GW2 has an explorable landmass size of 125 sq miles, which would make it have about 1.5 times the amount of explorable landmass that WoW vanilla had.
However, of all the MMO's old and new it seems that GW2 will have the most sea and underwater content, with ANet's focus on underwater exploration and content the seabased content richness will be equal to what can be found on land.
So that's 1.5x vanilla WoW in landmass, not including the underwater content that we can explore as well.
Add in all that underwater content and shit, and this game could easily be 2x the size of Vanilla WoW.
They seem to emphasize a lot on underwater content, I hope they dont overdue it. I never really liked to play underwater in any game, hope I can skip it, I never done quests in Wow water area (Vashj'ir) because of that
On December 23 2011 08:39 Ryps wrote: They seem to emphasize a lot on underwater content, I hope they dont overdue it. I never really liked to play underwater in any game, hope I can skip it, I never done quests in Wow water area (Vashj'ir) because of that
They say they want to make the Underwater content just as enjoyable and expansive as the land content.
So strictly speaking mathematically, since 1/3rd of the game is supposedly water content, and the landmass is 1.5x the landmass of WoW -- that means the game is ROUGHLY 2.25x the size of Vanilla WoW. Which, my guestimate is like Kalimdor + Azeroth + Outlands + Some of Northrend? I may be a tad off, but yeah. If they deliver on the Underwater content I will be very happy, however, I'll remain wary like you.
So from what I can tell the Necromancer would be the Warlock equivalent from WoW correct? I've been thinking of picking up this game whenever it does come out and normally I play whichever bow wielding class is in the game. I feel I might change it up a bit and wanted to play a Warlock type class.
On January 05 2012 00:11 Xinder wrote: So from what I can tell the Necromancer would be the Warlock equivalent from WoW correct? I've been thinking of picking up this game whenever it does come out and normally I play whichever bow wielding class is in the game. I feel I might change it up a bit and wanted to play a Warlock type class.
Ya necromancer = warlock basically, it harnesses the element of death.
That video was a slight letdown for me :-( i guess i had far too high expectations. It still looks too pee all over WoW and SWTOR in terms of everything though ^_^. I expected the rolls etc to mean more, it looked purely for show in that :| didnt seem to move any faster when rolling and get out of range etc, which is what i expected (with some sort of stamina bar to limit it ofc.) maybe i havent been reading up enough.
Still, the game looks awesome enough to steal the majority of my life ^_^ cant wait <3.
Played assassin in gw1. I know the thief in gw2 will have stealth but I still hope there will be option like in the first game to focus on speed/teleports or something similar and not the boring stealth mechanic.
On January 04 2012 15:32 PeZuY wrote: I've been trying to search all around web, but has there been any timeline except 2012 for the release?
Closed Beta -> Open Beta depending on success -> Release immediately
They also said that they want to keep the beta short like GW1's (which was like a month altogether if I recall) and that they are finishing the game 100% in Alpha. Closed Beta started two weeks ago I believe.
A lot of people are predicting March/April.
On January 05 2012 02:10 Jimmy Raynor wrote: Played assassin in gw1. I know the thief in gw2 will have stealth but I still hope there will be option like in the first game to focus on speed/teleports or something similar and not the boring stealth mechanic.
Look at the thief info and abilities. They have a stealth, but it lasts for only like 8 seconds. Their main shit is teleporting everywhere around people, rolling around, and using shit like caltrops, scorpion wires, and traps to fuck people up and confuse them. So yeah, there will be no focus on stealth. It's just a quick mechanic to get in and then confuse your enemy and come in from a new angle. They seem to be focused heavily on single target DPS and lots of offensive control.
On January 05 2012 00:11 Xinder wrote: So from what I can tell the Necromancer would be the Warlock equivalent from WoW correct? I've been thinking of picking up this game whenever it does come out and normally I play whichever bow wielding class is in the game. I feel I might change it up a bit and wanted to play a Warlock type class.
Ya necromancer = warlock basically, it harnesses the element of death.
