People wanted it, so here it is. The rules and procedures follow the proposal of killerdog in the above-linked thread, incorporating some suggestions by other TL members, and are outlined below.
Rules TL;DR
No computers; 12 hours/move, join the team most convenient to your schedule. DO NOT edit your posts in this thread while the game is running. Make action posts (team joining/voting) in the specified formats. Details in the Full Rules and Procedures below.
The game will take place between teams representing East and West, roughly divided by time zone.
Any TL user is free to sign up for either team at any time until the game ends and to switch teams before the game has begun, but switching teams during the course of the game is disallowed.
Time Controls
Each team has precisely 12 hours for each move. Moves shall not be played early and there are no extensions.
Team Orient will play its moves at 18:00 GMT (+00:00) each day. Team Occident will play its moves at 06:00 GMT (+00:00) each day. In each case, the move played will be determined by the votes cast for that move during the hours prior.
Note that if your country changes from Daylight Saving to Standard Time in the course of the game, then the deadlines for each move will move back by 1 hour relative to your clock.
In the absence of volunteers, I, qrs, will referee this game and update the OP accordingly.
However, the game proceeds in accordance with the official rules regardless of whether I post or not. Frequently the OP will probably lag behind the thread, in fact; in such cases, the status of the game is determined by the thread, not the OP.
For this reason, posting rules must be particularly strict, in order that all players can easily determine the latest moves in the game for themselves, from this thread. The posting rules are as follows:
During the game, a player's post may be edited only until the point of his team's next move. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES may he edit that post subsequently to this point. Any player who does so is automatically banned from this game; that is, he is removed from his team and his votes no longer count. This is harsh, but necessary in order for the game to function predictably to everyone, since an edit can mask any earlier post, including a vote.
All posts that perform an action (joining a team or casting a vote) must follow the specified format in order to make them easily findable by search. The formats are:
To join a team: ##JOIN Team O[rient/ccident]
To vote for a move: ##VOTE [move number, followed by period if White and ellipsis if Black] [move, preferably in long algebraic notation]
If the move isn't in long algebraic notation, it will still be counted as long as it's unambiguous, but please try to stick to that notation if possible.
To vote for a draw offer/acceptance, resignation, or playing on: ##[move number, followed by period if White and ellipsis if Black] [DRAW/RESIGN/PLAY ON]
Note: a vote for a move without a vote for a draw or resignation is considered a default vote for playing on.
Multiple actions may be performed in a single post.
All actions that do not conform to the above formats will officially not be counted.
Please avoid quoting a vote!
Tallying Votes
At the deadline for each move, the vote tallies determine
what move to play if the game continues.
whether to extend/accept a draw offer, resign, or play on.
Note: a vote for a move without a vote for a draw or resignation is considered a default vote for playing on.
These votes are tallied independently and decided by plurality.
Ties are broken by discarding the most recent votes [as determined by last-edited time] until a plurality emerges.
Only valid votes are tallied. These are votes that
conform exactly to the specified format
Note: the reason for this is to make votes easily tallyable via search. Therefore, case can be ignored, since most default search functions, especially in browsers, ignore case. Everything else about the format must be exact.
are posted by a member of the team whose turn it is to move
appear in posts that were last edited before the deadline for that move.
The first player to sign up for each team is nominally that team's captain.
The captain's only role is to help his team co-ordinate, for instance by PMing each member a link to a private QuickTopic forum for hidden discussion of the next move.
There are no official ramifications to this title, and a captain is free to delegate his duties or even neglect them without penalty.
Game Rules
The game will be played according to the generally accepted Rules of Chess.
The game will conclude per the first of the following conditions to be reached
the game concludes per the usual rules of chess
a team fails to make a legal move by its deadline, in which case that team loses by forfeit.
A six-man position is reached, in which case the game's outcome is determined by tablebase.
Note: in this connection, the 50-move rule is not considered—i.e., if the game has reached a six-man position, the game is over. A draw cannot be claimed by pointing out that, were the game played out further, it would take more than 50 (non-capturing, non-pawn-advancing) moves to checkmate.
Computer analysis is prohibited. This rule cannot be strictly enforced, but in the event that a player posts computer analysis to a team forum and I am made aware of this, the analysis in question will be posted to the main thread, and the user who posted it will be banned from this game.
