On July 14 2011 13:46 Krohm wrote: Is there any hon teams out there? I was doing quite well on my own, but after dropping about 100 MMR and only winning maybe 5-6 of my last 30 games. I think I'm just done with it. I usually play well too which really irks me.
I'm by no means an amazing player don't get me wrong... But god damn I can't stand these terrible kids anymore.
So this is what I was back when I was 1400 (and still am, inb4 ziggy)
I'm at 1600 right now. I was a few points off from 1700 3 days ago.
Point being that there is always room for improvement (I'm 1661, but damn do I suck ;D!) Are you in TL chat? I just asked for 2+ TMM
wow you have been improving fast! Overtaken my current MMR now
How to increase MMR by 50 or more if you are from the US:
Play during the day. It's just like ICCUP, but for different reasons.
In ICCUP if you played during the day you'd avoid the Koreans, so your opponents would be significantly worse. You could get a full letter or higher than you'd get playing at night.
In HON, if you are from the US and play at night, you'll play against and with better US players but against and with horrible foreigners from Australia and Asia with 400 ping. If you thumbs down West you'll cut down the rate but will still get them, and then they'll be 500 ping. Unfortunately, in a game like HON, atrociously bad troll teammates on your team are less easy to overcome than atrociously bad troll teammates on the other team. Ultimately I'd say in bad vs bad it comes down purely to picks; there will be no outplaying in this case.
If you are from the US and play during the daytime on USE, you'll get TONS of EU players who thumbs up USE. EU players are inflated massively, because there are a million more EU players. 1900 EU players are trash 90% of the time. Thus it is far easier to play during the day US time than during the evening.
I know a couple people who are 1900+ who adhere religiously to this rule. They are incredibly bad. They only play during the day; if it's past 6 PM CST or so then they stop. Every single game they play against super bad EUs on USE and get free MMR.
On July 14 2011 02:47 Vain wrote: Anyone saw the new promo? i wish i had paypal so i could get me some free coins
Yeah I just did it. It seems ok. The way they're supposed to get you is if you don't turn auto renewal off, but you can do that quickly online. Yay leprechaun blacksmith :>
Leprechuan is only for the 30days but. Just a quick reminder to all the people that now think it is a permanent addition to your stock
you're right oh well i'm gonna play the hell out of him for the next 30 days
Want to know the secret to getting great hon games while soloing mm?
Play BP. Only. Here's why and I know this from personal experience.
So before I just thumbed up all modes, and played on USW. I thought: hey faster queues and like 40 ping! However what I did was probably the WORST possible configuration. USW is full of, well, horrible players. Whether it's ping or just extremely low skilled players, you'll always have a douchebag rager on your team first picking sand wraith and readying. Especially if its AP or SD.
However just a couple days ago though, a friend of mine from germany was like "hey come try and play BP in EU, people are MUCH less retarded" and I was like "no fuking way, this is the internet, its probably no different". Oh boy was I wrong. So we queue up in the EU server with only BP thumbed up, reasoning behind this is most noobs, along with the typical hon douchebags are turned off by BP (probably BD too, but I rarely play that so i donno). So what happened when we queued BP on EU?
4 AMAZING back to back games. In each one of the games we discussed strategy, bans, and counters (maybe i just got lucky but wow!). People were actually willing to take advice, change their picks to fit the team. The overall team came first in those games, and not the individual. There is so much less rage too: I just remember being surprised when in one of the games, a guy playing rampage charged a bit too far ahead of us and got picked off before we got there. So another player told him "hey don't do that, you gotta wait for team", I totally expected him to rage or piss off the comment but he totally took it and was like "oh my bad, won't happen again" (btw these were completely random guys who didn't know each other and solo mm) and he never overextended again and we mopped up that game ez. These random guys on EU played with a lot of respect and teamwork, some of them weren't amazing last hit wise, but it was always: team first. TPing all around the map, sticking together, warding and counterwarding scrimages that never go on in AP USW. Won 4 amazing games in a row with just random mm people (except for a friend who i was in a group with), plus the other teams actually said gg. Totally worth the 200-some ping. Then I tried some BP games in USW, games were pretty awesome still and I'm on a winning streak again.
TLDR: Sick of typical hon noob ragers? Play only BP. Satisfaction not guaranteed, but there is a good chance you'll find much better games. The kind of games you hope for.
There are currently 16000 people online. That is 3% of S2's claimed number of paid accounts. Even counting subaccounts that's pathetic. I want to know how they fudged the numbers to get 500k.
On July 14 2011 15:43 BalancedBreakfast wrote: Want to know the secret to getting great hon games while soloing mm?
