World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Expansion Discussion - Page 8
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Kyrgyz Republic1462 Posts
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Australia88 Posts
On October 19 2010 22:07 Vortok wrote: Deathwing being armored, I have no issue with. More of how it was portrayed. 'I put molten hot armor metal directly on my skin. It feeds my rage and makes me hardcore!!!11' just felt like the video was trying too hard. Theoretically he should have the armor on already anyway, if he wears it as part of lore. Replacing the armor due to wear and tear is a plausible reason, though a bit of a stretch. Video made it look like it was done right before he busted out of the ground, too. Would think getting armor isn't a last minute thing to do right before declaring war on the whole world. Either way, hope Cata is a great expansion for those that enjoy WoW. He has the armor plates because he is literally being torn apart. You can see this in the cinematic when the first armor plate pulls his opened body together. "His proximity to the Demon Soul was ripping his body apart, so the goblins forged an armor of adamantium to serve as a vessel to contain Deathwing's raging powers and keep them in check. Only the adamantium plates kept the power from destroying his body." | ||
Singapore1169 Posts
On October 19 2010 22:54 AyJay wrote: People don't give WoW enough credit. It's the most polished MMO out there and you don't see those very often *cough FFXIV cough* I myself played game for like year (joined by end of BC). Wasn't into raiding, wasn't addicted to it, but the game provided enough content for me. Can't wait to get back into it. It may be the most polished MMO overall, but if you were online this week you'd notice a ridiculous number of bugs that should not have made it into the live servers: Graphics issues, sound issues, load screen issues, and this awesome bug where it makes you lag out/freeze when you hover over anything with a cog-wheel -> GREAT for summoning Headless Horseman for Hallow's End atm - Oh and Deathwing putting molten hot armor on himself is not as farfetched as you may think, in Day of the Dragon, the first Warcraft novel, he did get them attached while they were still searing hot and even embraced the pain he felt from it. But you're sorta right, I don't know why they're showing it for the cinematic at this point in Warcraft's history. Also from what I get from other people / watching it again is that the tremors that he's causing now is due to this event (possible timeline break). I realize that he's an immensely powerful entity in WoW but his counterparts like the other Aspects have not demonstrated such abilities -> making the ENTIRE world shake because of him screaming when the plates are attached? He's not some kind of Old God ![]() | ||
United States2364 Posts
Anyways if anyone wants to pvp or anything I'm currently on Blackrock Horde Now for the senseless brags at the end of post to validate my opinion: Former S1-S4 Gladiator /w multiple chars in multiple brackets Former Blood Legion of Illidan World First Raider Former top 10 World of Logs DPS | ||
Australia88 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:29 IntoTheEmo wrote: It may be the most polished MMO overall, but if you were online this week you'd notice a ridiculous number of bugs that should not have made it into the live servers: Graphics issues, sound issues, load screen issues, and this awesome bug where it makes you lag out/freeze when you hover over anything with a cog-wheel -> GREAT for summoning Headless Horseman for Hallow's End atm - Oh and Deathwing putting molten hot armor on himself is not as farfetched as you may think, in Day of the Dragon, the first Warcraft novel, he did get them attached while they were still searing hot and even embraced the pain he felt from it. But you're sorta right, I don't know why they're showing it for the cinematic at this point in Warcraft's history. Also from what I get from other people / watching it again is that the tremors that he's causing now is due to this event (possible timeline break). I realize that he's an immensely powerful entity in WoW but his counterparts like the other Aspects have not demonstrated such abilities -> making the ENTIRE world shake because of him screaming when the plates are attached? He's not some kind of Old God ![]() The original plates were attached by goblins, These weren't (as seen in the Cinematic) , Chances are these are the plates being reapplied by the Twilight Cultists. Neltharion is the aspect of earth, He has complete control over the way the earth is shaped that was the gift the Titans gave him. Neltharion became Deathwing because of the Old Gods - Being the aspect of the Earth he was the closest to the buried Old Gods than anyone else and the whispers turned him insane. Deathwing works for the Old Gods now and they have given him more power. | ||
