World of Tanks - Page 55
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Germany1850 Posts
T5: M4 T6: KV1S Hellcat T7: T29 T5 seems to be pretty balanced to me, i can deal with anything more or less. A good Stug can be frustrating, the M4 with the derpgun ist just a little too much. Thank god, they are rare. I play KV1 myself, so, yeah it is nice. T6: KV1S is just overpowered in it's tier. I mostly play T150 and there are little things i really fear. 1 is just running into two KV1S and dying before realizing i am dead. 2 is the Hellcat. If played properly, it is terrifying. It peeks out shoots for 250 damage with high pen and is in cover again before you have it in target. It can take very single tank of it's tier 1on1, either by outmanoevering, or by peekaboo. You have to get a lucky unzoomed shot. Fuck that tank. T7: There is no other tank in the game that bounces so many shots from my T43. Even shooting at the sides is a gamble, the front is "weak" still bounces a lot vs 167 pen. If it's hulldown, i may as well look for another target. | ||
United States26 Posts
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Norway33 Posts
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United Kingdom3571 Posts
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3391 Posts
What's you folks's opinion on 100%/Perked crews? If I plan on hanging on to a tank when I buy it's upgrade, should I retrain the old crew for the new tank and take the hit, and then put a 75% crew on the old tank? For example, if my crew is about 95% all around when I get the KV-1S, what's the best course of action? Retrain them down to whatever for the 1S (assuming it'll be slightly higher than 75% but not much???), then get a 75% crew for the KV-1? Or keep them on the KV-1 until they hit 100 and start training skills? Then move them around once everyone's got some skills rolling? Hope the question makes sense, I'm just eager to get a decent crew (never had any perks or what not) and every time my crew gets close, it's time to upgrade. | ||
United States2586 Posts
On June 04 2013 20:22 3Form wrote: I'm with you, and I've been on that page for a long time. I too much prefer mobility over anything. It's just funny that one of the biggest complaints about the Tiger is it's armour, and then you go on to say you do not care about armour. But I'll give you this one. On paper, the IS and T29 are indeed better than the Tiger H and M4 45. In the majority of situations the IS and T29 can perform better. The Tiger H and M4 45 are highly situational. Just they are not bad, merely eclipsed by easier to play tanks. Any situation where I've done exceptionally with the M4 45 would not have gone quite so well with the IS, for example. In fact it will be interesting to see how the next patch affects tanks like the IS, making them more accurate and such. I would have said the poor accuracy + aim time is the main downside for the IS, aside from the fact it's armour is... unreliable, and it's turret is weaker than it's hull. Fortunately most people who play the over-performing tanks are just average. But I had a fright recently when an IS actually peek-a-boo'd me at close range, rather than trying to face hug me. That was terrifying. If you like the T-43, I'd suggest the Comet. Their guns have similar penetration (ergo I don't consider either of them undergunned for their tier). The Comet is nicely mobile and has an incredible 12 degrees of gun depression, allowing it to use it's tiny turret which is really well armoured. The RoF allows you to peek over a ridge, snap shot, retreat and repeat. So you have an amazing mix of DPM, gun depression, armour and mobility. Easily the best tier 7 medium imo, this coming from a long time T20 fan. I wasn't amazed by the T-43, it was just a stepping stone to an actual tier 10 tank (T-62A) that's viable for high level play. I was just making a point that I don't use armor as a crutch as the poster who quoted me implied (and armor ceases to be relevant past tier 8 anyways). I just happened to play the MS-1 for it's gun, loved the KV-1, and went down the KV-1s line thinking I'd get more of the same. If I had a choice in what tank I started grinding I'd have gone down the soviet med line or the t57 line if it had existed when I started. The IS is great until you hit tier 9 and stumble into the mess that is the IS-8, and question to yourself whether or not it's worth it to go further for a tier 10 tank which ranks among the worst of the tier 10 heavies. Tiger and AMX M4 are pretty bad though if their success relies on the driver being significantly better than an IS or T29 driver such that its not just enough to overcome the tanks' significant downsides, but to also have to be significantly better than an opponent to outplay them as well. Like, it's not a matter of tanks being easier. If an IS/T29 driver and a Tiger/AMX M4 driver were both equal in skill, but also skilled enough to play either tank to it's maximum capability, the Tiger/AMX M4 would consistently under perform. As for the T-43's gun, it is most