On June 05 2013 08:54 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On June 05 2013 08:08 Thrill wrote: Completely lost interest after Reynad stopped streaming.
Sure, the guy was a diva, but the only one who displayed any flare of intellect in drafting.
It's too bad, format lends itself well to streaming. Reynad, Celerity, and the odd Kibler/Twoo streams were all I used to watch, now just watch a VoD every so often. There's tons of new magic streamers out there, but some of them barely talk other than to bitch about things, which makes it kind of terrible to watch.
You should check out NumotTheNummy, he's a Player of the year and has pretty sweet commentary with near to no bitching, also has a bit of viewer interaction if that's your thing.
United States24579 Posts
I did some DGM sealed deck on MTGO online. It feels like I get crap cards and get rolled as a result. Either I'm just bad at constructing/playing, or I really did get bad cards three tournaments in a row.
Anybody here going to GP Houston?
On June 10 2013 11:10 MCMcEmcee wrote: Anybody here going to GP Houston? Yep.
So after grinding countless hours of RTR block drafts (and cracking a voice of resurgence, woo!) I have finally decided I have a big enough cardpool to play some Modern Constructed. I'm pretty new to the format (I've played almost exclusively limited since kamigawa-ish), and I was looking for some advice.
I built mono blue tron because it looks like fun to play, and I'm running the following list:
Where I'm completely lost is what to sideboard, I have no idea what to cut or side in for most matchups. If anyone could offer some feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
The decks I've been facing consistently: Jund Splinter Twin Infect Combo Pod Combo RUW Control Red Deck Wins White Weenie Lifegain
Again, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On June 10 2013 15:00 Ryan307 wrote:So after grinding countless hours of RTR block drafts (and cracking a voice of resurgence, woo!) I have finally decided I have a big enough cardpool to play some Modern Constructed. I'm pretty new to the format (I've played almost exclusively limited since kamigawa-ish), and I was looking for some advice. I built mono blue tron because it looks like fun to play, and I'm running the following list: http://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=5041&d=229078Where I'm completely lost is what to sideboard, I have no idea what to cut or side in for most matchups. If anyone could offer some feedback it would be greatly appreciated. The decks I've been facing consistently: Jund Splinter Twin Infect Combo Pod Combo RUW Control Red Deck Wins White Weenie Lifegain Again, any feedback would be greatly appreciated! You're in luck because I actually play Mono-U Tron. I'll assume you already have a basic idea how to play the deck in and of itself so I won't bore you with that.
The first thing I'm going to say is that I don't like the sideboard in that deck but I can see why those cards are in there... Each to their own I suppose. I personally alternate between shoktroopa's build and tsuru's build (as an aside, shoktropa was the first architect of the Modern Mono-U Tron build). If you're still trying out the deck, I'd go with shoktroopa's build. The one you're using has some, uh, interesting choices. (The 1-of Karn for random GR Tron style Turn 3 Karn is hilarious, but impractical. Why do you not even have any Blue Mana by turn 3 anyway??)
Not having Platinum anywhere in your 75 let alone your main deck is wrong. 100% wrong. It's your saving grace against Burn/RDW and Infect. It's one of the few cards that stabilises any position against them and is a wall that they have to deal with before they can finally get around to killing you. It also stops anyone from combo'ing off on you because they need to find an out to it before they can go off which buys you time if need be. While less vital, not having Oblivion Stone anywhere in the 75 is also weird. It's a colourless Akroma's Wrath.
I am going to give sideboard and match up advice assuming you're using shoktroopa's build.
Against really aggro decks, you cut 2x Thirst for Knowledge, and 1x Mindslaver for Dismembers and another Wurmcoil. If you're on the draw, you can cut Remands for more Dismembers because on the draw you'd rather kill things than wait a turn to take damage and then counter their play (at which point, they've likely dumped their hand and starting to Bolt you, and Remanding a Bolt against RDW is not the most exciting play to say the least...) If they're super small weenie heavy cutting Remand/Spell Burst is okay for Spellskite depending. You can also cut Sundering Titan as well, but just having something with a big rear that sits there is hard to say no to. WW Lifegain is very similar except you probably do want to cut the Titan against most of those builds.