United States2364 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:29 IntoTheEmo wrote: It may be the most polished MMO overall, but if you were online this week you'd notice a ridiculous number of bugs that should not have made it into the live servers: Graphics issues, sound issues, load screen issues, and this awesome bug where it makes you lag out/freeze when you hover over anything with a cog-wheel -> GREAT for summoning Headless Horseman for Hallow's End atm - Oh and Deathwing putting molten hot armor on himself is not as farfetched as you may think, in Day of the Dragon, the first Warcraft novel, he did get them attached while they were still searing hot and even embraced the pain he felt from it. But you're sorta right, I don't know why they're showing it for the cinematic at this point in Warcraft's history. Also from what I get from other people / watching it again is that the tremors that he's causing now is due to this event (possible timeline break). I realize that he's an immensely powerful entity in WoW but his counterparts like the other Aspects have not demonstrated such abilities -> making the ENTIRE world shake because of him screaming when the plates are attached? He's not some kind of Old God ![]() He is the aspect of the Earth, so they are kind of linked is what they are getting at, or at least the short straw of rational I tried to pull from it. | ||
United States350 Posts
2. All 5 aspects have incredible cosmic powers, yes, rival to the old gods. Deathwing, being in control of the earth and land, and further reinforced by both old god influence and the Demon Soul artifact, probably can crack the world, at least when he wants too. We haven't really seen outward appearances of the other aspects power, but don't assume that they aren't. Cool video though, we'll probably see one or two more, or alternate takes. | ||
Singapore1169 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:36 XdtA wrote: The original plates were attached by goblins, These weren't (as seen in the Cinematic) , Chances are these are the plates being reapplied by the Twilight Cultists. Neltharion is the aspect of earth, He has complete control over the way the earth is shaped that was the gift the Titans gave him. Neltharion became Deathwing because of the Old Gods - Being the aspect of the Earth he was the closest to the buried Old Gods than anyone else and the whispers turned him insane. Deathwing works for the Old Gods now and they have given him more power. Believable, but by that logic, Malygos would make every spellcaster explode or at least be unable to cast spells (like X'avius in War of the Ancients with Night Elves), but he had to gather an army to manipulate the ley lines in Wrath? The ridiculous assault in Violet Hold? How laughable the Malygos encounter was? Also, according to Blizzard, there are 3 Old Gods. Now I'm familiar about him being driven insane by the Old Gods during the War of the Ancients, but unless Blizzard usurped their own lore again, wouldn't they all be dead now? Unless they pulled a Kael'Thas. We killed C'Thun in AQ40, Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, and the 3rd is the dead one with the glowing sword sticking out of it in The Master's Glaive in Darkshore. Old God in Cata: AQ/Ulduar/Darkshore was merely a setback! With the power of Deathwing, ___________'s will have his revenge! <--- ^^ EDIT: Post above me matching Neltharion's Strength to the Old Gods is wrong. The Titans had to send an army to defeat the Old Gods. Pantheon gifted some of their powers to the leaders of the greatest race in Azeroth at the time, dragons. Khaz'goroth gifted Neltharion the Earth Warder a portion of his power. So portion of Titan > Old God = impossible. Also stated in War of the Ancients, Old Gods > Sargeras easily. | ||
Australia88 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:44 IntoTheEmo wrote: Believable, but by that logic, Malygos would make every spellcaster explode or at least be unable to cast spells (like X'avius in War of the Ancients with Night Elves), but he had to gather an army to manipulate the ley lines in Wrath? The ridiculous assault in Violet Hold? How laughable the Malygos encounter was? Also, according to Blizzard, there are 3 Old Gods. Now I'm familiar about him being driven insane by the Old Gods during the War of the Ancients, but unless Blizzard usurped their own lore again, wouldn't they all be dead now? Unless they pulled a Kael'Thas. We killed C'Thun in AQ40, Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, and the 3rd is the dead one with the glowing sword sticking out of it in The Master's Glaive in Darkshore. Old God in Cata: AQ/Ulduar/Darkshore was merely a setback! With the power of Deathwing, ___________'s will have his revenge! <--- ^^ I don't think it was ever confirmed that there was 3 old gods? I don't think we know how many there are. [Edit]: Seems there is a few conflicts but 3-5 seems to be the number. Don't forget Cho'gall is trying to resurrect C'Thun this expansion (Afaik). Also apparently the one in Darkshore is not an old god. | ||
