On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw.
That's a thing?
On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing?
Apparently to some people it is.
Story time...
Somewhat long, I broke it down into spoilered parts. Enjoy =p
Part 1: A mundane task.
+ Show Spoiler +As I was launching Day Z, I thought it would be a night of boredom coupled with a copious amount of running. I had been playing solo for quite some time and had set up a tent and was doing somewhat well for myself. I didn't have any "high-end" gear or anything like that, just a CZ550 and the standard 1911 sidearm. A friend of mine had began to play a week earlier and we decided to setup a camp/base. So on this night, since I didn't have much time to play, I was simply going to ferry some items from my original tent, to our new camp. "This'll be fun" I sarcastically thought to myself. I logged on and made for my tent and grabbed the more high value items, which weren't really high value at all, but they would be the first items someone would steal if they encountered my tent. I had wanted to move my tent for a while as someone had already stolen an M107 out of it a week prior. This would probably be the first of two to three trips to move everything I had scavenged.
While running to our new camp, I come across a crash site. Being the optimist that I am, I muttered to myself, "Meh, some other pricks probably picked it clean". I really didn't feel like checking it out, I wanted to get this tedious, ferrying shit over with so it'd be done and over with. I decided to pass it up and continue on my way. "God damn it...", I couldn't leave it. I just couldn't. After leaving it 300 meters behind me, I turn around head back to it. On my way back, the whole time I'm thinking to myself, "Curiosity killed the cat... guess who the cat is, moron" along with other cheerful and encouraging thoughts. I make my way out to it and the first item I find in the grass is a bandage. "Perfect, just what I was looking for..". Then I found something that actually made me feel weird, I think most people call it happiness. After the celebration of finding the long lost bandage, I managed to find a DMR with a couple mags. "Now all I need are some damn NVG's to go with this". Ten seconds later I found a some NVG's.
15 minutes later...
I'm running through the forest with my NVG's on and my DMR equipped when I stumble upon a lone tent, which I never would have seen if not for the newfound vision of the night. Considering the number of lone tents I've found and how not one has ever had anything worth taking, I was feeling really confident this particular one would be a gold mine. "Hopefully it has an Enfield in it!" I thought. I sit back for a bit and look around to make sure it's not a trap, then I head in. To my surprise, there actually was good good stuff in it: AS50, DMR, MP5SD, plenty of mags for all and two GPS. I put some of the useless shit from my tent in there and put the AS50 in my bag, along with a few more DMR mags and the GPS. My buddy and I returned to this tent to get the DMR and the other GPS that was there along with some more mags.
My mundane task had turned out to be the most lucrative 2 hours of my Day Z playtime.
Part 2: The Grassy Knoll.
+ Show Spoiler +The events here took place the night after Part 1.
It was a Friday night and I could finally ruin my sleep schedule and stay up until 5am playing computer games. My friend had some stupid luck while I was at work and found three more tents to go with our original three. So now we had six tents and only two were in use. What the hell were we going to do with the other four? My friend, being the genius that he is, suggests we check the factory to the North of Dolina for car parts. This way if we ever found a vehicle we would be prepared to repair and/or maintain it. It was the beginning of dusk when we departed from our camp, and it was going to be a pretty long journey to get there. So I brought my newfound AS50 and put my DMR in my backpack. If night were to fall upon us, I would switch to the DMR to use with my NVG's, keke.
~1 hour later.
We checked the factory, I provided cover as my friend looted it. We found some engine parts and a tire. A pretty good run I thought, as it's not often you set out to look for something specific and actually find it. We decide to hit all the deerstands on the way back to our camp, of course finding nothing of value. While on the home stretch back to our camp, we chatted like a couple of jogging buddies would IRL. The conversation took a turn for the worst, as we began to debate who would win in a race, Kit from Knight Rider, or the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard. In the middle of my most important point in the debate, we were leaving a forest and entered a wide open field. It was dark out, not pitch black, but a clear, dark night. The field we had entered had a slight slope downard, towards a road, which on the other side had about 70-80m of grass before another forest began. Just as I'm explaining why Kit would lose to the General Lee, it happened...
