The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
Went to this tourney today... It was late 5 hours. 20 minutes before it started they told us it's going to be 4v4 instead of 3v3. In the end, we ended having 1 player too much (usually desperate searches yield surprising results) so one of us decided to play in SC tourney instead, which left us playing 3v4 (I even personally bought quelling blade for the guy who was leoric but he failed to grasp the importance of this item when facing treant)... We ALMOST beat our enemies. If maybe not for the fact that our CM gave fb to enemy weaver even before first runes were spawned (very bad move) and then I landed up soloing a lane vs bane and tiny which left me rather underfarmed and later in the game we had to fight every fight with CM+venge+kunkka because leoric decided that it's better if he tries to push some other lane instead of helping us (can't really blame him, this was his first dota vs living enemies, but somehow he managed to forget the one and only rule we set for him: if we say 'go mid' you instantly drop what you're doing now and go mid etc.).
Not cool
P. S.
After playing HoN for a while, DotA feels slow as fuck and looks even uglier than I expected.
but indeed, the video is cool and the song is too and LMNOP disagrees because the author didnt think a certain character was important enough to make an appearance in the MV
I just woke up. I had a dream about the Huxtables. And a bakery inside a bakery inside a bakery inside a bakery. (Different part of the dream, unrelated) I forget what was after the 4th bakery, I know it had a white hallway.
Anyway the point is, the Huxtables new house/kitchen was well stocked. Cliff's wife is a stone cold fox (or she was in the dream atleast). His family is still adorable. And Cliff is still hilariously amazing.
I feel like I just got back from time travelling rather than dreaming. He had beer on high shelves in his kitchen and it almost fell on my head. Cliff's wife is still sexy. She wasn't nude but in a sexy elegant black dress, then a skimpier dress underneath, then in black bra to reveal a pair of righteous melons. (She was stripping in the middle of a classy restaurant because she was complaining about being on a date with her son instead of her husband and accentuating the point with the time she took on her outfit that was made for the night going to waste). Sadly my dream was more like a sitcom and it wasn't so sexy as it was supposed to be funny and went to the next scene in the show.
The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
BKB blocks what against that team? Arrow (which it isnt useful against anyway), Starfall (which hits u in the face while ur still stunned from arrow), Blinkstrike, and reapers nuke/ult (still stuns)
NOT pandas full combo, soul reapers stun, malikens ulti, (the three most powerful stuns on the team) or most of the dps [riki, mirana, maliken, panda.]
The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
BKB blocks what against that team? Arrow (which it isnt useful against anyway), Starfall (which hits u in the face while ur still stunned from arrow), Blinkstrike, and reapers nuke/ult (still stuns)
NOT pandas full combo, soul reapers stun, malikens ulti, (the three most powerful stuns on the team) or most of the dps [riki, mirana, maliken, panda.]
The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
BKB blocks what against that team? Arrow (which it isnt useful against anyway), Starfall (which hits u in the face while ur still stunned from arrow), Blinkstrike, and reapers nuke/ult (still stuns)
NOT pandas full combo, soul reapers stun, malikens ulti, (the three most powerful stuns on the team) or most of the dps [riki, mirana, maliken, panda.]
and i forgot it doesnt block rikis cloud either lol.
Funny thing is, today was (and is still being played) GR tourney again and I've seen 1up vs some scrubs and was goddamn fucking hilarious to see Arachna with Rapier in 18 minutes, lol.
The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
BKB blocks what against that team? Arrow (which it isnt useful against anyway), Starfall (which hits u in the face while ur still stunned from arrow), Blinkstrike, and reapers nuke/ult (still stuns)
NOT pandas full combo, soul reapers stun, malikens ulti, (the three most powerful stuns on the team) or most of the dps [riki, mirana, maliken, panda.]
Given that you were the only one to use reaper ult on, that alone would been worth it. Maliken sword damage, pretty much all of soulreaper, arrow damage, starfall dmg + all of valk's mjol damage and forked counters. With 1450 hp, these aren't negligible things to avoid. You had a LOT of armor and you had a LOT of lifeleech because of the -armor, but very little health. Its pretty obvious that the thing that's going to kill you is magic damage. BKB gives you a bit of the str you're completely lacking and gives you far more leeway to sit and dps instead of dying to maliken sword/starfall/reaper ult instantly.
Obviously its not foolproof (cloud and maliken ult can't really be disabled away by elec/pest/nymph, unlike panda), but I think it would have been far better than lothar, which takes a single ward to completely shut down if its your only hope.
Well we just wrecking balled 1up so hard it wasn't even close. Then we beat WHP in a fairly good game. And then... we're vs PSP in the finals who beat FFS.
The teams I manage to get in pubs are amazing. Elec went double vanguard and him and nymph combined their noob forces to kill my creep stack of 2k+gold
so dumb
That build is pretty bad. Need to get some bkb up in there.
BKB blocks what against that team? Arrow (which it isnt useful against anyway), Starfall (which hits u in the face while ur still stunned from arrow), Blinkstrike, and reapers nuke/ult (still stuns)
NOT pandas full combo, soul reapers stun, malikens ulti, (the three most powerful stuns on the team) or most of the dps [riki, mirana, maliken, panda.]
Given that you were the only one to use reaper ult on, that alone would been worth it. Maliken sword damage, pretty much all of soulreaper, arrow damage, starfall dmg + all of valk's mjol damage and forked counters. With 1450 hp, these aren't negligible things to avoid. You had a LOT of armor and you had a LOT of lifeleech because of the -armor, but very little health. Its pretty obvious that the thing that's going to kill you is magic damage. BKB gives you a bit of the str you're completely lacking and gives you far more leeway to sit and dps instead of dying to maliken sword/starfall/reaper ult instantly.
Obviously its not foolproof (cloud and maliken ult can't really be disabled away by elec/pest/nymph, unlike panda), but I think it would have been far better than lothar, which takes a single ward to completely shut down if its your only hope.
If i had gone bkb instead of lothars, i would have been stuck with worse dps, worse chasing ability, 190 more hp, and a pretty much useless avatar, and not been able to farm the rest of my items. hurray lol
bkb seems pretty useless when you get disabled anyway, and most of their damage (panda/riki carry) was physical