I just don't understand why it's always some foregone conclusion that a new MMO is going to suck more than an old one. Why even make them then?
As far as something like "polish" which is pretty vague in itself, Rift at 1/5th the cost (60m and 300m respectively, correct me if I am wrong) of TOR was more polished, it was incredibly close to wow and in many cases improved on it with things like multiple specs, aoe loot, etc. These are not things that TOR should be expected to ship without, it just makes no sense to think it's some impossibility. Especially not for the money they threw at it.
Content wise I think it's sort of a misconception to act like new games should have less content out of the box than an old MMO. The only truly relevant content is that of the newest expansion for a given MMO. I don't believe it should be hard to meet or exceed that amount of content for a new game, given both larger budgets and development time for a new MMO than an expansion.
I refuse to believe there is any reason a new game cannot be as good an experience as an older more established MMO. As a consumer it's not my job to rationalize the failure of devs
On January 07 2012 23:13 Benkestok wrote: Yeah, i unsubbed to. The leveling is great, proberly the best ive tried in any mmo. But tbh, what made me not sub again was, that i didnt feel like a mmo at all, it felt like a solid singleplayer game. The awsome part about mmos is the ammount of interaction with other people, and you together make this new world. There is none of that in this game. Now to the more specific part. The pvp was very meh. Ive never loved battlegrounds, and tbh, the bgs in wow are better than theese. Now add that unresponsive combatsystem, the lvl 50 who pvp against lvl 10 people, etc.. and you get a very,,, meh system. Now,, the endgame, again, if you wanna do pve endgame, wow is better. I dont play wow, i unsubbed a looong time ago, but if doing raids, doing battegrounds where my thing, i would play wow, not this game. This game only really shines in the leveling process, but im sorry, mmos are not about leveling.
I dont understand this, How does any other MMO do a better job of interaction with other players... and changeing the world? Its litterally identical to every single other MMO out their in questing style. WoW is far more lonely leveling because there is way less people doing it, and there isnt many group quests....On top of that, the flashpoints are way more group oriented. Even more so, the decisions you make affect who you deal with later (i,e them sending you items and money). How is that not changing the world? There isnt a single quest in WoW that "changes the world" until you hit phasing in WOTLK, which was like 5 years into dev. To be honest i didnt like phasing, because if you didnt feel like questing at max level then you couldnt even do stuff with your friends when you wanted to because they were on a different phase. The only game that Ive played that was more interactive in one area was warhammer public quests. Pointless comment to make when you have no backup for it, there is literally no difference to any other MMO in terms of how much you interact with other players or in how you affect the world around you.
You are correct in the ability delay being frustrating, and I would agree that PVP is kinda meh at the moment, but really this whole arugment about its "single player game with no player interaction" is a told load of garbage. Its almost like none of you have ever actually played another MMO and gone through its questing/leveling process. When I played WoW, Rift, Aion, AoC, ect... If you didnt have friends playing with you, you almost never talked to anyone or did anything as a group. There wasnt even a lot of dungeons to do, and if there were there wasnt anyone playing them.
On January 08 2012 01:51 floor exercise wrote: I just don't understand why it's always some foregone conclusion that a new MMO is going to suck more than an old one. Why even make them then?
As far as something like "polish" which is pretty vague in itself, Rift at 1/5th the cost (60m and 300m respectively, correct me if I am wrong) of TOR was more polished, it was incredibly close to wow and in many cases improved on it with things like multiple specs, aoe loot, etc. These are not things that TOR should be expected to ship without, it just makes no sense to think it's some impossibility. Especially not for the money they threw at it.
Content wise I think it's sort of a misconception to act like new games should have less content out of the box than an old MMO. The only truly relevant content is that of the newest expansion for a given MMO. I don't believe it should be hard to meet or exceed that amount of content for a new game, given both larger budgets and development time for a new MMO than an expansion.
I refuse to believe there is any reason a new game cannot be as good an experience as an older more established MMO. As a consumer it's not my job to rationalize the failure of devs
I totally agree, while I understand people who say "but X was buggy when it came out", the fact of the matter is the standards have risen and you should not ship it until its 100% finished. It's like saying a car from 2011 won't be as good as a car made in 2004, the industry standards rise, thus should the product.
Swtor is a fun, entertaining game, but not a "masterpiece" by any stretch.
At the end of the day, the code and engine running SWTOR is subpar and it shows very early on. This is my major gripe with this mmo and it was the same thing with warhammer online.
The story and questing in SWTOR is awesome and all that (far superior to any mmo ive ever played), but that becomes irrelevant when the engine its built upon is poorly made. Especially if you're a pvp focused player like myself.
I want crisp and solid gameplay, I dont want to wait for the game to respond to my actions, I dont want laggy and buggy UI. It just cant be an issue in 2012. Its not acceptable and its pissing me off.
Most mmo developers seems to go about things backwards these days - they prioritize the actual content instead of the VERY engine and network of which the entire game runs on. Sigh
On January 08 2012 02:22 Senx wrote: At the end of the day, the code and engine running SWTOR is subpar and it shows very early on. This is my major gripe with this mmo and it was the same thing with warhammer online.
The story and questing in SWTOR is awesome and all that (far superior to any mmo ive ever played), but that becomes irrelevant when the engine its built upon is poorly made. Especially if you're a pvp focused player like myself.
I want crisp and solid gameplay, I dont want to wait for the game to respond to my actions, I dont want laggy and buggy UI. It just cant be an issue in 2012. Its not acceptable and its pissing me off.