"What the fuck is that?" my friend says. "Car coming from the South, prone, prone, prone." I reply. We both prone in absolute terror. We wait as the constant roar of this demonic machine races towards us. While we were prone in the grass, the slope down to the road was such that we would be visible to someone actively looking. Finally we get eyes on the car as it approaches. About ~125m from us it stops for what seems like an eternity. "What the fuck are they stopping for?", "Did they just let someone out?!", "I wonder if they can see us?". The car stopped for about 15 seconds and then began it's northern ascent. "I'm going to shoot out their tires" my friend says. "Don't do it, we don't know how many-" BOOMBOOMBOOM, my soul shudders as I hear DMR rounds going off 10m behind me. The car makes it behind a ridge and we lose sight. Not long after that, we can't hear it anymore either.
We laid there in our spots for 3-4 minutes. Looking, listening, trembling. What I thought was terror, was actually pure excitement. Nothing had even happened and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I told my friend to stay put as I scout ahead. Since I had night vision, it made sense that I should be the one to scout ahead. I look around for approximately 7-8 minutes and I don't see or hear a thing. I call for my companion to move up and cross the road. I cross over it and run about 20m when I spot someone in the forest. "PLAYER, PLAYER, PLAYER!!" I yell over Skype. I go to scope him... utter darkness. A series of cracks later, I was dead. I knew my mistake instantly. After nightfall, I never swapped out my AS50 for the DMR in my backpack. I have no idea how much time passed after I saw the player and actually was shot and killed, but I remember clearly that I had spotted them, scoped them and thought, "OH SHIT, I FUCKED UP", opened my bag and as I swapped the two I was fired upon and killed. That's easily 4-5 seconds if not longer. If only I had my DMR equipped, easy kill would have been easy. I tend to rage a bit when I get killed in any FPS game where I make a stupid mistake like I did here, but there's something about Day Z. I didn't rage at all, I was ecstatic and happy. Despite losing an AS50, DMR and a pair of NVG's that I found less than twenty-four hours prior, the fact that this game brought on such stress and actually made me feel something, is amazing.
I tell my friend to run to this ridge overlooking where I died and tell him a general area of where to look for my body, since they would definitely try to loot it. He does so, but his visibility is quite poor so he's not exactly sure where he's looking. Meanwhile, I had respawned and was looking for m4dl3wtZ in Cherno. "OH SHIT, I SEE HIM I SEE HIM" my friend screams, shortly followed by, "I lost him (sadface)". Then "I hear their car" he says over Skype. Shortly after I hear basically an entire mag of DMR rounds being discharged, since he plays his audio over speakers I can catch his game sound sometimes. He managed to disable their car, chase one of them before being flanked and killed by a second and possibly third player. We were playing on a server hosted by a clan. Apparently this car was full of their members all of which had NVG's.
While losing all of our recently acquired high-end gear was disheartening, we were both optimistic and actually happy about the encounter. The fact that you can go from casually running through a forest to omfgwtf intensity is pretty unique and exciting. As we were running back to our camp after respawning, we of course went through all of our mistakes which were so glaring and obvious in hind-sight and we also began to ponder what the hell a car full of players, with high-end gear were doing in the middle of no where, heading towards nothing of value to them.
Part 3: A mission from God.
+ Show Spoiler +As we were heading back to our tents, after looting a couple cities and towns for basic survival gear, we came to the only possible scenario for the these players we encountered. "Where we were and where they were heading, there's absolutely nothing of value to them. They MUST have been heading back to their camp!" After about an hour of running north, through various villages and cities, we made it back to camp and grabbed some of the gear we had stockpiled. From our camp, we decided to head back to where we died to see if our bodies would still be there and see if they actually looted us in the slight chance that I might be able to get my gear back. We found our bodies and they definitely looted us, but they left GPS's on both of us and only took the NVG's, AS50 and DMR's. Then we made due north for the forest and seperated in order to cover more ground. It was 12:30am and I had planned to go bed at 1am. But we were on a mission. A mission from god( blues brothers keke). After about an hour and half and finding multiple solo and duo tents without much in them, we were beginning to lose hope. I had been awake for 20 hours and worked 10 hours out of that. I couldn't stay awake much longer. My buddy had been on all day and was just generally getting tired, since he's 2 hours ahead of me and it was 4am for him. ~20-30 minutes later, "Oh shit, I see like five tents" he says. The anticipation of what's inside them gives me a bit of a boost. "Bleh, they're all empty", he says, dashing any hopes I had just conjured up...