Opening databases, endgame tablebases, and human friends may be consulted.
Everyone's basically on the honor system here, but the purpose of this game is to have fun, so please respect the rules on this point.
Game Start
The game officially starts once at least 10 players have signed up for each team.
The first move will occur 24 hours after the game officially starts, at the first available deadline.
If the first available deadline is 18:00 GMT (+00:00), then Team Orient will play White. If the first move occurs at 06:00 GMT (+00:00), then Team Occident will play White.
Game began August 27 2013, 19:38 KST Team Occident forfeited September 6 2013, 15:00 KST On September 11th, 13:00 PM KST, the game was continued as TL Chess Match 7.01
Hey guys, hope this works out if people want to play this. (If they don't, that's fine by me too.) I'm sorry if the rules seem too technical and formulaic; my goal was to establish a ruleset that would allow the game to easily run by itself.
On August 21 2013 20:13 Arevall wrote: Thanks for taking your time with this qrs!
My pleasure. I hope that enough people take an interest and it turns into a fun game.
Incidentally, I've revised the rules a little to clarify some things and simplify others. In particular, I loosened the post-editing policy, so you may now edit a post until the deadline for your team's next move passes. Accordingly, I removed the stuff about retracting an action post, since retractions are no longer necessary (you can simply edit the superseded post).
Update Small change to the rules: I decided it would be unfortunate if someone's clear vote for a move weren't counted because it didn't match the standard exactly, so I made long algebraic notation a recommendation rather than a binding rule.
This is so cool. Thank you for your time and effort! It was a very well written article :D Ive fallen out of love with chess and this has definitely helped get me going again! Also, for any chess fans who haven't seen it, search: Game Over, Kasparov vs. The Machine; a brilliant documentary that Ive watched a dozen times lol.
Team Orient is playing White. First move due Wednesday, Aug 28 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00). Sign ups are still open, but you can no longer switch teams after signing up.
If you are on Team Orient, your captain is Arevall. He's the one who's supposed to be helping your team co-ordinate. If he's doing that, great; if not, go bug him or figure out another way to co-ordinate.
On August 29 2013 03:45 Sn0_Man wrote: PS qrs let me know if I'm screwing up formatting somehow.
Well, technically there should be a space between the move number and the move itself. I know it seems like a piddling detail, and your vote will count as long as it's unambiguous, but the reason for the preferred format being so strict is that this makes it easier for players to count the votes for a move by clicking All and using their browser's "Find" function. Even a missing space gets in the way of that.
Also, as a reminder, it's perfectly fine to edit your posts until the deadline for your team's move, but make sure not to edit previous posts after the deadline for a move has passed.
On August 29 2013 in the secret forum, Sn0_Man wrote: I feel like the other team's best tactic may be to vandalize wikipedia into extolling the virtues of any very weak defense for black and making sure that we notice it.
I hope you don't mind my public quotation of a post you made in the hidden forum, Sn0_Man. I thought it was funny!
##VOTE 1... c7-c5
Good thing I loosened the rules about the voting format, or most of these votes wouldn't even have counted.
On August 28 2013 05:03 Biff The Understudy wrote: ##vote e2 - e4
Oh, I just noticed that this vote was in the wrong format: it didn't include the move number. Didn't make a difference this vote, since 1. e2-e4 won handily anyway, but please make sure to include the move number next time you vote if you want your vote to be counted. Reason I think it important to insist on this point of the format is that it allows people to find your vote for a particular move using "find"—maybe not so important when the thread consists mostly of votes, but potentially important if the thread ever gets more cluttered, and/or if you vote for a move in advance of the voting period for that move, say, if you know you won't be around for the voting period.
Speaking of which, I'm going to bed now, so I won't be around to "officially" close the vote for a while. That's all right; as I said in the OP, the game runs by the thread, not the OP, so consider the vote closed as soon as this voting period ends, in 20 minutes from now.
By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Here's his explanation of the Open Sicilian (which is what this game is heading for):
On August 30 2013 01:22 qrs wrote: By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Does not mention the exploitation of the open c file for black and open d file for white, and the inherent weakness of black's d pawn, which is a bit strange. That's one of the most important feature of the sicilian after all... But I guess you can't do so much in a short youtube video.
