i'm too impatient, join "Theta Harmal"
![[image loading]](http://np.ironhelmet.com/static/screenshots/shot0.jpg) Looks simple enough, doesn't it?
This game is also known as: How to lose friends
Neptune's Pride is a game that I managed to discover randomly just recently. It's a very basic multiplayer 4x (read: civilizationy) game in space, where up to 8 or so players are given some star systems in a galaxy. The economy, industry, and combat portions of the game are all just math, and it is really just an enormously stripped down 4x game in space.
Yet for some reason it is more evil than any other game in existence. It apparently will occupy your entire day. Some people will not be able to sleep.
For an explanation of what this game apparently does to human beings, read this:
Being the curious Machiavellian asshole that I am, I was wondering if any other TL people would be interested in signing up for a round to see what it is like. Because surely nobody's going to be that much of a douchebag in game. Right?
Here's the webpage: http://np.ironhelmet.com/
And here's a quote from a review:
It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. You get to see every single detail of the sudden violence in front of you, and there’s little you can do to stop it. Except when there is, and you get to feel like a god slowing down time, allowing you to react faster than you have any right to. It’s gaming as the master of time, manipulating things to benefit yourself. Except you’re not the only timelord on the pitch, and everyone else gets the same advantage that you do. Every single emotion you feel is amplified to an unbearable degree. Each victory is that much sweeter, every defeat infinitely more crushing. You form plots like some sort of deranged Machiavelli, engineering circumstances until your enemies are locked in a chessmate, just open for you to manipulate and black mail.
Having read all the warnings, who's up for this shit.
by the way in case you didn't get the message the first time:
this is some serious hardcore shit. Don't let the casual interface fool you.
Im currently reading the RockPaperShotgun report on their 8player-game. And it's a brilliant read. So much scheming, planning and drama.
First post, this game looks like it could be good fun, sign me up!
I'll finish reading the game report in a day or two, and then decide if I want to play there. Either way, it looks really cool, and I hope I have the time to join in on a game.
Having finished reading various parts of the site and that report, I am very eager to get started on this. I'll end up being killed off early now that ive gotten myself pumped up
Read the article and it sounds good. Sign me up :D
Sounds really interesting, cant wait for a TL game!
I just joined a free game (Mu Proxima). Need more people to join!
You'll be missed Park. Ehh who am I kidding, bravery has infested Liquidparty.
I'm currently in a free game as well. If there's a round full of TL members going to start, sign me up!
While I think that I will be sticking with Sins of a Solar Empire and Galactic Civilizations 2 by Stardock, this was quite a good read and I am glad that I was introduced.
I'm interested!!! Looks fun and new. I wanna give it a try, tonight i'll connect to check it out some more.
Let me in too! I love these types of games!
Alright, so how did you guys want to do this -everybody signs up for a free one at the same time -one brave soul buys credits to make a premium passworded game -???
On November 29 2010 07:35 Caller wrote: Alright, so how did you guys want to do this -everybody signs up for a free one at the same time -one brave soul buys credits to make a premium passworded game -??? It seems everyone needs credits to join a premium game. I'm sure that first method of yours will work just fine though.
EDIT: Oops, I see what you mean now. I still think we'll get by just fine with the first method.
On November 29 2010 07:35 Caller wrote: Alright, so how did you guys want to do this -everybody signs up for a free one at the same time -one brave soul buys credits to make a premium passworded game -???
Do the first method, we would all have to pay to get into a premium game.
I'd be in for a game, sounds fun.
This game looks sickening. I'm thoroughly enjoying the RPS article on it. Reminds me a lot of OGame but entirely different.
This looks like a neat game. sign me up!
PS jackinthebox, i see you in the game im in lol
EDIT: Lordweird, I dont think sickening is the correct word for the feeling you're trying to convey lol