For Pod, you cut 2x Sad Robots, 2xTalisman, 1x Mindslaver and 1x Wurmcoil for Dismember and Squelch. You can bring in Spell Pierce and cut a Treasure Mage and a Mindslaver depending if you're on the Draw and the exact Pod Deck. Remember you can Squelch a Pod activation which can be hilarious. Remember that sacrificing a creature is part of the activation cost because it's before the colon so they basically sacrifice something for nothing. Kill/bounce mana dorks, keep out-tempoing them and you just go bigger. Then Slaver lock them or something.
Tri-colour midrange/control it really depends on their build and what you see Game 1... Jund and UWR are probably two really flexible lists but virtually everything is good depending on what exactly you need the most. Spreading Seas kills Jund's manabase (esp if you keep killing their mana dorks), Relic stops any deck that relies on the Graveyard (like Gifts decks), etc. One thing though is that against the Wafo-Tapa UWR decks you have more mana than them, produce more mana than them, and you do bigger things. This one is probably one of the better matchups on your list I think. Also, Sundering Titan is like a one-sided Armageddon on a stick.
Alternative sideboard options for your meta include Chalice of the Void (set to 1 it wrecks WW Lifegain and Infect on the play and they have almost no outs for it), Pithing Needle (always good in general), Steel Hellkite (one of the cooler pieces of tech from tsuru's build) and Ratchet Bomb (which is just good in general). If you're really worried about Splinter Twin, and if people play Kiki Pod a lot instead of Melira Pod then Torpor Orb and Negates aren't bad either.
United States24579 Posts
I just did another 4 booster dgm draft, and I'm starting to get extremely frustrated. Is this normal:
I won match 1, lost match 2 (got absolutely destroyed; guy went on to win the tournament 3-0), and then entered the final match, #3. In two out of three of the games my opponent had both Master Biomancer and Vorel of the Hull Clade out within the first few turns. This is extremely difficult to beat, and it was my second strongest opponent. I don't remember what my round two opponent had, but it was even more powerful than that.
I've now gotten crushed (at best winning one match) in five straight tournaments. Sometimes I don't have good cards, sometimes my opponents have amazing cards, or sometimes I just get bad luck (like not drawing mana 5 cards in a row, or drawing mana 5 cards in a row). It's always something.
Normally, my response to this type of situation is "I honestly don't think I'm doing that badly, I'm just having bad luck" but it's much harder to reassure myself when I'm dumping money into every agonizing defeat. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up before I lose interest entirely.
United States7270 Posts
On June 11 2013 05:20 micronesia wrote: I just did another 4 booster dgm draft, and I'm starting to get extremely frustrated. Is this normal:
I won match 1, lost match 2 (got absolutely destroyed; guy went on to win the tournament 3-0), and then entered the final match, #3. In two out of three of the games my opponent had both Master Biomancer and Vorel of the Hull Clade out within the first few turns. This is extremely difficult to beat, and it was my second strongest opponent. I don't remember what my round two opponent had, but it was even more powerful than that.
I've now gotten crushed (at best winning one match) in five straight tournaments. Sometimes I don't have good cards, sometimes my opponents have amazing cards, or sometimes I just get bad luck (like not drawing mana 5 cards in a row, or drawing mana 5 cards in a row). It's always something.
Normally, my response to this type of situation is "I honestly don't think I'm doing that badly, I'm just having bad luck" but it's much harder to reassure myself when I'm dumping money into every agonizing defeat. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up before I lose interest entirely.
You just suck, and should quit Magic.
Kidding aside, this is why you don't play Magic with the mindset of NEED TO WIN like you have here. To put it in SC terms, you're literally one step away from one of the many posters you probably have banned for balance whining, build order whining, and etc.
Have you ever re-examined your play and attempt to fix what you can actually control? Like if you lose to cards you can't play around or can't handle, then maybe its not your play skill and drafting skills? Maybe its your deck construction skills? Maybe you really couldn't have done anything and you just gave it your best to come up short.
I mean everyone has their ups and downs. Brad Nelson went from Player of the Year to PTQ grinder, LSV went from first ballot Hall of Fame to almost dropping out of the PT Plat status (its a big deal). Personally, I went from collecting sets of FMN promos and near infinite free drafts to barely getting 1 per month and paying for them. The point of this is that if you are playing Magic solely for results, you're playing the wrong game. This game will jerk you around despite your best intentions. Luck/variance is very much a factor, so keep that in mind when you do play.
