On September 30 2010 06:03 SnK-Arcbound wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2010 04:14 Mogwai wrote: Mogwai's pro Guide to pushing with Rammus! Step 1: Right click on the tower you want to die. Step 2: When you start attacking the tower, hit R Step 3: Hit W at some point that makes sense to you
Congratulations! You now know how to kill towers with Rammus! With this guide, I unlost previous games. My record is now 6/-5 putting me at 11 wins. And it cured my cancer! you're welcome, all I ask for in return is all of your money and to be supreme commander of the universe.
On September 30 2010 05:38 Mogwai wrote: And GAREN BELONGS IN DEMACIAAAAAAAAA Ch, Garen belongs into brushEMACIAAAAAAAA
So where does Fiddle beCAWCAWCAWCAW
On September 30 2010 05:53 -Kato- wrote:Im bumping this, no one answered  . Is it because no one knows, no one cares or what?
I know phreak is casting the games.. idk if the stream will be dj wheats or wcgs... I'd bet that you can find the streams the day of.. I don't know who phreak is casting with,but I assume dj wheat will be returning for the world finals, but that's just me assuming
Im hoping the games aren't gonna be complete blow outs....Im hoping the European team puts up a fight.. I really enjoyed the wcg usa finals as sad as that sounds
, im not rooting for counter logic, .. not the biggest fan of hot shot, since I actually will be at wcg finals this year, and Im planning on attending at least the finals for lol, might catch one of the semi finals depending on the bw schedule.
If the ESL Go4LoL vids Wickd put up on CLG stream are representative of "high-level" Euro play, it definitely will be a blowout.
On September 30 2010 06:17 TieN.nS) wrote: If the ESL Go4LoL vids Wickd put up on CLG stream are representative of "high-level" Euro play, it definitely will be a blowout.
Wickd's team wasn't that good. Surprised that they made it to the finals.
I just got my first legit pentakill. With AP koggie ^_^
Our garen decided to feed 3 kills, then leave. And we ended up with a tank Vlad. We had a big battle at the bush patches near dragon. I just spam all stuff and see that I already had a tripple kill. Vlad eats a big slimey ball of goo and drops dead. Their last remaining Tristana was jumping away, over to the golem. I had no idea where she was heading, but I flash towards her but end up at the wrong side of the wall. Blindly I just shoot an Living Artillity at some random spot over the wall. Boom! Headshot! Penta Kill!
That felt pretty good.
We lost pretty badly when they stole a Baron from us, aced us and everything snowballed downhill from there. Fun game nontheless
HotshotGG said the round robin stage will be streamed on CLG's website and that the finals will be streamed by WCG which I assume means DJ Wheat's channel.
On September 30 2010 04:12 Iplaythings wrote: Wow wtf, someone queue dodged me because he didnt think junglepanth would work.
What a douche, bet he'd queue dodge my jungle yi / mundo as well :C
and rating passives
ones I REALLY like: Panth, Corki, Kog, Janna, Anivia, Vlad, Jax, Kayle, warwick mediocore ones: Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, galio, trist, soraka, fiddle cant really think of more... As far as passives go doesn't Annie just win hands down?
Mundo belongs where he pleases.
+ Show Spoiler +This is how we are the largest thread in TL history.
Kog belongs on the banlist
Kogs passive isn't nearly as bad as some of you are making it out to be, it's a solid middle of the road passive. Stealing first blood is hilarious, and in general being a deterrent for tower diving you in a 1v1 lane, and then the big chunk of damage you can still give out if you die in a tight team fight(say, in the jungle)... or just b-line to their carry and help take him out.
Obviously the 'new' passive not being controllable will be pretty gay, but 200% more damage, holy fuck if someone gets stunned near your flopping body, 1k true damage is going to destroy kids.
On September 30 2010 07:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2010 04:12 Iplaythings wrote: Wow wtf, someone queue dodged me because he didnt think junglepanth would work.
What a douche, bet he'd queue dodge my jungle yi / mundo as well :C
and rating passives
ones I REALLY like: Panth, Corki, Kog, Janna, Anivia, Vlad, Jax, Kayle, warwick mediocore ones: Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, galio, trist, soraka, fiddle cant really think of more... As far as passives go doesn't Annie just win hands down?
Yes, though I find Kayle's passive to possibly trump it. Also, Trist's is quite powerful as well, and Corki's is absolutely amazing.
And yet no mention of Poppy's passive. I am sad.