Part 4: The Heist.
+ Show Spoiler +"Dude... get here... NOW!!" he says. He gives me his map coordinates and I begin heading to his location. I ask him multiple times what's up and why I need to get there with such urgency. All of my inquiries go without answer. As I am heading there, I spot the previously mentioned five tents with nothing in them. They were on a hillside and the coordinates he had given me were on the other side of the hill. So I continue up and up and over the hill until I'm looking down into a bit of a valley between two hills. It was like a recreation of hooverville in central park during the Great Depression. There had to have been 40-50 tents scattered everywhere across this valley. M107's, AS50's, FN FAL's, M4A3 CCO'S, DMR'S, Coyote Backpacks, NVG'S, you name it, they had it. We stole ALL of it.
On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw.
I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck.
On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing?
It's a thing on Reddit.
28079 Posts
On July 28 2012 16:11 xXdom wrote:Story time... Somewhat long, I broke it down into spoilered parts. Enjoy =p Part 1: A mundane task. + Show Spoiler +As I was launching Day Z, I thought it would be a night of boredom coupled with a copious amount of running. I had been playing solo for quite some time and had set up a tent and was doing somewhat well for myself. I didn't have any "high-end" gear or anything like that, just a CZ550 and the standard 1911 sidearm. A friend of mine had began to play a week earlier and we decided to setup a camp/base. So on this night, since I didn't have much time to play, I was simply going to ferry some items from my original tent, to our new camp. "This'll be fun" I sarcastically thought to myself. I logged on and made for my tent and grabbed the more high value items, which weren't really high value at all, but they would be the first items someone would steal if they encountered my tent. I had wanted to move my tent for a while as someone had already stolen an M107 out of it a week prior. This would probably be the first of two to three trips to move everything I had scavenged.
While running to our new camp, I come across a crash site. Being the optimist that I am, I muttered to myself, "Meh, some other pricks probably picked it clean". I really didn't feel like checking it out, I wanted to get this tedious, ferrying shit over with so it'd be done and over with. I decided to pass it up and continue on my way. "God damn it...", I couldn't leave it. I just couldn't. After leaving it 300 meters behind me, I turn around head back to it. On my way back, the whole time I'm thinking to myself, "Curiosity killed the cat... guess who the cat is, moron" along with other cheerful and encouraging thoughts. I make my way out to it and the first item I find in the grass is a bandage. "Perfect, just what I was looking for..". Then I found something that actually made me feel weird, I think most people call it happiness. After the celebration of finding the long lost bandage, I managed to find a DMR with a couple mags. "Now all I need are some damn NVG's to go with this". Ten seconds later I found a some NVG's.
15 minutes later...
I'm running through the forest with my NVG's on and my DMR equipped when I stumble upon a lone tent, which I never would have seen if not for the newfound vision of the night. Considering the number of lone tents I've found and how not one has ever had anything worth taking, I was feeling really confident this particular one would be a gold mine. "Hopefully it has an Enfield in it!" I thought. I sit back for a bit and look around to make sure it's not a trap, then I head in. To my surprise, there actually was good good stuff in it: AS50, DMR, MP5SD, plenty of mags for all and two GPS. I put some of the useless shit from my tent in there and put the AS50 in my bag, along with a few more DMR mags and the GPS. My buddy and I returned to this tent to get the DMR and the other GPS that was there along with some more mags.
My mundane task had turned out to be the most lucrative 2 hours of my Day Z playtime. Part 2: The Grassy Knoll. + Show Spoiler +The events here took place the night after Part 1.
It was a Friday night and I could finally ruin my sleep schedule and stay up until 5am playing computer games. My friend had some stupid luck while I was at work and found three more tents to go with our original three. So now we had six tents and only two were in use. What the hell were we going to do with the other four? My friend, being the genius that he is, suggests we check the factory to the North of Dolina for car parts. This way if we ever found a vehicle we would be prepared to repair and/or maintain it. It was the beginning of dusk when we departed from our camp, and it was going to be a pretty long journey to get there. So I brought my newfound AS50 and put my DMR in my backpack. If night were to fall upon us, I would switch to the DMR to use with my NVG's, keke.