If the money thing is that big of a deal to you, find alternative online Magic communities. Magic-league is alright with a pretty big spectrum in skill with all kinds of formats, I play there when I am bored/testing for live events. I mean all things considered with how many people we have active on here, we can probably come up with a weekly MtG night using Cockatrice/MWS/Netdraft without costing any money.
On June 11 2013 05:20 micronesia wrote: I just did another 4 booster dgm draft, and I'm starting to get extremely frustrated. Is this normal:
I won match 1, lost match 2 (got absolutely destroyed; guy went on to win the tournament 3-0), and then entered the final match, #3. In two out of three of the games my opponent had both Master Biomancer and Vorel of the Hull Clade out within the first few turns. This is extremely difficult to beat, and it was my second strongest opponent. I don't remember what my round two opponent had, but it was even more powerful than that.
I've now gotten crushed (at best winning one match) in five straight tournaments. Sometimes I don't have good cards, sometimes my opponents have amazing cards, or sometimes I just get bad luck (like not drawing mana 5 cards in a row, or drawing mana 5 cards in a row). It's always something.
Normally, my response to this type of situation is "I honestly don't think I'm doing that badly, I'm just having bad luck" but it's much harder to reassure myself when I'm dumping money into every agonizing defeat. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up before I lose interest entirely.
Without seeing exactly how you drafted, built your decks, and played your matches, it's very difficult for someone on the outside to figure out what you're doing wrong. If you're playing sealed, post your pool and the deck you came up with, preferably with comments about your card selection process. If you're open to criticism I'm sure some of the posters here can stamp out some card evaluation and deck construction issues in your play.
The game has variance and sometimes it can be hard to identify whether you are losing because of variance or because of skill. As weird as it sounds, even major misplays can seem like subtle nuances. I'll also mention that there's nothing wrong with not doing well online, the competition is much stiffer than most in person drafts. It will take time to ramp up.
I suggest heading over to http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Magic: The Gathering and watching some top limited players. Not many of them are great about commentary, but it'll definitely help train your card evaluation.
United States24579 Posts
On June 11 2013 05:44 Judicator wrote: Kidding aside, this is why you don't play Magic with the mindset of NEED TO WIN like you have here. To put it in SC terms, you're literally one step away from one of the many posters you probably have banned for balance whining, build order whining, and etc. I feel like this is actually comparing apples and oranges. There is a tremendous amount of luck in magic, compared to in SC. There certainly is some luck with regards to build order, scouting, unit pathing, and the like, but in SC you can't just get completing mana screwed two games in a row, and your opponent's race isn't suddenly twice as good as yours because he has good cards this game.
As for my mindset. I don't think I have a "need to win" attitude. I have a "don't want to almost always lose" attitude. It comes down to how reasonable your expectations are. I don't expect to go 3-0 in one of these booster drafts. I recognize that there is almost always at least 1-2 players who are just plain better at magic than I am in each 8-man event. I don't expect to never go 0-3 either. Sometimes you just have bad cards or bad luck, etc. Since I switched to this format I'm always finishing near the bottom, and I think it's mostly bad luck. N=5 isn't not very impressive of a sample, I realize. When you are playing an expensive game, and consistently losing, it's going to be very tough psychologically no matter what your attitude is, though. Unlike SC where it's easy for someone to explain to you how you can win more simply with better macro, better rehearsed build orders, better scouting, etc, it's hard to tell someone "you shouldn't have gotten mana screwed" or "that guy shouldn't have had better cards in his sealed deck than you."
Have you ever re-examined your play and attempt to fix what you can actually control? Like if you lose to cards you can't play around or can't handle, then maybe its not your play skill and drafting skills? Maybe its your deck construction skills? Maybe you really couldn't have done anything and you just gave it your best to come up short. I feel like it's mostly the latter, however I am lacking in experience to be able to state it confidently. One obvious thing I do is keep in mind what cards I didn't put into my deck, and see which ones I end up wishing I had during each game. It's very rare I find myself saying "aw man I should have put card X in" or "I should have incorporated that other color instead." I also used to make lots of mechanical mistakes and strategy mistakes, and I'd usually notice them. However that seems to be happening much less now. I'm sure there are subtleties I sometimes miss, and that's why I recognize I'm not going to be able to go 3-0 right now.
