Can someone give me one good reason why you can't respec?
-It doesn't affect the story even .00001% -You don't start out choosing what class you want to be. You choose a primary class. -I would be 100% fine with it if I choose to be a Maruder at the very start of the game, but not after lvling.
yea i definitely dont think you should be allowed to switch your advanced classes half way through the game, that would be stupid. Sure they share some skills but they are essentially 2 different classes, that would be really silly if your like "oh i dont want to be a healer anymore i would prefer to be an assasin" *switch*
Edit: It would probably annoy you with just about every other mmo as well then, because any mmo with a distinct class system or singular sub class system doesnt let you change it after youve made your decision.
Subclass games that immediately come to mind are aion and lineage 2 neither of which let you do that, im sure their are a bunch more and the outcome is the same.
On January 04 2012 09:53 Executor1 wrote: yea i definitely dont think you should be allowed to switch your advanced classes half way through the game, that would be stupid. Sure they share some skills but they are essentially 2 different classes, that would be really silly if your like "oh i dont want to be a healer anymore i would prefer to be an assasin" *switch*
Edit: It would probably annoy you with just about every other mmo as well then, because any mmo with a distinct class system or singular sub class system doesnt let you change it after youve made your decision.
Subclass games that immediately come to mind are aion and lineage 2 neither of which let you do that, im sure their are a bunch more and the outcome is the same.
On January 04 2012 09:42 N3rV[Green] wrote: can respec, you just can't change your class.
I think it would be stupid if you could just switch between advanced classes all willynilly.
If the only reason that it is "stupid", then that's not really a real reason...
I believe they are just trying WAY too hard to not be like WoW. But what they don't realize is that many of the things in that game (which may or may not have been created by Blizz) are great ideas.
-Linked AH. This is a completely unnecessary feature, you're telling me in star wars they don't have some sort of international auction system? Like eBay? wat? -Non one bracket PvP. Seriously this is the stupidest idea I've ever heard, if you're lv 50 you're not going to lose against a anyone who is below say 45 1v1 since you have all of your abilities and they don't. -No auto-attack. Now hear me out first, the way that I think it should work here is that the cooldown resets EVERY time you use an ability. So whatever the speed is on your gun/saber (say 1 second for an easy #), every time you use an ability it would restart at 0 seconds, so that if you are constantly using skills you won't auto attack at all. But when you run out or rage/energy/heat/whatever and won't be able to use an ability for a few seconds then it would auto attack for you. I hate games where I have to tell my character to auto attack, it's completely unnecessary also.
I can't think of any of the other things that annoy me right now, but I'm about to leave the house so I'm rushing. What I'm saying is that WoW ideas =/= bad ideas just because their in WoW. The world would be pretty damn shitty if every country wanted to recreate the wheel eh?
On January 04 2012 05:36 Kyyuna wrote: Holy fuck, FIX YOUR PVP SERVERS @_@
freaking BGs are impossible to play when you have 1k-50k latency :<
and if you're wondering, i average 200-300 latency so dont say my net is bad
hmm i havent had any problems, 200-300 is still pretty bad though, are you sure it isnt a spike in your internet.
I average about 50-80. i think ive seen it as low as 30 though.
I have a 100mbps connection though.
go to and check your ping.
Now remember your latency will be considerably better than it is in game on this site, like usually i get 5ms, but i average 50-80 in game. If your getting over 25 you should probably be slightly worried and anything over 50 it may be a problem.
It also checks for stabibility
I play EU server from US. explains the higher ping then what i should be getting playing on a US server
What this game is missing (that I found really useful in Guild Wars), is a button that I could bind to "Interact". So let's say I have an NPC targeted (even from across the room) and click the "Interact" button, my character would automatically run up to that NPC and start a conversation, if possible.
Unless, of course, you like manually running all the way up to each and every NPC and spamming right-click on their tiny stupid models.
On January 04 2012 10:26 thewax wrote: As a level 23 sith assassin, i'm curious if deception or madness is the better spec for leveling.
