Also, I'd like to make a request. I'm working on a project, and it requires a musical piece that sounds very evil and crazy. Obviously, U.N. Owen was Her? sprang to mind, but I can't really find an arrangement of it that sounds EVIL. A bunch of manic ones, but nothing truly nefarious. Any suggestions?
Oh, and as long as I'm sharing songs, here's another good one. It's The Doll Maker of Bucuresti.
Alice's themes tend to be difficult to arrange well. Doll Judgment in particular seems to have a fairly high ratio of mediocre arrangements to total arrangements, so I can't really find too many that I like, especially in terms of vocals. Doll Maker is similar, in the sense that it's really hard to find a good rock or metal rendition of it. It's a somber, ominous song that seems to sound better in more subdued, moody tones. Aside from CROW'SCLAW's take on it (which only seems to work because of the altered rhythm they used), I haven't heard any worthy metal remixes.
Hey, after falling in love with the music, I have decided to try these games out. Where should someone start? I kind of want to start from the first one....
i wouldnt play any of the pc-98 ones, its very taxing on the eyes not to mention kinda boring . If you're a beginner start with 8/10, if average start with 7/12, if super gosu 6/11.
It may not be the easiest, but it was created in a way keeping in mind that most people playing it were probably new to the series.
It's the most infamous, and arguably the closest to what one would think of when talking about Touhou. There are the PC-98 ones before that, but those were on a different system and so were more... primitive.
Also, nice Jazz arrange, but here is another one ^_^
The games don't necessarily have to be played in order. PC-98 ones are optional, but a good nostalgia-esque feel if you ever do try them. HRtP happens to be a lot of fun despite not being a shmup, actually.
I suggest fiddling around on PCB/IN first, then play EoSD--just to gauge the hitbox size for yourself before playing a game which does not have it. Yes, I'm aware there is a hitbox patch, but that should be a trivial issue after getting a good feel of knowing where your hitbox is without having to look at it.
If you're quite decent with shmups, go play some StB and DS first. It's the best way to become familiar with the bullet types and patterns in Touhou straight away.
It's the hitbox. The character's hitbox is much smaller than the sprite, so often times it will seem bullets are going through you but you will still be alive because it didn't hit the hitbox. Starting at the 7th game, you can see the hitbox in focus mode.
A very relaxing Cirno theme. Cools me down in the summer heat XD. Slow, but hey why not :3. Circle: ベター工房 Album: TOHO MEZZO FORTE Artist: VUTTER + Show Spoiler +
On May 30 2011 19:07 tyr wrote: It's the hitbox. The character's hitbox is much smaller than the sprite, so often times it will seem bullets are going through you but you will still be alive because it didn't hit the hitbox. Starting at the 7th game, you can see the hitbox in focus mode.
^ the small white dot in the middle of Reimu.
Thanks for the clarification. One more questions...
Anyway to make the sensitivity on movement less? And anyway to change controls, can't seem to figure it out in the options.
@Khaymus, Movement depends entirely on the character, so you can't really change it sorry. Marisa is usually faster then Reimu and has more firepower, while Reimu has a smaller hitbox and sometimes homing (hold shift to focus fire which slows the character down and shows the hitbox). \
You can't really change the controls. However, the controls are usually Z to shoot, hold shift to slow down and focus fire, and x to bomb. In fairy wars you can hold down C to shoot, and in Touhou 9 PoFV you can charge your shot by holding Z.
Focus mode "focuses" ur attack into a narrower spread, so you can hit a single target more easily. It also slows down your character movement significantly.
So use focus when you want to go slower, and use it a lot against bosses ^_^
On May 30 2011 10:57 dnastyx wrote: EoSD easy mode only goes to 5 stages, right? Can't remember.
MoF also has a very unpunishing easy mode.
MoF has almost infinite bombs. You don't even have to fight the bosses. You can skip them by bombing every single boss spellcard + their non spell. You can bomb the stages too (just the hard parts) and still be able to finish the game with several extra lives.
On May 30 2011 10:57 dnastyx wrote: EoSD easy mode only goes to 5 stages, right? Can't remember.
MoF also has a very unpunishing easy mode.
MoF has almost infinite bombs. You don't even have to fight the bosses. You can skip them by bombing every single boss spellcard + their non spell. You can bomb the stages too (just the hard parts) and still be able to finish the game with several extra lives.
And this works with every difficulty level.
I'm pretty sure that's why he said "unpunishing" as opposed to the opposite. You must have misread that.
As for the focused movement bit, once you get good and start doing score runs, you'll want to minimize that. IN is the best example for this, where you can gather more points by not using focused shot types and farming familiars by not shooting at certain points of stages.
To add, the sensitivity in the games are fine, you'll just have to learn to twitch by lightly tapping the directional keys as opposed to holding them. The best way to dodge is to minimize movement and graze, with the exception of patterns which force you to move.
On June 01 2011 02:41 Waah wrote: The best way to dodge is to minimize movement and graze, with the exception of patterns which force you to move.
That's probably the tip I've heard the most about how to improve in Touhou. You should focus on moving only as much as necessary to dodge a bullet stream, laser, or other projectile. Don't move any more than you have to.
Normal Stage 1: Well this isn't too bad, ooh I captured both of Rumia's spell cards! I dunno what people are talking about when they say this game is hard. Stage 2: Ugh, what happened to Icicle Fall-Easy? Oh well, I had to use a bomb there, but no biggie, I got perfect freeze down. Stage 3: Oh Meiling, you and your rainbow collored projectiles can't stop me from getting in. Sure I had to bomb twice because I got shit-walled in, but I still have all my lives left. Stage 4: What th- OH MY GOD THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS SHOOTING SHIT AT ME OH MY GOD THE ENTIRE SCREEN IS COVERED IN DANMAKU PICHUUUNN followed shortly by PATCHOULI WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME PICHUUUUUN. Stage 5: Okay I think I got this under con-AHHHH MISDIRECTION WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO PICHUUUN. <Do you want to continue? (why not) Oh this battle with Sakuya doesn't seem so bad anymo-OH NO KNIVES AND TIME STOP GAHHH-GAHHH-PICHUUUN-PICHUUUN Stage 6: Okay somehow I managed to bomb my way through Sakuya's spellcards, but I still have a continue left. Time for vampire hunting. Wait OH GOD ETERNAL MEEK BOMB BOMB BOMB ~phew Okay its Remilia time-oh i'm dead again. If I have to bomb my way through these spell cards then I will. (five lives, 10 bombs, and 3 spellcards later) Okay last spell card, I still have 2 bombs. WTF THE BOBMS DONT DO ANY DAMAGE. WHY? WHY? WHY? SHIT LYING AROUND EVERYWHERE-FUCKING DIE ALREADY-PICHUUn. <Cannot save replay after continuing>