I mean everyone has their ups and downs. Brad Nelson went from Player of the Year to PTQ grinder, LSV went from first ballot Hall of Fame to almost dropping out of the PT Plat status (its a big deal). Personally, I went from collecting sets of FMN promos and near infinite free drafts to barely getting 1 per month and paying for them. The point of this is that if you are playing Magic solely for results, you're playing the wrong game. This game will jerk you around despite your best intentions. Luck/variance is very much a factor, so keep that in mind when you do play. Yes, definitely true. Either I'm going through a rut since I switched to sealed deck, or my senses as to what's going on with my games/decks is so off that I'm in serious trouble. I'm really hoping it's the former.
If the money thing is that big of a deal to you, find alternative online Magic communities. Magic-league is alright with a pretty big spectrum in skill with all kinds of formats, I play there when I am bored/testing for live events. I mean all things considered with how many people we have active on here, we can probably come up with a weekly MtG night using Cockatrice/MWS/Netdraft without costing any money. It's only a big deal (the money) if I'm going to keep consistently losing most of my games. As long as I feel like I'm improving and sometimes getting wins mixed in, I can justify playing for the events since collecting the cards and completing the sets for redemption is fun.
You might just be right that I have an incompatibility with magic: a lot of the time you do poorly and it isn't your fault. I liked SC because of how you can always compensate for losing by practicing and just plain getting better. You can't practice how to not draw 5 non-lands in a row, or how to get four crappy rare cards in your booster draft. When that happens repeatedly it drives me crazy (and I honestly think you'd be hard pressed to find people who don't feel similarly).
edit: @ Azuzu
I'd be happy to share my draft except I'm not sure how. I have 20 minutes to build a deck, so I don't really have time to write down a list of which cards I put into the deck and which ones I didn't. Do you have any suggestions for how I could do this?
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Maybe try taking a screenshot of your pool and your final deck choice and "sideboard". (Remember to use Alt-PrtScrn if it helps!). Post at end of round and include your thought process, and how some games went or screenshots of board states you were stuck on.
On June 11 2013 06:20 micronesia wrote:
edit: @ Azuzu
I'd be happy to share my draft except I'm not sure how. I have 20 minutes to build a deck, so I don't really have time to write down a list of which cards I put into the deck and which ones I didn't. Do you have any suggestions for how I could do this?
Screenshot the pool and deck if playing online. Paper magic obviously makes things a bit complicated.
If possible, you could stream or record a few entire drafts if playing online. I think that would be the most helpful.
There are also some draft viewer/recorder programs for MTGO if you can't stream, but I don't know much about them.
United States24579 Posts
Maybe I should record a video of me doing the draft. While I'm setting that up I have another idea. Why don't I, next time I do this, take the screenshots you suggested, then post the list of cards here, without specifying what deck I made. Then you (and anyone else) puts together a deck based on those cards, and then we compare/discuss our decks? Would you be willing to do that?
Local GP for RtR sealed this weekend and all my local mtg friends want to do MM sealed to practice for Vegas instead, qq
And yet none of them ever want to draft......
United States7270 Posts
Either way is fine, but why don't you just stream? Much more interactive that way, don't think you're popular enough to get stream sniped/ghosted.
Also, I am not comparing SC and MtG, I am comparing the similarity in the attitudes people take to the games results. While you say you have a different attitude to the balance whiners, your approach isn't that far off, the things you complain about you have to just accept is part of the game. There will be times where your opponent takes the worst line of play possible and still beat you because you drew your 14th land in draft, you just have to accept it and think about if you could have done anything differently and most importantly, then move on.
You might just be right that I have an incompatibility with magic: a lot of the time you do poorly and it isn't your fault. I liked SC because of how you can always compensate for losing by practicing and just plain getting better. You can't practice how to not draw 5 non-lands in a row, or how to get four crappy rare cards in your booster draft. When that happens repeatedly it drives me crazy (and I honestly think you'd be hard pressed to find people who don't feel similarly).
