What is Kobe24's build with Katarina?
She used to be my "main" (hence my username) - I was pretty decent with her but they keep releasing champions with CC ults and I'm getting lost on when is the appropriate time to use her in ranked. She is my only champion I can boast with, hit 1500 ELO with 74% winrate, 1 penta, and a 7-2 k/d ratio.
This was pre-nerf on her passive and bouncing blade, although I don't think that affected me at all. Then I learned everyone built her so much differently than I did and it totally confused the hell out of me because beforehand I always made her how it worked for me, and it often did. But playing as Katarina lately makes me feel as if I'm playing Twitch to be honest. I'm completely useless until the other team uses their snares, or I can only ultimate when my team successfully gets a snare off. So some games I'm harassing in team fights but being nothing but a complete tool because I never see a good opening. I pay attention to the fact that Sona still has her ult, or Sion still has his stun and I know exactly why but there just isn't a moment I can see myself death lotus.
The only situations I pick Katarina in anymore is if their team only have 2 or less champions with CC, or my team has Morgana, Galio, Amumu. Which rarely happens because those btiches always banned.
Edit: in before people with mains suck, you suck, your build sucks, katarina sucks, you don't know how to play katarina, here try my build instead because i'm a better katarina then you, i jack off to katarina's skins, i especially jack off to katarina's new skin being released today, etc.
He doesn't play her anymore. The only high lvl kat I can think of that still plays her is Bravado but I never see him anymore. I just remeber he goes spirit visage and ignite/exaust.
On October 19 2010 19:44 HazMat wrote: He doesn't play her anymore. The only high lvl kat I can think of that still plays her is Bravado but I never see him anymore. I just remeber he goes spirit visage and ignite/exaust.
the FUCK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude guys I'm so upset I can't sleep, LoL and SC2 are down, and I have no friends.
Yea exactly. I mean Wrawrawrawra (redtooth) goes like boots first (21 in utility ad movement speed quints so he has 400ms), vamp guise, rylais into ???? but don't think he plays anymore.
On October 19 2010 19:47 SCC-Faust wrote: Dude guys I'm so upset I can't sleep, LoL and SC2 are down, and I have no friends.
server status on leaguecraft.com seems to not be accurate anymore? yesterday it said EU was down and it was up^^
anyways just smurf on the other server u dont play on? :D usually one of em is up
On October 19 2010 18:05 Ota Solgryn wrote:Are there any streams of Utahime playing kass? Would love to see that  Since Uta is too cool for his fans (or sleeping, lol) I'll answer. livestream.com/utahime YouTube.com/eternalseki
But he hasn't streamed/frapsed in a while.
anyone else noticed the bug with swain and zileans ulti, i was playing a game with swain and i was ulti, being such the nice teame i am i ulti swain to save him form death when he ultis his life steal ravens as well, he still dies but even after his death his life steal ulti is still active. So that when my ulti revies him, he now has full life form his life steal,instead of the 750 w/e my ulti gives him
On October 19 2010 20:23 puckstop101 wrote: anyone else noticed the bug with swain and zileans ulti, i was playing a game with swain and i was ulti, being such the nice teame i am i ulti swain to save him form death when he ultis his life steal ravens as well, he still dies but even after his death his life steal ulti is still active. So that when my ulti revies him, he now has full life form his life steal,instead of the 750 w/e my ulti gives him Not a bug, Swain's ult as well as Morgana's and Kennen's ults doesn't get interrupted by GA (so this includes Zil's ult) nor Zhonya
On October 19 2010 20:23 puckstop101 wrote: anyone else noticed the bug with swain and zileans ulti, i was playing a game with swain and i was ulti, being such the nice teame i am i ulti swain to save him form death when he ultis his life steal ravens as well, he still dies but even after his death his life steal ulti is still active. So that when my ulti revies him, he now has full life form his life steal,instead of the 750 w/e my ulti gives him I imagine this falls under the bug fix in the patch that's currently being applied to the servers. Buffs such as Crow Storm would persist through Guardian Angel and Zilean's Ult, it won't really matter after the servers come back up though.
Ok, so lately I've been having real problems taking mid as tristana. I'm mainly a jungle/tank player (WW, Rammus, Mummy, Udyr, Olaf), but I picked up trist to have a phys dps that I thought was pretty good. I didn't have too many problems vs enemy champs in lane, except those times when the person is just better than you.
But Miss effing Fortune...
No matter how good/bad the person playing her is over the course of the game, I'll get forced out of lane every time MF vs Trist at about 6 or 7, usually down a summoner and at <100 HP. How does one try and play that lane? It always seems she has more DPS than trist early, and if I let her push hard and try to last hit at tower/play passive, I get eaten slowly and surely by Double Up.
Rune set up (Pre-Lux patch) is Arpen quints/marks, mp5/level seals, whatever glyphs I feel like.
