On March 04 2012 23:35 deth2munkies wrote: Question: Anyone have specific system requirements for this game? I'm on a shitty laptop atm, but I was thinking about throwing my hat in the ring for beta.
I'd assume it's pretty low, they want to keep their userbase pretty wide and a lot of players still have computers that are only good enough for 1.6 in EU/Asia. I get 300+ FPS (It caps at 300) on max settings, and on most games I get around 150. Seems pretty optimized and really fast
@cozzE: Yeah... that guy was pretty frustrating. He didn't even seem to understand the basics of FPS games, let alone CS mechanics.
On March 04 2012 22:18 kyllinghest wrote: How is the wall banging? Is it more like 1.6 or Source?
I have this question, too. Only from watching it looks a lot like that it would feel like CSS playstyle (if that makes sense). I hoped they would go one more step back and bring more of the clear strait feeling of 1.6 than the smooth unclear feeling of CSS. How does it really is?
Valve screwed the maps, they are exactly like CS:Source but crappier and without a single consideration for balance, they are all more CT sided now. They also copied and then destroyed the 1.6 money system too.
2 months in the beta and you still can't buy weps with the keyboard (LMAO x2). I really believe this CS:Source for consoles is going to fail as easily as CS:Source did. Sad, even the 1.6 pros (the real cs pros) are complaining about the current state of the game (go to hltv.org for the pre-iem 6 interviews to see their comments).
On March 04 2012 23:35 deth2munkies wrote: Question: Anyone have specific system requirements for this game? I'm on a shitty laptop atm, but I was thinking about throwing my hat in the ring for beta.
It's the same as Portal 2. The only problem is taht there is no options to change the graphics quality, like textures, shadows etc on CS:GO, except for stuff like Antialiasing.
On March 05 2012 11:40 Silidons wrote: ^what do you mean only buy weps with money?
aw shit I merged 2 sentences there. I meant "you still can't buy weps with only the keyboard", cuz you can only buy weps by clicking with the mouse, something that makes it frustrating, you know.
On March 05 2012 11:28 jumbotroN wrote: Valve screwed the maps, they are exactly like CS:Source but crappier and without a single consideration for balance, they are all more CT sided now. They also copied and then destroyed the 1.6 money system too.
2 months in the beta and you still can only buy weps with the money (LMAO). I really believe this CS:Source for consoles is going to fail as easily as CS:Source did. Sad, even the 1.6 pros (the real cs pros) are complaining about the current state of the game (go to hltv.org for the pre-iem 6 interviews to see their comments).
Maps are pretty much like CS:S, yes, but it's not like it's imbalanced for CT. And even then, you know that competitive CS makes teams play x rounds and then switch teams., so the "imbalance" does not exist.
The pre-iem interview was when CS:GO was in pre-alpha stage. They were playing while the programmers were implementing and changing stuff in the game, so their opinion isn't really valid after so many changes the game already had.
There is no "real-pro". Some 1.6 players did not enjoy the Source engine so they didn't switch, but both games had a lot of pro gamers, pro teams and tournaments. The same thing happened to StarCraft. Are you saying that Nestea is not a real pro?
Edit: You CAN buy stuff buy the keyboard. How many times I pressed B 4 3 to buy a Colt, but in CS:GO it is B 4 2. T_T
On March 05 2012 11:28 jumbotroN wrote: Valve screwed the maps, they are exactly like CS:Source but crappier and without a single consideration for balance, they are all more CT sided now. They also copied and then destroyed the 1.6 money system too.
2 months in the beta and you still can only buy weps with the money (LMAO). I really believe this CS:Source for consoles is going to fail as easily as CS:Source did. Sad, even the 1.6 pros (the real cs pros) are complaining about the current state of the game (go to hltv.org for the pre-iem 6 interviews to see their comments).
Maps are pretty much like CS:S, yes, but it's not like it's imbalanced for CT. And even then, you know that competitive CS makes teams play x rounds and then switch teams., so the "imbalance" does not exist.
The pre-iem interview was when CS:GO was in pre-alpha stage. They were playing while the programmers were implementing and changing stuff in the game, so their opinion isn't really valid after so many changes the game already had.
There is no "real-pro". Some 1.6 players did not enjoy the Source engine so they didn't switch, but both games had a lot of pro gamers, pro teams and tournaments. The same thing happened to StarCraft. Are you saying that Nestea is not a real pro?
Edit: You CAN buy stuff buy the keyboard. How many times I pressed B 4 3 to buy a Colt, but in CS:GO it is B 4 2. T_T
The 1.6 maps are more balanced between sides (usually top teams as CTs and Terrorists get close scores on each map) (CS:GO nuke is more CT sided cuz you cant go down from outside anymore and train is not the same map anymore, looks really random), and no, the pre IEM interviews are from this week, starix and kuben bashed CS:GO on 'em, and they surely got a beta key since they have been on every single iem last year.
