On August 14 2013 19:49 Rixxe wrote: Having just read through the 5.4 patch changes, what are they trying to do with Feral druids? Looks like they want to remove any and all skill involved in offhealing and PvP. Or they are doing what they said they wouldn't, which is making dps specs as similar as possible.
Well ferals are fucking op to fuck in arena right now though. I mean there CC is fkn insane, thats where the changes stem from isn't it? No instant casts available for NS healing or the Cyclone. Think thats what they did, they added another talent haven't they? And forcing ppl to use treant cc in arena which takes far more skill than just targeting someone and insta casting a cyclone XD Oh the balance from an NS Healing Touch healing for 300k+ is ridiculous xD
On August 14 2013 19:49 Rixxe wrote: Having just read through the 5.4 patch changes, what are they trying to do with Feral druids? Looks like they want to remove any and all skill involved in offhealing and PvP. Or they are doing what they said they wouldn't, which is making dps specs as similar as possible.
Well ferals are fucking op to fuck in arena right now though. I mean there CC is fkn insane, thats where the changes stem from isn't it? No instant casts available for NS healing or the Cyclone. Think thats what they did, they added another talent haven't they? And forcing ppl to use treant cc in arena which takes far more skill than just targeting someone and insta casting a cyclone XD Oh the balance from an NS Healing Touch healing for 300k+ is ridiculous xD
So the difference between all the other instant cast CC's in the game and cyclone is what? Honestly it was the only reliable form of CC a feral has bar a stun which requires combo points (or the talented one on a huge CD).
Having abilities like NS healing or cyclone is fun, they could just reduce the heal amount, or reduce the CC duration. But they would rather change loads of abilities and attempt to add some in, and then you find that some classes become Wooden Tier because all the 'new' abilities suck.
Using Treant CC is going to be 'far more skill', how? You mean they won't just auto target and run over to whoever you are currently clicking? Or no ones going to make a focus macro (like we have with Cyclone) that makes them attack/CC that target?
Imo Cyclone is by far the best cc in the game after Fear then Sheep, rest are pretty poor.
Treant CC is more skill because u have 3 to use at different times u dont pop all 3 at once u delay them and pop at different times no? And im pretty sure the nerf to feral is because it is by far the best spec for PvP over resto and boomkin. I beleive boomkin get a buff and such.
The nerf to feral is what the whole community said was needed even feral players, using sodapoppin as an example a guy who played feral for his whole wow life says feral is op and the best class right now and he is glad for the changes as to many ppl were rolling feral. Ferals have enough without the Insta cyclone or the ability to crit heal for 300k plus. IMO all the nerfs to feral are clearly justifiable and if you think not then i guess you have a different opinion to 90% of the community have to how op Feral is right now
Oh, don't tell me what i can't type on an internet forum please if a mod thinks i have to stop then he will ask me too, i haven't been told otherwise so i will add the odd swear word. Sorry if you don't like it but your the only one to complain
Question for you then, why is feral so 'op' now, and not in the previous patches/expansions? Same abilities (insta clone, NS, Heals), the reason is because of the AMOUNT of healing, dps and so forth. My point is if you scale back the numbers, they become just like a previous expansion in which feral was fun to play, and not 'op'.
Blizzard seem content to just remove/add abilities at will, without actually giving a thought to changing some numbers. You really think it's fun to play a class/spec and suddenly half the abilities are no longer avaliable or don't perform the same task?
I agree Blizzard might of gone about this the wrong i will give you that. They could of scaled down the time of an Insta cyclone for less and maybe make it cost something a bit extra, energy/mana etc i not sure the fundamentals of how to play a feral as i have never played one. But i do watch a feral stream everyday in Sodapoppin (he isn't rank 1 but has been before and does a lot of PvP) and pretty much the main problems i guess is like you say the scaling of the NS Healing is just ridiculous, add in the fact of the amount cooldowns u get you have a lot of ways not to die, heal yourself and continue to do monsterous dps. I guess scaling down the NS Heals would be better way, but removing NS from Boom and Feral is not that bad of a deal? You can still run behind a pilar and hard cast it or even cast a tranq. But still, it seems to be ok on PTR the changes, even though i agree just cutting down would of been easier option.
Also i think the reason why they are so fun to play is because they have ALOT of spells to use, which imo always makes a class more fun to use. Hunter is my favorite at the moment, there great. Hell even my ret paladin feels more fun than my frost mage.
Awesome trailer. I know you can't really do much for PvP in patches with lore and such, but wtf there is nothing about PvP in the patch notes or what they are bringing to game. Pet Battle area like an elite four pokemon style Timeless Zone = zone for PVE'ers to get gear and rep New Raid = PVE
No mention of PvP ;_; fml xD Oh well, guess i shouldn't of stopped raiding
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
On August 16 2013 00:40 Archvil3 wrote: Great looking trailer.
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
I think it's just Garrosh who is going crazy and trying kill all the Pandas, and questioning Thrall i think. That is the way my knowledge of this situation is, but im not into the lore that much xD
On August 16 2013 00:40 Archvil3 wrote: Great looking trailer.
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
There's been a civil war within the Horde following various events which have proven to pretty much everyone that Garrosh Hellscream has lost it.
Vol'Jin is leading the Horde rebels to retake Orgrimmar after the Alliance fleet amasses to support them.
So it's going to be a raid instance where we go and take down Garrosh as well as his Korkron Supporters and allies and the weapons he's amassed over the course of the expansion.
On August 16 2013 00:40 Archvil3 wrote: Great looking trailer.