On August 30 2013 01:22 qrs wrote: By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Does not mention the exploitation of the open c file for black and open d file for white, and the inherent weakness of black's d pawn, which is a bit strange. That's one of the most important feature of the sicilian after all... But I guess you can't do so much in a short youtube video.
Books books books
Yeah, you make good points. I agree with you that those are some pretty fundamental ideas as well (meaning, they're true in almost any variation that the game might take), and it's a bit strange that he didn't even touch on them. On the other hand, I think perhaps that actually points up his strength as a teacher: he's very good at identifying just a small number of basic themes and showing how they apply throughout the game, for a given opening. There are many themes at work in almost any opening—almost any chess position for that matter—and it can be very easy to get bogged down in them if you try to show as many as you can all at once: "this factor could make a difference if this happens, but this other factor could come into play if that happens...", etc.
I'm neither an expert chess-player nor an expert teacher, so I'm not qualified to comment directly on the choices Master Kelley makes in his presentations, but I can say that every time I watch one, I feel like I understand some of the thought processes behind an opening a little better than I did before. But you're right: they're not the be-all and end-all of opening knowledge.
On August 30 2013 01:56 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 30 2013 01:22 qrs wrote: By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Does not mention the exploitation of the open c file for black and open d file for white, and the inherent weakness of black's d pawn, which is a bit strange. That's one of the most important feature of the sicilian after all... But I guess you can't do so much in a short youtube video.
Books books books
Yeah, you make good points. I agree with you that those are some pretty fundamental ideas as well (meaning, they're true in almost any variation that the game might take), and it's a bit strange that he didn't even touch on them. On the other hand, I think perhaps that actually points up his strength as a teacher: he's very good at identifying just a small number of basic themes and showing how they apply throughout the game, for a given opening. There are many themes at work in almost any opening—almost any chess position for that matter—and it can be very easy to get bogged down in them if you try to show as many as you can all at once: "this factor could make a difference if this happens, but this other factor could come into play if that happens...", etc.
I'm neither an expert chess-player nor an expert teacher, so I'm not qualified to comment directly on the choices Master Kelley makes in his presentations, but I can say that every time I watch one, I feel like I understand some of the thought processes behind an opening a little better than I did before. But you're right: they're not the be-all and end-all of opening knowledge.
He did a great job at explaining white's development lead, but again, I just don't agree on his analysis of black's forces and weaknesses. Black's pawn centre is much more a handicap than an asset, and often, black decisive move is when he finally manages to break his cramped central pawns and free his game.
And for anybody that has ever played against a Maroczy, you must know how much of a pain the weak d pawn is and how easy it is for white to attack this "great central pawn majority"
On the other hand he didn't mentioned that the c file open begs for a queenside minority attack and that the sicilian is playable for black not because he has a great pawn centre, but because he has a really mobile queenside.
I am not nearly as qualified as this guy is, but that seems like a strange misunderstanding of the sicilian for a Master.
On August 30 2013 01:56 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 30 2013 01:22 qrs wrote: By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Does not mention the exploitation of the open c file for black and open d file for white, and the inherent weakness of black's d pawn, which is a bit strange. That's one of the most important feature of the sicilian after all... But I guess you can't do so much in a short youtube video.
Books books books
Yeah, you make good points. I agree with you that those are some pretty fundamental ideas as well (meaning, they're true in almost any variation that the game might take), and it's a bit strange that he didn't even touch on them. On the other hand, I think perhaps that actually points up his strength as a teacher: he's very good at identifying just a small number of basic themes and showing how they apply throughout the game, for a given opening. There are many themes at work in almost any opening—almost any chess position for that matter—and it can be very easy to get bogged down in them if you try to show as many as you can all at once: "this factor could make a difference if this happens, but this other factor could come into play if that happens...", etc.
I'm neither an expert chess-player nor an expert teacher, so I'm not qualified to comment directly on the choices Master Kelley makes in his presentations, but I can say that every time I watch one, I feel like I understand some of the thought processes behind an opening a little better than I did before. But you're right: they're not the be-all and end-all of opening knowledge.
