On August 26 2011 02:31 Gak2 wrote: i dunno if its just me but does anyone find keeper hugely imba? I mean he has -insane farm power -insane push power -insane AOE ult -high tankability -an escape mechanism (invisibility) -high movement speed
i find it too much to deal with on one hero
I dont know if he's overpowered but he's definitely incredibly strong and by far one of the best heros in the game right now.
Starting items -> ring of the teacher + 2 mana pots takes you to level 6 and a mana ring with 0 effort or skill involved. Mana ring gives you infinite mana for the rest of the game. Get a bulwark, push all day every lane nonstop. They nerfed his minions, sort of, but it doesn't really matter because although it makes him "weaker" to have 5 minions instead of 10 it doesn't address the ease of early game.
He's not really "too strong" if you can pick against him, but in an SD pool or something of that nature then he can really fuck up games. I think he's definitely imbalanced at lower levels, because he's too hard to stop without some coordination.
On August 26 2011 03:26 Alventenie wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2011 22:58 Antimage wrote:On August 23 2011 08:59 BurningSera wrote:maybe many people didnt really play support and understand the role very well  Buying item on a support is completely different from buying on a carry. The item system provides challenges to carry/support player and it is a very important part in the balance. If you think support is for noobs, carry is for good player, you are so wrong. Well cant blame people to think that because most pubbies play support in a wrong or half-ass way and people looking at that carry player DOUBLE kill, RAMPAGE and thinks that he won the game for the team. The carry's success IS a result of support's success. Nothing feels better than owning so hard as a support that your carry can farm for the first 25 mins of the game untouched, and then use that farm to finish the game handily. that said, i rarely see good carry player appreciates their support nowadays  i miss my old clan. /agreed It's hard to have to afford - a bracer or two so you don't die in 2 seconds - all the wards on your team while every other player wants - you to get no farm because you're "just a support" - you to not last hit at all because "why do you need gold" then they complain about - "wow stop feeding" and - "why there no wards here? wtf" the key is I think to make your $ from assists and farm every once in a while. You still need gold/exp, but you have to ration it. Especially if u play venge (w/e its called in hon) - u'll lane for like 1/3 ur game so u never have exp/gold especially since people cry since they want the kills since they're "the carry". I play support quite often and never have problems with getting some items along with wards/tps and being at team fights. Many times I am equal level to the opposing teams highest level (or right behind him) while supporting. Generally you should stay within the level average of the opposing team for most of the game. Once you hit 16 as a support though your level matters less since you have all of your spells. Once you start to focus on not dieing as a support, you find that you have a lot more gold than just wards/tps.
Yeah I feel like one of the keys of playing support is to not die. It's going to happen sometimes however just because you are more squishy and they will target you if you're out of position. Just don't die needlessly - if you die to save a carry that's fine. Try not to otherwise. In team battles after you use your spells, step back for a bit and assess what's going on for 1-3 seconds, then go back in to help. Often times I see supports use all their spells in a fight then just stick around autoattacking and they get jumped
On August 26 2011 03:35 Ganfei2 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 02:31 Gak2 wrote: i dunno if its just me but does anyone find keeper hugely imba? I mean he has -insane farm power -insane push power -insane AOE ult -high tankability -an escape mechanism (invisibility) -high movement speed
i find it too much to deal with on one hero I dont know if he's overpowered but he's definitely incredibly strong and by far one of the best heros in the game right now. Starting items -> ring of the teacher + 2 mana pots takes you to level 6 and a mana ring with 0 effort or skill involved. Mana ring gives you infinite mana for the rest of the game. Get a bulwark, push all day every lane nonstop. They nerfed his minions, sort of, but it doesn't really matter because although it makes him "weaker" to have 5 minions instead of 10 it doesn't address the ease of early game. He's not really "too strong" if you can pick against him, but in an SD pool or something of that nature then he can really fuck up games. I think he's definitely imbalanced at lower levels, because he's too hard to stop without some coordination.
I think you're right--the hero usage stats on heroesofnewerth.com bear it out. Keeper is winning 55% of matches he's in right now
On April 24 2010 21:18 GazeRocker wrote: Man google sucks bing was much easier, was looking for this using "hon/dota" "let's play~!!" kpop site:teamliquid.net
Anyways http://www.xfire.com/video/4ca360/ The geomancer spotlight t-t nyan cat at the end for a courier oh $2 you, also whats up with xfire instead of youtube.
