I'd vote for "everyone signs up for a free game at the same time". They seem to go up fairly regularly.
Due to timezones and stuff this will probably mean some people might miss it, but I find the credits way too pricy. Sure, a single game might last for weeks, but I'm not willing to spend 20$ on credits for a game I'm not sure I'll actually like or play long-term.
We could pool the money, but that would mean that the recipient would be obliged to host a total of four games. Since we all seem to have no prior experience with NP, this is a gamble as well. The players or even the host might lose interest after a while, and the host would have to commit to 4 games he might not even want to play.
*edit: How about we pick a time/date most people across the timezones are comfortable with, then monitor this thread for 30 or 60 minutes and all join the first empty game available? Should be doable.
sounds pretty interesting, reading the report that you listed as well!
Sounds hilarious. Sign me up
Crap. Looks like the maximum number of free games you can join is 2. =/
i think i've jumped in with you guys, because this looks freaking awesome (i saw jackinthebox in the game).
i'm really excited
On November 29 2010 08:12 YummyBlaBla wrote: Crap. Looks like the maximum number of free games you can join is 2. =/
Where did you see this? i just joined like, 3 rapid fire (left all but one just to check to see if what you said was right)
^ I'm in 2 games right now. The "Join a Free Game" got replaced by a "Looks like you are fighting it out in a few free games. Considered joining a Premium Game? "
So I'm guessing it's 2
On November 29 2010 08:41 YummyBlaBla wrote: ^ I'm in 2 games right now. The "Join a Free Game" got replaced by a "Looks like you are fighting it out in a few free games. Considered joining a Premium Game? "
So I'm guessing it's 2
ooh...maybe it's just 2 at a time? hrmmmm....
On November 29 2010 08:44 Sinensis wrote: Just joined as Ensis.
alright, i'm reneg in that one too (i'll now be in my 2nd), let's see if we can work this and bring on the glory for TL! 
There's still one spot open in it if anyone's thinking of joining! It's Theta Baham
Alright then, this is how we'll try to do it:
Whoever is up joins a free game at 12:00 KST. I'll post it in the top of the first post so join fast.
Looks like I'll have to create another account to play with you guys.
EDIT: Actually, does anyone have the url that shows the list of free games? Maybe I can sneak pass the system of having max 2 games running.
EDIT2: Nevermind. You can join more than 2 games. If they do remove the url link that lets you join free games, just type http://np.ironhelmet.com/join on the url to load up the free game page.
On November 29 2010 08:53 YummyBlaBla wrote: Looks like I'll have to create another account to play with you guys.
EDIT: Actually, does anyone have the url that shows the list of free games? Maybe I can sneak pass the system of having max 2 games running.
is where you can join still...let me know if it works!
Edit2: Apparently it does work, looks like you can join as many as you want from right there!
what time is 12:00 KST in US Eastern??
On November 29 2010 10:13 Rage178 wrote: what time is 12:00 KST in US Eastern?? 10pm
Rage, is that you in Omicron Ascella?
There's two spots left, join it, TL, join!
Edit: Also, a question: is this a browser based game, or do you have to download a client?
Alright, I signed up for this... going to try and get in on a TL game hopefully.
like i said, at 12:00 KST (check top right) i'll post a game that i'm in and we'll try to spam it with tl people.
oh cool thanks for drawing my attention to top right, as I did not notice that before.
And yeah, thats me so after you set waypoints in the beginning and do your upgrades, there is nothing else to do for 24 hours??
On November 29 2010 11:08 Rage178 wrote:oh cool thanks for drawing my attention to top right, as I did not notice that before. And yeah, thats me  so after you set waypoints in the beginning and do your upgrades, there is nothing else to do for 24 hours?? make alliances puhahahaha
30 mins and counting... damn I'm excited and I don't really know why , lol.