He did a great job at explaining white's development lead, but again, I just don't agree on his analysis of black's forces and weaknesses. Black's pawn centre is much more a handicap than an asset, and often, black decisive move is when he finally manages to break his cramped central pawns and free his game.
And for anybody that has ever played against a Maroczy, you must know how much of a pain the weak d pawn is and how easy it is for white to attack this "great central pawn majority"
I watched a different video of his where he did mention the Maróczy bind as a position that White would love to achieve. I think the reason he didn't mention it in this one is that Black can play to make it difficult for White to achieve it.
On the other hand he didn't mentioned that the c file open begs for a queenside minority attack and that the sicilian is playable for black not because he has a great pawn centre, but because he has a really mobile queenside.
I am not nearly as qualified as this guy is, but that seems like a strange misunderstanding of the sicilian for a Master.
Well, one thing I am pretty sure of is that he has a better understanding of the Sicilian than either of us, but maybe you're right that he didn't choose the best aspects to emphasize. Or maybe it's a matter of style. Why don't you leave a comment or two on the video on YouTube? He's very responsive; he'll answer you.
On August 30 2013 02:48 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 30 2013 02:25 qrs wrote:
On August 30 2013 01:56 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On August 30 2013 01:22 qrs wrote: By the way, as a service to anyone who's playing or following this game: In the opening of the last TL Chess Match, posted a link to some short video lectures by Dereque Kelley on various chess openings. I don't usually watch chess videos, but I really enjoyed these. Mr. Kelley has a real knack for clearly and concisely explaining the basic ideas behind an opening. His videos are a good resource if you're not so familiar with a particular opening and you want a quick overview of what it's about.
Does not mention the exploitation of the open c file for black and open d file for white, and the inherent weakness of black's d pawn, which is a bit strange. That's one of the most important feature of the sicilian after all... But I guess you can't do so much in a short youtube video.
Books books books
Yeah, you make good points. I agree with you that those are some pretty fundamental ideas as well (meaning, they're true in almost any variation that the game might take), and it's a bit strange that he didn't even touch on them. On the other hand, I think perhaps that actually points up his strength as a teacher: he's very good at identifying just a small number of basic themes and showing how they apply throughout the game, for a given opening. There are many themes at work in almost any opening—almost any chess position for that matter—and it can be very easy to get bogged down in them if you try to show as many as you can all at once: "this factor could make a difference if this happens, but this other factor could come into play if that happens...", etc.
I'm neither an expert chess-player nor an expert teacher, so I'm not qualified to comment directly on the choices Master Kelley makes in his presentations, but I can say that every time I watch one, I feel like I understand some of the thought processes behind an opening a little better than I did before. But you're right: they're not the be-all and end-all of opening knowledge.
He did a great job at explaining white's development lead, but again, I just don't agree on his analysis of black's forces and weaknesses. Black's pawn centre is much more a handicap than an asset, and often, black decisive move is when he finally manages to break his cramped central pawns and free his game.
And for anybody that has ever played against a Maroczy, you must know how much of a pain the weak d pawn is and how easy it is for white to attack this "great central pawn majority"
I watched a different video of his where he did mention the Maróczy bind as a position that White would love to achieve. I think the reason he didn't mention it in this one is that Black can play to make it difficult for White to achieve it.
On the other hand he didn't mentioned that the c file open begs for a queenside minority attack and that the sicilian is playable for black not because he has a great pawn centre, but because he has a really mobile queenside.
I am not nearly as qualified as this guy is, but that seems like a strange misunderstanding of the sicilian for a Master.
Well, one thing I am pretty sure of is that he has a better understanding of the Sicilian than either of us, but maybe you're right that he didn't choose the best aspects to emphasize. Or maybe it's a matter of style. Why don't you leave a comment or two on the video on YouTube? He's very responsive; he'll answer you.
I guess the guy you talk about just went a little too concrete with his explanations of the opening. Using central pawn majority is sometimes seen in Sicilian, particularily in some crazy variations where White makes all-out pawn storm on the Kingside, but yeah, I agree, it's not as important theme as, say, Queenside expansion, delaying/neglecting castling or controlling e5-square for Black. In general, depending on each side's choices, the whole opening leads to very diverse range of possible ideas and he would have to talk for like an hour to cover them all.