Australia8532 Posts
On August 26 2011 03:26 Alventenie wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2011 22:58 Antimage wrote:On August 23 2011 08:59 BurningSera wrote:maybe many people didnt really play support and understand the role very well  Buying item on a support is completely different from buying on a carry. The item system provides challenges to carry/support player and it is a very important part in the balance. If you think support is for noobs, carry is for good player, you are so wrong. Well cant blame people to think that because most pubbies play support in a wrong or half-ass way and people looking at that carry player DOUBLE kill, RAMPAGE and thinks that he won the game for the team. The carry's success IS a result of support's success. Nothing feels better than owning so hard as a support that your carry can farm for the first 25 mins of the game untouched, and then use that farm to finish the game handily. that said, i rarely see good carry player appreciates their support nowadays  i miss my old clan. /agreed It's hard to have to afford - a bracer or two so you don't die in 2 seconds - all the wards on your team while every other player wants - you to get no farm because you're "just a support" - you to not last hit at all because "why do you need gold" then they complain about - "wow stop feeding" and - "why there no wards here? wtf" the key is I think to make your $ from assists and farm every once in a while. You still need gold/exp, but you have to ration it. Especially if u play venge (w/e its called in hon) - u'll lane for like 1/3 ur game so u never have exp/gold especially since people cry since they want the kills since they're "the carry". I play support quite often and never have problems with getting some items along with wards/tps and being at team fights. Many times I am equal level to the opposing teams highest level (or right behind him) while supporting. Generally you should stay within the level average of the opposing team for most of the game. Once you hit 16 as a support though your level matters less since you have all of your spells. Once you start to focus on not dieing as a support, you find that you have a lot more gold than just wards/tps.
that only happens when you have a good team, ie the carry is good (knowing when to farm or help in team fight) and your team know how and when to gank. and when things didnt work out well in the early (2 lanes get owned/carry died too many times etc, this happens alot when you have 10 good players in a game), as a support you literally have 0 income and what would you choose to buy is a big challenge to the role. + Show Spoiler +
i have no problem doing support in dota but in hon i found that most carry players are rather a 'ricer' than a 'team leader', like if you told them to not play solo mid carry they would literally have no idea how to play the game at all. these people simply didnt realize letting them solo = they are higher levels and richer and when the game is losing they start to flame the rest of the team. of course we side laners have less impressive items/levels than them, we MADE you the one to own the game! If we were on higher level/more kill/with good items = you carry failed. /rant
I blame the balance of hon tbh. some heroes just counter some other heroes too hard, items are imba, the exp system is weird too and there is simply no solution to (too) many situations in this game. Get the lead (ez get 3 stunners gank the carry 2/3 times) -> go turtle -> win. so. boring. I am now back to play more dota after 2 months of playing hon :3
On August 26 2011 04:05 BlueRoyaL wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 03:26 Alventenie wrote:On August 25 2011 22:58 Antimage wrote:On August 23 2011 08:59 BurningSera wrote:maybe many people didnt really play support and understand the role very well  Buying item on a support is completely different from buying on a carry. The item system provides challenges to carry/support player and it is a very important part in the balance. If you think support is for noobs, carry is for good player, you are so wrong. Well cant blame people to think that because most pubbies play support in a wrong or half-ass way and people looking at that carry player DOUBLE kill, RAMPAGE and thinks that he won the game for the team. The carry's success IS a result of support's success. Nothing feels better than owning so hard as a support that your carry can farm for the first 25 mins of the game untouched, and then use that farm to finish the game handily. that said, i rarely see good carry player appreciates their support nowadays  i miss my old clan. /agreed It's hard to have to afford - a bracer or two so you don't die in 2 seconds - all the wards on your team while every other player wants - you to get no farm because you're "just a support" - you to not last hit at all because "why do you need gold" then they complain about - "wow stop feeding" and - "why there no wards here? wtf" the key is I think to make your $ from assists and farm every once in a while. You still need gold/exp, but you have to ration it. Especially if u play venge (w/e its called in hon) - u'll lane for like 1/3 ur game so u never have exp/gold especially since people cry since they want the kills since they're "the carry". I play support quite often and never have problems with getting some items along with wards/tps and being at team fights. Many times I am equal level to the opposing teams highest level (or right behind him) while supporting. Generally you should stay within the level average of the opposing team for most of the game. Once you hit 16 as a support though your level matters less since you have all of your spells. Once you start to focus on not dieing as a support, you find that you have a lot more gold than just wards/tps. Yeah I feel like one of the keys of playing support is to not die. It's going to happen sometimes however just because you are more squishy and they will target you if you're out of position. Just don't die needlessly - if you die to save a carry that's fine. Try not to otherwise. In team battles after you use your spells, step back for a bit and assess what's going on for 1-3 seconds, then go back in to help. Often times I see supports use all their spells in a fight then just stick around autoattacking and they get jumped
the thing is, support should be the one who is (always) dying lol (carry die = we lose). As a support you want to die for the team. Why? You want them to aim you = you are 'tanking' their damage from your carry and you are buying time to your dps/carry to deal their damage. and because you usually are a ganker/roamer or initiator (semi-carry are not really support) so you have lower levels(dying to enemies didnt give them much exp, obv we are not talking about feeding here) and you have low dps due to lack of items (so you are useless to stay in battle).