~1 hour later.
We checked the factory, I provided cover as my friend looted it. We found some engine parts and a tire. A pretty good run I thought, as it's not often you set out to look for something specific and actually find it. We decide to hit all the deerstands on the way back to our camp, of course finding nothing of value. While on the home stretch back to our camp, we chatted like a couple of jogging buddies would IRL. The conversation took a turn for the worst, as we began to debate who would win in a race, Kit from Knight Rider, or the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard. In the middle of my most important point in the debate, we were leaving a forest and entered a wide open field. It was dark out, not pitch black, but a clear, dark night. The field we had entered had a slight slope downard, towards a road, which on the other side had about 70-80m of grass before another forest began. Just as I'm explaining why Kit would lose to the General Lee, it happened...
"What the fuck is that?" my friend says. "Car coming from the South, prone, prone, prone." I reply. We both prone in absolute terror. We wait as the constant roar of this demonic machine races towards us. While we were prone in the grass, the slope down to the road was such that we would be visible to someone actively looking. Finally we get eyes on the car as it approaches. About ~125m from us it stops for what seems like an eternity. "What the fuck are they stopping for?", "Did they just let someone out?!", "I wonder if they can see us?". The car stopped for about 15 seconds and then began it's northern ascent. "I'm going to shoot out their tires" my friend says. "Don't do it, we don't know how many-" BOOMBOOMBOOM, my soul shudders as I hear DMR rounds going off 10m behind me. The car makes it behind a ridge and we lose sight. Not long after that, we can't hear it anymore either.
We laid there in our spots for 3-4 minutes. Looking, listening, trembling. What I thought was terror, was actually pure excitement. Nothing had even happened and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I told my friend to stay put as I scout ahead. Since I had night vision, it made sense that I should be the one to scout ahead. I look around for approximately 7-8 minutes and I don't see or hear a thing. I call for my companion to move up and cross the road. I cross over it and run about 20m when I spot someone in the forest. "PLAYER, PLAYER, PLAYER!!" I yell over Skype. I go to scope him... utter darkness. A series of cracks later, I was dead. I knew my mistake instantly. After nightfall, I never swapped out my AS50 for the DMR in my backpack. I have no idea how much time passed after I saw the player and actually was shot and killed, but I remember clearly that I had spotted them, scoped them and thought, "OH SHIT, I FUCKED UP", opened my bag and as I swapped the two I was fired upon and killed. That's easily 4-5 seconds if not longer. If only I had my DMR equipped, easy kill would have been easy. I tend to rage a bit when I get killed in any FPS game where I make a stupid mistake like I did here, but there's something about Day Z. I didn't rage at all, I was ecstatic and happy. Despite losing an AS50, DMR and a pair of NVG's that I found less than twenty-four hours prior, the fact that this game brought on such stress and actually made me feel something, is amazing.
I tell my friend to run to this ridge overlooking where I died and tell him a general area of where to look for my body, since they would definitely try to loot it. He does so, but his visibility is quite poor so he's not exactly sure where he's looking. Meanwhile, I had respawned and was looking for m4dl3wtZ in Cherno. "OH SHIT, I SEE HIM I SEE HIM" my friend screams, shortly followed by, "I lost him (sadface)". Then "I hear their car" he says over Skype. Shortly after I hear basically an entire mag of DMR rounds being discharged, since he plays his audio over speakers I can catch his game sound sometimes. He managed to disable their car, chase one of them before being flanked and killed by a second and possibly third player. We were playing on a server hosted by a clan. Apparently this car was full of their members all of which had NVG's.