EDIT: By the way, occidentally, it's your move Black.
Considering it leads to the sharpest variation of the whole game (the dragon) or the devil's labyrinth, aka the Najdorf, I wouldn't say you are boring.
On August 30 2013 11:35 Malongo wrote: I'm dumb, sorry:
Just to clarify a couple of things: 1) You didn't have to make a new post: you're allowed to edit your posts until the deadline of your team's next move. 2) Actually, even if you hadn't made a new post, I would have counted your quoting the vote as casting a vote of your own. If you include the ##VOTE in your post, you're voting. Maybe there will sometimes be weird exceptional cases where the context of your quote makes it clear that you don't mean to vote the same way, but I think it's better to have simple rules that don't require any judgment calls to be made.
On August 30 2013 09:38 KarlKaliente tried to vote for Team Occident:
On August 30 2013 10:46 lolmanpro wrote: you've written the notation incorrectly
1. e2-e4 c7-c5 2. Ng1-f3
You only write down the square that was moved to, not from where the piece came lol
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3
That is normal notation, there is no need for extra complicity, as it will not add any useful info or remove ambiguity.
To vote for a move: ##VOTE [move number, followed by period if White and ellipsis if Black] [move, preferably in long algebraic notation
read the rules bro
Karl's right. As for the reason I wrote the rule that way: I think it's a good thing to have a standardized format for voting, so that it's easier to get a quick handle on what the votes are by searching for them on the page with your browser. I chose long algebraic notation because it's an easy-to-specify notation that is the same for everyone. True, it involves a little extra typing, but how hard is it to type two extra characters per move? Also, the extra information can serve as a rough error-detecting code in case someone mistypes his vote. I used the same notation in the Game History to be consistent with the voting style, but if it bothers you, I can change to a more minimal notation.
On September 02 2013 04:19 DeathDyingDoomKiller wrote: Open Sicilian :D btw Nc3 is the best move, oh yeah, #JOIN Team Orient :D
It's not.
If it were people wouldn't bother with 4....Nf6 which is designed to force 5.Nc3 so that white cannot establish the dreaded Maroczy bind with 5.c4.
5.Nc3 just transposes to main line after 5...Nf6
So if you see 90% of the time the Najdorf move order being 4... Nf6 5.Nf3 a6 it's precisely because 4...a6 allows 5.c4 and that most black players want to avoid at any cost getting into a Maroczy.
As I said in our private thread, the only reason lots of white players go 5.Nc3 anyway is because they are not prepared to get out of theory in a ground that black might have prepared extensively, and black is the one that gets into the unorthodox move order. There is absolutely no reason to let white go c4 unless you have cooked something really special, and white players, being worried of stepping in a theoretical minefield prepared by their opponent, usually prefer transposing back into the main line than doing this otherwise much superior move.
Don't trust your database to call a move the best because it is played more often. That's not how chess works.
To be honest, as black I kinda like Maroczy better than any sort of Sicilian Dragon, Najdorf or really anything. Maroczy has a clear goal and is somewhat easy to plöay if you have the time to think (I don't like it in 20m or shorter games though)
On September 02 2013 19:07 monomo wrote: To be honest, as black I kinda like Maroczy better than any sort of Sicilian Dragon, Najdorf or really anything. Maroczy has a clear goal and is somewhat easy to plöay if you have the time to think (I don't like it in 20m or shorter games though)
Well, in Maroczy you somewhat have to get free of your horrendously cramped position by liquidating everything without being obliterated or left with a lost position.
Personally, I find more exciting to play the regular Yugoslav or even any Najdorf where you play a very aggressive game and aim for a winning queenside attack.
On September 03 2013 04:52 iMrising wrote: I want to move 10 more pawn moves before we develop any pieces and see how long we survive. but then we'd lose
On September 06 2013 21:52 Biff The Understudy wrote: Let's delay team orient move from 24 hours, so we get back to our normal pace.
Can someone PM members of team occident to remind them about the match? Would be awesome.
