On September 15 2012 22:31 cheeseosaur wrote: What's the average playtime of for this game or recommended?
During the summer when it was at its biggest i played like atleast 70 hours a week but now like its down to like 2 - 4 hours a week cause there is not alot to do.
On September 17 2012 19:06 x-Catalyst wrote: I just got this, but it's so hard to start out. Any tips? I know this can be a really fun game, but I barely know the ropes
Do the ARMA 2 tutorial first to get the hang of the controls, then look through this thread for others who've asked the same question (its been asked tons of times but I cba to find it)
I used to think it was bullshit that you could step off a small height in DayZ and end up with a broken bone, unable to walk. Then it happened to me IRL a couple days ago, I stepped off a curb about 8 inches (~20 cm) and broke a bone in my foot cause I stepped on a small hard object. FML.
On September 19 2012 00:47 Zealotdriver wrote: I used to think it was bullshit that you could step off a small height in DayZ and end up with a broken bone, unable to walk. Then it happened to me IRL a couple days ago, I stepped off a curb about 8 inches (~20 cm) and broke a bone in my foot cause I stepped on a small hard object. FML.
i've been playing on midnight server since TL has little to no people at the times i play (10pm-2am PST) and it's still very fun, we get 20-35 people all day, active server, with a mod or two on 24/7. it's a private hive though, so hackers don't have access, they're very good about restarting when glitches happen, and they have an extra vehicle mod going so there's more than enough vehicles for people to y'know actually get around and do stuff. firefights in cherno and elektro are crazy as shit, and well, yeah this happened recently (no hacks, people found, repaired, and eventually engaged in dog fights).
I've gotten into huge exchanges with other players fighting over our cars lol.
the other day we had a caravan of 3 or 4 cars (a UAV, a URAL, a blue minivan (we called it the mystery machine), an SUV/Escalade) and we went up to devil's castle and found a bi-plane, we fueled it up best we could and tried to get it in the air, it did for about.... 10 seconds, then crashed, the crash attracted a team of 2 helis who came to try to take us down, needless to say, we almost took down 1 heli, but we lost all but our uav in the ensuing battle, with us suffering 3/7 deaths.
I have to say, finding and having a car, just to keep inventory, and able to get around to other places other than just cherno and elektro, makes the game way more fun.
this game was so fun untill it lost its mystery element now your better off playing normal arma2 as you get action faster and dont have to find loot to pvp ^_^
On September 21 2012 00:23 Kazeyonoma wrote: it's donors only right now, super active admins, but minimum donation of $5 or so unless you're a popular streamer.
How do I even try? I can't find a forum or anything else related to the server >.>
On September 21 2012 03:59 NeMeSiS3 wrote: do people still play this? Is it worth buying? (29.99)
People still play this, just not much on the TL server since the admins pretty much abandoned it. Since the distances are so great between stuff, vehicles are key and if the server admin doesn't take steps to make vehicles available, then you're gonna have a bad time.
The main owner of midnight server is daggerr on twitch.tv/daggerr you'll see a chipin. Put your donation there and pm daggerr. He gets you on the safelist and will send you pw info pretty quickly unless he's actively playing.
So i found a medical box filled with everything that you can believe, even weapons that are not implemented in dayz.is there any way i can destroy that box? the only solution i found is that i pitched two tents over the box, so that nobody has anymore access to it.
On September 21 2012 15:45 5c0rp10n wrote: So i found a medical box filled with everything that you can believe, even weapons that are not implemented in dayz.is there any way i can destroy that box? the only solution i found is that i pitched two tents over the box, so that nobody has anymore access to it.
So you found a hacked box that was camouflaged as a medical box. Why not take 5 satchel charges from inside the box and blow it up? it will probably be gone next time you login or something.