I don't think Nestea has what it takes to be a top 30 BW player with the fierce competitivity the game has. but the thing with CS is that CS:S is completely random, you don't need time to get better you only need to have the luck on your side and know how to play safe, thats why it is not on big events like WCG,ESWC,IEM,WEM,WEG,etc.
my bad about the buying weapons topic, my friend told me you couldn't buy them easily so I thought you had to use the damn mouse to do it.
On March 05 2012 11:28 jumbotroN wrote: Valve screwed the maps, they are exactly like CS:Source but crappier and without a single consideration for balance, they are all more CT sided now. They also copied and then destroyed the 1.6 money system too.
2 months in the beta and you still can only buy weps with the money (LMAO). I really believe this CS:Source for consoles is going to fail as easily as CS:Source did. Sad, even the 1.6 pros (the real cs pros) are complaining about the current state of the game (go to hltv.org for the pre-iem 6 interviews to see their comments).
Maps are pretty much like CS:S, yes, but it's not like it's imbalanced for CT. And even then, you know that competitive CS makes teams play x rounds and then switch teams., so the "imbalance" does not exist.
The pre-iem interview was when CS:GO was in pre-alpha stage. They were playing while the programmers were implementing and changing stuff in the game, so their opinion isn't really valid after so many changes the game already had.
There is no "real-pro". Some 1.6 players did not enjoy the Source engine so they didn't switch, but both games had a lot of pro gamers, pro teams and tournaments. The same thing happened to StarCraft. Are you saying that Nestea is not a real pro?
Edit: You CAN buy stuff buy the keyboard. How many times I pressed B 4 3 to buy a Colt, but in CS:GO it is B 4 2. T_T
The 1.6 maps are more balanced between CT and Terrorists, and no, the pre IEM interviews are from this week, starix and kuben bashed CS:GO on those.
and I don't think Nestea has what it takes to be a top 30 BW player with the fierce competitivity the game has, something similar happens on CS.
my bad about the buying weapons topic, my friend told me you couldn't buy them easily so I thought you had to use the damn mouse to do it.
Meh I thought you were saying about the interview previous to that one, some time after they came back from the Valve HQ, where they tried the game for the first time.
I honestly think that The CS:S community will switch to CS:GO since it's almost the same engine and it feels just like Source, so CS will still be split into two communities. But Valve has said that they want to make the game appeal to 1.6 players as well, so I think that the game will change a lot until its release.
I really think that progamers like Nestea could switch back to BW and get really good at it, but there's no way to prove or deny it, so there's no point on discussing it. What I meant was that CS:S Progamers are progamers just like any other progamer. No one can flame them all say that they don't deserve to be where they are. I do prefer 1.6 over Source, but I respect the time and dedication Source players put on their game. Don't forget that Source still is one of the most skill based FPSs out there, right behind 1.6 and Quake.
edit: How can CSS be completely random? I really can't understand it.
Nestea was Zergbong on BW and no, he wasn't close to a top 30 player so he started to coach for KT.
I do think Source players deserve respect but lets be honest, they wouldn't be top players on 1.6 otherwise they would be willing to compete on it, at least for the money (a regular CS 1.6 tournament has better price money than any source tournament).
This is one of the many reasons why I wouldn't play Source competitively (or take it seriously):
I really hope that Valve can make GO a lot better at least when it comes to the physics cuz it is more easy to modify the maps.
^ Played CSS competitively for 2 years and lerp was the most annoying thing ever when everyone was clearly behind walls/cover and bullets just went right in to them in impossible situations (you or them).
On March 05 2012 12:51 jumbotroN wrote: Nestea was Zergbong on BW and no, he wasn't close to a top 30 player so he started to coach for KT.
I do think Source players deserve respect but lets be honest, they wouldn't be top players on 1.6 otherwise they would be willing to compete on it, at least for the money (a regular CS 1.6 tournament has better price money than any source tournament).
I really hope that Valve can make GO a lot better at least when it comes to the physics cuz it is more easy to modify the maps.
July got Goden Mouse but never got anything relevant in SC2.
Lerp is a "fix" for latency differences in online play, but I don't think it exists in LAN tournaments. And yes, lerp will be present in CS:GO, just like it is in L4D2 and Portal 2.
The Physics in 1.6 were actually terrible, but it was better. That's why a lot of people complained about the Source grenades. Molotov is currently utterly retarded as far as physics go, but since Valve already talked about making grenades like in 1.6, I think they will fix it. It feels like bunny hopping is impossible without scripts in GO. you have a HUGE slowdown after landing a jump. It actually gets kinda annoying.
July was on a GSL final, lost against MC. The ones that enter on your description are NaDa and Boxer, they only get lots of fanboys cuz of their BW success.
CS:S recoil is too easy to master, so when you fight people on the same skill level it gets awfully random, and it favours the one that is holding. Also you can spray/3 bullet spray and run with a similar accuracy you would have as being standing so thats awful.
The smoke grenade on Source is imba, its thickness favours hugely the CTs if played correctly, because you have the possibility to stop an early attack as CT only using a smoke grenade (300$) which is ridiculous, sadly the CS:GO smoke has exactly the same thickness.
I'm completely up for new games but they need to have a decent learning curve and an inclination for balance so they don't end up being like a coinflip.