That video was a slight letdown for me :-( i guess i had far too high expectations. It still looks too pee all over WoW and SWTOR in terms of everything though ^_^. I expected the rolls etc to mean more, it looked purely for show in that :| didnt seem to move any faster when rolling and get out of range etc, which is what i expected (with some sort of stamina bar to limit it ofc.) maybe i havent been reading up enough.
Still, the game looks awesome enough to steal the majority of my life ^_^ cant wait <3.
Well, in the videos defense, he was a Guardian. Guardians get all their defense from their trillion support spells. Watch a Thief PvP video and it's basically him rolling EVERYWHERE since they get two shotted a lot.
So I'm super stoked for this game. I love how it seems your character will be scaling to your own skill level more so than an arbitrary stat/level. PvP in particular looks promising, PvP is WoW right now is just... a giant cluster fuck that I find to not be very enjoyable at all, so I'm really looking forward to fresh take on it. From all the videos I've seen it seems to be a lot more about positioning and using your head as opposed to spamming stuns and roots and crap.
One thing I'm curious about though is the PvE. I'm excited for the whole "no holy trinity" thing, but I'm interested in how this will effect things like high end content/raids/hard modes/what have you. In WoW, difficulty in PvE content is scaled basically by damage output on the raid to strain your healers, or important positional requirements of mobs/adds that need to be picked up, which falls on your tanks.
My question is, with no healers or tanks, how is difficulty going to be ramped up? They can't realistically up unavoidable damage output, because you'll be relying on your own self heal with it's own cool down. Things like adds needing to be picked up or bosses needing to be positioned doesn't seem viable because theres no tank class/taunt abilities that I can see. And IMO just spamming the ground with avoidable damage would get old pretty fast. I'd rather not have "high level pve" equate to "shit tons of circles on the ground you need to run out of!"
I'm not trying to be a naysayer and I am actually very excited to see how they handle PvE, I'm just genuinely curious, as I haven't really seen any articles about it yet.
I'm hoping this means ecounters will be less "TANK X IN CORNER, INTERRUPT Y" and more about positioning, interacting with your environment, and making good use of your support skills.
Well, after 2 years of being skeptical about how much I will enjoy this I have give in and will definitely play this to death, even if it sucks balls (I have had no games to play save for Skyrim in the past 2 years, unbelievably bored with everything I have). Not sure why the turn of heart but I've spent the last week or two thinking about it and I just started feeling the urge to play.
Now I just need to finish GWAMM before it comes out... 28/30 and 6k/10k drunkard and 2.5/10k sweet tooth. I never finished them because I hate farming but oh well, I want to have the title in GW2 now lol. At least I have 50/50 HoM but meh, need those shinies you know.
This looks awesome and i will definitely be playing it. But i have never played guildwars before. Is it recommended that i start playing gw1 now for the moment to get a better understanding of the game?
On January 11 2012 10:08 Knutzi wrote: im kinda scared about all the underwater stuff, i always get creeped out when im underwater in almost every game : (
Ahah I know the feeling. In Skyrim, exploring the ocean north of Winterhold I was freaking terrified and started imagining giant sea creatures below me watching me and waiting to come eat me. That, despite the fact that the only enemies in the water in that game are puny tiny fishes.
It's a common experience for me in games. Even in Minecraft I feel uneasy on the water (I play with no enemies).
On January 11 2012 09:15 ambrosiaa wrote: This looks awesome and i will definitely be playing it. But i have never played guildwars before. Is it recommended that i start playing gw1 now for the moment to get a better understanding of the game?
There's no harm in getting it and it remains a fantastic game to this day...
I left my copy at home in Ireland and I can't find a shop with any in stock here in downtown Toronto T_T. Don't have a credit card so can't buy one online!
On January 11 2012 09:15 ambrosiaa wrote: This looks awesome and i will definitely be playing it. But i have never played guildwars before. Is it recommended that i start playing gw1 now for the moment to get a better understanding of the game?
There's no harm in getting it and it remains a fantastic game to this day...
I left my copy at home in Ireland and I can't find a shop with any in stock here in downtown Toronto T_T. Don't have a credit card so can't buy one online!
You can download the client and use your account T_T