As for this, that's true to a point. How you handle the situation is more important than the actual result, winning or losing. As for variance, the rarity thing is a fallacy, you don't need rares to win at this level of play (3 matches is coinflip city). You can definitely practice to get better.
Also, I really hope you have understood that sealed and draft are very different and card evaluation is subsequently different.
My MM pods consisted of individuals who were like that too. Then I took their prizes which reminds me.
My LGS pays out like this for a 8 man pod. 22 for first and 10 for second, no idea how it pays out from there. Don't how that compares to other people.
United States24579 Posts
On June 11 2013 07:00 Judicator wrote: Also, I really hope you have understood that sealed and draft are very different and card evaluation is subsequently different. Yes, I've definitely seen this to be true.
As for streaming, I'm not set up for it right now. I would like to do it, but last time I started streaming stuff it took me quite a few hours (and few people bugged for advice) to get it up and running. It would be much easier for me to start with alternatives.
I have to agree that whining/complaining is generally not a good way to respond to tournaments, regardless of what game it is. However, complaining that you lost several times in SC for reasons that weren't your fault, and that you lost several times in magic for reasons that weren't your fault can be different. It's highly unlikely that's true in sc, whereas in magic it can definitely be true. More importantly, what is the healthiest response when you are repeatedly getting screwed? This might be an opportunity for me to work on this.
Let's say you are playing poker, and you get hands like 2-7 off suit repeatedly all night, and end up losing pretty badly. And then the same thing happens two more nights. How should you respond to this? Humor, perhaps? If it was free poker then it would be easy to do that.
United States7270 Posts
I probably have a bigger problem than you regarding this since I believe that effort trumps anything in life, talent just determines how much work you gotta put in. Now obviously that doesn't play well in Magic since neither effort nor talent will be the sole determinant of a game much less a tournament. Nor do I like to lose.
First I remind myself that it happens, and I am just getting bent out of shape for something I can't control. Second, I think about the game I just played, did I play right, did I play into something, did I miss something, and etc. Third, I whine and bitch about it to people in my group, it's almost like swapping stories. Then finally, I remember all the bullshit that I have gotten away with, keeping 1 landers on the play, keeping no spells, top decking my one out.
At this point, my satisfaction (and conversely dissatisfaction) is derived not from results but my play in both the games and in drafting/deck construction. Since you aren't playing in person, you don't have that social side to it; you kind of have it here.
Maybe you really should consider playing alternatives like Magic-League, I use to draft there back in SOM block on Netdraft. You mentioned the cost many times already so it definitely is an issue.
United States24579 Posts
On June 11 2013 07:26 Judicator wrote: I probably have a bigger problem than you regarding this since I believe that effort trumps anything in life, talent just determines how much work you gotta put in. Now obviously that doesn't play well in Magic since neither effort nor talent will be the sole determinant of a game much less a tournament. Nor do I like to lose.
First I remind myself that it happens, and I am just getting bent out of shape for something I can't control. Second, I think about the game I just played, did I play right, did I play into something, did I miss something, and etc. Third, I whine and bitch about it to people in my group, it's almost like swapping stories. Then finally, I remember all the bullshit that I have gotten away with, keeping 1 landers on the play, keeping no spells, top decking my one out.
At this point, my satisfaction (and conversely dissatisfaction) is derived not from results but my play in both the games and in drafting/deck construction. Since you aren't playing in person, you don't have that social side to it; you kind of have it here.
Maybe you really should consider playing alternatives like Magic-League, I use to draft there back in SOM block on Netdraft. You mentioned the cost many times already so it definitely is an issue. The hardest part about it is that you can't be sure how much is a bad beat and how much is you just didn't play as well as you could have.
I'm certainly willing to consider playing on an alternate, free server. Can you tell me which is the best one? How would I get started with Magic-League?
By the way, does anyone want to take me up on that earlier offer? I play in a sealed deck event and take a screenshot, which I post here. You put together a 30+ deck based off of those cards and we compare ours.
United States7270 Posts
On June 11 2013 07:29 micronesia wrote:Show nested quote +On June 11 2013 07:26 Judicator wrote: I probably have a bigger problem than you regarding this since I believe that effort trumps anything in life, talent just determines how much work you gotta put in. Now obviously that doesn't play well in Magic since neither effort nor talent will be the sole determinant of a game much less a tournament. Nor do I like to lose.