Maybe a more experienced assassin can help me out
edit: or maybe even madness due to its higher survival
I'm no expert but the general consensus I've heard is Deception since most of the skills you have early on go better with that tree.
Can I ask a question? This game costs $100 USD where I come from because it needs to be imported and Bioware probably isn't going to support my region anytime soon. Plus there's subscription right? Should I buy it or wait?
On January 04 2012 10:52 lisward wrote: Can I ask a question? This game costs $100 USD where I come from because it needs to be imported and Bioware probably isn't going to support my region anytime soon. Plus there's subscription right? Should I buy it or wait?
Well I will tell you that the single-player storyline is completely awesome. But it feels more like a MSO (Massive Single-Player Online Game) rather than an MMO. It feels like a waste of time to do the group quests since many people are completely trash at this game and make me rage, but I am lv 29 so far and the storyline is completely awesome.
I've only ever seen 3 republic (who were 5 lvls higher than me) that ganked me in the open world so far on a pretty good traffic server (The Maw). They made it so the different factions have quests in different areas so there is not much world PvP so far.
On January 04 2012 10:52 lisward wrote: Can I ask a question? This game costs $100 USD where I come from because it needs to be imported and Bioware probably isn't going to support my region anytime soon. Plus there's subscription right? Should I buy it or wait?
I believe the entire SEA region is getting support around March.
I would personally recommend buying ASAP though, because the game is insanely awesome.
On January 04 2012 10:52 lisward wrote: Can I ask a question? This game costs $100 USD where I come from because it needs to be imported and Bioware probably isn't going to support my region anytime soon. Plus there's subscription right? Should I buy it or wait?
Well I will tell you that the single-player storyline is completely awesome. But it feels more like a MSO (Massive Single-Player Online Game) rather than an MMO. It feels like a waste of time to do the group quests since many people are completely trash at this game and make me rage, but I am lv 29 so far and the storyline is completely awesome.
I've only ever seen 3 republic (who were 5 lvls higher than me) that ganked me in the open world so far on a pretty good traffic server (The Maw). They made it so the different factions have quests in different areas so there is not much world PvP so far.
You could say the same about any MMORPG. Social games are only social if you make an effort to play with other people rather than on your own. I did 1-50 almost exclusively in pairs/groups with friends (usually as just a pair though, we didn't do heroic quests just the regular ones as a group) and now that I'm 50 I'm in and out of warzones and dungeons with friends all day and we're constantly doing world PVP in Ilum against the republican scrubs.
It only feels like a single player game to you because you're segregating yourself from other players.
On January 04 2012 09:53 Executor1 wrote: yea i definitely dont think you should be allowed to switch your advanced classes half way through the game, that would be stupid. Sure they share some skills but they are essentially 2 different classes, that would be really silly if your like "oh i dont want to be a healer anymore i would prefer to be an assasin" *switch*
Edit: It would probably annoy you with just about every other mmo as well then, because any mmo with a distinct class system or singular sub class system doesnt let you change it after youve made your decision.
Subclass games that immediately come to mind are aion and lineage 2 neither of which let you do that, im sure their are a bunch more and the outcome is the same.
On January 04 2012 09:42 N3rV[Green] wrote: can respec, you just can't change your class.
I think it would be stupid if you could just switch between advanced classes all willynilly.
If the only reason that it is "stupid", then that's not really a real reason...
What is the point in having "advanced classes" if you can just switch them at any time? It would just be like having 4 classes in the game and 6 talent trees on each class.
Bioware intentionally don't want people class switching because having people make a decision to play a class and having 8 different branches with 3 talent trees off each adds variety to the game. Being able to switch advanced classes would make some classes redundant. Think Sith Warrior - there are 6 talent specs between the two advanced classes. If you're able to switch between the advanced classes the game will eventually break down to people rolling either:
1) Immortal juggernaut for tanking 2) The highest DPS of the 5 remaining talent specs, for the highest DPS.
And you would have 4 redundant talent trees not to mention the shared talent tree between the two would be a duplicate. Being able to switch advanced classes just ruins a lot of Bioware's intentions in the game.