Play BP. Only. Here's why and I know this from personal experience.
So before I just thumbed up all modes, and played on USW. I thought: hey faster queues and like 40 ping! However what I did was probably the WORST possible configuration. USW is full of, well, horrible players. Whether it's ping or just extremely low skilled players, you'll always have a douchebag rager on your team first picking sand wraith and readying. Especially if its AP or SD.
However just a couple days ago though, a friend of mine from germany was like "hey come try and play BP in EU, people are MUCH less retarded" and I was like "no fuking way, this is the internet, its probably no different". Oh boy was I wrong. So we queue up in the EU server with only BP thumbed up, reasoning behind this is most noobs, along with the typical hon douchebags are turned off by BP (probably BD too, but I rarely play that so i donno). So what happened when we queued BP on EU?
4 AMAZING back to back games. In each one of the games we discussed strategy, bans, and counters (maybe i just got lucky but wow!). People were actually willing to take advice, change their picks to fit the team. The overall team came first in those games, and not the individual. There is so much less rage too: I just remember being surprised when in one of the games, a guy playing rampage charged a bit too far ahead of us and got picked off before we got there. So another player told him "hey don't do that, you gotta wait for team", I totally expected him to rage or piss off the comment but he totally took it and was like "oh my bad, won't happen again" (btw these were completely random guys who didn't know each other and solo mm) and he never overextended again and we mopped up that game ez. These random guys on EU played with a lot of respect and teamwork, some of them weren't amazing last hit wise, but it was always: team first. TPing all around the map, sticking together, warding and counterwarding scrimages that never go on in AP USW. Won 4 amazing games in a row with just random mm people (except for a friend who i was in a group with), plus the other teams actually said gg. Totally worth the 200-some ping. Then I tried some BP games in USW, games were pretty awesome still and I'm on a winning streak again.
TLDR: Sick of typical hon noob ragers? Play only BP. Satisfaction not guaranteed, but there is a good chance you'll find much better games. The kind of games you hope for.
This is true, BD is also pretty decent (If I solo I tend to only thumbs up those two). AR is probably middle (it just works out to be average, the worst and best experiences come from it), with SD and AP rounding out the two worst modes to play if you actually want to win the game. I really wish it was RD instead of SD.
However, if playing with a full team of five it really doesn't matter as long as you coordinate the picks for your AP games beforehand. (This is rare, typically 3-5 people random).
EU also tends to have better and less ragey players though.
I will agree with the BD/BP. It is always less ragey and more team based, i think this happens due to the removal of people who only play 1 hero raging when they lose. (You know the 60percent lego or mq people)
There are currently 16000 people online. That is 3% of S2's claimed number of paid accounts. Even counting subaccounts that's pathetic. I want to know how they fudged the numbers to get 500k.
Tons of Multiple Accounts, Inactive Accounts, Sub Accounts, if all 500,000 accounts logged in to Hon at once everything would die. A ton of accounts were made during the 10 dollar Hon sale which are no longer used.
Also, this is the "dead" time where barely anyone is on. 16k is pretty low in terms of numbers.
500k paid accounts for this kind of activity? Seems very unlikely.
This was my response from a moderator who evidently doesn't speak English or does so incredibly poorly:
On an aside. S2 don't actually owe you an explanation on this and why does it concern you. as long as there are people you can play against that is all that matters (actual numbers are just semantics)
Go find S2's financial reports if you want to see their earnings
I don't give two shits about S2's earnings, and this guy has no idea what semantics means. It's comforting to know that all the volunteers S2 "employs" for menial tasks like you know, the support team that responds to emails and the moderators who close threads, are staffed by those of less than average intelligence.
Last time I sent an email to S2's support I got a response from a volunteer that was perhaps the most unintelligent drivel I've ever read through in regards to a problem.
Can you tell that I seriously fucking hate S2? 6 months ago I liked S2 and liked HON. I thought all the whiney shit about Dota 2 coming out blah blah blah was stupid and I hoped HON did well if DOTA 2 came out soon. After all my experiences with this garbage company over the last 6 months I really hope they fail miserably and that DOTA 2 comes out and shits all over HON.
Can you tell that I seriously fucking hate S2? 6 months ago I liked S2 and liked HON. I thought all the whiney shit about Dota 2 coming out blah blah blah was stupid and I hoped HON did well if DOTA 2 came out soon. After all my experiences with this garbage company over the last 6 months I really hope they fail miserably and that DOTA 2 comes out and shits all over HON.
I can understand if you're mad but is this really the best place to be ranting? Perhaps you shouldn't be playing the game if you don't enjoy it.