I sent the PMs to all Occident's members, except for [UoN]Sentinel, marvellosity (both voted) and qrs (stated he's gonna be off the game for a while anyway). Hopefully people will come back to the game and vote, cause this situation is quite stupid...
Wow, I'm gone for a few days and the whole game goes to pieces. Technically, Team Occident forfeited on move 9, but it seems like the consensus was to give them a pass this time and keep playing, so I'll go update the OP now.
Thanks for taking the reins while I was gone, wingpawn!
On September 08 2013 09:51 qrs wrote: Wow, I'm gone for a few days and the whole game goes to pieces. Technically, Team Occident forfeited on move 9, but it seems like the consensus was to give them a pass this time and keep playing, so I'll go update the OP now.
Thanks for taking the reins while I was gone, wingpawn!
On September 08 2013 09:51 qrs wrote: Wow, I'm gone for a few days and the whole game goes to pieces. Technically, Team Occident forfeited on move 9, but it seems like the consensus was to give them a pass this time and keep playing, so I'll go update the OP now.
Thanks for taking the reins while I was gone, wingpawn!
On September 07 2013 15:47 wingpawn wrote: 9...0-0 - Malinor Malinor, it's like the third time you vote after the deadline. Are you sure you've joined the right team?
I see, I didn't read the rules carefully and expected it to be like the last chess match, where the board was updated accordingly as the game went along. Totally my fault, sorry.
In this case I am out. This way of playing is just not for me, I need an up-to-date OP and 12 hours is too short for me.
On September 08 2013 15:42 wingpawn wrote: What is going on?
So, qrs says he's gonna update the OP, but he doesn't, doesn't even leave a vote.
Everyone else seems to be upset with a position that is far from being lost.
Plus Occident people don't care enough to resign or offer a draw...
Hmm, that's odd. I thought I did update the OP after writing that. I guess I must have hit "preview" and forgotten to hit "update". Sorry about that.
In the meantime...I thought about voting, but I hadn't had the time to look at the position enough to make an informed vote. Anyway, if I'd be the only one voting, it's not much of a team game.
Since Team Occident ended up forfeiting anyway, I guess we may as well make the forfeit official as of the first time it happened (move 9). I'll update the OP accordingly (probably tomorrow).
Sorry it ended up being such a short game: I thought it was a cool idea and an experiment worth trying. Obviously it didn't work out so well. Hopefully the next TL Chess Match will work out better, whenever/whatever it happens to be.
If you guys want, maybe we can shift everyone over to Team Orient and change the time limits and I'll play out the Black side of this myself (though you guys will probably crush me).
On September 07 2013 15:47 wingpawn wrote: 9...0-0 - Malinor Malinor, it's like the third time you vote after the deadline. Are you sure you've joined the right team?
I see, I didn't read the rules carefully and expected it to be like the last chess match, where the board was updated accordingly as the game went along. Totally my fault, sorry.
In this case I am out. This way of playing is just not for me, I need an up-to-date OP and 12 hours is too short for me.
Have fun :-)
Sorry. I kept the OP up-to-date as much as I could, but 12 hours is too short for me too, if I'm going to do that. There are some days I can't make it onto TL. That's why this game was supposed to be based on the thread, not the OP.
Well, next match, at least one day per move, I guess.
Thing with the OP is that some people can't / don't want to figure out two, three moves that are not on the board. I think as a general rule, whoever hosts a match should update the board as soon as possible, every move. I don't mind following in my head, but that's obviously not the case for everyone.
On September 08 2013 16:11 qrs wrote: If you guys want, maybe we can shift everyone over to Team Orient and change the time limits and I'll play out the Black side of this myself (though you guys will probably crush me).
Well, that suits me. Certainly don't want my 5 or 6 hours of extensive analysis to go to waste just like that.
Also, from this perspective, it's unfortunate coincidence that you didn't put the whole "game progress ain't determined by the OP" thing in TL:DR section. At least from Malinor's perspective...
Anyway, if we switch to 'qrs vs The World' format, I'm ready to send PMs to anyone who might be interested in playing on. The game still has plenty of potential, would be a shame to leave it like that.
On September 08 2013 16:15 Biff The Understudy wrote: I think as a general rule, whoever hosts a match should update the board as soon as possible, every move. I don't mind following in my head, but that's obviously not the case for everyone.