It would also give an unfair advantage (well maybe not advantage, but certainly utility) to the Bounty Hunter / Trooper and Inquisitor / Consular (I don't know the Republican versions, did I get those right?) as they can roll tank, healer and dps while Warriors / Knights and Imperial Agents / Smuggler can only roll 2 of the 3 archetypes (tank/dps and healer/dps respectively).
Population imbalance is really bad so far, I'm playing a Jedi Sentinel (ugh, don't get me started on how weak the class is, but I have faith Bioware will fix it eventually), and I can hardly find anyone around the same level I am at any given point in time. Average of 10-15 people on each planet at any given point in time, but apparently there are tons of imperial players on the server. I've heard it's more or less the same on almost every server.
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I saw this posted on Reddit and I searched the last 5 pages to see if it was posted.
Hope my embedding didn't dick up again ;_;
Apparently typing /getdown makes it so NPC's can't attack you.
Starts happening at :40. Don't know if it's you just dancing, but from what appears in the video, it's every time you type the command "/getdown" it stops the enemies casting.
Is this a confirmed bug, or am I being trolled? ;_;
On January 04 2012 13:20 Whitewing wrote: Population imbalance is really bad so far, I'm playing a Jedi Sentinel (ugh, don't get me started on how weak the class is, but I have faith Bioware will fix it eventually), and I can hardly find anyone around the same level I am at any given point in time. Average of 10-15 people on each planet at any given point in time, but apparently there are tons of imperial players on the server. I've heard it's more or less the same on almost every server.
Sentinels aren't that bad. I know marauders (and juggernauts) can own as Rage spec so Sentinels (and knights) should be able to do the same.
You're more gear dependent than any other class in the game, stick with it and it'll be worth it.
Though yeah, the population balance is an issue on most servers
After dabbling with the game solo, grouping and crafting content, I wanted to help fellow TLers with my experience with the game (please note the bellow facts do no hold bugs some people are experiencing in mind).
The first thing you notice when starting to play is the HUGE amount of servers available. Most of them stay with LIGHT popultion 24/7 and will probably disappear soon so I already foresee some server mergers. On the other hand, a few servers boast aheavy population and often turn FULL leaving people with queues to log in (several minutes to an hour).
The first thing that disppointed me was the character creation. You have no control over each aspect of your character. Instead, you chose presets and stock faces rather than adjusting the eyes or the jaw specifically. Also, the amount of races is limited to 4 basec on you archetype. This is a let down since the races are still overall limited preventing you once again for truly cusomizing your character. Everyone who knows much about Star Wars knows that one of the points of the world iss the multitude of races that live there and being limited to only 4 seems, unlikely.
Once you get past the character creation and the awesome intro and story, the first thing you notice is that the graphics, even on optimal settings, look like something that would've come out s high-end in 2000.
Each archetypes (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Commando, Sith Lord) gets their own starting quest lines with different story. For some reason, the game split up the light and dark side apart (understandable) and the force users and non users as well (another moot point) which means your strting area will have people with the same powers as you and looking the same as you running all over.
The strting worlds are not equal and although the light side has an easy less run around starting world, their side is left with basic ennemies past that area, making leveling much faster for the dark side on the first planet you go to beyond your starting area.
A nice touch is that all quest NPCs are voice acted and the compelling story drives you forward as you progress in the game. That being said, besides archetype quests, everyone from the same force side gets the same quests to complete. The quests offer different rewards and single or multiple bonuses to achieve with the primary objective multiplying the experience gained exponentially.
Regarding the experience gained, that main reward is quests gained since most of the monsters give an amount of xp based on your level instead of the challenge they are compared to you.
For the gear, we get the usual and simple color graded quality gear with the ability to customize the stats and constantly improve items of the highest quality through mods, augments and much more. This means you could be wearing an orange (highest grade) of gear from the beginning to the end by simply upgrading the statistical components of the gear in question.
