On April 22 2008 02:58 Ack1027 wrote:On April 21 2008 07:25 Chewits wrote:Lets try and rescue this thread a bit, to what its creation was for.
Right I just played a clan game here for Pick Leauge. We lost both games. I am posting the 2nd game because I want constructive criticism on it. Download here -
http://www.dota-allstars.com/replay/38587/index.html - I want your help to help me, and my team improve. I want you to give constructive criticism on game play. For example, did Centaur not "tank" enough?
Sentinel (my team):
Sven + Lina - Bot
Centaur + Storm Spirit - Top
Zeus - Mid
NA + Bane - Bot
Warlock + Void - Top
Puck - Mid
On April 21 2008 07:25 Chewits wrote:I remember cursing a bit, cuz we didn't ban NA, when we really should have, because we were 3 INT. I think Sentinel bans were Magnus, Beastmaster, Silencer. They banned Sandking, Tiny and I cant remember their 3rd ban, sorry. We decided to gamble with no AGI, and really be aggressive. Was this a careless move? I mean storm can almost be an AGI hero with his electric rave?
Not banning NA wasn't as big as you think. My team went through a period like that as well. What did suck for you though, was the fact that your items were really bad. Every single player on your team had less than best starting items and it hurt your lanes. Zeus solo got tangoes and a ring of protection. Yes, it's good to get arcane on Zeus, it's pretty much a must, but there's no point in getting it as one of your first items because all it does is add armor, and armor does absolutely nothing early when you're zeus. 2 armor for 175gold that can be spent on tango/clarity, think about it. Centaur bought decent items, if he were to jungle.
I don't know if he didn't know how to jungle [ he did later at 10 mins which is much too late ] or what, but you should've had him jungling from the get go, especially with NA+Bane at bottom lane so even with mana burn and sleep you could still 3 man gank them. When Centaur left top lane, he fucked over your Storm because he was just then solo'ing which allowed the void to freefarm and the warlock to get last hits and heal void. He was simply too far behind in level. Also, your lina should not be the one to buy chicken in that scenario. Either Zeus [ yes even as solo, because it should've been a jungle dual solo lineup ] or centaur should've bought it.
On April 21 2008 07:25 Chewits wrote:So on to the game. After fucking up the first game we really want to fuck these guys up. We started off very aggressive, with Sven ganging alot. Started off well, gangs were good. Then we made some mistakes. So heres my thoughts. First mistake. Centaur decides to go neutral in forest. He didnt announce this, just did it. Was he being tank enough throughout game?
I'd say you did gang a lot, too much in fact, but you didn't gang early enough. Your first gank was at 10 minutes, a early gank should've been way before 10 min mark. Again, would've been much easier to gank if Centaur jungled from the start so he'd only have to walk a short distance to help bot lane. Also, nobody even checked runes up until 12 mins. Your sven got a bottle, your lina should've gotten bottle too but anyway you kinda screwed yourselves by not checking runes. The other team didn't do that good of a job either.
Another thing that is a very common mistake against NA that your lina and sven did was they did not start the lane off from the get-go with stuns. If you're in a lane with NA it's guaranteed he went mana burn, so why wait for him to burn you. Don't even bother with creeps and go straight for the kill. Let sven or lina flank from the forest and the other attack straight on with the first creep wave. This is sven+lina's biggest strength and I think people forget it. Granted, you won't kill NA but he will be very low making him play defensive, and most bane's get sap first over sleep. There is simply no point in waiting for NA to take all your mana. Also sven+lina was your strongest lane, by lina buying the chicken she had shit for items and no mana in addition to that.
On April 21 2008 07:25 Chewits wrote:21minutes we have taken 3 towers down. Should we have pushed this hard so early on?
Sround 30 minutes, I felt we just lost momentum. Everytime we tried to gang they always were not their or get out in time. After watching replay, it is because of wards. What's a good time to buy sentrys to kill wards in river? I guess at that mark we should have thought of it b4 ganging their forest.
40minutes - fucked up majorily. What went wrong?
Took top tower 49 minutes, then got ganged top. Now here was a situation where some of us said go and some said back. THis leads me on to question. When it comes to leadership of a team, should there be one person that makes all the calls and everyone else should obey them no matter what? See, yea this makes sense, but at same time, I cant make all the calls cuz I cant see everything. I guess that is what makes a good player in team, the ability to be able to make the right move.
In my honest opinion, you guys really had this game won up until the team fight in mid at around 23 mins. With a team like yours, against a team like theirs [ aka with a void and warlock ] you have to initiate first every time and take out one of those heroes. If you watch the teamfight at 23 in mid you'll see you got fucked cuz they initiated first. Because you went around 3-4 man ganking for about 5-8 mins prior to this fight, your sven+lina+centaur were lower level than they could've been. Your centaur had blink at this point but he backed off because I guess from his perspective it looked like you guys weren't close enough to back up his blink stun initiate. This can easily be fixed by vent communication, but your team needs to recognize who to target.
You should buy sentries, as soon as you know they have wards of any kind and you have the money. Anyone should buy them because simply it helps your whole team, it's like the equivalent of taking down a tower for map control.
As for the leadership thing, it helps to have one in-game leader, but also be somewhat democratic. If most of your team says back, and you wanna go in, just call back [UNLESS YOU ARE THE STR INITATOR, in this case centaur ] because if your team is already in the mindset of backing, you're only fucking yourself by forcing a fight, when the other 5 people are ready to own you. I have a lot of experience being the in-game leader in a lot of games, not just dota, but that's generally what I do. Whenever there is dead time, I explain stuff like who to target in future team fights, where runes are, who's missing, splitting up the farming I.E. if nobody is jungling, ask one of your guys to go jungle and then split up the lanes so it's not 3 people sapping up exp in one lane.
As for the other thing, if you build up map sense [imo one of the most important things in dota] you should be able to be a really good leader. Sometimes you sacrifice last hitting for this, but it really only takes 2-3 seconds of looking at the mini-map now and then to tell what's going on. Exp from playing lots of scrim type games also gives you good game sense, it's easy to learn in DotA.
In my team, I call all the team fights, even if I'm not the str initator/other initiator because it gives my team confidence to know I'm right behind them ready to go in. I sort've yell confidently in vent saying ' Go now go now ' or ' fight fight ' so they know what to do. If it's not a huge team fight, it's usually up to the discretion of your players. As a ingame leader its your job to keep your team focused[dota is pretty long sometimes], and goal oriented. Aim for towers, grab runes, gank their carries, make sure you have enough disables for late game if you don't have agi heroes of your own.
On April 21 2008 07:25 Chewits wrote:Anyway, I don't want to point blame at anyone at my team or anything, I just want some help, improving our teamplay. As I watch teh replay and looking at the line up, i think we lost by not banning NA. On another note, i find when being Leader, I have to spend more time watching what is going on than my own game. I dont concentrate as much on farming etc, I concentrate more on map control and such. Sometimes I find this puts me behind. Does that make sense?
Answered above. Anyway, it will come with time and experience. But know this, map sense and learning how to control it for your team is more beneficial than last hitting everything, especially if you're not the carry. In fact, you could even work it out so you play a support/gank type hero and you have more time to watch the map, and another of your players can focus primarily on last hitting everything =)
Anyway, it was fun watching the rep, reminded me a lot of how my early teams used to be. You guys have potential to do good, you recognize what you need to do, you just need more practice and thinking involved.