Lets say es/behe for an example, you blink in fissure/stun lock/ulti, your job is done and you literally can gtfo. if you survived, GJ, if you die, the team leader will still say gj to you. While obviously if you can stay alive (especially like heroes with aura) just stay alive as long as possible but the thing is a smart oppo team will always aim you and there is nothing you can do if they used all spells on you and thats a good thing.
Ok, another random newbie session.
I'm still playing supports most of the time, and doing fairly well at it, I suppose. Recently, though, I've started having decent success actually carrying with my support, and ending games. I just had a game where I played witch slayer, got some decent farm, went for phase boots instead of striders, and got them really early, as well as a power supply and two bracers. I then proceeded to go rampage around the map, ending up with 10 kills by ~ minute 17, when they conceded. And I've had similar games with guys like accursed(lol, I love this guy), plague rider, and armadon. And, I'm thinking, if I can carry with a support, shouldn't I be able to carry with an actual carry?
Well, the time came......I was solo queueing and I, with my measly 1550 MMR was the highest player...in a SD...and all my teamates were going support/strength. I had Flint Beastwood. I called mid out and got it. Their mid was hag, which kind of sucks for me. Well, mid went really, really well. I got bottle really early, denied ~half the creeps, was almost up an entire level, got every rune, and almost ganked hag twice, dropping her down pretty low before she blinked out, I even got a double kill on a gank opportunity. Well, mid game shows up, and suddenly she's 4 levels ahead of everyone, and can insta-kill me and just about everyone else on my team. I'm the only carry so we have to gg. Looking at the stats she had 40 creep kills the entire 19 minute game.....I had denied over 20 myself. She killed me twice, once right after my double kill, and once in a team fight. I had 4 kills, she had 8...................just wtf. I still don't know wtf happened. I went for a couple soulscream rings + steamboots before damage items for some survivability, when I prob could have gone phase boots for more damage, and immediately started on frostburn...but...I just dunno. So annoying, I just don't get mid game. I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling.
Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me.
^that is exactly why i called hon a 'fcking broken game :s'. the exp system is just weird. and the mid game phase in hon seems doesnt exist (this is huge if you are coming from dota, funny that mali is the only hero from I've seen he can be totally unstoppable in mid-late but useless in late game), so even if you did really well in early but you didnt totally own them during the mid game (+their heroes are late game), you will probably lose.
or from a more general view, in the 1500+ range games, you can literally carry with any heroes in that level. or probably your side lanes get owned hard. or your line up gets hard countered. or maybe you spend too much time doing nothing (no farming/ganking while the oppo turtle up/camping in your forest).
On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: Ok, another random newbie session.
I'm still playing supports most of the time, and doing fairly well at it, I suppose. Recently, though, I've started having decent success actually carrying with my support, and ending games. I just had a game where I played witch slayer, got some decent farm, went for phase boots instead of striders, and got them really early, as well as a power supply and two bracers. I then proceeded to go rampage around the map, ending up with 10 kills by ~ minute 17, when they conceded. And I've had similar games with guys like accursed(lol, I love this guy), plague rider, and armadon. And, I'm thinking, if I can carry with a support, shouldn't I be able to carry with an actual carry?
