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On November 19 2012 03:06 Southlight wrote:I thought TB's one was quite helpful, and I think he was incensed about that review too: + Show Spoiler + This fucking game. I don't think any other game in history has messed with my emotions about it so much before it's release. At first, I was like "this game is shit" to "this game looks awesome" to "actually it's shit" and so on.
a ton of reviews got out today. mostly (very) good ratings, still my impression is that the game fails at being a good hitman game.
biggest problem: areas are pretty small and there is no real sandbox feeling to it, making it linear and story-driven for the "modern gamer", as tb calls it. no one ever gave a fuck about the hitman story ffs, and what is up with that wallhack and the other stealth action mechanics? its totally out of place. i must say as an oldschool hitman fan i am extremely disappointed.
probably still gonna get it, its just an impression after all and i want to make up my own opinion. its the glorious hitman franchise after all, right? :<
Yeah, watching walkthroughs is sort of fun, but you do realize that the game doesn't feel very open-world at all. There are lots of ways to kill people but you have to do it very very specifically and can't do a lot of things. You basically only have one good path most of the time, and doing interesting things will lose you points more often than not -.-
Unlocking in 30 minutes. Have to see if it matches up to Blood Money (just replayed through the first few levels this morning). At the very least it looks like its going to be a lot of eye candy.
First impression (Tutorial level spoilers)
I've completed the tutorial on purist. I managed to get to the end without being detected at all, but the last bit there are four guards. Tediously I had to distract each one into the vicinity and then knock them out. Also, there are two gripes I have with the tutorial: the linearity of it. There is a greenhouse that has one entrance, and so that eliminates "suit only" usage. Obviously this is without any instinct, so I can't magic my way in past the guards. The other grip is that the silencer on the silverballer isn't really that silent.
I'm still enthusiastic, and it was still fun despite those two gripes. Oh, Absolution differs in a very big way from Blood Money on disguises. In Absolution let's say you have a group of private security. Getting into their uniform is only useful from afar, otherwise close encounters it would be better to disguise as a chef, or something unique. Commonality seems to be detrimental rather than camouflaging.
Purist is...
No Interface (Except weapon selection and crosshair) No Instinct No Tips Something else I can't remember.
Here we go ! Installing through steam now. Any more updates as to impressions so far ?
Purist sounds like something way out of my league..
Game should come in either today or tomorrow, pretty excited for this, lets hope that it isnt a disappointment like AC III
I went with Purist straight from the start. I didn't even get to play a tutorial :D
Screw HUD's, intuition, etc. No looking through walls, and constantly getting busted/killed. So far enjoying the game. Dunno if it'll ever live up to the earlier games (which I used to absolutely love back in day), but seems good enough entertainment.
Playing on purist, I can't figure out, if you actually achieve anything, by sneaking past guards unnoticed, compared to subduing them, does it make a difference ? I know killing them, is not really the way to go, and i'd like to do it as clean as possible, which is why im asking...
As far as I know subduing gives some score penalty which can be nullified by hiding the body, not sure if it's allowed for silent assassin or whatever the thing is you get when you kill nothing extra and don't get noticed.
I'm something like 6/20 according to main menu and so far the game has been pretty nice though a bit too cramped, one part I didn't like at all was with all the police, it felt so forced and un-hitmanlike or maybe I'm just biased due the actual kill missions being so fun.
Hey guys, I just made the first episode of a Hitman: Absolution "Lets play"! (Note: it is in german)
I´d like if you could check it out!
Thank you :D
disguises are sooooo weak in this game, its ridiculous. sure it makes sense when there are three bodyguards, one of them goes pee and returns as a huge bald dude with a barcode on his head, but come on, it shouldnt be that way with a million policemen all over the place or whatever. the quick time melee combat is even worse. the locations are decent, still a lot less interesting than blood money's.
i must say absolution is a major disappointment thus far (4 hours in). kinda expected, so i guess stupid me for still buying that game.
Does gunshot wounds still remain when you shoot people? Is there still a lot of blood when i cut someone's throat?
This game is so hard. I only play on Expert but I need to restard every level like 100 times. I am dressed as a Police-Officer and another police-men sees me like 1sec and I get detected... WTF?! And what is instinct for on Expert/Purist? Its completly useless....
I just wasted like 2hrs in this library level without progress at all -_-
Have you made any contracts yet? It seems like pretty fun system, though being unable to delete old ones and no warning about not being able to edit title or other stuff once it's done is a bit of a downside.
Tried few what other people had made, some of them are very simplistic and obviously made during the tutorial just to get past it, while most seem to range from decent to interesting. Though I'm not sure if the search system and money system live up to rest of it.
I think the downside of the current system to show a contract during menu is, it only shows featured contracts (at least for me so far) and I'd really like a way to hop into random one faster than spamming search.
This game is terrible. They made missions tiny, dull, and simple. The characters all act like complete idiots and the story telling in general is amateur, which only makes the fact that they stripped out all the open ended gameplay elements to focus on a more cinematic approach just that much more offensive. The graphics are very pretty but that could also have a lot to do with why everything feels so small and enclosed.
The instinct system has no business being in Hitman. A lot of fans are hating on the check point system and I myself don't particularly have an issue with it but I do understand where everyone is coming from. There are quick time events. Disguises were made useless to fit with the new focus on small, corridor based levels.
5/10 for the impressive graphics and the cool ranking system for single player. That is the only interesting idea they brought to the table with Absolution, everything else is a HUGE step backwards from Blood Money. I blame Call of Duty, everything needs to be simple and dumb for mass market appeal. these days.
On November 22 2012 11:15 AnomalySC2 wrote: This game is terrible. They made missions tiny, dull, and simple. The characters all act like complete idiots and the story telling in general is amateur, which only makes the fact that they stripped out all the open ended gameplay elements to focus on a more cinematic approach just that much more offensive. The graphics are very pretty but that could also have a lot to do with why everything feels so small and enclosed.
The instinct system has no business being in Hitman. A lot of fans are hating on the check point system and I myself don't particularly have an issue with it but I do understand where everyone is coming from. There are quick time events. Disguises were made useless to fit with the new focus on small, corridor based levels.
5/10 for the impressive graphics and the cool ranking system for single player. That is the only interesting idea they brought to the table with Absolution, everything else is a HUGE step backwards from Blood Money. I blame Call of Duty, everything needs to be simple and dumb for mass market appeal. these days.
I wouldn't even blame mainstream appeal, this game isn't even a good action game. It just feels clunky and strange.
I turned down the difficulty from Expert to Hard and its sooooooooooooooo much easier. What the heck is that? I failed like 2hrs on expert in that library mission and on Hard I've done it in like 20mins :x The different levels doesn't seem to be balanced perfectly.
Purist fells like very close to everything I could have asked to. Level good be bigger but they are big enough, about as big as blood money and there are more of them. One of the first few games where i have to call totalbiscuit ( which i very much like )between other critics a "complete twat that doesn't understand the game and hasn't played previous games from the series enough".
I could see how someone who started with 47 and still thinks of that above BM might think this is only average for hitman but as someone who "grew" with blood money and loves that best i believe this is their best game so far from what iv played. Not to mention the graphics, the sounds and the lighting.
Love this game and will happily waste hours upon hours onto it. Don't like the fact that they added "story" and try to make 47 look more human and what not... but story is something I didn't care about much in hitman anyway and as long as 47 stays bad ass i don't have any major complain about that.
I wasn't really a big fan of blood money, but I REALLY love hitman 2.
Is this game worth getting? or rather, how much fun is it playing absolution?