And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target, but people are actually relying on his video for information. You don't quote the enquirer, why quote a TB video like that?
I would really like an honest review from someone that actually pays the game in a non-biased manner. Non-biased probably isn't going to happen because of all the pr blunders, but I hope an ign style review comes out for people to point to.
On December 21 2012 10:06 Risen wrote: And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target, but people are actually relying on his video for information. You don't quote the enquirer, why quote a TB video like that?
I would really like an honest review from someone that actually pays the game in a non-biased manner. Non-biased probably isn't going to happen because of all the pr blunders, but I hope an ign style review comes out for people to point to.
Note: ign-style, not from ign.
Because in TBs video I can see him walking around and interacting with the environment of WarZ. And it is boring as hell.
I saw a post about the size of the only availible map is about 10-50 sqm compared to the advertised 100-400sqm. Then I compare TBs movement on the minimap compared to DayZ and come to the conclusion that the WarZ environment ist not an open world but more like a large map. The DayZ environment feels more realistic than die WarZ one.
When I walk around in DayZ there are many small villages, small houses with possible (low level) item locations and some high level areas mixed in. The WarZ environment just looks bad; the trees are big but there are very few. In DayZ there are many trees but they are of normal size, like I would expect.
In DayZ I can stand on the top of a hill and look far into the valley, in WarZ (streams) I didn't see such an open field yet.
On December 20 2012 08:24 3Form wrote: I watched the first 20 mins on TB's video on this and honestly I had to turn off as I didn't feel he was approaching the game objectively, seemed his judgement was already predetermined. He also seemed to be doing stupid stuff like running into hordes of zombies and then berating the game when he died.
I agree. He even outright admitted he went into it expecting it to be bad. The thing I disliked most is how he missed really obvious stuff, and complained about things not even worth complaining about.
I mean, at one point he goes "you'd think there'd be thirst or hunger mechanics in a survival game, but nope", meanwhile I noticed the hunger and thirst bars, right beside the health bar, moments after looking at the UI.
K, good job noticing something as a spectator rather than as a player, but not noticing the correction soon after.
The game fucking sucks. A technical mess dishonestly represented by the developers and sold far too early. You can split hairs over the issue of "objectivity" til the end of time but the fact remains, it's not a finished game and many aspects of it are objectively awful.
Don't recall ever saying I supported the game, I said the guy was bad at reviewing. Way to just ignore my actual point.
On December 20 2012 08:24 3Form wrote: I watched the first 20 mins on TB's video on this and honestly I had to turn off as I didn't feel he was approaching the game objectively, seemed his judgement was already predetermined. He also seemed to be doing stupid stuff like running into hordes of zombies and then berating the game when he died.
I agree. He even outright admitted he went into it expecting it to be bad. The thing I disliked most is how he missed really obvious stuff, and complained about things not even worth complaining about.
I mean, at one point he goes "you'd think there'd be thirst or hunger mechanics in a survival game, but nope", meanwhile I noticed the hunger and thirst bars, right beside the health bar, moments after looking at the UI.
K, good job noticing something as a spectator rather than as a player, but not noticing the correction soon after.
The game fucking sucks. A technical mess dishonestly represented by the developers and sold far too early. You can split hairs over the issue of "objectivity" til the end of time but the fact remains, it's not a finished game and many aspects of it are objectively awful.
Don't recall ever saying I supported the game, I said the guy was bad at reviewing. Way to just ignore my actual point.
On December 21 2012 10:06 Risen wrote: And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target, but people are actually relying on his video for information. You don't quote the enquirer, why quote a TB video like that?
I would really like an honest review from someone that actually pays the game in a non-biased manner. Non-biased probably isn't going to happen because of all the pr blunders, but I hope an ign style review comes out for people to point to.
Note: ign-style, not from ign.
It's hard to stay unbiased when the game is clearly lying about the product, and having an absolutely ridiculous monetisation scheme. Also, TB doesn't review games, he did with War Z what he does with all his other videos; first impressions.
No sane reviewer is going to defend/review this game because there's nothing to defend/review. It's shit. Thank god I decided to watch some streams before buying it. The screenshots looked nice, but the real game is nothing like.
On December 21 2012 10:06 Risen wrote: And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target, but people are actually relying on his video for information. You don't quote the enquirer, why quote a TB video like that?