Well, the time came......I was solo queueing and I, with my measly 1550 MMR was the highest player...in a SD...and all my teamates were going support/strength. I had Flint Beastwood. I called mid out and got it. Their mid was hag, which kind of sucks for me. Well, mid went really, really well. I got bottle really early, denied ~half the creeps, was almost up an entire level, got every rune, and almost ganked hag twice, dropping her down pretty low before she blinked out, I even got a double kill on a gank opportunity. Well, mid game shows up, and suddenly she's 4 levels ahead of everyone, and can insta-kill me and just about everyone else on my team. I'm the only carry so we have to gg. Looking at the stats she had 40 creep kills the entire 19 minute game.....I had denied over 20 myself. She killed me twice, once right after my double kill, and once in a team fight. I had 4 kills, she had 8...................just wtf. I still don't know wtf happened. I went for a couple soulscream rings + steamboots before damage items for some survivability, when I prob could have gone phase boots for more damage, and immediately started on frostburn...but...I just dunno. So annoying, I just don't get mid game. I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling.
Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me.
I'm curious about this, can you post the match id
On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: ... I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling. Basically you're saying that you won the early game and then you lose. That's not rare. You're just getting outplayed after the early laning phase. The opposing mid player who you're out-last-hitting is probably ganking the other lanes. Heroes of Newerth is 5v5, not 1v1.
On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me. The game doesn't work that way. Your perception is probably just skewed and you don't have good map awareness.
As in the StarCraft forums, post a replay if you want some specific advice. This is like saying, "I 9 pooled and got a huge early game advantage and then I lost!"
Edit: Also, BurningSera is on crack.
On August 26 2011 19:27 BurningSera wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 03:26 Alventenie wrote:On August 25 2011 22:58 Antimage wrote:On August 23 2011 08:59 BurningSera wrote:maybe many people didnt really play support and understand the role very well  Buying item on a support is completely different from buying on a carry. The item system provides challenges to carry/support player and it is a very important part in the balance. If you think support is for noobs, carry is for good player, you are so wrong. Well cant blame people to think that because most pubbies play support in a wrong or half-ass way and people looking at that carry player DOUBLE kill, RAMPAGE and thinks that he won the game for the team. The carry's success IS a result of support's success. Nothing feels better than owning so hard as a support that your carry can farm for the first 25 mins of the game untouched, and then use that farm to finish the game handily. that said, i rarely see good carry player appreciates their support nowadays  i miss my old clan. /agreed It's hard to have to afford - a bracer or two so you don't die in 2 seconds - all the wards on your team while every other player wants - you to get no farm because you're "just a support" - you to not last hit at all because "why do you need gold" then they complain about - "wow stop feeding" and - "why there no wards here? wtf" the key is I think to make your $ from assists and farm every once in a while. You still need gold/exp, but you have to ration it. Especially if u play venge (w/e its called in hon) - u'll lane for like 1/3 ur game so u never have exp/gold especially since people cry since they want the kills since they're "the carry". I play support quite often and never have problems with getting some items along with wards/tps and being at team fights. Many times I am equal level to the opposing teams highest level (or right behind him) while supporting. Generally you should stay within the level average of the opposing team for most of the game. Once you hit 16 as a support though your level matters less since you have all of your spells. Once you start to focus on not dieing as a support, you find that you have a lot more gold than just wards/tps. that only happens when you have a good team, ie the carry is good (knowing when to farm or help in team fight) and your team know how and when to gank. and when things didnt work out well in the early (2 lanes get owned/carry died too many times etc, this happens alot when you have 10 good players in a game), as a support you literally have 0 income and what would you choose to buy is a big challenge to the role.... I blame the balance of hon tbh. some heroes just counter some other heroes too hard, items are imba, the exp system is weird too and there is simply no solution to (too) many situations in this game. Get the lead (ez get 3 stunners gank the carry 2/3 times) -> go turtle -> win. so. boring. I am now back to play more dota after 2 months of playing hon :3 I'm pretty sure Alv knows what happens when you have ten good players in a game. You portray HoN as imbalanced and easy yet you're 1600 with 42ck/game and 0.66kdr disagreeing with a 1900+.
On August 26 2011 23:38 Taco_Bueno wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: Ok, another random newbie session.
I'm still playing supports most of the time, and doing fairly well at it, I suppose. Recently, though, I've started having decent success actually carrying with my support, and ending games. I just had a game where I played witch slayer, got some decent farm, went for phase boots instead of striders, and got them really early, as well as a power supply and two bracers. I then proceeded to go rampage around the map, ending up with 10 kills by ~ minute 17, when they conceded. And I've had similar games with guys like accursed(lol, I love this guy), plague rider, and armadon. And, I'm thinking, if I can carry with a support, shouldn't I be able to carry with an actual carry?