While losing all of our recently acquired high-end gear was disheartening, we were both optimistic and actually happy about the encounter. The fact that you can go from casually running through a forest to omfgwtf intensity is pretty unique and exciting. As we were running back to our camp after respawning, we of course went through all of our mistakes which were so glaring and obvious in hind-sight and we also began to ponder what the hell a car full of players, with high-end gear were doing in the middle of no where, heading towards nothing of value to them. Part 3: A mission from God. + Show Spoiler +As we were heading back to our tents, after looting a couple cities and towns for basic survival gear, we came to the only possible scenario for the these players we encountered. "Where we were and where they were heading, there's absolutely nothing of value to them. They MUST have been heading back to their camp!" After about an hour of running north, through various villages and cities, we made it back to camp and grabbed some of the gear we had stockpiled. From our camp, we decided to head back to where we died to see if our bodies would still be there and see if they actually looted us in the slight chance that I might be able to get my gear back. We found our bodies and they definitely looted us, but they left GPS's on both of us and only took the NVG's, AS50 and DMR's. Then we made due north for the forest and seperated in order to cover more ground. It was 12:30am and I had planned to go bed at 1am. But we were on a mission. A mission from god( blues brothers keke). After about an hour and half and finding multiple solo and duo tents without much in them, we were beginning to lose hope. I had been awake for 20 hours and worked 10 hours out of that. I couldn't stay awake much longer. My buddy had been on all day and was just generally getting tired, since he's 2 hours ahead of me and it was 4am for him. ~20-30 minutes later, "Oh shit, I see like five tents" he says. The anticipation of what's inside them gives me a bit of a boost. "Bleh, they're all empty", he says, dashing any hopes I had just conjured up... Part 4: The Heist. + Show Spoiler +"Dude... get here... NOW!!" he says. He gives me his map coordinates and I begin heading to his location. I ask him multiple times what's up and why I need to get there with such urgency. All of my inquiries go without answer. As I am heading there, I spot the previously mentioned five tents with nothing in them. They were on a hillside and the coordinates he had given me were on the other side of the hill. So I continue up and up and over the hill until I'm looking down into a bit of a valley between two hills. It was like a recreation of hooverville in central park during the Great Depression. There had to have been 40-50 tents scattered everywhere across this valley. M107's, AS50's, FN FAL's, M4A3 CCO'S, DMR'S, Coyote Backpacks, NVG'S, you name it, they had it. We stole ALL of it. Part 4 made me jealous
On July 28 2012 16:11 Shootemup. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck. Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing? It's a thing on Reddit.
Shrug, I've literally only had one positive experience from attempting to get on TS and play with people on there.
Just stop posting that you are welcome to new players etc.
You have your group and you don't like playing with new people. That's cool and totally understandable.
On July 28 2012 16:18 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 16:11 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck. On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing? It's a thing on Reddit. Shrug, I've literally only had one positive experience from attempting to get on TS and play with people on there. Just stop posting that you are welcome to new players etc. You have your group and you don't like playing with new people. That's cool and totally understandable.
There are some groups (most notably oZii/Maestrosc/Pick-Up-Group) who play in public channels most of the time, and will play with whomever. I have been burned multiple times by playing in public channels and so has my group (bK, tofu, Ghazi, The Bandage Bandits), so we don't tend to play in public channels as much, although I do see bK in them a good bit.
Just over halfway done with the downloads. Any tips for starting up? I'm watching youtube vids and read some stuff, but I haven't found something that says do X right when you enter the game.
On July 28 2012 16:18 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 16:11 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck. On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing? It's a thing on Reddit. Shrug, I've literally only had one positive experience from attempting to get on TS and play with people on there. Just stop posting that you are welcome to new players etc. You have your group and you don't like playing with new people. That's cool and totally understandable.
Someone inadvertently stated our camp location in TL TS general and it was very shortly after raided.
Another reminder why we stick to pw channels, it's not that TL isn't open to everyone, but some groups have sensitive information and need to keep comms to a minimum.
Side note (finally unbanned from posting a gif LOL): I've been playing ace recently, that shit is so awesome, so I haven't been on a lot
Hyrule18980 Posts
Well you're wrong because we play with new people quite often. In fact, we took Grizzby under our wing (he's only been playing for a few days).
We took in p4 a few days before that.
They took me in just 2 weeks (roughly) before then. We play with new people often.
What it seems like is that a few people seem to think we never do anything with anyone outside our group ever. But they can't seem to explain how our group adds someone new every other week.
The whole reason we started using a private channel (initially) is because there were 20 or 30 people all active and playing, in different groups, in the same channel. Sometimes not everyone was even on the TL server. When we add in the fact that our camp had, several times, been looted by others from the channel and you may see why we take privacy somewhat seriously.