First I remind myself that it happens, and I am just getting bent out of shape for something I can't control. Second, I think about the game I just played, did I play right, did I play into something, did I miss something, and etc. Third, I whine and bitch about it to people in my group, it's almost like swapping stories. Then finally, I remember all the bullshit that I have gotten away with, keeping 1 landers on the play, keeping no spells, top decking my one out.
At this point, my satisfaction (and conversely dissatisfaction) is derived not from results but my play in both the games and in drafting/deck construction. Since you aren't playing in person, you don't have that social side to it; you kind of have it here.
Maybe you really should consider playing alternatives like Magic-League, I use to draft there back in SOM block on Netdraft. You mentioned the cost many times already so it definitely is an issue. The hardest part about it is that you can't be sure how much is a bad beat and how much is you just didn't play as well as you could have. I'm certainly willing to consider playing on an alternate, free server. Can you tell me which is the best one? How would I get started with Magic-League? By the way, does anyone want to take me up on that earlier offer? I play in a sealed deck event and take a screenshot, which I post here. You put together a 30+ deck based off of those cards and we compare ours.
You can do that with any number of free websites that simulate that stuff, especially sealed.
Magic-League is at http://magic-league.com/
They run different formats, and usually use MWS which needs to be configured to actually play the game. Cockatrice is another online program to actually play the game. I can help you with MWS if you need it, but there are many walkthroughs for those.
There's a start up guide on ML here: http://magic-league.com/guide/play_magic_online.php
A sealed deck generator is at http://ccgdecks.com/sealed_gen.php where you can generate a deck and build it and have us build it/compare it with your build. That way you don't have to spend tickets to do a real one on MtGO. Should note, that there isn't always one way to build decks in sealed.
I have no idea how familiar you are to some low-tech online Magic, its a bit user unfriendly, but nothing too dangerous.
United States24579 Posts
On June 11 2013 07:39 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 11 2013 07:29 micronesia wrote:On June 11 2013 07:26 Judicator wrote: I probably have a bigger problem than you regarding this since I believe that effort trumps anything in life, talent just determines how much work you gotta put in. Now obviously that doesn't play well in Magic since neither effort nor talent will be the sole determinant of a game much less a tournament. Nor do I like to lose.
First I remind myself that it happens, and I am just getting bent out of shape for something I can't control. Second, I think about the game I just played, did I play right, did I play into something, did I miss something, and etc. Third, I whine and bitch about it to people in my group, it's almost like swapping stories. Then finally, I remember all the bullshit that I have gotten away with, keeping 1 landers on the play, keeping no spells, top decking my one out.
At this point, my satisfaction (and conversely dissatisfaction) is derived not from results but my play in both the games and in drafting/deck construction. Since you aren't playing in person, you don't have that social side to it; you kind of have it here.
Maybe you really should consider playing alternatives like Magic-League, I use to draft there back in SOM block on Netdraft. You mentioned the cost many times already so it definitely is an issue. The hardest part about it is that you can't be sure how much is a bad beat and how much is you just didn't play as well as you could have. I'm certainly willing to consider playing on an alternate, free server. Can you tell me which is the best one? How would I get started with Magic-League? By the way, does anyone want to take me up on that earlier offer? I play in a sealed deck event and take a screenshot, which I post here. You put together a 30+ deck based off of those cards and we compare ours. You can do that with any number of free websites that simulate that stuff, especially sealed. Magic-League is at http://magic-league.com/They run different formats, and usually use MWS which needs to be configured to actually play the game. Cockatrice is another online program to actually play the game. I can help you with MWS if you need it, but there are many walkthroughs for those. There's a start up guide on ML here: http://magic-league.com/guide/play_magic_online.phpA sealed deck generator is at http://ccgdecks.com/sealed_gen.php where you can generate a deck and build it and have us build it/compare it with your build. That way you don't have to spend tickets to do a real one on MtGO. Should note, that there isn't always one way to build decks in sealed. I have no idea how familiar you are to some low-tech online Magic, its a bit user unfriendly, but nothing too dangerous. Thanks a lot for this. By the way, that generator doesn't seem to have Dragon's Maze.... am I missing something or have they not added it yet?