BSL 2024 LAN: Summer Holidays
Gdańsk, June 15-16
Gdańsk, June 15-16
Hello guys,
I would like to invite you for Holidays in Poland this year! I know that you are probably watching BSL18, but it shouldn’t stop you from planning your future trips. There are two reasons to visit Poland this year, first LAN in Gdańsk in June, second LAN in Warsaw in October. Together with the help of Polish guys: Pierozan, Krez, Hejek, Mazur and of course Adun who sponsored the prize pools, we want to invite you to take part in 2 MORE OPEN LAN Parties in Poland this year.
- I. BSL 2024 LAN - Summer Holiday - Gdansk, June 15 - 16, 2024 - Kinguin Esport Lounge, prize pool: 0,25 ETH (~$800 atm) + matcherino
- II. BSL 2024 LAN - Season Finals- Warsaw, October 26 - 27, 2024 - H.4.0.S., Warsaw, prize pool: 0,5 ETH (~$1600 atm) + matcherino
BSL 2024 - Summer Open LAN - Gdańsk 15-16 June
- 1. The main tournament will happen on Saturday, June 15, 2024
- 2. Additional for fun RvR (no main race) tournament will happen on Sunday, June 16, 2024
So far we have 12 computers + casting station rented for Saturday - when I will know how many people will decide to come, I will reserve rest of computers needed, so please declare yourself asap here
- Format is depending on the number of players, but most likely we will do 4 groups with TOP2 advancing to RO8 Bracket
- Map pool of BSL18, first map by ban, second map picked by loser with one veto from winner
- Players will be seeded to tiers based on their average MMR
- You have to declare one race for entire tournament and play on your most known nickname
Memorabilias & Tickets
- Diamond package - $75 - dedicated t-shirt, hoodie and mug, stickers, coaster(3D Printed), poster, Diamond Attende ID on a leash (Signups open till May 15)
- Golden Package - $35 - dedicated t-shirt, stickers, coaster(3D printed), poster, Golden Attende ID on a leash (Signups open till May 15)
- Platinum Package - $10 - stickers, coaster(3D printed), poster, Platinum attende ID on a leash
- Regular Player - $10 - 30$ per day - involves tournament participation (Price depends on the number of participants)
- Observer - Free/Any - there will be a piggy bank, collected money will be spend on Day 2 tournament prize pool
All the memorabilia needs to be ordered before May 15 - it will give me time to order / make them and bring them to the LAN Party.
List of confirmed attendances:

Discord Server
Prize Pool:
Total: 0.25 ETH (~$800 atm) + feel free to donate to the prizepool here: https://matcherino.com/tournaments/111650
Thanks to the support of Mr. Hejek, who not only supported the event financially, which helped us get the venue, but also agreed to help as an admin.
Sponsors: Adun - Prizepool, Hejek - venue
BSL 2024 - Open LAN - Finals, Warsaw, October 26-27
I will add more details about this tournament in future, here is basic info for you to reserve time and get interested about 4x $200 for travel from outside of Poland.
1. Main tournament will happen on Saturday, October 26, 2024
2. Additional for fun tournament will happen on Sunday, October 27, 2024
Total: 0.5 ETH (~$1600 atm) + feel free to donate to the https://matcherino.com/tournaments/111704
Travel expenses & accommodation support.
Thanks to the kindness of Mr. Scheminggypsy, we will have 4x $200 “tickets” to win, as a cover for part of the expenses for players who will come to the Warsaw Finals from outside of Poland.
Here comes the question to the players from outside of Poland who are interested in participating and there is a chance that they will come, when would be the best date to make qualifier tournaments for those tickets?
Please fill in the form: https://forms.gle/xouDg2bogMtAjJJX6
Sponsors: Adun - prizepool, Pierożan - 1500PLN - venue, Mazur - 1000 PLN - venue, Scheminggypsy - $800 - players travel expenses
We are still missing 1500 PLN for the venue cost coverage for both days in Warsaw. Feel free to contribute here: https://zrzutka.pl/skka4e
Are you planning to come on some of them ? Let us know! I will try to update the list of players and observers regularly. I created new discord server, for easier communication. If you have any questions, feel free to jump in and ask them here.
BSL is alive only thanks to the support from the community. Feel free to join the BSL Patreon if you like our efforts to keep the scene active. You can check all the Patreons HERE <3