Mindcrack pack:
Rei's minimap Voxelmenu PetroGen Advanced Machines BuildCraft ChickenChunks ComputerCraft Enderstorage Extra Bees ExtraBiomesXL Factorization Forestry GregTech Mod IC2 NuclearControl IC2 Iron Chests MiscPeripherals Advanced Solar's GraviSuite MFFS NEI Obsidiplates OmniTools Railcraft Redpower SoulShards StevesCarts Thaumcraft ThermalExpansion Traincraft Twilight Forest WRCBE Xycraft
Direwolf20 Pack: Buildcraft ChickenChunks Compact Solars ComputerCraft EnderStorage ExtrabiomesXL Factorization Forestry GravityGun IC2 NuclearControl Industrialcraft 2 Iron Chests MiscPeripherals GraviSuite MFFS Mystcraft NEI NEI Plugins Obsidiplates OmniTools Portal Gun Railcraft Redpower 2 Soulshards Steves Carts Thaumcraft 3 Thermal Expansion Wireless Redstone - CBE XyCraft
Hey guys, I just noticed this thread and wanted to inform you that there's a group of excellent YouTubers who are playing with FTB:
The server is called MindCrack, and a bunch of them are playing on the server. I especially recommend Zisteau and Etho's FTB videoes. Here you can find an overview of them all (both vanilla and FTB) and links to their YouTube pages:
Mindcrack Network
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas to all
most of us here are huge fans of mindcrackers, I personally watch quite a few of them.
my favorite is of course not etho or zisteau, although both are amazing, but the very lovable VintageBeef.
when are we starting the new map? also Aix why no gravity gun?
Man, i love bees so much, i think we should have extra bees
the thing is extrabees has always been known to be extra buggy(pun intended in all forms)
Got most of the configs and settings worked out. For now we might wait for the ultimate pack and disable a few mods, instead of adding mods to the current packs. Quarries will likely be limited to 1 chunk size max, which means you will be digging a 14x13 area max. Remember that you can use 5 land marks to place the quarry anywhere along the target area. World anchors are disabled, will be using chicken chunks instead which allow configurable amount of chunks loaded per player as to be decided later. Disabled notebooks/writing desk/descriptive books. Only 1 or 2 worlds will be created at start, for mining and digging. A linking book to these will be set up at spawn, simply go in and make your own linking book and link it up to your base. This way everyone can get easy access to the mining world and the hub we'll likely build together. EBXL Marsh biome is bugged and will be disabled. (well still have default swamp) We suggest everyone to turn off ic2.sounds in the config and change the portal config to only update once on creation to prevent lag.
Will get a better post out when the server is updated.
edit: We will likely use command blocks to disable firespread/mobgriefing again. Next to that we'll use them as a sort of worldborder. Everyone outside a 2k radius will get a message every min that they are too far away. Everyone outside a 2.5k radius will get teleported to spawn. (2k radius = 1.400/1.400 diagonal). Exact radius and action still to be decided.
disappointing that we are going to wait for the ultimate pack, because I don't know when it will be out but I don't have any complaints with your config setup.
although is there a reason why we're having a radius on how far we can go on the map?
Waiting for the ultimate pack means easy updating, less likely to have any problems, easier to get help if we need it etc. This depends a lot on how fast it is out and updated.
Not sure yet about world border. There is limited storage space with all the worlds and mods. We are looking into getting a low resource dynmap, and the smaller the worlds the better. We clearly want enough room for everyone to find a spot they like, and not feel like they are limited/trapped in a small area. Limiting exploration helps with keeping everyone together, for a more community feel. Downside to living close together is possibly loading your neighbors factory (or parts of it), which increases your lag, server lag and might mess up some automated systems.
Love your settings and config, but does the quarry config target mining turtles too?
I didn't 'quit' the old server btw, its just that i got stuck in a mystcraft world with 'nausea' on, and everytime I am online, nobody seems to be around, so I ragequitted ^^
On December 25 2012 23:00 HaruRH wrote: Love your settings and config, but does the quarry config target mining turtles too?
I didn't 'quit' the old server btw, its just that i got stuck in a mystcraft world with 'nausea' on, and everytime I am online, nobody seems to be around, so I ragequitted ^^ Mhmmm... I'm still lacking the resources to find out how much lag CC stuff causes besides plain bruteforcing it and trying out, but as usual I doubt 2-3 mining turtles running around will cause any trouble. It might cause issues when everyone starts using them. For now, I don't intend to touch them besides maybe some additional fuel requirements.
Don't worry about activity right now, one one hand lots of people are tied up in Christmas/New Year stuff and on the other hand we're waiting for the big FTB update. Both minecrack and direwolf pack are cool, but not what we're looking for.
My main plan at the moment is to wait for the ultimate pack, do some testing/tweaking to fit in additional mods (Mo' Creatures is high on my list, ICBM mod as well but impossible before I get a decent NoLagg plugin) and then let it loose. Give us like a week or so after the ultimate pack is released and this should be good to go. =)
please no mo'creatures, I hate it so much.
Quarry config is basically editing the forgechunkloading config file to only allow chunk loading tickets from buildcraft to have a max size of 1. It doesnt touch any of the other mods.
And by limiting mystcraft world creation, you can no longer get stuck in a new world. Gravitygun and inventorytweaks should be added too btw.
I've also noticed that the more mods are implemented, the more exploits exist regarding infinite power etc. Not sure how much power converters is needed with all these new mods. The problem with basing transformers on coal is that different mods have different power scaling.
On December 26 2012 00:15 BLinD-RawR wrote: please no mo'creatures, I hate it so much.
and especially this guy:\
Any updates on this? Been out of the loop over christmas!
1.4.6 mods are out, redpower and thaumcraft are out, just waiting for the ultimate pack to be released, change some settings/configs, add/remove some mods then we're good to go.
And viral is teasing us with his image which wont load!
On December 29 2012 08:58 Aixler wrote: 1.4.6 mods are out, redpower and thaumcraft are out, just waiting for the ultimate pack to be released, change some settings/configs, add/remove some mods then we're good to go.
And viral is teasing us with his image which wont load! Rehosted it for you
Hopefully the tech pack will be out this monday, with most of the mods we want. Ultimate pack taking forever, no eta or mods included is known...