I waited 8 months for someone to host this. I only did it myself because no one else stepped up. And I tried to make it clear that the game would be based on the thread, not the OP. If someone can't be bothered making a few moves on a board himself, I'm not sure why he'd be playing correspondence chess at all: glancing at a position and voting for the first move you think of isn't exactly a recipe for success.
Anyway, it was worth trying; too bad it didn't work out that well. Sorry I couldn't be a better OP for y'all!
On September 08 2013 16:11 qrs wrote: If you guys want, maybe we can shift everyone over to Team Orient and change the time limits and I'll play out the Black side of this myself (though you guys will probably crush me).
Well, that suits me. Certainly don't want my 5 or 6 hours of extensive analysis to go to waste just like that.
Also, from this perspective, it's unfortunate coincidence that you didn't put the whole "game progress ain't determined by the OP" thing in TL:DR section. At least from Malinor's perspective...
Agreed. That's one thing I learned from this, anyway.
Anyway, if we switch to 'qrs vs The World' format, I'm ready to send PMs to anyone who might be interested in playing on. The game still has plenty of potential, would be a shame to leave it like that.
Perhaps 24 hour interval now?
Sure, I'm willing, if people want. I think it would have to be 24 hours at a minimum; two days would be better for me. Also, I'd need the ability to take extensions, because there are sometimes days when I don't have access at all (like happened in the past few days). Maybe we could go back to the previous game's system: early moves are allowed (need a majority of active voters to move early) and unused time goes towards extensions.
Alternatively, you and I could just play this game out privately from this position.
1) I send mass PMs with info about what happened to all participants. 2) We wait 48 hours for them to confirm that they want to keep playing as Team Orient. 3) I PM you a list of confirmations and you put it into OP as the lineup of brand new Orient team. I also PM everyone who confirmed with the time of game's restart and new voting + deadline rules you estabilish (please, PM me back with those). 4) The game rolls on.
On September 08 2013 16:15 Biff The Understudy wrote: I think as a general rule, whoever hosts a match should update the board as soon as possible, every move. I don't mind following in my head, but that's obviously not the case for everyone.
I waited 8 months for someone to host this. I only did it myself because no one else stepped up. And I tried to make it clear that the game would be based on the thread, not the OP. If someone can't be bothered making a few moves on a board himself, I'm not sure why he'd be playing correspondence chess at all: glancing at a position and voting for the first move you think of isn't exactly a recipe for success.
Anyway, it was worth trying; too bad it didn't work out that well. Sorry I couldn't be a better OP for y'all!
Look, I'm really not criticizing you. Just trying to find out what went wrong and why people just don't play. There seems to be interest, because we had so many people registering in both teams, but most of those people seem not to care at all. I think in the future, updating the board very regularly will help the casual players
On September 08 2013 16:41 wingpawn wrote: Okay, I propose the following:
1) I send mass PMs with info about what happened to all participants. 2) We wait 48 hours for them to confirm that they want to keep playing as Team Orient. 3) I PM you a list of confirmations and you put it into OP as the lineup of brand new Orient team. I also PM everyone who confirmed with the time of game's restart and new voting + deadline rules you estabilish (please, PM me back with those). 4) The game rolls on.
On September 08 2013 16:41 wingpawn wrote: Okay, I propose the following:
1) I send mass PMs with info about what happened to all participants. 2) We wait 48 hours for them to confirm that they want to keep playing as Team Orient. 3) I PM you a list of confirmations and you put it into OP as the lineup of brand new Orient team. I also PM everyone who confirmed with the time of game's restart and new voting + deadline rules you estabilish (please, PM me back with those). 4) The game rolls on.
Fine for me.
You mean, team occident, right?
Nono, I mean transfer to Team Orient if they played for Occident or continue going as Orient under new rules.
qrs will take over the Occident side singlehandedly.
Okay, here's the PM I prepared. Sending it to everyone right now.
