Does Arpen even apply to Acid hunter? If so I can't tell if it's worth getting extra Arpen either from runes or items on him since AS is useless to him and black cleaver is too...
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Canada31494 Posts
Does Arpen even apply to Acid hunter? If so I can't tell if it's worth getting extra Arpen either from runes or items on him since AS is useless to him and black cleaver is too... | ||
United States6980 Posts
I wonder if she'll be viable at higher ELO? I used to wreck faces with her while I was still reaching for 30, but lately I haven't been performing well with her. Whenever the servers come back up I'll have to try her out again. Especially with the rune changes... I might want to totes rethink my melee-champ rune page. | ||
United States3736 Posts
All the new champions blow. I want them to follow the old path they were on where champions were one dimensional and didn't have the ability to do just about everything in a game. Ashe, Soraka, Alistar; a good portion of the old champions had clear defined roles for the most part. Now all the new champions are coming with the ability to support, carry, have at least one form of cc, etc - and are just gay as shit. It makes games more interesting I guess but it also destroys old champions and how teamfights play out. I have 10k IP but not gonna buy Lux I don't think. And I've bought every new hero since Ezreal. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:51 gtrsrs wrote: but you can't buy runes with RP so maybe this was a bold non-business move??? also what's the new konami code? i kno it ends in 34 got it! it's <><>VV^^34 You can't buy runes with riot points but you can buy champions with IP... Catch my drift? ps. Riot is evil. pps. Someone do the math on whether or not these new and improved AD runes are better than armour pen. Also, Utah's troll armour rune page is going to be a lot more funnier nowadays methinks. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On October 20 2010 01:09 WaveofShadow wrote: So would it be worth picking up AD runes on Urgot now? I figure the cost of owning a lane even harder early game would have to offset the lower damage lategame, where Urgot already suffers. Does Arpen even apply to Acid hunter? If so I can't tell if it's worth getting extra Arpen either from runes or items on him since AS is useless to him and black cleaver is too... arpen does apply to acid hunter, which is why it was important to have those marks/quints. +ad from runes would be questionable on urgot, simply because i doubt it would be as significant as apen, when you look at his scaling q scaling from ad and look at the scaling from leveling, the leveling bonus is gonna give you a loooot more before the +ad even becomes remotely relevant. | ||
United States3977 Posts
TBH I almost miss the 4 tank meta | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 20 2010 01:15 Chrispy wrote: You can't buy runes with riot points but you can buy champions with IP... Catch my drift? ps. Riot is evil. pps. Someone do the math on whether or not these new and improved AD runes are better than armour pen. Also, Utah's troll armour rune page is going to be a lot more funnier nowadays methinks. wow ... i'm retarded. you're absolutely right haha that was brilliant. and if someone can give me a link to the new values of the AD runes compared to ArPen runes i'll do some math and see which is better | ||
United States5635 Posts
On October 19 2010 22:48 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: So, is the verdict out on how useful the damage runes are compared to the Apen runes? Should I buy a set for my carries or will the pen still be useful through the whole game? They've been mathcrafting on the main forums and basically Arpen is still king unless you gain some special benefit from AD. Flat AD runes only match arpen if you fill your whole page with them. AD is better for tower pushing (since towers are immune to arpen) and might mean faster jungling for some characters (faster than attack speed or arpen), but I'm not sure as I haven't done math on that yet and I can't think of a jungler that would really need it (minus jungle jax?). | ||
Malaysia1676 Posts