On September 30 2010 07:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2010 04:12 Iplaythings wrote: Wow wtf, someone queue dodged me because he didnt think junglepanth would work.
What a douche, bet he'd queue dodge my jungle yi / mundo as well :C
and rating passives
ones I REALLY like: Panth, Corki, Kog, Janna, Anivia, Vlad, Jax, Kayle, warwick mediocore ones: Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, galio, trist, soraka, fiddle cant really think of more... As far as passives go doesn't Annie just win hands down? Annie's is really important to her as a character but it's actually a pretty fun exercise to think about what the best combination of 1 passive 3 non-ult abilities 1 ult ability would be. I think the best one I've come up with is Ryze's Passive, Lay Waste, Cryptic Gaze, Black Shield, Living Artillery. Lay Waste + Living Artillery + Ryze's Passive is a cycle that puts them each at 0 CD so long as you can keep casting them, which also indefinitely puts your other abilities off of CD. At that point, I figured black shield is the best way to make sure you can always land a stun without getting CCed and Cryptic Gaze is the best vanilla Stun that you could use to permanently stunlock anyone/everyone on their team as you spam Lay Waste + Living Artillery.
On September 30 2010 07:16 red_ wrote: Kogs passive isn't nearly as bad as some of you are making it out to be, it's a solid middle of the road passive. Stealing first blood is hilarious, and in general being a deterrent for tower diving you in a 1v1 lane, and then the big chunk of damage you can still give out if you die in a tight team fight(say, in the jungle)... or just b-line to their carry and help take him out.
Obviously the 'new' passive not being controllable will be pretty gay, but 200% more damage, holy fuck if someone gets stunned near your flopping body, 1k true damage is going to destroy kids.
All I can imagine is something along the lines of "Kog died, quick WW and Malz suppress the two nearest targets to him" and then kog gets a double or triple kill just because he died.
That being said, I wanna use it to fountain-dive leavers.
On September 30 2010 04:09 spinesheath wrote: It's official, I suck with Rammus. I went 35-3 in a practice game, me and 4 <lvl10s against a lvl 30 Kog and 4 <lvl10s. Kog was terribad as well, Manamune/Nashor's/Nashor's, lol. So, I was raping them wherever I could, but they still managed to chip away at our towers every now and then (like while I was getting a buff, or killing the other half of their team), and so we lost. I can't push with Rammus.
We also lack a Rammus guide in our dedicated-to-a-thread-wiki. I didn't do well in jungle. Thats why i hate playing with my lowbie friends, the last time i teamed with them i ended up 36-12 as amumu and we still lost
since i always have to pick a tank and tanks are pretty bad at carrying..
Zzzz, the power of a passive depends on its synergy with the champ. Put alistar's passive on master yi and you have yourself a disaster.
On September 30 2010 07:20 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2010 07:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On September 30 2010 04:12 Iplaythings wrote: Wow wtf, someone queue dodged me because he didnt think junglepanth would work.
What a douche, bet he'd queue dodge my jungle yi / mundo as well :C
and rating passives
ones I REALLY like: Panth, Corki, Kog, Janna, Anivia, Vlad, Jax, Kayle, warwick mediocore ones: Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, galio, trist, soraka, fiddle cant really think of more... As far as passives go doesn't Annie just win hands down? Annie's is really important to her as a character but it's actually a pretty fun exercise to think about what the best combination of 1 passive 3 non-ult abilities 1 ult ability would be. I think the best one I've come up with is Ryze's Passive, Lay Waste, Cryptic Gaze, Black Shield, Living Artillery. Lay Waste + Living Artillery + Ryze's Passive is a cycle that puts them each at 0 CD so long as you can keep casting them, which also indefinitely puts your other abilities off of CD. At that point, I figured black shield is the best way to make sure you can always land a stun without getting CCed and Cryptic Gaze is the best vanilla Stun that you could use to permanently stunlock anyone/everyone on their team as you spam Lay Waste + Living Artillery.
Annie's passive, Dark Wind, Lay Waste, Hextech Micro-rockets, Space Lasers
Silence + Stun essentially equals suppression, meaning you can use dark wind to shut down an entire enemy team, lay waste is spammable to keep your passive charged, micro rockets are a nice long range nuke and space lasers can stun the entire enemy team.
Imagine initiating with the lasers (stuns whole team) then spam some lay waste only to dark wind to stun and silence them all again, remember it bounces so you can double stun people too.