dam was exploring leona when i came across this vid. sick
one habit i NEED to get rid of is thou when i get a nice clean oppurtunity to punish a ridiculously unsafe move with iori/shen i end up pressing f for cl.FP, f.A/B, and i always end up throwing them instead of a fatty combo. also happens when i input FP and press forward too fast, i still get throw somehow
also the kof play at the brazilian WPgame tournament was fantastic
If you’re wondering how all the characters in King of Fighters XIII stack up, three of North America’s best players are here to help you out. On his stream, The Answer sat down with LDA B.A.L.A. and LDA Romance as they analyzed all 36 characters, including the latest DLC characters Mr. Karate and NESTS Kyo. The three pros break with tier list tradition of a simple ranking, instead opting to place all the characters on a converted Nolan chart. If I’m reading their results right, most of the KoF cast believes strongly in personal freedoms, although Leona sticks to her extreme populist ideals.
wow i was learning her too and felt she was good too
i mean her IOH's are mean, v-slaher super is amazing, balltic launcher is an amazing AA, but i guess thats really it. she also seems only good to me as point/2nd, but never as anchor (i'm prolly talking out of my ass right now because i don't know any hd combos with her) i don't think she's the worst character then again i just started playing and i can't really say who is (and these guys are the best in US thus far so......)
entering my first kof13 tournament this weekend, going in with old iori/shen/goro team. if i had more time to practice would of placed leona or kim instead of shen, but i feel more confident with shen, despite the fact i like both leona/kim as a charcter more.
I asked my friend and he told me "She has one of the hardest HD combos, she gets beat out of many things with th exception of a couple air to air. They didnt buff her on the home version but nerfed her. But i still rock her and have fun with her."
This version is still fresh though so things can change here in the next few months. Since I got bodied last week I changed my team around a bit. Now I'm using Mature, K' and King. I feel really good with this team right now so I'm going to stick it out with them for awhile.
Now that people in my area are getting more used to her, it makes sense. The ball is deceptively bad, in that the active hitbox ends a decent bit before the ball fades off screen. Fear and ignorance were the only things making that tool really useful, as its too slow to use as a reactive AA and is punished really easily by just sweeps etc. Really most of her moves besides the D slasher are unsafe once people learn punishes.
Even as the worst character, she still has uses. The C version of the air super still goes absurdly far and the instant overheads are scary as long as she has meter. Her corner HD isn't very hard but her midscreen one is for sure =/
time to learn some top tiers (kyo, claw iori, benimaru)
If there's any random things you want me to talk about just post it up and I will if I can when I see it.
On January 10 2012 08:06 sung_moon wrote: one habit i NEED to get rid of is thou when i get a nice clean oppurtunity to punish a ridiculously unsafe move with iori/shen i end up pressing f for cl.FP, f.A/B, and i always end up throwing them instead of a fatty combo. also happens when i input FP and press forward too fast, i still get throw somehow
What happens is there's a buffer for throws, I don't remember the exact number of frames but let's say it's like 5. If you input C or D and input f or b within the 5 frames you'll still get a throw. just remember you have a ton of time to cancel your normal into the special you want. This buffer is a good thing in my opinion because it's easy to avoid getting accidental throws AND you can abuse it to run throw really easily. Traditionally run throw has been one of the hardest things for me to do in KOF and I couldn't get that down no matter how long I practiced it. However, in KOF 13 you can purposefully trigger that throw buffer to run throw easily. Try to run throw by running then pressing b+C and most likely it won't work if you hit back first. You can use your knowledge of this throw buffer and hit C first then tap b or f to get a throw.
On January 13 2012 08:41 Kingkosi wrote: It looks like Leona is considered the bottom of the barrel. Does anyone care to explain why since I don't use her?
Leona is considered awful pretty much because of what your friend said. I don't agree with her HD combo being hard but that maybe because I started SF off by being a charge character player and still am haha. Her biggest problem, in my opinion, is her lack of options. If you don't have her d~u+P charged what can you do when someone jumps or hops. If you have it charged, what can you do besides wait? Pressing any button or throwing out a move makes you lose your charge and the other dude is free to come in again.
Claw Iori cliff notes: all cr.B cr.A f+A can be replaced with cl.C f+A
corner bnbs cr.B cr.A f+AA qcb+AC qcb+A qcb+A dp+A (DC) qcb+B qcb+A qcf~hcb+P 2 bar 1 drive 535 damage 46 stun cr.B cr.A f+AA qcb+AC qcb+A qcb+A dp+A qcf~hcb+P 2 bar 464 damage 28 stun (preferred corner combo) cr.B cr.A f+AA dp+C qcb+A qcf~hcb+P/cl.C end in super for damage cl.C for reset.
command grab midscreen run dp+C qcf~hcb+P 1 bar 305 damage 6 stun run cl.C qcb+B (whiff) get mixup, more details later
command grab them into corner dp+C qcb+B qcb+A dp+A (DC) qcb+B qcb+A qcf~hcb+P 1 bar 1 drive 513 damage 39 stun dp+C qcb+B qcb+A dp+A qcf~hcb+P 1 bar 405 damage 18 stun
qcb+C is more or less safe on block and leads into super even midscreen, abuse it. Watch out for smart players who will GCAB your f+A and punish your qcb+C. Don't drive cancel unless they're in the corner it's not worth it midscreen. His HD deals a lot of damage but I don't remember what it is off the top of my head. Probably qcb+B (HDC) qcb+C loops or something.
hcf+P run up cl.C qcb+B is a good mixup if you don't want to spend bar for super. You can run up cl.C on the same side qcb+B and stay on the same side, run up cl.C qcb+B end up on the other side or run under cl.C qcb+B and stay on the same side. I think no matter which you pick you're +. Set up a meaty cr.B or cl.C and confirm or throw reset them again.