28079 Posts
On July 28 2012 16:26 Bismillah wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 16:18 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 16:11 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck. On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing? It's a thing on Reddit. Shrug, I've literally only had one positive experience from attempting to get on TS and play with people on there. Just stop posting that you are welcome to new players etc. You have your group and you don't like playing with new people. That's cool and totally understandable. Someone inadvertently stated our camp location in TL TS general and it was very shortly after raided. Another reminder why we stick to pw channels, it's not that TL isn't open to everyone, but some groups have sensitive information and need to keep comms to a minimum. Side note (finally unbanned from posting a gif LOL): I've been playing ace recently, that shit is so awesome, so I haven't been on a lot Omfg i just realized you are ghazi from seeing your signature. I was like who the fuck is bismillah.
On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw.
You know, one person on TL acting a certain way doesn't mean everyone does. Also this guy you are quoting has like 200 posts hes relatively new and definitely wouldn't be considered a veteran of the website.
Not that I want to get involved in what happened but i'm just saying you shouldn't be aggressive about a whole community insulting them due to being annoyed by someone who is new to the community.
Unrelated to what I just said though, this game is freaking amazing. I was in a firefight on another server with a few friends, it lasted about 2-3 hours and it was adrenaline pumping the entire time.
Edit: I apologize for what I said, I had no basis for it and I was being stupid.
Hyrule18980 Posts
On July 28 2012 16:50 Kamikiri wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. You know, one person on TL acting a certain way doesn't mean everyone does. Also this guy you are quoting has like 200 posts hes relatively new and definitely wouldn't be considered a veteran of the website. Not that I want to get involved in what happened but i'm just saying you shouldn't be aggressive about a whole community insulting them due to being annoyed by someone who is new to the community. Unrelated to what I just said though, this game is freaking amazing. I was in a firefight on another server with a few friends, it lasted about 2-3 hours and it was adrenaline pumping the entire time. He registered before you, and if we are going by post count only I wouldn't count you as a veteran. Shoots has actually been involved with the community for a long while (with EVE, at least)
Response requested, install imminent.
Edit: I always love "veteran" chats. I'm of the opinion that if you haven't been around for like 4-5 years you're not really that much of a veteran. (I don't consider myself a vet)
28079 Posts
On July 28 2012 17:05 Risen wrote: Response requested, install imminent.
Edit: I always love "veteran" chats. I'm of the opinion that if you haven't been around for like 4-5 years you're not really that much of a veteran. (I don't consider myself a vet) Good luck with your first dayz character. I hope he lasts more than 10 minutes unlike mine.
As for the talk of tl veterans I agree that being around longer is more important than your amount of posts. I have been visiting TL almost daily since it started, but this account is only 3 or 4 years old and has a low post count.
On July 28 2012 16:18 imMUTAble787 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 16:11 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. I have seen people post numerous times saying that people who use private channels are jackasses who are just super paranoid. The truth of the matter is that passworded channels are the only thing that works, since anyone can get onto the TL TS there is no way to trust people unless I have played with them a lot/they have a lot of TL trust. There is also the problem where everyone tends to congregate in the same public channel, so TS becomes a complete clusterfuck. On July 28 2012 15:58 Risen wrote:On July 28 2012 15:49 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 14:00 Shootemup. wrote:On July 28 2012 09:25 imMUTAble787 wrote:On July 28 2012 08:53 TheEmulator wrote:On July 28 2012 08:42 Benjef wrote:On July 28 2012 05:55 TheEmulator wrote: Saw the red car again. Only one guy in it this time. I can't imagine that group of 5 parked it amazingly well. Some random guy probably found it. Did you ever find that guy in Novy earlier? We found him in the stary tents but he threw a smoke grenade and disconnected. that was me i was coming up through novy to help since you guys were sayin somethin about people taking a car but ya know you all run and hide in your pw protected channel because youre paranoid so its pretty much impossible to communicate things like that Wow what assholes, moving to a passworded channel to maintain opsec and to avoid completely shitted up coms. It's not like you can send PMs in TS or anything that give the person receiving them a tone to let them know you sent them a PM. Lol. Jackasses like you that feel compelled to comment on events that they have no first hand knowledge of are amusing. You're doing a great job of dispelling that whole stereotype of TLers being douches, btw. That's a thing? It's a thing on Reddit. Shrug, I've literally only had one positive experience from attempting to get on TS and play with people on there. Just stop posting that you are welcome to new players etc. You have your group and you don't like playing with new people. That's cool and totally understandable.
