Rules TL;DR
No computers; 12 hours/move, join the team most convenient to your schedule. DO NOT edit your posts in this thread while the game is running. Make action posts (team joining/voting) in the specified formats. Details in the Full Rules and Procedures below.+ Show Spoiler [Full Rules and Procedures] +
Full Rules and Procedures
- The game will take place between teams representing East and West, roughly divided by time zone.
- Any TL user is free to sign up for either team at any time until the game ends and to switch teams before the game has begun, but switching teams during the course of the game is disallowed.
Time Controls
- Each team has precisely 12 hours for each move. Moves shall not be played early and there are no extensions.
- Team Orient will play its moves at 18:00 GMT (+00:00) each day. Team Occident will play its moves at 06:00 GMT (+00:00) each day. In each case, the move played will be determined by the votes cast for that move during the hours prior.
- Note that if your country changes from Daylight Saving to Standard Time in the course of the game, then the deadlines for each move will move back by 1 hour relative to your clock.
- In the absence of volunteers, I, qrs, will referee this game and update the OP accordingly.
- However, the game proceeds in accordance with the official rules regardless of whether I post or not. Frequently the OP will probably lag behind the thread, in fact; in such cases, the status of the game is determined by the thread, not the OP.
- For this reason, posting rules must be particularly strict, in order that all players can easily determine the latest moves in the game for themselves, from this thread. The posting rules are as follows:
- During the game, a player's post may be edited only until the point of his team's next move. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES may he edit that post subsequently to this point. Any player who does so is automatically banned from this game; that is, he is removed from his team and his votes no longer count. This is harsh, but necessary in order for the game to function predictably to everyone, since an edit can mask any earlier post, including a vote.
- All posts that perform an action (joining a team or casting a vote) must follow the specified format in order to make them easily findable by search. The formats are:
- To join a team: ##JOIN Team O[rient/ccident]
- To vote for a move: ##VOTE [move number, followed by period if White and ellipsis if Black] [move, preferably in long algebraic notation]
- If the move isn't in long algebraic notation, it will still be counted as long as it's unambiguous, but please try to stick to that notation if possible.
- To vote for a draw offer/acceptance, resignation, or playing on: ##[move number, followed by period if White and ellipsis if Black] [DRAW/RESIGN/PLAY ON]
- Note: a vote for a move without a vote for a draw or resignation is considered a default vote for playing on.
- To join a team: ##JOIN Team O[rient/ccident]
- Multiple actions may be performed in a single post.
- All actions that do not conform to the above formats will officially not be counted.
- Please avoid quoting a vote!
Tallying Votes
- At the deadline for each move, the vote tallies determine
- what move to play if the game continues.
- whether to extend/accept a draw offer, resign, or play on.
- Note: a vote for a move without a vote for a draw or resignation is considered a default vote for playing on.
- what move to play if the game continues.
- These votes are tallied independently and decided by plurality.
- Ties are broken by discarding the most recent votes [as determined by last-edited time] until a plurality emerges.
- Only valid votes are tallied. These are votes that
- conform exactly to the specified format
- Note: the reason for this is to make votes easily tallyable via search. Therefore, case can be ignored, since most default search functions, especially in browsers, ignore case. Everything else about the format must be exact.
- are posted by a member of the team whose turn it is to move
- appear in posts that were last edited before the deadline for that move.
- conform exactly to the specified format
- The first player to sign up for each team is nominally that team's captain.
- The captain's only role is to help his team co-ordinate, for instance by PMing each member a link to a private QuickTopic forum for hidden discussion of the next move.
- There are no official ramifications to this title, and a captain is free to delegate his duties or even neglect them without penalty.
Game Rules
- The game will be played according to the generally accepted Rules of Chess.
- The game will conclude per the first of the following conditions to be reached
- the game concludes per the usual rules of chess
- a team fails to make a legal move by its deadline, in which case that team loses by forfeit.
- A six-man position is reached, in which case the game's outcome is determined by tablebase.