Well, the time came......I was solo queueing and I, with my measly 1550 MMR was the highest player...in a SD...and all my teamates were going support/strength. I had Flint Beastwood. I called mid out and got it. Their mid was hag, which kind of sucks for me. Well, mid went really, really well. I got bottle really early, denied ~half the creeps, was almost up an entire level, got every rune, and almost ganked hag twice, dropping her down pretty low before she blinked out, I even got a double kill on a gank opportunity. Well, mid game shows up, and suddenly she's 4 levels ahead of everyone, and can insta-kill me and just about everyone else on my team. I'm the only carry so we have to gg. Looking at the stats she had 40 creep kills the entire 19 minute game.....I had denied over 20 myself. She killed me twice, once right after my double kill, and once in a team fight. I had 4 kills, she had 8...................just wtf. I still don't know wtf happened. I went for a couple soulscream rings + steamboots before damage items for some survivability, when I prob could have gone phase boots for more damage, and immediately started on frostburn...but...I just dunno. So annoying, I just don't get mid game. I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling.
Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me. I'm curious about this, can you post the match id I'm at work right now, so I can't get to it right now. In all likelihood if I spent a lot of time analyzing, I probably could figure it out myself. But I only have time for 1-3 games a day if I'm lucky, so I don't want to spend any of that time analyzing replays. -_- But I'll link it when I get home. I apologize in advance for the badness you'll see...it is ~1500 MM at it's finest, lol.
On August 27 2011 00:00 Durak wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: ... I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling. Basically you're saying that you won the early game and then you lose. That's not rare. You're just getting outplayed after the early laning phase. The opposing mid player who you're out-last-hitting is probably ganking the other lanes. Heroes of Newerth is 5v5, not 1v1. Show nested quote +On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me. The game doesn't work that way.  Your perception is probably just skewed and you don't have good map awareness. As in the StarCraft forums, post a replay if you want some specific advice. This is like saying, "I 9 pooled and got a huge early game advantage and then I lost!" Yeah, I consistently am either equal to or ahead of my laning enemies. What I can't figure out is how to translate that into late-game, because seriously, I haven't yet in the ~50-75 games I've played. If I don't win by ~15, I am useless late-game. Obviously, I'm being outplayed mid to late-game, but I just want to know what I'm doing horribly wrong EVERY SINGLE GAME. Actually, I take that back, I did manage to take a lead into late-game one time....I was playing pyro, and it was 4 v 5, and I had a HUGE early game lead, I raped mid really hard, the game lasted ~60 minutes, and we lost despite me having a 26/5/22 score or something close to that. But that is the only time, and that was basically because I could 1 shot half their team with the pyro combo, thanks to their mid gauntlet feeding me about 5 times.
And yes, my perception is probably skewed, and I know I don't have good map awareness. That's why I'm asking for help. :-p
On August 27 2011 00:09 Sm3agol wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2011 00:00 Durak wrote:On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: ... I can hit mid game ahead on levels and gold on EVERYONE, and yet 10 minutes later I'm down 2 levels, and someone had snowballed out of control. I just never can get the snowball rolling. Basically you're saying that you won the early game and then you lose. That's not rare. You're just getting outplayed after the early laning phase. The opposing mid player who you're out-last-hitting is probably ganking the other lanes. Heroes of Newerth is 5v5, not 1v1. On August 26 2011 20:15 Sm3agol wrote: Also, what the guy below said is kind of the problem. I just don't get the xp. I can be farming solo for 10 minutes straight, and some guy with 20 total creep kills and just a couple kills ahead of me will be 2 levels ahead of me. The game doesn't work that way.  Your perception is probably just skewed and you don't have good map awareness. As in the StarCraft forums, post a replay if you want some specific advice. This is like saying, "I 9 pooled and got a huge early game advantage and then I lost!" Yeah, I consistently am either equal to or ahead of my laning enemies. What I can't figure out is how to translate that into late-game, because seriously, I haven't yet in the ~50-75 games I've played. If I don't win by ~15, I am useless late-game. Obviously, I'm being outplayed mid to late-game, but I just want to know what I'm doing horribly wrong EVERY SINGLE GAME. Actually, I take that back, I did manage to take a lead into late-game one time....I was playing pyro, and it was 4 v 5, and I had a HUGE early game lead, I raped mid really hard, the game lasted ~60 minutes, and we lost despite me having a 26/5/22 score or something close to that. But that is the only time, and that was basically because I could 1 shot half their team with the pyro combo, thanks to their mid gauntlet feeding me about 5 times. And yes, my perception is probably skewed, and I know I don't have good map awareness. That's why I'm asking for help. :-p Good The thing is, I can't give you any help without the replay. Your words just reflect your recollection of the game from your point of view. If you post your HoN handle we can just search it.