Press lots of st.D, st.B, cr.B and cl.C. Especially cl.C that's your go to anti air, anti hop, oh shit I need to mash something button. st.D is a very strong poke that hits a bit more than 1/4 of the screen. It has a good vertical hitbox and will slow down ground approach and hops. st.B is quick as hell and has an amazing reach making it almost as stupid as Kula's. It can't be cancelled into anything but it's still good for keeping the pressure up. cr.B is a fast low hitting move that shrinks Iori's hurtbox so you can actually use it as an anti air and hit confirm into a full combo. It's his main hit confirm chain starter. Some common strings are cr.B cr.A f+A or cr.B cl.B for the double low. Make sure you mix it up so you don't get GCAB punished for doing f+A every time. cl.C is your main punish starter. It's also a stupid good anti air/anti hop because of how fast it is and how vertical it hits.
need to be exposed to more shit, like dealing with saeki/ash zoning (i can't believe i flinched and jumped when he did yoga catastrophe and landed right when it slowed down), and hwa pressure. also need to change/improve my playstyle with goro. i feel like just sitting back being reactive with s.D, s.B and waiting for the opponent to jump isn't gonna cut it i feel. pretty much just play all or nothing once i feel desperate with goro, and fall into predictable/gimmicky patterns. i can only catch ppl with empty hop dp.K, empty hop c.LK dp.K, and fishing with antiair d/f.C HD combos for so long
as for the rest of my team (old iori/shen) i feel like i'm playing them correctly somewhat, but just need to improve on what i'm already doing. rogueyoshi eventually won the tournament with djhoushen (the mvc3 felicia/taskmaster/skrull player) placing 2nd. hopefully match videos of it will be uploaded and i can post em for everybody to critique/make fun of.
so yea. wasn't even sad 3s tournament was canceled or i was too late to enter AE this time. so glad i decided to get/play this game
@sung_moon when ever you get a chance post those vods up I always enjoy watching some KOF
@Demoninja So this weekend I've been using Mature/K'/King and by far my weakest character is K'. Do you have any advice on how to deal with pressure and maybe some HD combo's that you know of as well? I would appreciate it greatly.
I started working on the op again if there's anything people want me to cover in particular I'll make it a priority. At the moment I'm adding stuff as I think of it. Please read it and let me know what you guys think.
If that's the order you play you already made one smart choice most K' players didn't. In arcade K' was a monster battery but with the changes to K' he's definitely not a point anymore. K' has an amazing st.A for anti hop and a fairly good dp for reversals. A lot of KOF defense is just reading your opponent and knowing when to reversal and spend meter. I can give more tips if you have particular characters or moves that are giving you trouble.
His HD is probably like this now, cl.C (HD) cl.C (dp+A (HDC) qcb+D qcb+D whiff)xN.
To get damage you have to learn how to do dp+A (DC) qcf+C f+D. An example midscreen hit confirm would be cr.B cr.B qcf+AC f+D qcb+D qcb+D whiff dp+A (DC) qcf+C f+D qcb+D qcb+D whiff dp+C.
I'll expand it to something similar to what I wrote for Iori later.
Midscreen BnBs cr.B cr.B can be replaced by cl.C(2)
cl.C(1) qcf+A f+D qcb+D qcb+D whiff dp+A, if you want you can extend it with a drive.
Corner combos are the same as the punish combo just you have more ways to confirm it. You can get j.D cr.B cr.B cr.B into the punish combo or something I believe.
Yes that is exactly the order I use for my team, I like having Mature at point and King as my closer and I've been swapping characters in and out of that second spot. As far as characters giving me trouble I would say Benimaru, Kyo, Kenshou and Andy give me the most problems.
Xian of CCAsia will be doing a speedrun for the world record of every characters trials at http://www.twitch.tv/crosscounterasia. Zhi is also there commentating. Starts soon.
I just did some testing, sorry Kingkosi it seems the drive combos I told you were corner only. I'd still recommend you do cr.B cr.B qcf+AC f+B qcb+D qcb+D (whiff) dp+A as your main combo since it gives you at least 80% of the screen for corner carry. I'll get started on how those particular chars play in a bit.
I actually think Kensou and Andy play very similar roles on a team. They're both strong point characters who don't need meter but can spend it well. They can both play good fireball games and are just overall solid characters. Good fireballs, dps, and normals.
Midscreen BnBs:
st.B st.C cr.B rekkas This is pretty much the only combo I'd do midscreen.
Corner BnB:
any starter, rdp+BD (DC) qcb+P qcb+A qcf+A qcf+A qcf+A qcf+A rdp+B 1 meter 1 drive
Actually those are the only two combos I know with him and probably are the only ones you need haha
st.B st.C is his new target combo, you can't special cancel it but you can link a st.D or a cr.B after it, whichever is easier for you. st.B st.C is safe on block I believe and the first hit is a low so it's a good starter. cr.B is a strong move as well. It lowers his hurtbox a lot and you can probably use it to duck under some fraudulent jump ins. st.D is a decent anti hop normal i think, better than his st.A anyway. His sweep is decently fast and can be cancelled into fireball making it fairly safe. st.C is a decent mexican uppercut. st.B and cr.B and his super grab make it fairly easy for him to open someone up with strong high low throw mix ups.
His fireball is one of the fastest in the game and combined with the fact that he can duck under many other fireballs with cr.B lets him dominate in fireball wars. His dp is one of the best dps in the game considering how fast and how much invincibility it has. The motion itself is good seeing how he's blocking 2/3 of the time.