- Note: in this connection, the 50-move rule is not considered—i.e., if the game has reached a six-man position, the game is over. A draw cannot be claimed by pointing out that, were the game played out further, it would take more than 50 (non-capturing, non-pawn-advancing) moves to checkmate.
- the game concludes per the usual rules of chess
- Computer analysis is prohibited. This rule cannot be strictly enforced, but in the event that a player posts computer analysis to a team forum and I am made aware of this, the analysis in question will be posted to the main thread, and the user who posted it will be banned from this game.
- Opening databases, endgame tablebases, and human friends may be consulted.
- Everyone's basically on the honor system here, but the purpose of this game is to have fun, so please respect the rules on this point.
- Opening databases, endgame tablebases, and human friends may be consulted.
Game Start
- The game officially starts once at least 10 players have signed up for each team.
- The first move will occur 24 hours after the game officially starts, at the first available deadline.
- If the first available deadline is 18:00 GMT (+00:00), then Team Orient will play White. If the first move occurs at 06:00 GMT (+00:00), then Team Occident will play White.
That's pretty much it. Neutral luck and have fun!
Team Orient's Discussion Board Team Occident's Discussion Board
9... Team Occident Forfeits
+ Show Spoiler [Team Occident] +
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler [Team Orient] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game history] + Play through game
Game began August 27 2013, 19:38 KST
Team Occident forfeited September 6 2013, 15:00 KST
On September 11th, 13:00 PM KST, the game was continued as TL Chess Match 7.01
9... Team Occident Forfeits
+ Show Spoiler [Team Occident] +
1. Captain: qrs
2. [UoN]Sentinel
3. Dandel Ion
4. Sn0_Man
5. JeanLuc
6. Malongo
7. stormtemplar
8. chesshaha
9. Pillowpants117
10. TerranMan
11. emanresU
12. Malinor
13. marvellosity
14. Aelfric
15. iMrising
16. Deckard.666
17. Maxyim
18. monomo
19. Sassback
20. GenesisX
2. [UoN]Sentinel
3. Dandel Ion
4. Sn0_Man
5. JeanLuc
6. Malongo
7. stormtemplar
8. chesshaha
9. Pillowpants117
10. TerranMan
11. emanresU
12. Malinor
13. marvellosity
14. Aelfric
15. iMrising
16. Deckard.666
17. Maxyim
18. monomo
19. Sassback
20. GenesisX
![[image loading]](
+ Show Spoiler [Team Orient] +
1. Captain: Arevall
2. jampidampi
3. Karl Kaliente
4. wingpawn
5. Torminator
6. killerdog
7. Gaius Baltar
8. MaRCsoN
9. TheBB
10. MrSandman
11. garbanzo
12. Paljas
13. Biff The Understudy
14. nath
15. charliezz10
16. arbiter_md
17. DeathDyingDoomKiller
18. redbomine
2. jampidampi
3. Karl Kaliente
4. wingpawn
5. Torminator
6. killerdog
7. Gaius Baltar
8. MaRCsoN
9. TheBB
10. MrSandman
11. garbanzo
12. Paljas
13. Biff The Understudy
14. nath
15. charliezz10
16. arbiter_md
17. DeathDyingDoomKiller
18. redbomine
+ Show Spoiler [Game history] +
1. e2-e4 c7-c5
2. Ng1-f3 d7-d6
3. d2-d4 c5xd4
4. Nf3xd4 a7-a6
5. c2-c4 g7-g6
6. Nb1-c3 Bf8-g7
7. Bf1-e2 Nb8-c6
8. Bc1-e3 Ng8-h6
9. f2-f3 Forfeit
Game began August 27 2013, 19:38 KST
Team Occident forfeited September 6 2013, 15:00 KST
On September 11th, 13:00 PM KST, the game was continued as TL Chess Match 7.01
+ Show Spoiler [attributions] +
- Chessboard generated by the Crafty GUI written by Valters Baumanis.
- Pie charts posted in thread generated by