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Canada4732 Posts
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United States2131 Posts
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United States50 Posts
On October 12 2010 08:58 Tooplark wrote: all you people who have troubles with ranked games here is how to win them ![]() is that double snowball on a 0/5 shaco? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:22 Jupiter.sKy wrote: is that double snowball on a 0/5 shaco? I count triple snowball. | ||
United States4236 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:22 Jupiter.sKy wrote: is that double snowball on a 0/5 shaco? Triple. | ||
Canada404 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:06 L wrote: I'm constantly amazed by how bad randoms in the liquidparty channel are. Have you seen my Sivir? | ||
Mexico1364 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:22 Jupiter.sKy wrote: is that double snowball on a 0/5 shaco? they saw me stacking and focused me first every time FUCK YOU | ||
United States5348 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:34 checo wrote: Could someone plz link me to a nice and recent shaco guide??? I play him decently killing most of the time 5-8 more than deads but feel like i could improve a ton, all the guides i find are outdated... Plz XD follow this jungle pattern, altho i go 1/14/15 masteries and apen reds/quints and atkspeed yellows/blues, but thats just my preference. for laning shaco, i actually really like ap shaco, but i have no idea how viable it still is, and very very rarely play it, so cant really tell you more without venturing into the depths of theorycrafting, and at my elo, pretty much anything works so... ![]() edit: whoa, video embedding is that easy, i suck at teh internets >.< | ||
United States971 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:06 L wrote: I'm constantly amazed by how bad randoms in the liquidparty channel are. Where does my flashless Galio that couldn't land an ult rank? | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:34 checo wrote: Could someone plz link me to a nice and recent shaco guide??? I play him decently killing most of the time 5-8 more than deads but feel like i could improve a ton, all the guides i find are outdated... Plz XD 1/14/15, movespeed + ghost + smite masteries, 2 in vet scars W->E->E->Q->E->R then E>Q>R>W stack jitb's at blue, if they contest, you're gonna have to go a different route smite golem kill wolves smite big wraith and kill wraiths golems smite red buff (your blue is nearly out, but you've got enough time to stack 3 jitb's before it is) gank mid with ghost+Q+help of mid (first blood ezpk) buy madred's razors + boots if possible, never leave base with less than 3 health pots too if your team needs AD build lantern->infinity edge->banshee->tank items if your team doesn't particularly need AD then go for bloodrazor->banshee->tank items during the laning phase just gank gank gank buff gank gank gank, you can leave the laning phase with 10+ kills pretty easily against bad opponents, 5+ against opponents who are being careful. don't die. when teamfights break out, go to the other side of the map and push. you + clone pushes a tower in like 10 seconds so if there's a stalemate at top, help yourself to 2-3 towers bot before they can react. if someone teleports in solo, you kill them because shaco+clone is a (2)v1 god. playstyle preferences aside, i prefer to Q INTO battle rather than use it as an escape (i like the free crit \o/). you can solo baron with bloodrazors+infinity edge+zerkers at nearly any point in the game sell zerkers late-game for merc treads after they've started focusing you. you can get sunfires/thornmail/FoN/whatever you want just focus on getting JitB down in teamfights and chasing any stragglers. | ||
United States13132 Posts
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Canada1992 Posts
On October 12 2010 06:38 barbsq wrote: how exactly would caster singed work? Rod of Ages makes him super tanky. It gives loads of health and mana (which also gives health to singed). A "caster" Singed would get two or three and then tank items (or 1 then a tank item, then 1 or 2 more). At least in a reasonable (non-troll) game. Usually the best build for Singed is to get just 1, then tank it up. 1 RoA is enough to kill all creeps when you run-by with poison (except for cannons) and it does some hefty damage to chasers. Tanking (taking lots of damage) is pretty crucial to his playstyle since you always want to be slightly overextended (but with Cleanse and Ghost and ultimate ready). But "caster" Singed does tons and tons of damage while tanking pretty decently against smaller numbers (3 or less). If a big team gets CC on you, you will certainly die, though. Whereas with a more tanky Singed, you will often live just by virtue of your ult + cleanse and ghost while your team rapes everyone. | ||
1193 Posts
Magic Pen Ashe IMO. | ||
United States3736 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:06 L wrote: I'm constantly amazed by how bad randoms in the liquidparty channel are. Yet no one wants to improve cause they all think they are fking amazing. | ||
United States693 Posts
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Canada404 Posts
Malphite, Nunu, Tryndamere, Mundo, Zilean. Nunu and Malphite were running GA's and Mundo was working on his. Having to kill 4 tanks 2 or 3 times each, hilarious. And Mundo and Tryndamere have solid DPS. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:06 L wrote: I'm constantly amazed by how bad randoms in the liquidparty channel are. Don't see why. The common trait between TL members (playing/watching Brood War/SC2) probably has no correlation with skill at LoL. | ||
United States2007 Posts
On October 12 2010 11:06 L wrote: I'm constantly amazed by how bad randoms in the liquidparty channel are. I'm bad. I know I'm bad; well I'm very inconsistent. Sometimes I do pretty good, other times I make really horrible noob mistakes. I play maybe one game a day, but I'm trying to learn. Trying to find what characters I can be good at. I was hoping that finding games through the TL chat room that I'd find some mature and understanding people because the TL community at large is a really great community. Most of the people in TL chat are great people, but some people still succumb to the general LoL community standard of bashing bad play, making insulting personal attacks, and generally being negative towards people who aren't good in their expert eyes of gameplay. It would be cool if people would trying to help instead of just flat out trying to destroy the spirit of people trying to be better. Most people don't want to be bad they just don't know the finer points of being good. I usually have good reason for doing something usually, but I'm wrong. Try being a tank and standing in front of a carry so he won't get caught. Well apparently I'm trash because I went out too far and got caught. Tried to defend a turret, but yeah bad idea because I was Taric and you can't do that because you do no damage and its pointless. Of course both times, I'm totally trash. Worst Ever. I should just reinstall the game. After getting my ass ripped a new from a few vets I kind of do want to uninstall. This is the LoL standard of community though. Someone always finds someone else to blame. Be sure to blame them. Offer no constructive tips for getting better just make sure they know how bad they are and make them feel like shit. I still find the game fun and occasionally I do well and people send me friend invites after the game because they thought so, but on the whole, I have more bad games than good games. I know this. It would help if you didn't call me trash though. | ||
United States1555 Posts
We all go to the bottom to gank, they end up killing me, and their garen just barely gets away. We start laning, and then suddenly I get exhausted, stunned and ganked a 2nd time. Not a good start. Anyway, we are down one point something like 1-10, but because they are constantly killing me, our Yi is up top having the time of his life. Suddenly, he is 3 levels higher than anyone else, and starts killing towers all over the place. I find the cash to place a few wards, and then we start killing corki whenever he walks out of their base. We actually won. | ||
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