Sorry I meant from 1.5 to CZ. 1.6 didn't come out til after CZ.
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United States9129 Posts
Sorry I meant from 1.5 to CZ. 1.6 didn't come out til after CZ. | ||
United States1684 Posts
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United States3806 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:16 Zlasher wrote: Sorry I meant from 1.5 to CZ. 1.6 didn't come out til after CZ. No, 1.6 came out way before CZ. Also, just to clarify... I am looking forward to CS:GO, but I just hope that it turns out good. | ||
United States619 Posts
On August 13 2011 04:47 fadestep wrote: I know that hating Source is really hipster and cool and people who pubbed 1.6 for 3 hours like to do it because it makes them look like hardcore competitive gamers... But Source was a badass game and as a CAL/CEVO/ESEA veteran of both games, they both have strengths and weaknesses and trying to play the hate game with CS:GO is pretty fucking dumb. Just wait and see. They can say they don't like source, but calling it trash is really pathetic. The steam stats speak for themselves. | ||
Canada464 Posts
de_nuke did not give terrorists an advantage, you could get a pick or maybe hit someone here and there if they were a bad team, but it was pretty easily avoidable. Spamming walls was a huge advantage CT side though, spamming from ramp and inner made positioning a nightmare in the lobby and you can almost guarantee always hitting someone. Also, if you knew the correct spam spots at ramp, you could make it extremely difficult to push through radio room. | ||
Canada1086 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:28 howerpower wrote: They can say they don't like source, but calling it trash is really pathetic. The steam stats speak for themselves. If we're gonna take sheer numbers as evidence that a game should succeed as an e-sport, let's dump SC2 and jump on the WoW bandwagon. YEAH! | ||
United States619 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:38 Mazer wrote: If we're gonna take sheer numbers as evidence that a game should succeed as an e-sport, let's dump SC2 and jump on the WoW bandwagon. YEAH! I don't like WoW, but I'm not getting on an internet forum calling it trash, I understand that some people are really into MMO's. As far as shooters go my favorite games are cs 1.6, source, and quake live. Do I think source is a better e-sport than 1.6? no Do I think source is a better game than 1.6? yes They are both great, why does it need to be a better competitive game? | ||
United States1388 Posts
On August 12 2011 14:13 rebuffering wrote: HMM why not work on HL3, or episode 3, what the hell is going on, people who are playing CS 1.6, or CSS, probly dont really care anyways, so why waste time on this. I'm boycotting every Valve product until they make the next Half-Life game. You don't end your fucking marquee series on a cliffhanger. I didn't buy Portal 2 for the same reason. | ||
United States81 Posts
Nice to see they are making the other weaker guns viable. Instead of everyone holding M4/AKs maybe we'll have a Shotgun guy on our team or a MG Guy in stead of the 4 Rifles and an awp. Really wish that Blizzard just bought CS cause I don't trust Valve...but whatever...hope it does well.... and for the people wondering how 1.6 is doing yeah it's alright. It's fun to see old timers get on and have fun. | ||
Brazil1511 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:44 NicolBolas wrote: I'm boycotting every Valve product until they make the next Half-Life game. You don't end your fucking marquee series on a cliffhanger. I didn't buy Portal 2 for the same reason. Good luck, it's your loss ^^ Btw, posting this hands on (didn't read entire thread, don't know if someone already did this) Molotovs!! | ||
United States8055 Posts
On August 12 2011 18:37 BuddhaMonk wrote: Valve has already missed the competitive gaming boat. They had a huge opportunity when the CS 1.6 competitive scene was at its peak. All they had to do was create a proper sequel that kept the good elements of 1.6, invite the pros and community to give feedback and pledge to support the esports scene. If they had done that, they would have had the undying support of the competitive scene. Unfortunately, unlike Blizzard which did follow the aforementioned advice, Valve decided fuck competitive gaming, we'll just throw together a half-assed sequel because it's easy money. Nobody was consulted, the community didn't know what to think, and the game itself was missing those key elements that made 1.6 so good. The result was that as a competitive game CS:S was an absolute failure. On the other hand Blizzard did it the correct way, and even though there of course will be people who prefer BW to SC2 (like 1.6 vs CS:S) the fact is that SC2, in stark contrast to CS:S, is a success as a competitive game. Valve now sees the buzz and numbers surrounding SC2 and how it's growing as a competitive game, and how fostering a competitive community actually attracts casual gamers and is good for their business as a whole, and now they try to jump onto the bandwagon. Well I'm sorry Valve, but you've betrayed our trust once already and the fact that you're getting CS:S "pros" instead of 1.6 pros already does not bode well for this new version of CS. Although I do think that there's a slim chance that this might be successful, I fear the ship may have already sailed for CS, and I for one will not support a company that had the easiest and best opportunity to support esports and they failed so miserably. A giant FUCK YOU to the community from Valve. P.S. I sent Gabe an email years ago explaining to him the vision for esports and their opportunity they had and how they just needed to update 1.6 with the support of the community, I never got a response. lol, blizzard did not ask BW pros (especially korean pros) for advice or feedback on ANYTHING during development. only during beta did they "listen", and even then they didnt make any real changes. maybe if they did as you mentioned a lot of BW players like myself would be playing SC2 now instead :\ but as you can tell, it doesnt stop a game from being a big success and esport, which you seem to think is the greatest thing a game can aspire to be lol. I think valve has shown that they want to get into esports with their whole dota 2 thing, especially since dota 2 is content-wise identical to dota 1 which is really crazy if you compare that to other developers who would be tore to shreds for not actually making a newly designed game at all (or has that changed since it was announced?). We really just have to wait and see if the changes to the game will appeal to 1.6 players at all. | ||
