b_unnies I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult or anything so please excuse that. Its just that [ if you didn't know ] a guy named rpf posted your exact question about a million times and everyone [ including myself ] answered it in every conceivable angle possible yet he refused what we said and basically just came to his own conclusion which ' felt right ' to him.
Also #1 oov and boxer fan can't be on different teams yo
leschrac the tormentor!!!!
is it just me, or is clan tl dead on garena? or did someone kick me out? wtf??
did someone delete me?
wtf i demand i be put back in
k i voted for you now LET ME IN!! =(
39489 Posts
i think i'm goign to go pub on west again lol
legend.luxury durrrrrrr paper fails
Paper you logged off after I messaged you =(
-______- My power flickered if you guys were wondering what happened.
A LIKELY STORY ACK. next you'll say your mom tripped over the power cord!
Sighhhhh packing to move in back to school tomorrow -____- hf without me internet/power not stable enough right now
ack where'd you message me?! b.net?
wow wtf someone add me back to the clan?
nevermind. i dont wanna be in the clan anymore
if you really want in i can kick someone for you blueroyal lol
[23:02:56]<ilovecats>evo seriously, you started this game about the same time as devaz w us, and look at devaz. he's 1000 times better than you. dont u wonder wtf u ,osse [23:03:29]<evoVIII>cats no one is even talking about woh is beter. but obv last game you were the weakest link [23:03:37]<evoVIII>and you were the one blaming others [23:03:42]<evoVIII>like you awlays do when you lose [23:03:49]<ilovecats>and that is wrong because you don't understand the shit oabout the game [23:03:53]<evoVIII>go have sex with your cats you faggot. [23:04:01]<ilovecats>and if u keep holding that opinon, u'll never improve [23:04:07]<ilovecats>wow now the personal attack [23:04:08]<ilovecats>rofl
cats is so hypocritical it's almost scary o..o)a
+5 pts to evo for the bestiality comment. i like how cats gets defensive as if he actually does have sex with cats.
-3 pts from cats for pointing out evo's "personal attack" when the whole argument started because he called evo a complete noob.
-5 pts from cats for thinking that he's actually competent at dota and has the skills to back up his trash talking. go play your dragon knight, noob.