Crafting is different from other games since you do not actually craft anything. Instead, you get to pick 3 'crew skills' which serve as your crafting and gathering skills. Each of these skills use missions which make your companions unavailable to be used for a period of time based of the Tier and difficulty of the task at end. For example, gathering a few color crystals (used in crafting weapon colors) might require from 6 minutes to 60 minutes. In additionall of these missions except the ones to make an actual item costs you precious money. Overall, it makes it less time consuming to craft but doesn't allow you eaily master a craft and save money by doing everything yourself.
I do want to mention that some gathering skills can gathering actual items over the world but each craft requires items which can only be obtained through the gathering missions for the better grades of gear.
As my final point, I need to mention that the game requires a large amount of money to learn skills (starting from a few 100 to several dozens of thousands per. Also, you can have a 'mount' at level 25 but unless you have not spent any of your money on items and crafting/gathering, you probably will not be able to afford the exorbitant cost of 40,000 to learn the 'riding' skill and another 8,000 for a basic 'mount'.
Overall, the game has a wonderful Star Wars feeling and is fun to play until you reach the wall where you either grind money non stop to afford your skills and dont craft or you acknowledge the fact that your gear and skills may never be up to par for the content you are doing.
On January 04 2012 13:37 blade55555 wrote: Just tried it they still attacked me so false. (how do you even find these "bugs"? lol)
Fuck if I know. I see these videos posted everywhere.
If it's false, then how does it work then? Did you try spamming the command like the guy did in the video? I don't think it works by just doing it once, I think you have to repeatedly do it. I dunno.
I mean, unless my eyes deceive me, the guy was spamming /getdown and the mob stopped attacking him. If it wasn't that, then dare I ask, what was it? I'm confused as hell now lol. How does this even make sense ;_;
EDIT: Just trying to find out what the fuck is happening in that video tbh. Confusing me to hell. Maybe it's a higher level spell or something I dont know about? But in bursts between the dancing, the mob starts attacking him randomly and then stops when he keeps going. So I dont know what the fuck is happening.
As my final point, I need to mention that the game requires a large amount of money to learn skills (starting from a few 100 to several dozens of thousands per. Also, you can have a 'mount' at level 25 but unless you have not spent any of your money on items and crafting/gathering, you probably will not be able to afford the exorbitant cost of 40,000 to learn the 'riding' skill and another 8,000 for a basic 'mount'.
Overall, the game has a wonderful Star Wars feeling and is fun to play until you reach the wall where you either grind money non stop to afford your skills and dont craft or you acknowledge the fact that your gear and skills may never be up to par for the content you are doing.
This isnt true at all, ive had an excess of money the entire game and im 50 now and had over a million spare credits when i turned 50. If you loot properly and vend stuff aswell as being sensible with your proffestions (ie one of them being a money at least neutral and probably profitable ie Slicing and Treasure hunting) then money is never an issue. You simply need to pick complimentary proffestions that feed your crafting, one will eat money a little to get matts the other will kinda make some + provide some matts and your last is the crafter.
As my final point, I need to mention that the game requires a large amount of money to learn skills (starting from a few 100 to several dozens of thousands per. Also, you can have a 'mount' at level 25 but unless you have not spent any of your money on items and crafting/gathering, you probably will not be able to afford the exorbitant cost of 40,000 to learn the 'riding' skill and another 8,000 for a basic 'mount'.
Overall, the game has a wonderful Star Wars feeling and is fun to play until you reach the wall where you either grind money non stop to afford your skills and dont craft or you acknowledge the fact that your gear and skills may never be up to par for the content you are doing.
This isnt true at all, ive had an excess of money the entire game and im 50 now and had over a million spare credits when i turned 50. If you loot properly and vend stuff aswell as being sensible with your proffestions (ie one of them being a money at least neutral and probably profitable ie Slicing and Treasure hunting) then money is never an issue. You simply need to pick complimentary proffestions that feed your crafting, one will eat money a little to get matts the other will kinda make some + provide some matts and your last is the crafter.
I agree with this post, I've never had money issues running biochem/bioanalysis/diplomacy.
At level 50 there isn't even anything to spend your money on, so once you've purchased all your training and professions you're fine.