United States77 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:36 LeaD wrote: de_nuke did not give terrorists an advantage, you could get a pick or maybe hit someone here and there if they were a bad team, but it was pretty easily avoidable. Spamming walls was a huge advantage CT side though, spamming from ramp and inner made positioning a nightmare in the lobby and you can almost guarantee always hitting someone. Also, if you knew the correct spam spots at ramp, you could make it extremely difficult to push through radio room. You're forgetting the Outside to rafter spam. It was VERY common to see teams unload an entire round spamming that area at the beginning of the round. | ||
1704 Posts
On August 12 2011 13:45 DeepBlu2 wrote: Look, cs 1.6 wasnt so good in the first place. Its a common joke among old school players to use satire related to the topic, it doesnt mean its true. CS went downhill when key components of gameplay like bunnyhopping and accurate air pistols were removed. Basically every patch since retail only made the game worse and decreased skill ceiling and gameplay depth.Hmmm..Don't know what to think.. I highly doubt another Counterstrike sequel will live up to 1.6 or CSS, but is definitely a sequel that you have to buy just because of the name... Hopefully they will stay true to their roots and not attract COD Players like most games nowadays seem to be doing. By the way, Copy and pasted from:ässä-uutta-counter-strikea (Bad Translation) Original Text: + Show Spoiler + saamien tietojen mukana Valve tulee ilmoittamaan seuraavan vuorokauden sisään uudesta Counter-Strikesta. Uusi peli tulee kantamaan nimeä Counter-Strike Global Operation, lyhennettynä CSGO. Uutta peliä varten lukuisia Counter-Strike: Source -pelaajia lennätettiin Valven pääkonttoriin Seattleen antamaan palautetta tulevasta CSGO:sta. Peli tullaan kehittämään suoraan kilpailulliseksi peliksi. Pelimoottorina uudessa CSGO:ssa tulee toimimaan Counter-Strike: Sourcesta tuttu Orangebox, mutta kaikki pelin tekstuurit sekä pelaajien "skinit" on uudelleen tehty. Myös Counter-Strike:sta tutut kartat ovat saaneet kokonaan uuden layoutin. Pelin aseet on myös kokonaan muutettu. Yleensä vain alkukierroksilla käytetyt konepistoolit ovat muuttuneet hyödyllisiksi kapistuksiksi, ja "riflet" muuttuneet hyviksi all around -aseiksi. Uusina kranaatteja mahtuu peliin kaksin kappalein, kun jo talvisodasta tuttu molotovin cocktail sekä decoy-kranaatti tulevat näkemään päivänvalon. | ||
Canada464 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:57 samd wrote: You're forgetting the Outside to rafter spam. It was VERY common to see teams unload an entire round spamming that area at the beginning of the round. No, I'm not, that is easily avoidable. I used to use that spot all the time and you rarely ever got anyone, especially if they are a good team. I played rafter CT side, just delay the time you push out into the rafter, you play back anyways since any good team will play re-take on inner if they rush. | ||
United States287 Posts
Also, just because something is different doesn't mean it is bad. CS:S is a less competitive game than 1.6, but that doesn't make the game shit. Source is great fun if you aren't looking for something serious but still want more grit than is available in TF2 | ||
1704 Posts
On August 12 2011 19:49 rcg wrote: Most people say it was because they dumbened down the recoil, stupid flashes that dont work, jump and moving feels sluggish etc. Also smokes that had no effect whatsoever (which has been fixed after over 5years of waiting) But I've always believed that it's because for some reason, be it netcode or how the game maps are like, CSS is completely defenders advantage. CT's have it easy and T's have it easy when they have the bomb down. I personally blame the clutter on the maps and lack of being able to spam walls. If you want to understand the differences. Think Broodwar vs SC2 Ironic youre talking about defenders advantage in favour of 1.6, when the patches prior to 1.6 did everything to CREATE the defenders advantage in the first place, by slowing down the game to snail pace and removing air pistol accuracy. Remember, CS had a far higher skill ceiling in the beta releases than either 1.6 or source do today. | ||
United States5896 Posts
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United States77 Posts
On August 13 2011 06:50 zoLo wrote: I dunno how some of you guys are thinking that some people are just "hating" on CS:S for no reason. Go to any CS site like and they'll give you justified and valid reasons why CS 1.6 players do not like CS:S. There are some bandwagoners and bias players, but they are irrelevant. If CS:S was good for competitive play, then CS 1.6 players would have simply switched. People claim that CS:S is the future of CS 1.6 because it will attract more sponsors and that it looks prettier than CS 1.6, but look at where we are now. CS 1.6 is still alive and has big tournaments here and now. 1.6 actually still has a lot more tournaments and prize money than CSS. But this whole 1.6 vs Source thing is besides the point. The whole reason for complaint is that Valve and Hidden Path set out to design the next CS, and they COMPLETELY ignored the 1.6 community. Every single pro invited was a source player. The 1.6 community is rightly pissed off about this, why shouldn't they be? | ||
United States11 Posts
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Sweden4644 Posts
On August 13 2011 05:36 LeaD wrote: de_nuke did not give terrorists an advantage, you could get a pick or maybe hit someone here and there if they were a bad team, but it was pretty easily avoidable. Spamming walls was a huge advantage CT side though, spamming from ramp and inner made positioning a nightmare in the lobby and you can almost guarantee always hitting someone. Also, if you knew the correct spam spots at ramp, you could make it extremely difficult to push through radio room. I disagree, you can deny lots of spots on cat (rafters) as T by spamming, you can deny spots in main, you can plant so you can easily spam the guy defusing on upper etc. Getting spammed in radio room isn't a big problem if you're not a dumbass | ||
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