definitely undergunned for it's tier, and the comet is equally under gunned. Both tanks use the same tier 6 gun their predecessor uses, and they're very inadequate. Neither tank can pen the majority of tier 7 tanks frontally at any point, nor are they able to withstand any kind of return fire to get close enough and try. The only thing either tank has going for them are their speed. To the average player it makes no difference, and these two tanks are rated among the worst of any tier 7 tank. But in the hands of a player with above average decision making, you can get yourself into positions and abuse the average player to get the shots in the back and side where you're actually capable of penning. Speed is the equalizing factor on what a tank is capable of, and in heavy tanks like the Tiger, AMX M4, IS, or T29; tanks which don't really have an excess of speed, you have to move on and compare the secondary traits like their gun, versatility, and ultimately armor. And that's just tier 7. In tiers 8 and 9 the T-43 and Cromwell are reduced to being scouts -- there are tanks they can't even pen from the side or back without gold. I almost preferred being the lower tier tank in a match because the attrociously low alpha damage of the 85mm on the T-43 wasn't enough to carry as hard as an opposing tier 7 heavy tank. In higher tiers I could contribute much more through passive supporting and taking an active role towards the end. All of the tier 7 meds in general are fairly "meh." In this replay against tier 9's I did just under 1,000 damage. Imagine how much differently it'd have gone with just 20-30mm extra penetration which would bring the 85's penetration a little more back in line with other tier 7 tanks boasting 180mm+ pen versus the T-43's 144mm pen. | ||
1505 Posts
On June 05 2013 11:31 Duka08 wrote: Having tons of fun in my KV-1. Really excited to get the 1S. What's you folks's opinion on 100%/Perked crews? If I plan on hanging on to a tank when I buy it's upgrade, should I retrain the old crew for the new tank and take the hit, and then put a 75% crew on the old tank? For example, if my crew is about 95% all around when I get the KV-1S, what's the best course of action? Retrain them down to whatever for the 1S (assuming it'll be slightly higher than 75% but not much???), then get a 75% crew for the KV-1? Or keep them on the KV-1 until they hit 100 and start training skills? Then move them around once everyone's got some skills rolling? Hope the question makes sense, I'm just eager to get a decent crew (never had any perks or what not) and every time my crew gets close, it's time to upgrade. I'd say, depends on how you play. Premium or nonpremium. It's a matter of money. The last 10% of a crew are the most important (you can actually feel the difference between 90 and 100% way more than between 50 and 80% for example). But the KV1S is an experience machine, and it only gets brilliant after you max it out (the 122mm, top engine etc) - so you have a bit of time to get your crew up to par. I just bought my KV1S with 75% crew, since my crew wasn't that high back then. As a rule, if you retrain a crew for the same type of tank (heavy tank crew to another heavy tank), they keep 90% of their effciency. A 100% crew falls down to 90%, etc. That's the 20.000 credit option. The normal retrain without cost will let them keep 80% of their efficiency, so a 100% crew falls down to 80%. There are different rules when you retrain for a different type of tank, but since it's about a KV1 and KV1S, yeah. That's how it works. If you ask me (dunno if you play premium) - retrain at least driver and gunner for 20.000 for the KV1S. The 122 has a slow aiming time, which a better gunner can counteract, and one of the strengths of the KV1S is that it drives like a medium, if you have a decent driver. The rest is up to you, since i would sell (better, i did) my KV1. There you go, everything about crew explained, way better than i could. ^^ edit (and armor ceases to be relevant past tier 8 anyways) What? | ||
United States16044 Posts
My T-34 is still my highest tier tank but I'm down to platoon with anyone playing T5 or 6 tanks. | ||
Germany1850 Posts
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957 Posts
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3391 Posts
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957 Posts
In tier VI Hellcat seems to excel. But those Super 6 Cups are full of KV-1S. Looked acceleration up: Power/Wt Ratio 13.65 hp/t That's not for me. It has a good top speed, though. Yeah, soviet heavies are sneaky race cars. | ||
3391 Posts
- Graduating from the M4 soon and can't decide whether to go with the Jumbo or Easy 8. M4A3E8 sounds more fun between the two, but the E2 would open up not only the medium track that I'd be following already with the E8, but also the heavy track starting with the T29. Having the options might be nice. How do you compare/contrast the M4A3E2 with the M4A3E8? - Would like to go for the Hellcat at some point. How does the T40 -> Wolverine route compare to the M8A1 -> T49 route? I know the T40 can be ridiculous DERPY fun like it's predecessors, but I don't hear much good about the Wolv. On the other hand, I hear the T49 is good, but never much about the M8A1. SO MANY CHOICES. In the long run it won't matter that much, another 20-30 games on whatever tank to open a new branch isn't the end of the world. Just curious. | ||