I would really like an honest review from someone that actually pays the game in a non-biased manner. Non-biased probably isn't going to happen because of all the pr blunders, but I hope an ign style review comes out for people to point to.
Note: ign-style, not from ign.
It's hard to stay unbiased when the game is clearly lying about the product, and having an absolutely ridiculous monetisation scheme. Also, TB doesn't review games, he did with War Z what he does with all his other videos; first impressions.
Tbh the only reason TB made this video is because he's on a crusade against Steam. I've heard him bashing steam for games having a hard time getting on it. I've heard him bash it for how some bad games have gotten on it. Heard him bash it because it offers alot of great deals so alot more people will use it. I've heard him bash it for so many things i don't even remember half of it.
War Z just happens to have this stigma about it and all the controversy so he took the warz train so he could go with the 'Steam is so bad and it's all their fault!' angle.
And something related to War Z, haven't tried it yet. Looked into it abit but thought it could be a super quick dayz lookey-likey to ride that wave and get some money. Got alittle bit iffy about it looked into the game some more, it seems kinda interesting. But not as it is right now, going to wait and see if it actually makes any progress and might pick it up in the future.
No sane reviewer is going to defend/review this game because there's nothing to defend/review. It's shit. Thank god I decided to watch some streams before buying it. The screenshots looked nice, but the real game is nothing like.
AGAIN TB haters pop into this thread calling his videos reviews.
Its not a review it never has been and everything he has said about the game is factual and valid.. please TB Haters get a life
this issue is about a horrible dev lying about a bad game ripping people off and having illegal business pratices.. TB was just nice enough to point these douchebag devs out to everyone..
So please stay on the issue and take your TB hate elsewhere
On December 21 2012 12:09 Jepsyn wrote: AGAIN TB haters pop into this thread calling his videos reviews.
Its not a review it never has been and everything he has said about the game is factual and valid.. please TB Haters get a life
this issue is about a horrible dev lying about a bad game ripping people off and having illegal business pratices.. TB was just nice enough to point these douchebag devs out to everyone..
So please stay on the issue and take your TB hate elsewhere
I had never seen him before that video, nor would I care enough about him to actively hate him lol. Seems like you're pretty obsessed with the guy though.
Its pretty unbelievable whats happening there... They can claim whatever they want, that their game was in development for x amount of time, that their not doing all the stuff they get accused of.
but you can see how crappy the game is and how scammy the business model is. There is proof that they deceive their customers and are plagiarizing content. LoL Eula, all those pictures.. thats just the tip of the iceberg. when you see how that game is designed.. you clearly can tell that everything is a rip-off. They lied so much, i dont believe a single word.
Its pretty sad because that makes indy games and the industry look really bad. Despite there are so many cool indy games like chivalry or minecraft that are really awesome and worth it. Stuff like this makes it harder to be successful for this way of producing games, because you cant really trust what you see even on steam pages..
Just gonna say, I find it rather humorous that people keep focusing on how TB viewed the game but never spent a single sentence to discuss the things he brought up. It's always "Oh that wasn't a fair way to approach the game" or "STOP HATING ON HIM HES MY FAVORITE YOUTUBER" or just talking about the production of the video or what color tie he was wearing but nothing talking about what he actually said. In fact, about 90% of the discussion on that video happens to be that people are saying he's biased. I mean look at these quotes
And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target
I would really like an honest review from someone that actually pays the game in a non-biased manner.
Tbh the only reason TB made this video is because he's on a crusade against Steam
Nothing talking about the content of the video or refuting any of his complaints. Just criticizing the creator itself or taking the attention away from the actual content as much as possible. Even pages back just to make sure I didn't miss any actual discussion on the content of the video. Just more rabbling about what's the difference between a "review" and "first impressions" and how TB is a mad hater and a lot of bias. If there's actually a well developed post discussing the points made in that TB video, whether for or against, I'd love to see it because I sure as hell can't find it.
But man, this is just a prime example of why I don't buy into hype and wait at least a week before buying a new game.