On October 20 2010 01:10 SCC-Faust wrote: Lux is poorly designed imo. All the new champions blow. I want them to follow the old path they were on where champions were one dimensional and didn't have the ability to do just about everything in a game. Ashe, Soraka, Alistar; a good portion of the old champions had clear defined roles for the most part. Now all the new champions are coming with the ability to support, carry, have at least one form of cc, etc - and are just gay as shit. It makes games more interesting I guess but it also destroys old champions and how teamfights play out. I have 10k IP but not gonna buy Lux I don't think. And I've bought every new hero since Ezreal. creativity takes a hit when the reason they rush out heroes is to make profit off their skin and champ sales? really they should set a limit on how many heroes they want for a limited duration, like at least 3 months period of no new champs and focus on fixing/tweaking their current champ, i'd rather play 50 well designed and original/creative heroes instead of 100+ champs with just rehashed/renamed/reskinned skill that everyone else already have... the last good champ that they made was vlad, pretty original concept of a champ playstyle imo, the latest heroes along the lines of Swain and Lux, are pretty un-inspiring, Rainbow Kamehameha ulti? the only thing that redeems Lux for me is the fact that she's screams DEMACIAAAAAA!!!!!! as well. | ||
United States7087 Posts
basing it on this but obviously gonna try and tweak it with quint / ylw dodge, maybe atk speed or ap/lvl red/blue and mess around with masteries as well, i think ill try 1/8/21 first | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
Jax typically wants to max Leap Strike (for cooldown+dmg). So, following a standard build with max Leap by 9, 1 point in ult at 6, Jax would have 3 points leftover. OLD build: 1 point in Empower, 2 points in Counterstrike With the changes, Empower doesn't enjoy flat 5s cooldown it's a mini nerf. Not to mention Leap Strike's AP ratio was lowered by 0.1. Of course, his ult is way better now with that +MR active. | ||
United States6980 Posts
On October 20 2010 01:25 Shizuru~ wrote: the only thing that redeems Lux for me is the fact that she's screams DEMACIAAAAAA!!!!!! as well. I'm going to start hearing that in my nightmares, T_T; | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
arpen does apply to acid hunter, which is why it was important to have those marks/quints. +ad from runes would be questionable on urgot, simply because i doubt it would be as significant as apen, when you look at his scaling q scaling from ad and look at the scaling from leveling, the leveling bonus is gonna give you a loooot more before the +ad even becomes remotely relevant. Makes sense to me. Guess I'm probably nor buying any AD runes then; I don't really play any champs who would get great use out of them. Can't you still get banned for using the konami code, new or not? I hate new champ day. Inc 2 luxes in every game. On top of free Garen and Blitz makes me want to cut myself. | ||
United States1332 Posts
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United Kingdom69 Posts
On October 20 2010 01:23 phyvo wrote: They've been mathcrafting on the main forums and basically Arpen is still king unless you gain some special benefit from AD. Flat AD runes only match arpen if you fill your whole page with them. AD is better for tower pushing (since towers are immune to arpen) and might mean faster jungling for some characters (faster than attack speed or arpen), but I'm not sure as I haven't done math on that yet and I can't think of a jungler that would really need it (minus jungle jax?). Looking at the maths behind the new AD/arpen runes and scaling AD runes might actually be a lot better than people would assume, at least in the late game and especially if you have Last Whisper. At level 18, using LW against a target with 150 armor you need more than 440 damage (before crit is factored in) for arpen to do more than scaling AD. At level 12 with IE and 3 Doran's blades scaling AD is even with penetration against 120 armor without LW. Basically penetration is better against low armor targets or if you have high damage, and straight damage is the opposite but is only really better against anyone who builds at least one big armor item. | ||
Canada404 Posts
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Indonesia2978 Posts
The age of armour-reduc strats is here! Slardar VS SF Alch SP gogogogo. | ||
Poland8075 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
My current belief is that the Last Whisper changes are their attempt at buffing Pantheon because a bunch of people latched onto that as the key to fixing Pantheon's scaling issues, and that this will fail miserably. *shrugs* maybe I underestimate the power of LW, but I just really don't think this is going to really help pantheon except for in tank spamming games. bleh, there are just so many changes, I honestly can't really process it all, but either way I'm still pissed that they didn't do jack to make me want to get HSS over pantheon's other abilities. | ||
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