Never said anything about the game. HON is good. S2 sucks. Anyways that's how I talk, it doesn't denote anger. I can tone down the cursing for the virgin ears.
Never said anything about the game. HON is good. S2 sucks. Anyways that's how I talk, it doesn't denote anger. I can tone down the cursing for the virgin ears.
I'd hate to see you angry then if that's normal.
Tree actually works really well as a carry now. He's the equivalent of a Pred/Zephyr/Wildsoul in that he can sit in the jungle and rice in the earlygame but he also has strong pushing potential and a powerful aoe ulti. What's exactly wrong with him so that we don't see him in competitive play? Aside from being Meele.
Never said anything about the game. HON is good. S2 sucks. Anyways that's how I talk, it doesn't denote anger. I can tone down the cursing for the virgin ears.
I'd hate to see you angry then if that's normal.
Tree actually works really well as a carry now. He's the equivalent of a Pred/Zephyr/Wildsoul in that he can sit in the jungle and rice in the earlygame but he also has strong pushing potential and a powerful aoe ulti. What's exactly wrong with him so that we don't see him in competitive play? Aside from being Meele.
He's likely going to be autobanned for another 2-3 weeks, or until he's nerfed, he can jungle any jungle camp at level 1.
He may still not see any play afterwards because if you want a jungle that does what he does then tempest is still much better (far better ult, can gank before level 6, possible solo laner, 600 range, better stat growth).
Also, warbeast fulfills a similar role (ie, can't do anything to help his lanes before level 6) and is a much much stronger carry with about the same level of pushing (his two wolves push about as well as 6 creeps - I fully expect double trees to be nerfed. However, even on top of this with warcry warbeast can effectively give everyone his team a free relic for the purpose of teamfights/pushing - which won't always be better than tree's ult, but taken as a whole I think warbeast is much better).
All tree has going for him over warbeast is an escape whenever you get armor, and not a very good one since it will slow down jungling.... and fast jungling is his only advantage over warbeast.
orange vindi no lore "carry build" after taking currier behe no wards nothing all game, started with shield hatchet ew mid with bottle and gm after 20 min rq
BP is not all that good, if you don't support nobody will. I might stay with cm if this keeps up.
On July 14 2011 13:46 Krohm wrote: Is there any hon teams out there? I was doing quite well on my own, but after dropping about 100 MMR and only winning maybe 5-6 of my last 30 games. I think I'm just done with it. I usually play well too which really irks me.
I'm by no means an amazing player don't get me wrong... But god damn I can't stand these terrible kids anymore.
So this is what I was back when I was 1400 (and still am, inb4 ziggy)
I'm at 1600 right now. I was a few points off from 1700 3 days ago.
Point being that there is always room for improvement (I'm 1661, but damn do I suck ;D!) Are you in TL chat? I just asked for 2+ TMM
Whoa.. you hit 1660! Haha that is impressive if you are as bad as you claim then who carried you :p or did you just get good?
On July 14 2011 15:30 SirMilford wrote: Any advice for australians?
Play a better game?
Nah I kid, I kid.
I personally don't play HoN anymore, not because its a bad game, in fact I quite like it. But it always crashed on me and I could not be bothered fixing it. Just didn't seem worth it to me.
Never said anything about the game. HON is good. S2 sucks. Anyways that's how I talk, it doesn't denote anger. I can tone down the cursing for the virgin ears.
I'd hate to see you angry then if that's normal.
Tree actually works really well as a carry now. He's the equivalent of a Pred/Zephyr/Wildsoul in that he can sit in the jungle and rice in the earlygame but he also has strong pushing potential and a powerful aoe ulti. What's exactly wrong with him so that we don't see him in competitive play? Aside from being Meele.
Tree is NOT a carry. Maybe in some low tier games he can be played as one. Sure he can farm like a maniac but he is used for pushing and team fights. His items should include: -blink -refresher -a mana ring -radiance -ac If your playing tree as a melee auto attack hero you just are so confused about the game and fulfilling a very small role. Any players with a sense of the game will just kite you to death and laugh at all your worthless items. Please dont make judgement calls on 1400-1700 games and tell people because your just lowering the competancy levels of the people that read your post and trust it with such blind confidence that you know what your talking about.
P.s. I just had a teammate at 1850 troll with this build so I'm very passionate about the subject
Man, I almost forgot about this game. It's old. Really old (about a year and a half now). But the hon community hasn't changed at all (bm + shady), and phe'v on hag is hilarious :
It starts out with the commentator congratulating one team for being so manner for playing the other team despite them showing up after the time... and well... devolves from there.
(The entire bot lane is hilarious in general). If you just want to see bm, it's in the latter half of part 4, about 6 minutes in.