On February 20 2012 23:55 Skilledblob wrote:Show nested quote +On February 20 2012 23:44 seRapH wrote:Has anyone tried to sneak their way into a Muslim Caliphate/Sultanate yet? I can swear fealty to them but can't seem to figure out a way to effectively convert myself to Sunni/Shiite. Thought it'd be interesting to play from their perspective  well if you can get into a caliphate you might be able to get a muslim court chaplain. He will be able to convert you people. Can't seem to be able to assign chaplains that aren't your religion. I managed to get my heir converted by sending him off to get tutored but when he came back fully aged he got converted by my chaplain shortly after -_-
On February 21 2012 01:09 seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On February 20 2012 23:55 Skilledblob wrote:On February 20 2012 23:44 seRapH wrote:Has anyone tried to sneak their way into a Muslim Caliphate/Sultanate yet? I can swear fealty to them but can't seem to figure out a way to effectively convert myself to Sunni/Shiite. Thought it'd be interesting to play from their perspective  well if you can get into a caliphate you might be able to get a muslim court chaplain. He will be able to convert you people. Can't seem to be able to assign chaplains that aren't your religion. I managed to get my heir converted by sending him off to get tutored but when he came back fully aged he got converted by my chaplain shortly after -_-
well then try again without a chaplain :D
I'm pretty damn sure your vassals will hate your guts for being a muslim ruler and will do their utmost to slap your shit.
But do report back with any developments, it's quite interesting.
On February 21 2012 01:22 beef42 wrote: I'm pretty damn sure your vassals will hate your guts for being a muslim ruler and will do their utmost to slap your shit.
But do report back with any developments, it's quite interesting. Yeah it's a shame you can't play as other religions or government types. I'd love to try out Muslim or Pagan or Orthodox factions.
I hope they add it in patches or expos!
you allready can play orthodox
On February 20 2012 19:41 Skilledblob wrote:Show nested quote +On February 20 2012 11:41 Talin wrote:Apparently half-brothers and half-sisters can marry. Time to recreate the Targaryens.  edit: whoops, or not -_- it did allow me to select them though. Well that's not very realistic. aunt and niece is the closest you can marry. But the chances are high that their children get the inbred debuff and possible some other bad debuffs Show nested quote +On February 20 2012 09:54 GGTeMpLaR wrote: Here's my finished Scotland game, couldn't quite unite all of England because I ran out of time and had some bad luck with chancellor failing to generate claims:
you can speed this up a lot when you find people with claims on your enemies provinces and then you invite them to your court and declare war. You can marry your great-granddaughter
It's kind of a shame to see the EU3 more or less dead, but it's awesome that this thread is thriving.
You guys should do a progressive game or something.
Woah my game just took a crazy turn. I finally conquered all of Ireland and was king in total control. Gave a few duchies to my son, passed on the kingdom, he gave a few duchies to his heir, passed on the kingdom, and for about 60 years we peacefully worked on building infrastructure in grand island.
Then all of a sudden my king dies. His heir takes over. Uh oh, no sons on this one! He's got... 4 daughters! Before I can even think about changing laws or looking for an heir, he dies too!
After all that work to unite Ireland, I'm in quite the pickle! I am now the eldest daughter of the old king, duchess of Munster, and future queen if Ireland. Unfortunately, my 3 sisters control three other duchies, and father's old marshal controls the last. Suddenly there's a 4-way sister fight to re-claim the throne of Ireland!
This gonna be good!
Byzantines (Empires and Large Kingdoms in general once you can stabilize and get a large dynasty) are ridiculous! They probably are a lot more challenging in a multiplayer where your vassals are capable of organizing, but as far as single player it's pretty much unstoppable. Once your first king dies in Byzantium you have a pretty damn difficult time holding it together because the heir has such shitty stats and everyone hates you, but if you survive another generation or two past the huge civil wars that ensue it just turns into this superpower that can constantly gobble up large duchies from all the surrounding heretics/infidels that give you Holy War causi belli.
My dynasty is pretty elite too, I always do matrilineal marry for my female dynasty members so that their children remain within the dynasty and for the males I pretty much marry them to either the 4-star diplomacy or 4-star steward profession in addition to one of the positive genetic traits so that later on all of the direct descendants should have a higher probability of inheriting those traits like strong/quick/genius/attractive etc. Always self-educate the highest ranking children as well, males getting preference, so that you get to choose which traits they are likely to get and for the others send them to one of my super-spouses that I had one of my kinsmen marry into to start building these pockets of self-sustaining duchies within the dynasty so that rule is easier.
The only risky moments once you get this stable dynasty spread throughout a decent portion of the empires duchies are when a king/queen dies in a bad time. Other than that you can pretty much imprison and put down any internal opposition that tries to rebel just because of how quickly you can pour units of 10,000 soldiers into their provinces that are capable of directly assaulting the holdings and forcing a surrender within a few months (it takes a lot more casualties but the manpower is pretty unmatched at this point in time).
The only way I can see the Byzantine Empire collapsing at this point is if the Mongolian invasion happens to coincide with a mini-civil war of some sort, but even then their chances are slim. I definitely believe the Muslims could use a little tweaking because the Byzantines usually end up like this when AI controlled anyways and never get taken out by the Turks like the historical outcome.
