On July 19 2012 19:18 BrTarolg wrote: Afaik the next release of keys is coming after the next patch so you might aswell wait for that anyway
The vast majority (including me) of beta testers are on hiatus until the next patch comes out as there is very little to test atm
I sent them a message on twitter not too long ago about the next wave of keys and the response I got was something along the lines of "Not until after GamesCom."
On the same subject: does anyone want to trade me a Firefall beta key for a LittleBigPlanet Karting beta key, or some steam games (E.Y.E, Breath of Death 7, Cthulu Saves the World, Titan Quest, Portal 2, Valve Complete Pack, Sanctum)?
Exciting indeed, but you just know after such a major content update that the game is going to be bugged as fuck for awhile None the less I'm counting the hours until I can play again. It's gonna be awesome.
On August 04 2012 19:30 doubleupgradeobbies! wrote: Oooh exciting times now, servers are down for the weekend, and if all goes well will be up again with the milestone update on Monday.
Yay for not needing to stay up to american hours just to get in some pvp, it would be nice to be able to get pvps around the clock (hopefully)
Monday at the earliest. This weekend they're internally testing the big servers, if they break them, it'll be later in the week when it comes back.
"We haven't sent out any new invites in a month because we held off on updating the beta build while we worked on this new major update. We expect to grow beta at a faster rate after this patch goes live."
On August 04 2012 19:30 doubleupgradeobbies! wrote: Oooh exciting times now, servers are down for the weekend, and if all goes well will be up again with the milestone update on Monday.
Yay for not needing to stay up to american hours just to get in some pvp, it would be nice to be able to get pvps around the clock (hopefully)
Monday at the earliest. This weekend they're internally testing the big servers, if they break them, it'll be later in the week when it comes back.
Yeah thats why I said if all goes well :D
On August 05 2012 08:36 Tachion wrote: Oooo good news for new beta testers
"We haven't sent out any new invites in a month because we held off on updating the beta build while we worked on this new major update. We expect to grow beta at a faster rate after this patch goes live."
From Red5's community coordinator.
We likely won't get invites immediately after milestone though, they are likely going to wait for gamescon first.
Sadly it looks like there were enough bugs on the bugstomping weekend for them to delay it a bit. They said server and milestone won't be up on Monday.
ShadowRatchet6 wrote: And Tier 3's not available yet? Also, so you said Tier 1's weapons and everything are done, but Tier 2's aren't fully done yet? So how are we gonna text crafting if crafting is only in Tier 2?
I don't recall saying that recently. Tier 2 is fully done and will be included in the patch along with the crafting options it brings. Tier 3 is slightly delayed.
So it seems the higher tier weapons won't be in on milestone release, which makes me sad I was looking foward to the shock rifle much more than the tesla rifle
This is why Firefall is so awesome right now, so much interaction with the developers. 18 posts from devs yesterday alone (on a Saturday), and about 10 of which were from the CEO of Red5 explaining and talking about cash shop ideas. This isn't a unique occurrence either. I wonder if they'll be able to keep this up once the player base expands 20 fold ;p
This is going to sound like a dumb question, but how frequently do they give out invites? I signed up for one right when it was possible to, but I haven't really heard a lot since then.
On August 07 2012 07:51 rwrzr wrote: This is going to sound like a dumb question, but how frequently do they give out invites? I signed up for one right when it was possible to, but I haven't really heard a lot since then.
They've had a virtual freeze on invites for about a month, while they were working on the milestone, they are expecting to give out a massive wave of invites after gamescon. And don't quote me on this, but I think they were going back to a more regular invite schedule after that.
Phobos said: We are still testing the latest beta build. Have to make sure the fixes we put in didn't make things worse. Once that is confirmed, it will be pushed out to the production servers and tested briefly there (just to make sure the deploy worked), and then we'll be ready to go. All of these things have variable times, so I don't have an exact eta for you.
Phobos said: We are still testing the latest beta build. Have to make sure the fixes we put in didn't make things worse. Once that is confirmed, it will be pushed out to the production servers and tested briefly there (just to make sure the deploy worked), and then we'll be ready to go. All of these things have variable times, so I don't have an exact eta for you.
pays to hang out on irc with phobos few more specifics. Colosus = Phobos.
[21:14] <@Colosus> Build didn't get done tonight, so it's still possible for Tuesday, but it's pushing it. It'll be late tuesday if not wednesday
And something for competitive players coming up
[21:13] <@Colosus> We actually plan to have automated tournaments that run every weekend [21:13] <@Colosus> Like Warcraft 3
You can make pickup teams and play if you want, and after the tournament the teams would be disbanded. There are also plans to implement an in-game betting system for matches and possibly duels. Of course it's not real money, but you can gamble in game currency on your matches Gonna be pretty awesome. If that's not hype enough....
[22:40] <@Colosus> And all of this is just the competitive side of the game. Doesn't even hold a candle to what we have planned for Open World PvP [22:41] <zoidbergenstein> yeah [22:41] <zoidbergenstein> i saw the job posting [22:41] <@Colosus> Makes Planetside 2 look like checkers played by handicapped children
I haven't played since the speed change, so getting used to the much faster combat is difficult :o It's certainly more difficult to hit people though, and that's good.
The battleframe garage is wicked cool. The customization that's going to go into optimizing different builds is gonna be great.
The new medic changes from the firefall youtube channel look...well, better than expected. I was fully expecting the medic to a healbot...wasn't looking forward to that.
On August 07 2012 15:37 doubleupgradeobbies! wrote: Also this just in:
Phobos said: We are still testing the latest beta build. Have to make sure the fixes we put in didn't make things worse. Once that is confirmed, it will be pushed out to the production servers and tested briefly there (just to make sure the deploy worked), and then we'll be ready to go. All of these things have variable times, so I don't have an exact eta for you.
pays to hang out on irc with phobos few more specifics. Colosus = Phobos.
[21:14] <@Colosus> Build didn't get done tonight, so it's still possible for Tuesday, but it's pushing it. It'll be late tuesday if not wednesday
And something for competitive players coming up
[21:13] <@Colosus> We actually plan to have automated tournaments that run every weekend [21:13] <@Colosus> Like Warcraft 3
You can make pickup teams and play if you want, and after the tournament the teams would be disbanded. There are also plans to implement an in-game betting system for matches and possibly duels. Of course it's not real money, but you can gamble in game currency on your matches Gonna be pretty awesome. If that's not hype enough....
[22:40] <@Colosus> And all of this is just the competitive side of the game. Doesn't even hold a candle to what we have planned for Open World PvP [22:41] yeah [22:41] i saw the job posting [22:41] <@Colosus> Makes Planetside 2 look like checkers played by handicapped children
Blizzard plz look at this and consider what you COULD be doing. So much wasted opportunity TT. Hots better do all this and more.
More on-topic, that honestly sounds super cool and the people behind this game seem to be thinking forward