Most mmo developers seems to go about things backwards these days - they prioritize the actual content instead of the VERY engine and network of which the entire game runs on. Sigh
I have to agree with this point. Im not planning on unsubbing yet, because warhammer was able to initiate a code that increased responsiveness quite a bit (although not perfectly). I feel like SWTORs engine is better than warhammers at launch. So I have small hope that they will be able to patch the ability delay. IF they do I will remain a subscriber for some time. If they dont, I'll probably end my sub after the first couple of months.
On January 08 2012 02:22 Senx wrote: At the end of the day, the code and engine running SWTOR is subpar and it shows very early on. This is my major gripe with this mmo and it was the same thing with warhammer online.
The story and questing in SWTOR is awesome and all that (far superior to any mmo ive ever played), but that becomes irrelevant when the engine its built upon is poorly made. Especially if you're a pvp focused player like myself.
I want crisp and solid gameplay, I dont want to wait for the game to respond to my actions, I dont want laggy and buggy UI. It just cant be an issue in 2012. Its not acceptable and its pissing me off.
Most mmo developers seems to go about things backwards these days - they prioritize the actual content instead of the VERY engine and network of which the entire game runs on. Sigh
Pretty much...I think the end game is actually pretty decent for a new MMO. Flashpoints are fun (when not bugging out) and BG's wouldn't be terrible if not for faction imbalance and ability lag. But ultimately the ability lag is a game killer for me. I'm gonna stick around until diablo 3/pandas is released and unsubbing if its not fixed by then. I can't play a game this sluggish long-term =\
BW has already said they plan on fixing up the buggy ui and ability delay. The core pvp combat is the best I've ever seen in an mmo, it's incredibly fun. Once they smooth out the rough edges and add some more features it will be amazing. It's fair to say the game shouldn't have launched with some of the bigger bugs (like players warping in pvp) but it's not fair to say it should have launched completely bug free. If you think it should have then you know nothing about game design. MMOs are too big and complicated to be perfect at launch.
TBH I bought the game for the story so I don't care about PvP. I was a huge fan of KOTOR 1 and 2 and played them through several times and will probably do the same with this game.
Occasionally I find people who I group up with to do quests, but otherwise I enjoy playing the game alone.
anti aliasing, lvl 50s getting their own war zones and other stuff.
EDIT: Godamn ninja'd by blade
I'm quite looking forward to the assassin tank buff.
lol yeh nice buff to tank assassins. meanwhile we still do not get a crafted or commendation shield with willpower ever and we need to use str shields for the most part...
On January 07 2012 17:09 Shaetan wrote: How to get purple crystal: (stolen from /r/swtor, all credit to epsilonius)
First Step - Tattooine: Click the base plate of any Water Vaporizer for a refresh buff (waterglass icon) -- I found mine north of Mos Ila, but they are scattered about. Note: they seem to be on a fairly long cooldown. Second Step - Travel to the really tall mountain on Hoth (X-907,Y 637) - The closest speeder is at the Leth Outpost. Your buff will disappear and you will get the Pure Shockfrozen Water placed in your inventory. Third Step - Take a couple of level 50 friends and go to the Depleted White Adegan Crystal node on Ilum; to the far west (-553,-5) and click it. A Force Ghost will spawn from the frozen pool (boss level 50 mob). A crystal will then spawn for the group a few yards away from the depleted crystal. Loot this for the Magenta Crystal.
I have yet to find any confirmation of this whatsoever on either Torhead or Darthhater.
On January 08 2012 02:22 Senx wrote: At the end of the day, the code and engine running SWTOR is subpar and it shows very early on. This is my major gripe with this mmo and it was the same thing with warhammer online.
The story and questing in SWTOR is awesome and all that (far superior to any mmo ive ever played), but that becomes irrelevant when the engine its built upon is poorly made. Especially if you're a pvp focused player like myself.
I want crisp and solid gameplay, I dont want to wait for the game to respond to my actions, I dont want laggy and buggy UI. It just cant be an issue in 2012. Its not acceptable and its pissing me off.
Most mmo developers seems to go about things backwards these days - they prioritize the actual content instead of the VERY engine and network of which the entire game runs on. Sigh
This is the very reason I didn't even bother trying the game. The beta showed how poor the engine is.
I don't understand either why they ignore the engine. It's the foundation the game is going to run on for (hopefully for them) years and years.
Check out this dialog ( if you're high, you gonna laugh a lot more ). Don't worry, there are absolutely no spoilers. It's just a guy telling me to surrender and i refuse.
Note: i know, there's a football (soccer) game being casted in the background, so just put the video fullscreen and read the subtitles if you miss anything...sorry about that.
On January 07 2012 17:09 Shaetan wrote: How to get purple crystal: (stolen from /r/swtor, all credit to epsilonius)
First Step - Tattooine: Click the base plate of any Water Vaporizer for a refresh buff (waterglass icon) -- I found mine north of Mos Ila, but they are scattered about. Note: they seem to be on a fairly long cooldown. Second Step - Travel to the really tall mountain on Hoth (X-907,Y 637) - The closest speeder is at the Leth Outpost. Your buff will disappear and you will get the Pure Shockfrozen Water placed in your inventory. Third Step - Take a couple of level 50 friends and go to the Depleted White Adegan Crystal node on Ilum; to the far west (-553,-5) and click it. A Force Ghost will spawn from the frozen pool (boss level 50 mob). A crystal will then spawn for the group a few yards away from the depleted crystal. Loot this for the Magenta Crystal.
I have yet to find any confirmation of this whatsoever on either Torhead or Darthhater.
Any link to support?
I've done the first 2 steps and summoned the guy for the 3rd, just need a group to kill him. Also there are video guides up on swtor reddit and screenshots of people with the crystal