Argentina769 Posts
I feel sorry for the people that say stuff like "Wasted years in WoW" because they hate something they used to love. I mean if the game kept your attention for all those years... Then it stops and you hate it all of the sudden? Be a man, live without regrets, You enjoyed WoW and it probably kept you out of trouble when you were younger drop the cool-kid attitude no ones buying it. If you think you suddenly developed a social life because you stopped playing WoW your are probably a douchebag. | ||
Argentina769 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:35 Irrelevant wrote: Just recently came back due to some friends starting up again and so far I like what I see out of 4.0.1, however I get the feeling most of these new features and changes should have been added years ago, but whatever. Mostly just came back to do some pvp, spent all TBC chasing world firsts and kind of burnt me out and with woltk content being such a joke lead me to quitting. Hoping rated bgs can bring back the excitement that was present back in vanilla. Sold all my accounts when I quit so did the little RAF and made one of everything, leveling is so fast these days. Anyways if anyone wants to pvp or anything I'm currently on Blackrock Horde Now for the senseless brags at the end of post to validate my opinion: Former S1-S4 Gladiator /w multiple chars in multiple brackets Former Blood Legion of Illidan World First Raider Former top 10 World of Logs DPS Were you in Blood Legion during Vanilla? | ||
United States2364 Posts
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Singapore1169 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:47 Arhkangel wrote: From what I've heard and seen on Youtube, Blizzard is turning up the heat in Cata's dungeons. Some of the stuff I've seen looks undoable without some form of coordination, they are moving away from the current system were positioning is 100% of the fight and bringing back CC-heavy encounters and the need to kite some mobs which were the 2 things that made Vanilla WoW raids so good. I feel sorry for the people that say stuff like "Wasted years in WoW" because they hate something they used to love. I mean if the game kept your attention for all those years... Then it stops and you hate it all of the sudden? Be a man, live without regrets, You enjoyed WoW and it probably kept you out of trouble when you were younger drop the cool-kid attitude no ones buying it. If you think you suddenly developed a social life because you stopped playing WoW your are probably a douchebag. I wouldn't be on TL calling people douchebags >< In response to that, it's one thing to encourage people to up their skill level with harder content. But this is a HUGE ramp up from what Wrath was... and they are simplifying everything else while upping the difficulty level... it just doesn't add up. Their new games are targetted at casual gamers mostly (SC2 too), I have a feeling all these massive changes are gonna implode. Also, what was great in Classic was the way how most of the fights were execution based + the concepts felt new. Forcing extra buttons on a skill rotation doesn't necessarily equate to fun, back then we didn't have to precast X spell to make Y spell super-effective, or watch for B proc so we can use C for most cases, which is what they are forcing now. It doesn't help that we're doing Heroic versions of recycled dungeons. What they're doing is sorta like if Legacy of the Void for SC2 removed MBS, automine, and then introduced a system where you would have to press an extra button to attack (and not attack move), or like making High Templars have an attack that would proc the availability to use Psionic Storm or something. Oh, and multiplying unit HP by 50, and making *Heroic* versions of previous ladder maps with more ramps/destructibles etc. On October 20 2010 00:38 Obsidian wrote: 1. More than the other aspect, Neltharion aka. Deathwing, was possibly the most powerful, the strongest of the 5. He's always had a molten like body structure and I'm not sure if he's really flesh and blood like the other dragons. 