United States368 Posts
Haven't played the M8A1 or T49 but they probably have closer playstyle to the Hellcat as both of them are fast vehicles, whereas the T40 is not too fast, and the stock Wolverine is incredibly slow. If you go for the E2, and end up on the T-29, make sure you either got the T20's 90mm (same as the T-29's) or have free XP for the 90mm, since the 76mm on a tier 7 heavy is just completely inadequate. Haven't played the medium line to comment, though. | ||
United States2586 Posts
On June 06 2013 06:46 Duka08 wrote: Requesting opinions on a few tanks: - Graduating from the M4 soon and can't decide whether to go with the Jumbo or Easy 8. M4A3E8 sounds more fun between the two, but the E2 would open up not only the medium track that I'd be following already with the E8, but also the heavy track starting with the T29. Having the options might be nice. How do you compare/contrast the M4A3E2 with the M4A3E8? - Would like to go for the Hellcat at some point. How does the T40 -> Wolverine route compare to the M8A1 -> T49 route? I know the T40 can be ridiculous DERPY fun like it's predecessors, but I don't hear much good about the Wolv. On the other hand, I hear the T49 is good, but never much about the M8A1. SO MANY CHOICES. In the long run it won't matter that much, another 20-30 games on whatever tank to open a new branch isn't the end of the world. Just curious. 1) You need to decide where you're going at the end of the line. The M4 can take you to the tier x american medium the M48 patton, or the tier x american heavy the T110E5. It's kind of hard to know which considering you've probably never even seen either of them before, but if you're going to commit to the grind it's good to learn and avoid making a mistake towards the end of the line. I'd do some research before you commit to either, but heres a brief description. The m48 patton is a heavily armored and somewhat slow medium, and the t110e5 is a moderately armored but nimble heavy. Both have good guns. The easy 8 and the T20 which precedes it are very fast medium tanks, but after that the american medium line changes into medium "heavy" tanks, trading all speed for armor. The T110E5 line starting from the E2 remain consistent in their playstyle: heavily armored turrets that make for amazing hull down spots, and contains some of the best heavy tanks of their respective tiers. Competitively, the T110E5 is the number one picked tank for its mobility and it's gun which is one of the best of any tier x heavy. That being said, if you're going to pursue the American heavy line starting from the E2 jumbo, you need to save up 14,000 free exp for when you research the T29. The 90mm which you can research on the M6 doesn't come with the E2 or stock with the T29, leaving you with the tier V 76mm, which on a T29 guarantees you're not penetrating anything for a long time, and you're getting very little exp to work towards the 90mm. If you're going to get the easy 8 and pursue the medium line however, theres nothing to really worry about. If you don't know which you'd prefer, I'd also recommend casually getting both. Pursue the one you think would be your favorite, while you casually do the daily double of the other. The differences between the Jumbo and the Easy 8 themselves is quite literally defined by their armor. The easy 8 is very fast and lightly armored. The Jumbo trades speed for some of the best armor in tier 6, along with an extremely well armored turret with great gun depression that makes the Jumbo the best hull down tank of the tier. Both tanks are very good. 2) Wolverine is very slow and well armored, and the T49 is very fast. It's a similar situation to the Easy 8 vs the Jumbo. One line is well armored and slow, and the other line is lightly armored but very fast. They both have good guns. No one really compares tier 4 tanks as they're all fairly underwhelming until their tier 5 counterparts begin to make distinctions in playstyle. The hellcat itself is very fast, and has one of the best guns of it's tier. It's widely regarded as one of the best tier 6 tanks in the game, though it has a steeper learning curve. | ||
3391 Posts
