Lets see how it goes I guess lol.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Expansion Discussion - Page 7
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Pakistan2137 Posts
Lets see how it goes I guess lol. | ||
Australia899 Posts
On October 18 2010 20:12 H wrote: Totally agreed dude. I used to raid 3-5 days a week when I was 16-17. Made a lot of cool friends but the game became a real drag, stopped playing in 2007 and sold my account. Came back two weeks or so ago in preparation of Cata with a new account. Convinced some of my old raider friends to play with me casually and honestly it's like a completely different game, haha. Good to hear man, that's the way. You can raid 2-3 nights a week and see all the content with an efficient guild - lots of folks around with that playstyle too. I don't really worry about PvP either. I mean naturally you can't grind SC games all night because of it, but don't want to get burnt out. Trying to Manage D3 in there when it hits will be interesting though, thank god for weekends eh lol | ||
1515 Posts
Blizzard trailers are always mind blowing | ||
United States3214 Posts
On October 18 2010 20:31 AyJay wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq4Y7ztznKc Blizzard trailers are always mind blowing All I can think when I see this is Baron Underbite from Venture Brothers. As cool as Deathwing is, his voice is too cliche. | ||
Belgium229 Posts
Getting pretty old, they should pick someone else for it. But as far as visual presentation goes, 10/10 Blizzard never dissapoints in that department | ||
Germany400 Posts
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Australia899 Posts
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Netherlands1384 Posts
On October 18 2010 21:53 SilkD wrote: ....But I mean their cinematics have been amazing even when StarCraft was current Haha yep, tough they keep getting shorter and shorter it seems :/ (probably because they need them for more games; upcoming unnanounced mmo, diablo 3, SC2 expantion) | ||
United States786 Posts
God curse this game for being so addicting... going to make it that much harder for me to get to my goal of 2,000 ranking on SC II ladder but oh well =p | ||
United States7270 Posts
People are just so flaky at times and that wears you done more than whatever Blizzard can throw at you. | ||
United States830 Posts
On October 18 2010 23:51 Judicator wrote: Can't do it, only way I would go back is if I get written agreements of 9 others I would consider raiding with, signed in blood. People are just so flaky at times and that wears you done more than whatever Blizzard can throw at you. This, mostly. I played the 'My schedule doesn't really let me join a raiding guild' playstyle when I played and as such got intimately familiar with 5 mans and Kara. Naxx to a lesser extent later. The times I got to try anything higher was either luck, or with RL friends + some chuckleheads we met and their IRL friends. As I'm sure most people know, RL friend circles usually have a wide variety of skill level at just about everything. Yeah, didn't go too well. The few times I got asked to fill in for someone I'd met in a 5 man who had an actual guild doing it, though. Those were kinda fun. Betting the same raids every week for months at a time would drive me crazy, so whatever. Ran all over the actual game world doing random quests and other shit like pet/mount hunting just for something to do. Made money off spamming dailies. Archaeology sounds interesting, but that'd probably last about 2 hours before it felt like any other boring profession. Otherwise the options will likely be very much the same at level cap. Unless I knew I was going to be part of a raiding guild full of people that didn't have their heads up the ass, one way or another, I'd have trouble finding a big enough reason to play again. Buying Cata + a couple months sub would mean spending over $70 just to see a reskinned Azeroth and run more 5 mans with people who are probably even more obsessed with gearscore than they were when I left early this year. Not worth it. Edit: Watched the video. Not impressed. Lich King voice recycled + angst + attaching/nailing armor directly into Deathwing's body to try to make him look badass. Change 'wings' to 'Frostmourne' and maybe a few other things and you pretty much have a generic LK speech about the world crumbling before his might/fury/wrath/anger/rage/whatever. Guess I'm too jaded. | ||
Singapore1169 Posts
- Watched the cinematic, agreed about the cliche-d voice, cinematic itself is kinda cool, but that's to be expected from Blizzard. However it makes me wonder why Malygos in Wrath (who is another Aspect like Neltharion) didn't just fly into Dalaran and breathe on it etc., expected some help from the twilight drakes or something to destroy Azeroth like that. | ||
United States11681 Posts
On October 19 2010 12:19 IntoTheEmo wrote: Deathwing is supposed to have those armor plates on this body, it's known in Warcraft Lore. - Watched the cinematic, agreed about the cliche-d voice, cinematic itself is kinda cool, but that's to be expected from Blizzard. However it makes me wonder why Malygos in Wrath (who is another Aspect like Neltharion) didn't just fly into Dalaran and breathe on it etc., expected some help from the twilight drakes or something to destroy Azeroth like that. Probably the same reason you can attack some mob, pull like 6 guys at you, kill them, and the guys two feet around the corner don't move. ![]() I guess the WoW storyline impresses me less and less as time goes on. I agree - very cliche and it feels like a recycled Lich King story. But such is WoW, recycle recycle recycle. | ||
United States830 Posts
On October 19 2010 12:19 IntoTheEmo wrote: Deathwing is supposed to have those armor plates on this body, it's known in Warcraft Lore. Deathwing being armored, I have no issue with. More of how it was portrayed. 'I put molten hot armor metal directly on my skin. It feeds my rage and makes me hardcore!!!11' just felt like the video was trying too hard. Theoretically he should have the armor on already anyway, if he wears it as part of lore. Replacing the armor due to wear and tear is a plausible reason, though a bit of a stretch. Video made it look like it was done right before he busted out of the ground, too. Would think getting armor isn't a last minute thing to do right before declaring war on the whole world. Either way, hope Cata is a great expansion for those that enjoy WoW. | ||
Canada698 Posts
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1515 Posts
I myself played game for like year (joined by end of BC). Wasn't into raiding, wasn't addicted to it, but the game provided enough content for me. Can't wait to get back into it. | ||
United States9965 Posts
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United States830 Posts
On October 19 2010 22:42 lesser_good wrote: I think Vortok's just jealous cus hes not man enough to wear molten Armour It's true. My girly man skin can't handle the heat. I spent all of last night thinking about Deathwing. Time to go update my blog and find others that agree with me. He's so dreamy! | ||
United States283 Posts
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Switzerland10606 Posts
I played classic (a few bosses in AQ down, 2 in Nax iirc, Healing Shadowpriest ^^)): I played TBC (2 bosses in Sunwell down iirc as Shadowpriest and Offwarrior). And did not play any of Woltk... What is shocking to me atm when it comes to Wotlk: The normal 5 Mans are a pure joke in difficulty... I thought most of TBC's were way to easy but i have yet to see any attempt to crowdcontrol a single mob out of a group by anyone... According to my friend wich played Woltk for quite some time this does not change in Heroics... Is this really that stupid and most of all, is cata better? I miss the OLD instance difficulty... Scholomance were the dead Guhls created a cloud that would kill you in about 1 second if you stood in it. no matter if you were the Tank or anyone else :p (they nerfed that later, then they nerfed everything else in the instance... a *normal* 5 Man scholomance run could take up to 4-5 hours if you weren't in there with a random group... And you were happy when you finally cleared it!). At least leveling with Hyal/BT-Gear is a breeze ^^.... Spam SW ![]() | ||
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