Sm3agolol I think.......Should be the last game I played. You'll see me as a poor worthless FB at around level 11 and a hag at level 15-16..can't remember exactly. Whatever level a hag needs to be to one shot a FB, lol. But I think any of my games as a non-dedicated support should give you a good idea as to how I'm failing.
Edit: Don't rage at any terrible item choices I might have made. Sometimes I remember to have a guide open on my second screen. Sometimes I don't and just go with what items I understand fairly well.
On August 27 2011 00:36 Sm3agol wrote: Sm3agolol I think.......Should be the last game I played. You'll see me as a poor worthless FB at around level 11 and a hag at level 15-16..can't remember exactly. Whatever level a hag needs to be to one shot a FB, lol. But I think any of my games as a non-dedicated support should give you a good idea as to how I'm failing.
Edit: Don't rage at any terrible item choices I might have made. Sometimes I remember to have a guide open on my second screen. Sometimes I don't and just go with what items I understand fairly well.
Hag can insta-gib Flint at level 6. Level 15-16 Hag is rape.
Do you recall what items did you get on your FB? Also, were you going into your/enemy jungle to farm?
On August 27 2011 00:49 Manit0u wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2011 00:36 Sm3agol wrote: Sm3agolol I think.......Should be the last game I played. You'll see me as a poor worthless FB at around level 11 and a hag at level 15-16..can't remember exactly. Whatever level a hag needs to be to one shot a FB, lol. But I think any of my games as a non-dedicated support should give you a good idea as to how I'm failing.
Edit: Don't rage at any terrible item choices I might have made. Sometimes I remember to have a guide open on my second screen. Sometimes I don't and just go with what items I understand fairly well. Hag can insta-gib Flint at level 6. Level 15-16 Hag is rape. Do you recall what items did you get on your FB? Also, were you going into your/enemy jungle to farm? Well, I was lucky I kept him down pretty decently in the laning stage then, I guess.
With flint, I usually go two trees, two duckboots, and two minors initially; then bottle, phase boots, turn my initial duck boots into soulscream rings, then go right for frostburn. From there I would plan on splitting it up and going geometer's and frostwolf skull. I've never gotten that far with him though, I end up being worthless by ~level15.
And no, I don't jungle with FB at all.
All right, I just watched the replay. The good news is that you're not that bad and that you've got good potential. The bad news is that your perception of the game is limited while you're playing. You don't have the game sense to see the entire picture yet but that'll come in time.
First off, you did well in lane but you didn't destroy hag. You were +-2 creep kills and denies for the first five minutes of the game. Neither of you really had an advantage. Then hag decided to try to gank bottom (she didn't have any wards at the runes and you had them both warded for the early game) and you stayed mid to farm. That's where you picked up a level on her. However, shortly afterwards, you went top for a gank and your team ended up giving up that lead. Even though you got a double tap, hag was around for three kills and ended up a level ahead of you. (This was part your fault and part your team's. You had terrible positioning when she first came in and then your team suicided at the tower after trying to help you) So basically you weren't "destroying" early game.
After that you ended up dying a bunch because of bad positioning and bad teamfights. Hag went one level in blink and three in haunt so once she blinked on top of you, you would die. It's better to not put yourself in that position but you also tried to run from her rather than killing her. If hag is leveling haunt, you won't be able to run from her tower to yours once she gets it on you and, conversely, if she blinks on you she won't be able to run away from flint. It would have been better for you to just flare+ult her.
I'll give more specifics if you ask for them but at the end of the game hag was 8/0/4 and you were 2/5/2. You lost because you spent a lot of time ganking/team fighting and losing them rather than farming. You were too squishy for most messy fights (flint is dependent on good positioning anyway) and it went downhill. Take-away: try and farm as efficiently as possible as a carry and then only fight when it's favorable or necessary.