, the lvl 50 who pvp against lvl 10 people, etc.. and you get a very,,, meh system. Now,, the endgame, again, if you wanna do pve endgame, wow is better. I dont play wow, i unsubbed a looong time ago, but if doing raids, doing battegrounds where my thing, i would play wow, not this game. This game only really shines in the leveling process, but im sorry, mmos are not about leveling.
Pretty much sums up my thoughts.
Now if only Arenanet could get their shit together and release GW2..
This game is so fucking boring. Most of the time, your just wandering around an empty world looking for a mission to do. Then you wander to close to the random enemies every 5 seconds so you have to kill them which slows it down even further. PLEASE, JUST GIVE ME UNLIMITED FAST TRAVEL.
On January 07 2012 22:30 zeru wrote: How can they rate an mmo without at least playing it for 50+ hours, or at least get max level when its THAT easy. That's like rating a car based on its smell.
They have over 160 hours logged. That's why it took them three weeks to write the review:
I'm not sure why everybody is hating on IGN for that video. I can't really see how what he says is wrong. Of course he's not gonna review hardcore operations. Who does that? Nobody has time for that. They do it as a job after all. It's like asking a Starcraft 2 reviewer to take into consideration the gameplay when you're playing in Grandmasters league.
Innovative PvP may be the only point where he simply is wrong.
i had to cancel my subscription, this game doesnt feel like an mmo at all, its closer to guildwars pve.
But its not a bad game and i dont regret the time i played it nor money invested, it just doesnt fit my idea of an mmo and isnt much fun to me outside of the story telling.
On January 07 2012 22:30 zeru wrote: How can they rate an mmo without at least playing it for 50+ hours, or at least get max level when its THAT easy. That's like rating a car based on its smell.
They have over 160 hours logged. That's why it took them three weeks to write the review:
I'm not sure why everybody is hating on IGN for that video. I can't really see how what he says is wrong. Of course he's not gonna review hardcore operations. Who does that? Nobody has time for that. They do it as a job after all. It's like asking a Starcraft 2 reviewer to take into consideration the gameplay when you're playing in Grandmasters league.
Innovative PvP may be the only point where he simply is wrong.
I just dont see how any experienced gamer/mmo player could rate the game 9/10, its basically a game which doesnt deserve to be in beta yet. Are the standards really that low these days? People hate on IGN because they give games ratings they dont deserve, for whatever reasons, they are probably paid for it, just look at the mw3 one.
It's certainly a 9/10 for me. Sure it has a lot of bugs, but I've been playing the game for 100+ hours. Any game that can keep me playing that long deserves a 9/10.
Of course it's not perfect. Far from it, in fact. But that's why it's not a 10/10.
What happend in BETA? I mean, PvP is so unbalanced I don*t even know where to begin. Another major issue with PvP is the FPS drops + delay on all abilities in warzones. And knockbacks are like rocks in Sc2, it maybe does somthing, but it's so boring and one dimensional... Afterall it's a MMO, where PvP is endorsed.
PvE is spank and tank + kill some ads. The questing is keeping me playing (the questing is actually awesome), probably will take lvl 50 then wait for them to fix PvP!