I would say they do a great job. I'm pretty new to the game and I've had no problem playing with the TL group. I'm having a great time playing on TS.
28079 Posts
By the way benjef, every time you talk on ts I think EGDemuslim is playing with us. You sound like him so much.
On July 28 2012 17:35 TheEmulator wrote: By the way benjef, every time you talk on ts I think EGDemuslim is playing with us. You sound like him so much. Ha damn. I should change my TS name then. I always thought he had more of an accent than me and a posher voice. xD.
I recieved my new mission in dayz life. (not TL server...just random US servers)
Today I log on and I'm like, half a click from NE airfield. I sit on a hill and watch as a few people get in fire fights and shit, I'm like...fuck going down there I'll just try and head further north and see if I can find anything decent in camps. I'm just strolling around when I catch a glimpse of something......I catch a glimpse of a bus in the trees. Nervously I head towards the bus, hoping that no-body is there. When I get down there....holy shit it was beautiful. A bus, Military jeep, white truck, shag wagon everything. So I raid what I could (I was on 8k health, and there were like 15 cooked steaks so stole and ate them all so I was back to 12k, and stole a DMR and like half a rack of toolbelt (GPS, COmpas, Entrenching tool and shit.) Then I just take one of the vehicles which was green on everything...which happened to be the white truck. I then buck it away from there in the truck and stumble upon a lone tent. I look in the tent to find nothing, but there was some morphine....so I took that and in its place dropped 5 uncooked steaks for the guy as a thank you. I then proceed to drive the vehicle down towards the coast, I end up going through Elektro and Cherno but there seemed to be nobody around. So next to the airfield spawn I dropped the car off (which still had a FAL with night vision, various ammos and toolbelt shit) then ran. I hope the next guy who spawns there is content with a good vehicle, with half a tank and spare wheels in it.
It was then I decided that my new goal in the game is to redistribute vehicles to noob spawn points. Dropping them down south and then making my way up north. Taking anything I want or need for myself, then dumping a car with decent goods on a spawn location. I hope that one day someone else will follow the mantra, and if I die I respawn with a vehicle and weapons. If not, I will continue to do the work for the good of the game!
On July 28 2012 17:56 OptimusYale wrote: I recieved my new mission in dayz life. (not TL server...just random US servers)
Today I log on and I'm like, half a click from NE airfield. I sit on a hill and watch as a few people get in fire fights and shit, I'm like...fuck going down there I'll just try and head further north and see if I can find anything decent in camps. I'm just strolling around when I catch a glimpse of something......I catch a glimpse of a bus in the trees. Nervously I head towards the bus, hoping that no-body is there. When I get down there....holy shit it was beautiful. A bus, Military jeep, white truck, shag wagon everything. So I raid what I could (I was on 8k health, and there were like 15 cooked steaks so stole and ate them all so I was back to 12k, and stole a DMR and like half a rack of toolbelt (GPS, COmpas, Entrenching tool and shit.) Then I just take one of the vehicles which was green on everything...which happened to be the white truck. I then buck it away from there in the truck and stumble upon a lone tent. I look in the tent to find nothing, but there was some morphine....so I took that and in its place dropped 5 uncooked steaks for the guy as a thank you. I then proceed to drive the vehicle down towards the coast, I end up going through Elektro and Cherno but there seemed to be nobody around. So next to the airfield spawn I dropped the car off (which still had a FAL with night vision, various ammos and toolbelt shit) then ran. I hope the next guy who spawns there is content with a good vehicle, with half a tank and spare wheels in it.
It was then I decided that my new goal in the game is to redistribute vehicles to noob spawn points. Dropping them down south and then making my way up north. Taking anything I want or need for myself, then dumping a car with decent goods on a spawn location. I hope that one day someone else will follow the mantra, and if I die I respawn with a vehicle and weapons. If not, I will continue to do the work for the good of the game!
Hero post!