This is how I've been using locked skins:
I selected Kat as my hero. Then I switch to Cho Gath, and the flip to the nightmare skin. After which I switch back to Kat. When the game starts, I'll be using the Mercenary skin.
I don't have enough unlocked skins to fiddle around with any more, but with this information, maybe some of you can use more skins.
this game is barely even fun any more ...
On July 19 2010 08:52 Mogwai wrote:this game is barely even fun any more  ...
Sounds like someone needs to go kamikaze dudes as Kog in normal queue...
On July 19 2010 07:38 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 05:51 BlackHat wrote: So I just got into this game 2-3 weeks ago, and I think it's pretty awesome. I just hit level 15 yesterday and I seem to be doing really well.
I am worried that it won't last however, since I have been playing Cho'Gath using a guide I found called MFing Cho. I see a lot of people say this is only viable at low levels. So should I change my build to AP Cho like recommended on the guide here to make sure I can keep progressing? Or is tank Cho still viable and people are overstating how ineffective it is? Should I just switch to full time Mordekaiser?!
I usually build Regrowth pendant, Merc Treads, finish Warmogs, Guardian Angel, and then Atma's. If the game is still going by that point I usually consider a Starks or whatever would help the most.
I appreciate any thoughts or advice. The MFing Chogath sucks cock. Seriously, it hasn't been updated in over 6 months, the skill build is terrible, the item build is bad, and people really only think it's a good guide because he's like "so the enemy think he can kill u? NO FEAST HIS F*ING ASS UR TEH MFING CHOGATH NOM NOM NOM". The funny thing about his build is just the way it's written makes people think it's good. Seriously though, get rupture first, go QEQEQR then R>Q>W>E. Not putting points into scream until level 15 or whatever is just soooooooooo bad.
Thanks for the link. I'll try playing him this way tonight. MFing Cho'Gath is not so bad at low levels because people don't know that he's not that threatening. It's pretty easy for me to hold the mid solo because of his passive and rupture harass, and after that the other team sees him as a huge unkillable monster and their gameplan (assuming they had one) falls apart as they scramble to try and kill me and stay out of feast range. It was so bad one game I went 17-0-? the other team started crying over all chat how our Cho was a carry and it was so imba wah wah wah.
But I like Cho and I'd like to play a build that would stand up to a team with a clue. Much obliged for the help.
On July 19 2010 08:41 Chairman Ray wrote: This is how I've been using locked skins:
I selected Kat as my hero. Then I switch to Cho Gath, and the flip to the nightmare skin. After which I switch back to Kat. When the game starts, I'll be using the Mercenary skin.
I don't have enough unlocked skins to fiddle around with any more, but with this information, maybe some of you can use more skins. Does the order matter? Like if you pick cho'gaths 3rd skin you'll get kat's 3rd skin?
On July 19 2010 09:08 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 08:41 Chairman Ray wrote: This is how I've been using locked skins:
I selected Kat as my hero. Then I switch to Cho Gath, and the flip to the nightmare skin. After which I switch back to Kat. When the game starts, I'll be using the Mercenary skin.
I don't have enough unlocked skins to fiddle around with any more, but with this information, maybe some of you can use more skins. Does the order matter? Like if you pick cho'gaths 3rd skin you'll get kat's 3rd skin?
All I have is nightmare cho skin, so I could not test it out
On July 19 2010 08:58 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 08:52 Mogwai wrote:this game is barely even fun any more  ... Sounds like someone needs to go kamikaze dudes as Kog in normal queue... no, I need panth back... xin zhao ain't as fun
On July 19 2010 08:41 Chairman Ray wrote: This is how I've been using locked skins:
I selected Kat as my hero. Then I switch to Cho Gath, and the flip to the nightmare skin. After which I switch back to Kat. When the game starts, I'll be using the Mercenary skin.
I don't have enough unlocked skins to fiddle around with any more, but with this information, maybe some of you can use more skins.
You're doing an extra, unnecessary step.
Select Cho Gath first, select the nightmare cho gath skin Go back to katarina Lock-in
That's all.
god im glad im out of shit elos. i mean im not great, but i forgot how much more raging and bitching there is when you first start out. playing a smurf and people just dont get it. they are so intense about the game when they are just bad.
Man, does kogmaw have any use? Everytime I play with one, they're always completely useless. Both AD and AP kogs are bad. You have awful survivability with poor range with AD and AP, you just dont do dmg.
AP Kog is hella cool. I find him impossible to play well, but I think well played AP Kog is potentially really good.
On July 19 2010 02:30 APurpleCow wrote: My rating is 1110 in solo queue, never played with a partner.
I'm definitely in the top 10% of players. I hate MM. lol. another mid-high Elo player bites the dust.
On July 19 2010 03:57 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 03:29 Slaughter wrote: I kinda have that problem in that I play Karthus who really isn't a char that can wtf pwn 1v5 and carry a bad team vs competent players, Though I do love skill shoting people with LW and killing them. Seriously who stands there and lets you LW them 20x even though they are standing behind creeps and next to the turret? I'm considering learning Kat solely because she can solo mid and carry. the more i play kat, the more i see her huuuuge limitations. if i were to start over again and choose a hero to main then kat would not even be near the top of the list. for your sake, i suggest you look elsewhere for your tryhard main.
