Can anyone give some advice or at least a jungling path? Amumu is my main so I already know how to jungle him, I'm guessing it's quite similar in items but I don't know the skill order or if golem first is a viable path.
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Belgium207 Posts
Can anyone give some advice or at least a jungling path? Amumu is my main so I already know how to jungle him, I'm guessing it's quite similar in items but I don't know the skill order or if golem first is a viable path. | ||
United States9109 Posts
also kayle too good now and i'm calling it here, lux + mordekaiser is going to be a fucking 2v5 teamstomping madness | ||
United States2131 Posts
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United States4008 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:12 seppolevne wrote: Thoughts on AD nunu? He has blood boil which gives him good attack speed, and a slow on short CD (better then some carries). Jungle-> MBR maybe? Build brave or go home ![]() | ||
Canada404 Posts So people keep asking "what is better now" but it's not that easy of an answer. Armor pen is better on low armor champs than high armor champs, and is also better when combined with already high AD. Because there are 2 variables, armor and damage, that determine which is better a graph is necessary to see at which armor vs damage combos which runes are better for. This can help you make an educated decision as to which is better for you! In the following equation, x = armor and y = your champions current AD The left side of this equation is the damage increase (with respect to armor) given by the AD runes. The right side represents the damage increase given by armor penetration, which is based on your current AD and the enemies armor. 8.64(1-(x/100+x)) = y(1-(x-14.94)/(100+x-14.94)) - y(1-(x/100+x)) This simplifies to y = 8.64(1-(x/100+x))/[(x/100+x)-((x-14.94)/(100+x-14.94))] Below is the graph Basically, the Y-axis is damage and the X-axis is armor. The line represents when the armor pen and damage give exactly the same bonus damage. Any point above the line, armor penetration is better. Any point below the line and damage is better. These results show that if you have high damage, against low armor champions, armor penetration runes are better. Against high armor champions, AD runes are better. It's up to you what is more important! If you notice any errors, let me know. The graph seems to represent values that Riot would want for these 2 runes to make them both viable. Happy Hunting! Good to know. It's interesting to see in a graph. If they have 200 armor and you have less than 160 AD, AD is better than APen. If they have 30 armour and you have >~68 AD, APen > AD. | ||
Canada1251 Posts
For me as Udyr I go: Armor + Pots -> HoG -> Omen -> Boots -> Armor/MR (what ever I need) -> More tanky Items -> Atmas. AS Reds / Flat Armor (or Dodge Yellows, depends on what I have in my pages at the time) / CDR Blues (would recommend MR/lvl, but i dont own them yet) / MS Quints (don't own these either but want them). Masteries, depends on how I'm feeling 9/0/21, 1/16/13, 14/6/10, 9/6/15 Always getting Improved smite, Improve ghost, the +6 MR, +EXP, +Duration on buffs | ||
Canada1681 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:14 Brees wrote: play warwick. but seriously nunu bloodboils carry, ices their carry, uses him ult, then dies during it most of the time, thats basically his job. you wont be auto-attacking much I know that's his job, I was just wondering "what if it wasn't?". | ||
United States37500 Posts
Udyr, start out with Cloth and 5 hp pots. First trip home, get a HoG and Boots. Then Merc Treads. From there, decide if the need for MR is imperative. If it isn't (I usually don't think so) finish Omen. Banshee's next, starting with Catalyst if you're before level 11, Negatron after 11. Final items should be something like: Merc Treads, Omen, Banshee, Sunfire, GA, FoN. Very tanky. Skill are rwerr, r > w > e > q If you opened at Blue, you can get Red at level 2 when smite is coming back up for the second time. If you do this, invest in Bear Stance at level 3 so you can go gank. E to close the gap and stun, R for rest of the way for damage. Toggle W once if you get into tower range but get right back into R. Smite/Ghost 1 8 21, 8 being SoS. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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United States473 Posts
1) Hit Ctr + L 2) Copy and paste this javascript:setServerStatus(1); 3) Hit Enter | ||
United States2548 Posts
I use the XP mastery. My runes arent even that optimal right now. I am currentling running 2 MS Quints and 1 Hp quints, Attack Speed Marks, Flat Armor Seals, and Mp5 per level glyphs. Level up pheonix first level, do blue, pop an hp pot, Smite when its around 400 hp. after that take a rank in turtle. Go to wolf's, pheonix and auto-attack it. Pop and hp pot on way to wraiths, attack the blue wraith, use pheonix a couple times and they will die. Take another rank in Pheonix. Do golems, use pheonix, auto-attack, they should die. At this point I like to port back and get my boots + more hp pots, then take on red. Just spam pheonix and turtle, smite and it should die, this should take you to level 4. Take a rank in Bear Stance. Look to gank a lane, if not just go ahead and continue jungling at their blue. You can take red before porting back but you would probably have to port back anyways, so why bother... You can either build your cloth into a HoG or a Madreds Razor, after which you can do dragon pretty safetly. BR Udyr is pretty hilarious and fun, lol. Still relatively new to Jungling Udyr tho. Also I like the new map although is isn't the best visually for battles and whatnot, so many colors ~_~ | ||
United States11763 Posts
