level quicker
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Canada122 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On October 15 2010 06:07 Niton wrote: Side topic: aside from ranged carries, who isn't Spirit Visage awesome for? on Atma's: If you want a Chain Mail at any point in the game, I think Atma's is probably better than a BF sword item past the first, and might even be better than the first BF against some comps. spirit visage is really strong, but it's still just a really strong < 1.5K item, which leaves it with the same sort of late game scaling issues Haunting Guise and pre-Ghostblade Brutalizer have. | ||
United States3977 Posts
On October 15 2010 06:18 hero33 wrote: stack 2 percent more experiance from monster. level quicker Soner sometimes runs xp quints/xp mastery when I'm playing zilean with him. He hits 6 before the other person hits 5. | ||
United States1817 Posts
On October 15 2010 06:21 Mogwai wrote: spirit visage is really strong, but it's still just a really strong < 1.5K item, which leaves it with the same sort of late game scaling issues Haunting Guise and pre-Ghostblade Brutalizer have. Champion dependent, any champion which has better heals later in the game gets an increasing effect on it. For example Mundo get's insane amounts of healing from it with max rank ult (scaling off his health total) while it helps reduce the cost of his Q by making it give you more health. The item also synergizes with FoN amazingly well (for its cost). Personally, I feel the item only gets better the later the game goes on as late game every single edge counts and if you have it on a tank that extra healing / regen equates to quite large amounts of EHP. Also, it improves the healing from GA and zileans ult since the game treats both as you healing you when the proc | ||
United States2395 Posts
On October 15 2010 06:21 Mogwai wrote: spirit visage is really strong, but it's still just a really strong < 1.5K item, which leaves it with the same sort of late game scaling issues Haunting Guise and pre-Ghostblade Brutalizer have. I don't know if I entirely agree with that - sure SV is 'worse' than a lot of the items in the 2.5k - 3k range, but I think it performs better than Brutalizer or Guise by a significant margin, even on characters for who its passive isn't amazing. Brutalizer's AD and ArPen looks less relevant when big-ticket items come out, as does Haunting Guise's AP and MPen.. but 20% self-healing starts being larger numbers as the game progresses and defensive stats don't have the same drop-off offensive stats do. Unless you're planning on filling out all of your inventory every game, I think it's hard to do better than Visage if you're playing a character with more self-healing than 'oh hey I have a lifeleech item'. | ||
United States8474 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
On October 15 2010 07:24 red_ wrote: The atma's change is probably better for the 'tank' champions who will either already have high armor from say, omen, or will be getting it later. But it makes it less useful for dps champs that got it for the armor+other stats, for them they don't get the armor from other sources, the extra 200 hp isn't as significant an addition. Also it won't be as good for Malphite, but he's a beast against phys dps no matter what changes they make as long as Omen+Sunfire capes exist =p. I wasn't saying "OMG RUSH ATMAS NAO" more like "hey, its 45 minutes into the game time to do more then tank" as Atma's will let you punch through towers more easily (saving every possible second matters that late in the game) in addition to being able to do kinda sorta ok but really not damage in the actual fight. My typical build for him is usually 2-3 HoG -> Boots -> MR item / Glacial Shroud -> Randuins -> whatever HoG stacking > Sunfire stacking on him unless you're facing purely physical dps (in which case I'll probably still advocate the HoGs early on) because they give him the stats he wants and pay for themselves in something like 1min8sec. Glacial Shroud helps with mana issues while giving you some CDR as well (near max with Omen) and can eventually turn into FH to really shit all over auto attacking champions. Regardless of itemization though he typically ends games with upwards of 3k health which is 60+ damage from Atma's and when combined with brutal strikes will make you hitting fairly hard for a tank's auto attack. | ||
Canada404 Posts
On October 15 2010 07:24 red_ wrote: The atma's change is probably better for the 'tank' champions who will either already have high armor from say, omen, or will be getting it later. But it makes it less useful for dps champs that got it for the armor+other stats, for them they don't get the armor from other sources, the extra 200 hp isn't as significant an addition. Also it won't be as good for Malphite, but he's a beast against phys dps no matter what changes they make as long as Omen+Sunfire capes exist =p. Is this obvious information as awesome as your Malphite build? | ||
United States2822 Posts
I mean, DFG looks like a face and so does Haunting Guise. Plus, Fiendish Codex sucks :< | ||
United States17077 Posts
On October 15 2010 07:44 scintilliaSD wrote: I think DFG should be Kage's Lucky Pick + Haunting Guise instead of Fiendish Codex, to match with Brutalizer + Avarice Blade = Ghostblade. I mean, DFG looks like a face and so does Haunting Guise. Plus, Fiendish Codex sucks :< But DFG doesn't give you magic penetration. At least I don't think it does O.O | ||
United States5348 Posts
On October 15 2010 07:44 scintilliaSD wrote: I think DFG should be Kage's Lucky Pick + Haunting Guise instead of Fiendish Codex, to match with Brutalizer + Avarice Blade = Ghostblade. I mean, DFG looks like a face and so does Haunting Guise. Plus, Fiendish Codex sucks :< the cdr is sexy as hell, also its cheaper than guise by a significant margin, so that would also bump up dfg price. Seems silly to me, just to make the items 'mirror' each other edit: speaking of guise, what was it that it got built into way back when. it was something with spellvamp wasnt it? i cant seem to remember for the life of me | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Canada1992 Posts
On October 15 2010 06:21 Mogwai wrote: spirit visage is really strong, but it's still just a really strong < 1.5K item, which leaves it with the same sort of late game scaling issues Haunting Guise and pre-Ghostblade Brutalizer have. Also, for champs without direct healing, the regen benefit on it is excellent earlier on, but lame later on. Regen might as well be 0 for most battles unless you are Singed or Mundo or something so it kind of loses its strength just because of the nature of teamfights. It sure as hell is an extremely strong item early on with sick stats. | ||
United States1320 Posts
On October 15 2010 08:35 DefMatrixUltra wrote: Also, for champs without direct healing, the regen benefit on it is excellent earlier on, but lame later on. Regen might as well be 0 for most battles unless you are Singed or Mundo or something so it kind of loses its strength just because of the nature of teamfights. It sure as hell is an extremely strong item early on with sick stats. I think Spirit Visage is underrated on Galio, as well. I'm fairly sure it works on his W, since that technically heals him, and it provides MRes, adding AP for him. It's not fantastic, but it's pretty good. | ||
United States971 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
i like to rush soul shroud so i usually don't grab the visage but if i'm having a poor farming game i'll grab visage before shroud into banshee/abyssal works great for its cost you do get healing on galio, it's just hard to notice cause you take damage and regen it right back for 5 hits or w/e that's why you cast it on yourself right before you flash-ult. to reduce even further your incoming damage | ||
United States2928 Posts
On October 15 2010 07:39 STS17 wrote: HoG stacking > Sunfire stacking on him unless you're facing purely physical dps (in which case I'll probably still advocate the HoGs early on) because they give him the stats he wants and pay for themselves in something like 1min8sec. HoG's take (975g) / (5g per 10 sec) * (10 sec) / (60 sec per minute) = 32.5 minutes to fully pay for themselves. | ||
United States15034 Posts
Can anyone tell me why he is apparently so awful? | ||
Canada5878 Posts
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United States4130 Posts
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