On July 30 2011 14:50 sung_moon wrote: my stream went black and it came back and i see JB lands u2. what happened? did cj just rekka into it or something?
jb just found an opening and did some move into fadc ultra
On July 30 2011 14:50 sung_moon wrote: my stream went black and it came back and i see JB lands u2. what happened? did cj just rekka into it or something?
CJ was impatient and wanted to stop Juicebox from building meter with fireballs, so he rekka'd and got ultra'd.
Juicebox zoned the shit out of him and CJ just let him b uild meter for a bit, which was exactly enough for JB to run into his face and use the meter to combo into U2
Xian misses! misses the punish. shiro throws him out! Shiro takes game 1 2-1!!!
sounds like c.mk low fb fadc ultra? thanks for the answers
btw close one by shiro
United States23455 Posts
Shiro Fuudo Daigo Tokido Poongko Mago
MY GOD! What a comeback 2-0!!!!
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool ANTI AIR ULTRA1 ROFL
What the crap just happened!
Woooot, Shiro!!!! Glad to see he's still got his signature costume colour as well =P
Wow what a shitty way to lose.
Xian outplayed him all 5 rounds .-.
Shiro O_O
Xian doesn't even know what hit him lol
What did I just SEE?!!?!??!
lolol i just started watching and i just watched that round... then... ultra haha