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
There's been a civil war within the Horde following various events which have proven to pretty much everyone that Garrosh Hellscream has lost it.
Vol'Jin is leading the Horde rebels to retake Orgrimmar after the Alliance fleet amasses to support them.
So it's going to be a raid instance where we go and take down Garrosh as well as his Korkron Supporters and allies and the weapons he's amassed over the course of the expansion.
So in theory the last boss is going to be Hellscream and hopefully it will be as fun as fighting Lich King was, which imo was great fun. However i haven't PvE'd since start of Panda so im pretty much not going see it xD PvE takes to much time these days xD
On August 16 2013 00:40 Archvil3 wrote: Great looking trailer.
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
There's been a civil war within the Horde following various events which have proven to pretty much everyone that Garrosh Hellscream has lost it.
Vol'Jin is leading the Horde rebels to retake Orgrimmar after the Alliance fleet amasses to support them.
So it's going to be a raid instance where we go and take down Garrosh as well as his Korkron Supporters and allies and the weapons he's amassed over the course of the expansion.
So in theory the last boss is going to be Hellscream and hopefully it will be as fun as fighting Lich King was, which imo was great fun. However i haven't PvE'd since start of Panda so im pretty much not going see it xD PvE takes to much time these days xD
On August 16 2013 00:40 Archvil3 wrote: Great looking trailer.
I havent played WoW since before mists of pandaria so can someone give me a short recap of what is going on here. Is orgrimmar no longer the horde capital?
There's been a civil war within the Horde following various events which have proven to pretty much everyone that Garrosh Hellscream has lost it.
Vol'Jin is leading the Horde rebels to retake Orgrimmar after the Alliance fleet amasses to support them.
So it's going to be a raid instance where we go and take down Garrosh as well as his Korkron Supporters and allies and the weapons he's amassed over the course of the expansion.
So in theory the last boss is going to be Hellscream and hopefully it will be as fun as fighting Lich King was, which imo was great fun. However i haven't PvE'd since start of Panda so im pretty much not going see it xD PvE takes to much time these days xD
The last boss is indeed Garrosh Hellscream.
Also, there is always LFR
Lol very true but you don't really get the gist of the fight there, you just go OOO he looks cool, ooo nice purple loot. xD
I dont understand how Garrosh became so crazy, it seems kind of out of character but at the same time make sense. I mean his father went through the EXACT same thing and you would think that he would learn from his mistake. On the other hand, it is because he is the son of Grom, he is easily corrupted by power as well. So is there any sort of entity so far that has been claimed to corrupt Garrosh?
Isn't the reason behind Garrosh going mad due to the Sha corrupting things? Didn't they cloud his mind/judgement or is that me just reading into it to much?
On August 16 2013 18:13 Pandemona wrote: Isn't the reason behind Garrosh going mad due to the Sha corrupting things? Didn't they cloud his mind/judgement or is that me just reading into it to much?
It is, but he was already kind of crazy before the whole Sha thingy. I mean he killed Cairne (leader of the tauren) before he ever knew about Sha right?
True, true. Yeah he does cause the odd bit of controversy, will be interested to see if he is killed at the end of the expansion or whether he is just "sha ridden". Like the LK end cut scene where you have a Luke Skywalker and Aniken moment.
One nice thing they are adding in 5.4 is a new raid difficulty called Flex.
It lies between LFR and Normal difficulties and unlike other raid modes it scales with the number of players you bring.
So you can run 12-15 man raids no problem. Apparently the scaling stops around 25 people so you cant go and do things like 40 man Zerg raids (not that you'd want to considering modern boss mechanics.)
So it's a perfect difficulty for anyone that doesn't like the faceroll of LFR and is out of practice or otherwise doesn't want to do anything serious with a guild. Connected Realms feature should make it easier to pug if you're on low pop realms right now.
On August 16 2013 18:24 Vindicare605 wrote: One nice thing they are adding in 5.4 is a new raid difficulty called Flex.
It lies between LFR and Normal difficulties and unlike other raid modes it scales with the number of players you bring.
So you can run 12-15 man raids no problem. Apparently the scaling stops around 25 people so you cant go and do things like 40 man Zerg raids (not that you'd want to considering modern boss mechanics.)
So it's a perfect difficulty for anyone that doesn't like the faceroll of LFR and is out of practice or otherwise doesn't want to do anything serious with a guild. Connected Realms feature should make it easier to pug if you're on low pop realms right now.
Overall yea, 5.4 is going to kick ass.
Nice the only issue is the populated ones I mean due to the low pop realms, many people who could afford to do so have jumped ships to populated realms. Take Outland EU and Twisting Nether EU, both are "Full" and highly populated as they both are imbalanced as fuck PvP realms, TN is 95% Horde and Outland is like 70% Alliance or something. Outland queues at peak EU times are 15minutes plus, yet there are many servers that are just needless. They should merged them a long time again imo, then re open other servers when needed. But of course this is another discussion xD
5.4 indeed does look like a new way in which Blizzard are trying to go to keep people interested which is good, shows that it is way easier to fix than SC2, and they are better at fixing it XD All we need now is some sexy new expansion announced with Demon Hunter class which starts level 55 like DKs then some nice PvP stuff thrown in and boom people are reignited into WoW xd
On August 16 2013 18:09 SheaR619 wrote: I dont understand how Garrosh became so crazy, it seems kind of out of character but at the same time make sense. I mean his father went through the EXACT same thing and you would think that he would learn from his mistake. On the other hand, it is because he is the son of Grom, he is easily corrupted by power as well. So is there any sort of entity so far that has been claimed to corrupt Garrosh?