2. All 5 aspects have incredible cosmic powers, yes, rival to the old gods. Deathwing, being in control of the earth and land, and further reinforced by both old god influence and the Demon Soul artifact, probably can crack the world, at least when he wants too. We haven't really seen outward appearances of the other aspects power, but don't assume that they aren't. Cool video though, we'll probably see one or two more, or alternate takes. It took the hands of the Titans combined to shape the world, and even that is a myth as stated by Blizzard. Just because he is the Earth Warder by name does not mean he can shape Azeroth on that kind of scale. (See post about Titan -> Aspect power above) The Aspects were created equal, it was the trickery of Neltharion (after he was corrupted by the Old Gods and was convinced that the others were trying to do him in) that convinced the other Aspects to 'donate' some of their powers to the Dragon (Demon) Soul to combat the Burning Legion at the time. Neltharion's skin was not always like that, the power unleashed by the Demon Soul + rage/madness he went into after his corruption caused his skin to erupt with lava and whatnot, resulting in his developing of those plates to help hold his body together. Once the Demon Soul was dealt with by Rhonin in Day of the Dragon, the other Aspects regained their powered and defeated him at Grim Batol, causing him to go into hiding up till now. References: WC3 manual, Day of the Dragon, War of the Ancients Trilogy, in-game WoW Books (yeah I read them). - Also, it seems pretty broken that Cho'gall can resurrect an Old God considering he was defeated by regular Orc troops during Gul'dan's betrayal in the Warcraft 2 timeline (though according to WoWwiki there was some attempt at resurrecting C'Thun in some Comic thing - the one thing related to WoW that I have not read :D - too many issues to stomach) It's one thing to quote lore directly from Blizzard, but one needs to reference the new stuff with their older lore - Blizzard isn't being consistent with WoW lore nowadays. http://www.wowwiki.com/Old_gods | ||
Canada864 Posts
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United States7270 Posts
On October 20 2010 05:46 Raisauce wrote: Other than checking out the patch changes, is there any reason to reactivate now? Is there something I can do that would benefit me when Cata comes out or when I hit 85? I want to activate but it seems like there isn't really much to do since everything is going to get replaced. I wouldn't activate until about a month or even 2 weeks before Cata comes out just to do all of the stuff leading up to it, aka the special events stuff or the old stuff you never got to do or will get to do. | ||
United States283 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:47 Arhkangel wrote: I feel sorry for the people that say stuff like "Wasted years in WoW" because they hate something they used to love. I mean if the game kept your attention for all those years... Then it stops and you hate it all of the sudden? Be a man, live without regrets, You enjoyed WoW and it probably kept you out of trouble when you were younger drop the cool-kid attitude no ones buying it. If you think you suddenly developed a social life because you stopped playing WoW your are probably a douchebag. No need to take it personally. I wish I wouldn't have wasted that time playing wow hardcore for years, when I could have been playing sc hardcore instead. The "wasted" part is I gained nothing (lasting) from wow while I could have gained a lot from sc. | ||
United States7226 Posts
but ofc they would never admit a fuck-up as bad as what they did with BC lore Warcraft Lore is pretty dead to me after BC, but the game is still fun for a while whenever new content comes out | ||
United States7270 Posts
On October 20 2010 00:47 Arhkangel wrote: I feel sorry for the people that say stuff like "Wasted years in WoW" because they hate something they used to love. I mean if the game kept your attention for all those years... Then it stops and you hate it all of the sudden? Be a man, live without regrets, You enjoyed WoW and it probably kept you out of trouble when you were younger drop the cool-kid attitude no ones buying it. If you think you suddenly developed a social life because you stopped playing WoW your are probably a douchebag. It is wasted time to a lot of individuals, considering the amount of time I dumped into it and the payoff, I would say it's a waste of time. Were there good parts about it? Sure. Was it fun? Of course. Did I make some sacrifices to do what I did? Yep. Would I do it again if I could? No. The last two questions and their answers are what makes people regret it. There's nothing wrong with the game per say, but there's plenty wrong with the requirements for you really see the well done end game. Don't make assumptions about what other people do. If you think playing WoW keeps you out of trouble, then you clearly don't understand that WoW itself is trouble for a lot of people. To put it another way, people play because of other people. For online games, that people-people interaction is particularly frail, especially if they quit, then all you're left with is a lot of money/time spent for a digital character, which is particularly disheartening. Now if you kept in touch with your former guildies, then you at least have people you can socialize online with through other ways, like other games. However, that's not the case for a lot of former players. | ||
China13814 Posts
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United States1388 Posts
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