On July 19 2010 05:42 Liquid`Tyler wrote: imo when you duo queue, have one person play a jungler and the other person play a 1v2. if your mid is decent and your other lane doesnt completely feed, you should dominate the game (assuming you're truly that much better than your opponents) i couldn't agree more. inept and i usually ran this except i went solo mid and he got jungle. we were able to dominate two huge aspects of the laning stage and this lead allowed us to carry baddies through the game. polevaulted us to #1 and #7 (for a period of a few hours lool).
On July 19 2010 07:00 Shikyo wrote: HotShotGG just played a game that makes me now save 3150 IP for Nidalee :/ haha don't expect to pull off whatever he does though. people don't like him because he's such an egoist but IMO he's by far the best nidalee in the game. don't mean to sound like a fanboy bitch but it's hard to think of another character who has such a skill gap between the best and second best (whoever it is). i thought i was pretty competent at mid til i ran into HS's nidalee and got shit on. he had around double my cs and forced me out of lane before 5.
Season 1 is pretty fun so far - not to sound ridiculous but I had forgotten what it was like to play down in the ELO's. Running something like 14/4 on average the first 6 games
On July 19 2010 10:24 redtooth wrote: the more i play kat, the more i see her huuuuge limitations. if i were to start over again and choose a hero to main then kat would not even be near the top of the list. for your sake, i suggest you look elsewhere for your tryhard main.
Yeah, I really agree with this. Kat was my first real main but since I've been doing ranked games and people don't just overextend against my early aggression, I find that I have a hard time getting rolling with Kat. I kind of feel like she needs the early gold boost from a couple of early kills/assists to really have much impact on the late game. She's still fun to play but definitely much harder to use against competent players who don't overextend early and either CC/focus you out of Death Lotus during teamfights.
question: how do you tell who is pro in this game? there is no replay/ obs system to show people skills, is there a legit team or smthing?
also: what is the best way to climb out of rank 12xx? kinda up and down atm....
This is something I've been thinking about a bit.
How indicative do you guys think K/D rations really are? I find that I end a lot of games just breaking even or with less kills than deaths, but my assists are often through the roof. In fact I often feel like I do a lot of the work for kills but other people end up getting the killing blow just out of sheer luck or because I have to back off and let someone else finish the fight.
If you contribute reasonably well to pretty much every teamfight, can you still be considered a feeder just because you end up with a lot of deaths over kills? Or along the same lines, what would you consider a better score: 14/9/12 or 3/6/21?
On July 19 2010 10:24 redtooth wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 02:30 APurpleCow wrote: My rating is 1110 in solo queue, never played with a partner.
I'm definitely in the top 10% of players. I hate MM. lol. another mid-high Elo player bites the dust. Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 03:57 oberon wrote:On July 19 2010 03:29 Slaughter wrote: I kinda have that problem in that I play Karthus who really isn't a char that can wtf pwn 1v5 and carry a bad team vs competent players, Though I do love skill shoting people with LW and killing them. Seriously who stands there and lets you LW them 20x even though they are standing behind creeps and next to the turret? I'm considering learning Kat solely because she can solo mid and carry. the more i play kat, the more i see her huuuuge limitations. if i were to start over again and choose a hero to main then kat would not even be near the top of the list. for your sake, i suggest you look elsewhere for your tryhard main. OK, so who would be?
Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 05:42 Liquid`Tyler wrote: imo when you duo queue, have one person play a jungler and the other person play a 1v2. if your mid is decent and your other lane doesnt completely feed, you should dominate the game (assuming you're truly that much better than your opponents) i couldn't agree more. inept and i usually ran this except i went solo mid and he got jungle. we were able to dominate two huge aspects of the laning stage and this lead allowed us to carry baddies through the game. polevaulted us to #1 and #7 (for a period of a few hours lool). Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 07:00 Shikyo wrote: HotShotGG just played a game that makes me now save 3150 IP for Nidalee :/ haha don't expect to pull off whatever he does though. people don't like him because he's such an egoist but IMO he's by far the best nidalee in the game. don't mean to sound like a fanboy bitch but it's hard to think of another character who has such a skill gap between the best and second best (whoever it is). i thought i was pretty competent at mid til i ran into HS's nidalee and got shit on. he had around double my cs and forced me out of lane before 5.
I assume you were playing Kat? How did he force you out before he had his cat-burst to threaten you? It seems like Kat would burst a lot harder than Nid pre-6.
On July 19 2010 10:40 Kultcher wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2010 10:24 redtooth wrote: the more i play kat, the more i see her huuuuge limitations. if i were to start over again and choose a hero to main then kat would not even be near the top of the list. for your sake, i suggest you look elsewhere for your tryhard main. Yeah, I really agree with this. Kat was my first real main but since I've been doing ranked games and people don't just overextend against my early aggression, I find that I have a hard time getting rolling with Kat. I kind of feel like she needs the early gold boost from a couple of early kills/assists to really have much impact on the late game. She's still fun to play but definitely much harder to use against competent players who don't overextend early and either CC/focus you out of Death Lotus during teamfights.
Almost every hero has a limitation of some sort, though.