Because of the second delay in TL Chess Match #7 - East vs West, the game has stopped again. In the meantime, qrs (the host) and the members of Team Orient got to the conclusion that current format of the match does not work. Because we want the game to continue, we've already decided to make the changes as following:
- To transfer all Team Occident members to Team Orient. - To give qrs Team Occident's position, which he will play on single-handedly. - To change the deadlines as follows: qrs: 48 hours per move + time handicap in form of 24 hour extensions, whenever he's too busy to be on the internet and analyze the game. (More details, including the exact time of game restart, to follow). Team Orient: 48 hours per move, no extensions.
If you are willing to continue the game under new regulations, please PM me or post about it in the match thread BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11TH, 00:00 KST. No confirmation will result with a removal from players' list - in case of that, you will be forced to post ##JOIN Team Orient in the thread to start playing again.
wingpawn Biff The Understudy iMrising marvellosity GenesisX [UoN]Sentinel killerdog Dandel Ion DeathDyingDoomKiller rebdomine MrSandman
Sorry I haven't been able to play the last few days. I'm all for either format actually. If we could keep the team vs team format it would be better IMO, but that might not be possible.
On September 09 2013 02:25 iMrising wrote: Just curious, why do we vote with the ##VOTE 1... e4 formatting? Why not strawpoll on the separate strategic forums
Because this is the only way to confirm the results of the vote.
On September 09 2013 02:36 wingpawn wrote: Well, when qrs is back on the topic, he'll surely answer this question. As well as some questions I have for him...
What questions?
I'd be happy for someone else to take over running this in however he sees fit, but if people want me to take over the Black side of this game and keep it going, I'm willing to do that. The rules you posted above work for me. We can also go with the system of letting people move early and stockpile unused time, or give both sides a certain number of extensions, so you wouldn't have to give me a handicap that way. Anything else?
Sent you PM, qrs, hopefully we will get to some detailed conclusions...
It feels weird to change the rules of this thread alone, but I guess the lack of discussion and total weirdness of recent Occident elections (people posting without taking 5 minutes to look at position and vote, what the...) forced that solution.
What? I leave 2 days and the world goes to pieces. Marv spamming our QT and qrs is nowhere to be found. I was not following the time zones but qrses pie charts to see who had to play a move, my fault. So, new rules say I am in team orient now?
On September 09 2013 04:17 Malongo wrote: What? I leave 2 days and the world goes to pieces. Marv spamming our QT and qrs is nowhere to be found. I was not following the time zones but qrses pie charts to see who had to play a move, my fault. So, new rules say I am in team orient now?
Yup, basically, we are waiting to gather the lineup for Orient and restart at the time qrs chooses.
Thanks for organizing this qrs! I hope there can be a next time that goes much smoother. I don't think I will be participating in the continuation with qrs vs. the world, although I might be following along in this thread and the qt thread.
On September 09 2013 07:12 iMrising wrote: no idea sinedd The time limit for each move is short, and when i got home i looked and saw nh6 and thought gg
On September 09 2013 07:12 iMrising wrote: no idea sinedd The time limit for each move is short, and when i got home i looked and saw nh6 and thought gg
On September 09 2013 07:12 iMrising wrote: no idea sinedd The time limit for each move is short, and when i got home i looked and saw nh6 and thought gg
Can we at least have an official op edit about the state of the game? I am still unsure about the position and about wich side i am playing with :S
OK, done.
The game is over. We've been talking about maybe playing out this position with different teams and a different time control, but in the meantime, Team Occident has forfeited as per the rules of the game.
On September 09 2013 07:12 iMrising wrote: no idea sinedd The time limit for each move is short, and when i got home i looked and saw nh6 and thought gg
Can we at least have an official op edit about the state of the game? I am still unsure about the position and about wich side i am playing with :S
OK, done.
The game is over. We've been talking about maybe playing out this position with different teams and a different time control, but in the meantime, Team Occident has forfeited as per the rules of the game.
I see, thanks. I would still play it from there as black, with O-O as next move.
The new game will start on Wednesday, September 11th, at 13:00 PM KST. From that point on, qrs will have 48 hours to make his 10th move (not counting possible 24h extension in case he cannot be on the internet). We, playing White, will have our voting for 11th move afterwards, with 48 hours window to vote (no extensions).
On September 09 2013 07:12 iMrising wrote: no idea sinedd The time limit for each move is short, and when i got home i looked and saw nh6 and thought gg