Essentially 100,000 troops and +40 income so able to hire another 10-20K worth of mercs + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8qK31.jpg?5325)
OOOOK So I did it 
1066 I chose to play as the count of Kakheti, and immediatly swore fealty to the Sunni Caliphate. I just married any random woman since I don't think religion is passed on through genes or marriage, so it shouldn't really matter.
What's important is to have your heir be educated by someone who's Sunni, and preferably Bedouin too. The latter is unnecessary, but lets you skip the part of using the intrigue action to convert to your liege's culture. Don't make the same mistake I did and resign your court chaplain as soon as your son gets back and pray to god (whichever you choose ohoho) he lives long enough to have children of his own. Now obviously every one of your vassals hate you for being an infidel. Fix this by either assassinating them, demanding they convert, or getting a really good muslim court chaplain. Alternatively you could let them rebel and then surrender to them and take them over later in a holy war 
What happens next: You get the holy war CB against all non-muslim states. Really useful. The leader of your religion is your caliphate, and AFAIK there's no way to get an Invasion CB. Be careful of the Byzantine and the crusades too, can really screw up your day. I was lucky enough to accomplish what I wanted while the Byzantine was engulfed in civil war. Becoming Caliph on the other hand is actually a lot harder than I thought it'd be. The way it'd work in the HRE is that you'd get yourself in the succession line and then could just assassinate your way up front, but the Caliphate's system is that it's inheireted by the strongest son. Yeah. If anyone figures out a way please inform ^^
If you guys want to be able to play a muslim/pagan/whatever, just click one of those shortly after clicking 'play' on the single player screen, as the screen is going dark.
On February 21 2012 11:54 Omsomsoms wrote: If you guys want to be able to play a muslim/pagan/whatever, just click one of those shortly after clicking 'play' on the single player screen, as the screen is going dark.
only works in the demo afaik
You can use the "play #" console command to play anyone in the full game.
Haha I'm loving this game.
I just had a 4-way cat fight for the throne of Ireland. My king died super young and then his son died literally 4 months afterward with no male heirs. He did however have 4 daughters. So I took over as the eldest daughter, and each of my sisters took another duchy. There's a 4-way brawl complete with assassination attempts and alliances. As soon as I came of age, I had my next eldest sister assassinated, and stripped titles from another. When she revolted, me and my last sister put her down, and she was executed. I'm the evil queen from hell!
With my dissenting sisters taken care of, and my last remaining sister a good servant, what to work on now... And my last sister can't live forever...
edit: And what's with the domestic issues in this game? Why do I always want to kill my spouse? All my kings wanted to kill their wives, and now my queen wants to kill her husband, even with 60+ relations! What kind of arguments are they gettin' into that I'm not aware of?? T_T
do you use Gavelkind inheritance law? And you dont have to do the ambitions
The killing your spouse thing just seems to be a default option for some weird reason, I can't think of a single character I didn't have that on.
What kind of succession do you guys use? I really can't see the downside of promogeniture, especially when it comes to 'assisting' in the inheritance of your brothers/wives/children.
I was playing as the king of Sweden, I need to get more comfterable with the game I think but I did quite well untill norway managed to occupy half of england and decided I was next. Got crushed by the norwegians as I had just spent 2/3 of my money on a grand tournament...
On February 21 2012 23:05 Omsomsoms wrote: What kind of succession do you guys use? I really can't see the downside of promogeniture, especially when it comes to 'assisting' in the inheritance of your brothers/wives/children.
Elective looks like the way to go for smaller realms at least. I basically get to put whoever I want on the throne as you can easily influence your vassal's voting, and the heir still gets everything.
Primogeniture seems the most limiting to me. The eldest kid might be totally useless (mine was a raving lunatic :D), and assassinations are rather costly and can fail. I like having a choice.
On February 21 2012 23:27 Talin wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 23:05 Omsomsoms wrote: What kind of succession do you guys use? I really can't see the downside of promogeniture, especially when it comes to 'assisting' in the inheritance of your brothers/wives/children. Elective looks like the way to go for smaller realms at least. I basically get to put whoever I want on the throne as you can easily influence your vassal's voting, and the heir still gets everything. Primogeniture seems the most limiting to me. The eldest kid might be totally useless (mine was a raving lunatic :D), and assassinations are rather costly and can fail. I like having a choice. 
i'm still unclear as to how elective works - so much so that i'm scared of changing to it and losing outright. how do you exactly make your vassals vote for someone? is it their relation with you, and thus voting as you do? or is it their relation with your heir? in which case, how do i control their relation with the heir?
i was playing on ulster, formed ireland and making inroads to scotland (they're pretty much down and defeated, and i have the claim on albany, just waiting to press it after an imminent succession). had been running primogeniture as soon as i could get to it, and had been lucky with two very well-traited kings. ireland now has 4th largest army in the known world (behind byzantine empire, HRE, and a muslim caliphate whose name escapes me) and my personal demesne gets me about 200 gold each year with no taxation on nobles and normal taxation everywhere else (though i think i can get away with more taxation, noble opinions of liege are all close to 100). i've tried to stay away from crusades though, since i see no real gain for a nation that's so far from the holy land, and the spanish provinces feel like they're just asking for trouble. my game is weird in that the muslims are the predominant force, and without the HRE nations crusading, they'd have completely overrun asia minor by 1100. the iberian peninsula is already all muslim, with castille holding about 3 provinces and a fragmented france with 3 more in the catalan region.
tldr, love this game.