On October 19 2010 20:38 Kaniol wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 20:23 puckstop101 wrote: anyone else noticed the bug with swain and zileans ulti, i was playing a game with swain and i was ulti, being such the nice teame i am i ulti swain to save him form death when he ultis his life steal ravens as well, he still dies but even after his death his life steal ulti is still active. So that when my ulti revies him, he now has full life form his life steal,instead of the 750 w/e my ulti gives him Not a bug, Swain's ult as well as Morgana's and Kennen's ults doesn't get interrupted by GA (so this includes Zil's ult) nor Zhonya
If you read the patch notes morgana and fiddle ults are specifically called out for this being "fixed" so it almost certainly is considered a bug even though it works right now.
based on the new AD rune values, going full AD/lvl with 3 AD/lvl quint = 13.5, 9 AD/lvl marks = 22, 9 AD/lvl seals = 10, to a grand total of almost 46, thats almost one fucking BF sword at 18... not including AD/lvl glyphs since they are way too cost ineffective, but if you wanna go crazy with absolutely full page of AD/lvl, full glyph slots adds in another 6-7 dmg at lvl 18...
flat AD runes adds to about 17, not counting AD seals, pretty darn impressive boost at lvl 1 imo...
On October 19 2010 21:57 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 20:38 Kaniol wrote:On October 19 2010 20:23 puckstop101 wrote: anyone else noticed the bug with swain and zileans ulti, i was playing a game with swain and i was ulti, being such the nice teame i am i ulti swain to save him form death when he ultis his life steal ravens as well, he still dies but even after his death his life steal ulti is still active. So that when my ulti revies him, he now has full life form his life steal,instead of the 750 w/e my ulti gives him Not a bug, Swain's ult as well as Morgana's and Kennen's ults doesn't get interrupted by GA (so this includes Zil's ult) nor Zhonya If you read the patch notes morgana and fiddle ults are specifically called out for this being "fixed" so it almost certainly is considered a bug even though it works right now. You know that the line between a bug and a feature is thin right 
On October 19 2010 22:02 Shizuru~ wrote: based on the new AD rune values, going full AD/lvl with 3 AD/lvl quint = 13.5, 9 AD/lvl marks = 22, 9 AD/lvl seals = 10, to a grand total of almost 46, thats almost one fucking BF sword at 18... not including AD/lvl glyphs since they are way too cost ineffective, but if you wanna go crazy with absolutely full page of AD/lvl, full glyph slots adds in another 6-7 dmg at lvl 18...
flat AD runes adds to about 17, not counting AD seals, pretty darn impressive boost at lvl 1 imo... Don't scaling mres/lvl blue-only give like a free negatron too?
MF vs Tristana is the hardest matchup for her aside from maybe Chogath or Kennen. Basically you want Flash and Exhaust or Ignite to finish her (I always run Flash/Ghost on Tristana, but those other 2 make it SOOOOO much easier) and you need to kill her before she hits 6. Max W first (EWWEWR then R>W and depending on how long you expect to be in mid for E>Q or Q>E, Q if you're going to be roaming and E if not). Try to land as many Explosive Shot DOTs as you can and see if you can harass her by blowing creeps up with your passive. Keep her as low as possible and try not to eat too many of her Make it Rains or Double Ups. She's just as squishy as you are, so when you Rocket Jump on her and do 1/3 her hp she has to either play chicken with you and hope her creeps are nearby or immediately run, allowing you to hit E and auto-attacks on her. Don't be afraid to go triple Doran's Blades, get boots as early as possible vs her and use flash offensively as a part of your auto-attack damage for kills. Stock up on health potions and use them liberally, maybe even a red elixir if you feel like it would help. If you get to level 5, try to keep her low enough so that you can jump her while casting explosive shot and then auto attack chase and follow up with an ult flash auto or a flash Buster Shot if you level and a Rocket Jump while potting to escape tower damage. If all else fails just harass her low and Buster Shot her to make her go heal. Hopefully she won't be able to blow her ult. Don't forget to last hit as many creeps as possible and push the wave to the tower to level faster, harassing her as she runs with jump auto and explosive shot, because you have flash and jump (as long as you're aware of when the jungler's going to show) as an escape from pretty much anything but a warwick ult.
(Note: Many players take WEWEWR because of jump at level 1 for escape but I prefer E as any gank that will kill me at level 1 with flash up is a gank that will kill me at level 1 with jump up.)
I also have problems vs good MF as Nidalee :/
Actually i feel like Nidalee is my worst vs MF matchup
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
once you have the creep aggro mechanics down, any matchup is easy as long as you understand when your champ is weaker/stronger and take advantage. MF should never get an ult off vs tristana so should be a pretty easy MU actually unless you eat every double up
edit: and you should absolutely have all of your skills by lvl 6...I agree with maxing rocket jump first but you only need 1-2 points in E before switching to maxing Q. Seriously you should not be using E much, especially once out of lane. the range is much shorter then your auto-attack so its only helpful in numbers ganks where you can just jump on them, and i assure you that extra miniscule damage isnt going to be the cause of their death
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
And time to start playing sivir again now that LW works on ricochet.
Tank/atma's sivir ftw
I disagree about it being pretty easy, but it's winnable.
[edit] The extra damage on the DoT isn't as important as the harass you get from blowing creeps up near her. If she's not near her creeps you jump her and E, Trist doesn't output enough damage to use Q that early. Locodoco's the one who tutored me on this so I doubt the advice isn't solid, but yeah, after 6 I usually max R>W>Q>E leaving E at 2 unless I absolutely know it's MF vs me mid for another 10+ minutes. [/edit]
45.9 damage at Level 1 yeahhhhhhhhh. 51.9 with Doran's Blade. Expect to see more Brutas/Ghostblades/Stark's/BlackCleaver and ofc LW.