Playing a little Takistam atm, awesome map, authentic environment (aside from the zombie models), could see some awesome firefights playing out. I got completely lost on my first toon and I think I ended up on the edge of the debug zone before I started to slide off a steep grade and die.
Guys me and a friend found a very friendly, almost hacker free (cause there are like 5 admins online everytime) very friendly server that has global chat enabled so u know what is going on, and 50 vehicles for everyone to have a chance getting into a heli or w/e. if you guys wanna join search for (DE 776). hope to see ya there. and no mic is allowed on global chat.
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has reviewed DayZ on Zero Punctuation! Click me! It's as hilarious as always, and his experience with the game are quite similar to mine (and most everyone else's, I guess).
On September 13 2012 01:32 Conti wrote: Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has reviewed DayZ on Zero Punctuation! Click me! It's as hilarious as always, and his experience with the game are quite similar to mine (and most everyone else's, I guess).
hey I haven't played in about 2 months and I just wanted to know if the game got better. Is it still really glichty? Is it true you can't respawn as much as you want to pick a location? how do you guys like it overall? thanks!
On September 14 2012 02:13 InfectedGoat wrote: hey I haven't played in about 2 months and I just wanted to know if the game got better. Is it still really glichty? Is it true you can't respawn as much as you want to pick a location? how do you guys like it overall? thanks!
Aside from the fact that no one plays anymore, the game is ok with these exceptions:
- On server restarts vehicle gas tanks go to 0. - Tents not saving 100% of the time. - Hackers are still about, but seem rarer now.
On September 14 2012 02:13 InfectedGoat wrote: hey I haven't played in about 2 months and I just wanted to know if the game got better. Is it still really glichty? Is it true you can't respawn as much as you want to pick a location? how do you guys like it overall? thanks!
Yes. You can only respawn now if you die. This is easier than it sounds though, because you just need to run to the nearest city and die to zombies. If you happen to spawn near a lighthouse just climb to the top and jump off
had a ton of fun with friends on takistan, until random satchel bombs just started going off everywhere.
seriously, the bugs, all that stuff, i can deal with cuz it's an alpha, but the hackers. goddamnit it ruins the game. i can learn to not step near certain cliffs. losing items tents vehicles suck but you can get them again, and even now the biggest bug is just losing fuel, not the worst. even random clipping isn't that terrible. but playing for HOURS as safe as possible, finally securing yourself the things you need to actually DO STUFF like hunt, rescue, get cars, etc... only to have some dumb script kidding, teleport everyone to an island and blow everyone up... that's fucking stupid as shit. so mad -_-'
Eh, I don't really like the 'Hunger Games' format for a DayZ tournament, but at least something is going on esports wise
That is a genius idea however occasionally it would depend on luck if it was free-for-all (I assume that's what Hunger Games was about) so a 4 3-4 person teams would be great.