On June 06 2013 10:04 rd wrote: 1) You need to decide where you're going at the end of the line. The M4 can take you to the tier x american medium the M48 patton, or the tier x american heavy the T110E5. It's kind of hard to know which considering you've probably never even seen either of them before, but if you're going to commit to the grind it's good to learn and avoid making a mistake towards the end of the line. I'd do some research before you commit to either, but heres a brief description. The m48 patton is a heavily armored and somewhat slow medium, and the t110e5 is a moderately armored but nimble heavy. Both have good guns. The easy 8 and the T20 which precedes it are very fast medium tanks, but after that the american medium line changes into medium "heavy" tanks, trading all speed for armor. The T110E5 line starting from the E2 remain consistent in their playstyle: heavily armored turrets that make for amazing hull down spots, and contains some of the best heavy tanks of their respective tiers. Competitively, the T110E5 is the number one picked tank for its mobility and it's gun which is one of the best of any tier x heavy. That being said, if you're going to pursue the American heavy line starting from the E2 jumbo, you need to save up 14,000 free exp for when you research the T29. The 90mm which you can research on the M6 doesn't come with the E2 or stock with the T29, leaving you with the tier V 76mm, which on a T29 guarantees you're not penetrating anything for a long time, and you're getting very little exp to work towards the 90mm. If you're going to get the easy 8 and pursue the medium line however, theres nothing to really worry about. If you don't know which you'd prefer, I'd also recommend casually getting both. Pursue the one you think would be your favorite, while you casually do the daily double of the other. The differences between the Jumbo and the Easy 8 themselves is quite literally defined by their armor. The easy 8 is very fast and lightly armored. The Jumbo trades speed for some of the best armor in tier 6, along with an extremely well armored turret with great gun depression that makes the Jumbo the best hull down tank of the tier. Both tanks are very good. 2) Wolverine is very slow and well armored, and the T49 is very fast. It's a similar situation to the Easy 8 vs the Jumbo. One line is well armored and slow, and the other line is lightly armored but very fast. They both have good guns. No one really compares tier 4 tanks as they're all fairly underwhelming until their tier 5 counterparts begin to make distinctions in playstyle. The hellcat itself is very fast, and has one of the best guns of it's tier. It's widely regarded as one of the best tier 6 tanks in the game, though it has a steeper learning curve. 1) Well that's my point, I kind of want to have both options available since I'd like to at least try the T29 and the M103 mostly, but I'm also HIGHLY interested in the medium line working toward the Patton. Both the Easy 8 and the Jumbo let me work toward the medium line, but the Jumbo keeps both options open, at the expense of playing the Jumbo instead of the Easy 8 (the latter of which sounds more fun from what I hear, but your descriptions make them both seem great, just for different reasons!). 2) I got that impression between the Wolv / T49, I'm just wondering which one will be nicer to grind up to the Hellcat with. I'll probably just pick one and roll with it... Ignoring the Tier 4 lead ins, I need to figure out which of these two will fit my style better. Kind of want to try the 49 just for the novelty of the speed on a TD. Thanks for the insight. Love the info <3 | ||
United States2496 Posts
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United States2940 Posts
On June 06 2013 17:32 Terranist wrote: i don't play the game but i enjoyed watching WoT on gomtv. are there any specific youtube or twitch channels that feature competitive WoT played at a high level like gom? We just showed our first tanks broadcast last night. We'll be pushing tanks every night this week at 6PM PST. You can check out the details at :D | ||
SoCal, USA3955 Posts
![]() "Please note these keys are only available for US/Canada members and they will only be valid on the North American World of Tanks server. World Of Tanks Starter Pack Giveaway For New Players Join World of Tanks today and get an Alienware Arena exclusive Starter Pack. Your Starter Pack Invitation Code for New Players includes: • 1000 Gold • Premium Account for Five Days • 100,000 Credits Make sure to follow the instructions to get your Invite Code key and redeem your Starter Pack. Please note these keys are only available for US/Canada members and they will only be valid on the North American World of Tanks server. About the Game: World of Tanks is the first and only team-based, massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world with more than 300 armored vehicles from United States, Germany, the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain and China, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrades and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game including light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. The choice is yours and the myriad of choices give you to freedom to find the armor that best fits your playstyle. But being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In World of Tanks, it's all about teamwork, with each player having their own unique role in battle. Work together, face the enemy and achieve victory. | ||
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