On December 21 2012 14:16 Fruscainte wrote: Just gonna say, I find it rather humorous that people keep focusing on how TB viewed the game but never spent a single sentence to discuss the things he brought up. It's always "Oh that wasn't a fair way to approach the game" or "STOP HATING ON HIM HES MY FAVORITE YOUTUBER" or just talking about the production of the video or what color tie he was wearing but nothing talking about what he actually said. In fact, about 90% of the discussion on that video happens to be that people are saying he's biased. I mean look at these quotes
And you can tell from a horrible TB video. It's TB so I'm not surprised he did something enquirer level, he's gotta get those views to stay relevant and this was an easy target
Tbh the only reason TB made this video is because he's on a crusade against Steam
Nothing talking about the content of the video or refuting any of his complaints. Just criticizing the creator itself or taking the attention away from the actual content as much as possible. Even pages back just to make sure I didn't miss any actual discussion on the content of the video. Just more rabbling about what's the difference between a "review" and "first impressions" and how TB is a mad hater and a lot of bias. If there's actually a well developed post discussing the points made in that TB video, whether for or against, I'd love to see it because I sure as hell can't find it.
But man, this is just a prime example of why I don't buy into hype and wait at least a week before buying a new game.
The things I would do for a thumbs up button sometimes. Really, whether or not TB is biased is irrelevant if he brings up factual points, which he did. Don't dance around the fact that the game's graphics are shit, or that almost fucking everything in the game is ripped off of something else, or that its buggy as shit, or that the devs lied in many different ways about many different things to fucking everyone, or that the business model is completely BS. All that is pretty much fact. Discuss that, not TB.
Meh, just leave the thread if you haven't played the game. A bunch of uninformed idiots Riding TB's dick. Those of us who have actually played the game have talked about gameplay and other things, but you wouldn't know because you haven't actually read the thread beyond your tough guy Internet crusade.
On December 22 2012 00:30 Risen wrote: Meh, just leave the thread if you haven't played the game. A bunch of uninformed idiots Riding TB's dick. Those of us who have actually played the game have talked about gameplay and other things, but you wouldn't know because you haven't actually read the thread beyond your tough guy Internet crusade.
I'm not willing to pay for a dirty moneygrab that goes in your face and right out lies to you about pretty much everything and then comes up with a bullshit PR move.
On December 22 2012 00:30 Risen wrote: Meh, just leave the thread if you haven't played the game. A bunch of uninformed idiots Riding TB's dick. Those of us who have actually played the game have talked about gameplay and other things, but you wouldn't know because you haven't actually read the thread beyond your tough guy Internet crusade.
I'm not willing to pay for a dirty moneygrab that goes in your face and right out lies to you about pretty much everything and then comes up with a bullshit PR move.
then what are you doing here, in a thread for people that have the game? You might as well post on youtube, I think that audience is more suited to what you are able to write.
On December 22 2012 00:30 Risen wrote: Meh, just leave the thread if you haven't played the game. A bunch of uninformed idiots Riding TB's dick. Those of us who have actually played the game have talked about gameplay and other things, but you wouldn't know because you haven't actually read the thread beyond your tough guy Internet crusade.
I'm not willing to pay for a dirty moneygrab that goes in your face and right out lies to you about pretty much everything and then comes up with a bullshit PR move.
then what are you doing here, in a thread for people that have the game? You might as well post on youtube, I think that audience is more suited to what you are able to write.
No matter how much you want to kick scream and cry about it, the negative PR about this game (outright lying about features, adding the 4 hour respawn with 50 cent instant respawner, horrendous interview with Sergei, "100-400sq. km maps" turning out to be a single 10sq. km map) IS game discussion and SHOULD be here. Just because you don't like what someone is saying doesn't mean they need get out.
But I hardly know much about this game than anyone else does, I only know enough that I wouldn't trust these devs with a cent of my money and refuse to support this kind of business practice. It looks kind of fun though, which is kind of sad but meh. I don't think anyone here is honestly saying this game isn't fun or doesn't look fun. It's all the bullshit that makes it a pain in the ass to enjoy the actual gameplay that I think is the topic at hand here.
Correct me if I'm mistaken though. I don't think anyone here for a second "wanted" this game to fail or is actively seeking to show this game in a negative light for epic trolling! purposes. I think people are just genuinely upset about this entire fiasco. And instead of just insulting the people bringing up these points, why not just make a post clearing them up? If TB is just such a biased hater, go take his major points in his video that he brought up about gameplay and discuss it instead of just raving about how it wasn't a review or how biased he is or how we're all riding his cock or whatever.
I'm getting too invested in a game I don't even play though, and I think I've laid out everything I reasonably can without playing this game myself.