Someone should go through and purge all these obsolete builds though ;p I'm too lazy. | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:16 ManBearPig wrote: Umm the only Jungle Udyr guide on the wiki is a chalice and malady build? Can anyone give some advice or at least a jungling build? Amumu is my main so I already know how to jungle him, I'm guessing it's quite similar in items but I don't know the skill order or if golem first is a viable path. there are a few ways to build him.. My personal way to play Udyr, there are quite a few ways to set up his masteries/runes/builds 1/14/15.. (take the armor in defense, the dodge + nimbleness, the reduced damage, and reduced damage from minions, in utility take move speed and utility mastery) Runes: Movespeed Quints, Attack speed marks, flat armor seals, attack speed glyphs Open with pheonix stance, cloth armor + 5 health potions make sure you and someone else spot for ganks, run if it happens, unless your in a premade and then have your team there with you.. make sure you stand right next to blue golem so pheonix hits him, start whacking on him and hit pheonix twice, chug a health potion, smite when hes about 600 health i think level turtle, start whacking away on wolves , I activate pheonix once, then activate turtle, then I just sit there and get my health and mana back with turtle on then I go and activate pheonix on wraiths, and then turn turtle on, chug a health potion, usually activate pheonix again, make sure your mid doesnt steal exp, if he does go out into mid until you hit lvl 3, level turtle.. go kill lizard, spam turtle/pheonix, take a health pot, use smite go kill small golems with pheonix turtle, health pot.. take bear stance here at lvl 4, look around for ganks while doing small golems my first back I buy boots + whatever, I get lots of wards with Udyr.. control the jungle, gank lanes often with bear stance.. my build is usually Heart of Gold then get what I need Items I'll buy almost every game Heart of Gold Mercury Treads Items I buy a lot Randuins Omen Banshee's Veil Guardian Angel Force of Nature Sunfire Cape if you need a little more damage for your team or they just make sense.. Sunfire Cape Trinity Force I don't get atmas much on Udyr(if ever) cause I don't focus people much, but it's ok, trinity adds a lot more burst potential and gives you the stats like movespeed and mana and a inconsistent slow, atmas is still ok. I will also get Locket once in a blue moon, it's really good early game if you get fed, but other than that, it scales horribly.. early game it makes you invincible in small fights and lets you spam abiltiies I max turtle first, then pheonix, then bear, then tiger, you move really fast with this build.. make sure you use bear stance and stun people.. use randuins in team fights if you have it, then stun everyone you need too.. don't stun people with channels until they channel since you have to wait 5 seconds if you stun too early.. spam abilties when you have blue.. you can afford too, be careful with your mana when you don't have blue | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:16 ManBearPig wrote: Umm the only Jungle Udyr guide on the wiki is a chalice and malady build? Can anyone give some advice or at least a jungling path? Amumu is my main so I already know how to jungle him, I'm guessing it's quite similar in items but I don't know the skill order or if golem first is a viable path. 1/14/15 or 0/9/21 AS marks, Flat armor yellow, CDR / mp5 / MR blues, health quints 5pot cloth opening Press r GOGOGO | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On October 20 2010 03:51 Insanious wrote: So basically I've done the math on the new AD runes: Flat AD: From lvl 1 -> lvl 5 you get +1(well from +1 at lvl 1 to +0.3 at lvl 5) damage after armor compared to ArPen runes Scaling AD: From lvl 1 -> 9 you get from +7 -> +0.1 damage (+7 at lvl 1 -> +0.1 at lvl 9) for ArPen and then AD/lvl net you +7 damage at lvl 18 WITH NO ITEMS. With Items, you get +2AD at lvl 18. Basically ArPen > Flat AD ALWAYS, ARpen > Scaling AD as you would trade dmg dominance from lvl 1 -> 9 for +2 damage at lvl 18. (AD/lvl runes break even at lvl 17 if you have a BF sword) - - - - Additionally, Getting a BF sword with ArPen runes makes them > AD runes period until lvl 18 with AD/lvl runes. Getting BF sword + another dmg item (thats above 10 damage) makes you better with ArPen then any AD runes - - - - - On a side note, AD/lvl Marks + Quints = +40AD@18 (2.3dmg @ lvl 1, 11@5, 23@10) so running them on Akali could be very interesting, just saying. I wonder what stats you are assuming. AD and Armor values are different from champ to champ. You probably didn't consider Last Whisper. Did you think about Armor Pen/Reduction from items/ablities? You can't just say "X > Y" based on some calculation with values that you might as well have gotten from a random number generator as far as I can tell. | ||
United States2131 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:25 seppolevne wrote: I know that's his job, I was just wondering "what if it wasn't?". Even if Nunu doesn't die in Brees' situation (which happens more often than not tbh), go AP. AD Nunu is just stupid. Not viable at all since if you go AD, he's obviously not tanky. Your Ice doesn't do any damage and you have to get into melee range to do anything. Sorry, but you're no Yi. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:28 Southlight wrote: Chalice Malady was my build on Udyr those weeks he got nerfed to the ground and Turtle gave like no mana back... also back then Malady was standard on Udyr, given that it was like 3 months before people en masse discovered Locket was nuts. I was one of like three people who tried to jungle Udyr anyways and that was my build. Someone should go through and purge all these obsolete builds though ;p I'm too lazy. I'll purge if you delete. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:30 TieN.nS) wrote: Nice everyone said the same thing, Udyr #1 noob jungler~ Pretty much. And please don't get Razor on Udyr. Udyr and Olaf are your two junglers that don't need any AD items (read Razor) to jungle properly. Phoenix and Olaf's passive are that good. | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 20 2010 04:33 NeoIllusions wrote: Pretty much. And please don't get Razor on Udyr. Udyr and Olaf are your two junglers that don't need any AD items (read Razor) to jungle properly. Phoenix and Olaf's passive are that good. you also don't need AD items on rammus, nunu, amummu, Malphite, fiddlesticks, etc.. ![]() | ||
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