Tyler you have been an inspiration for me for so long, weather it's your play or just the way you handle yourself in life, not that i know you personally or anything.
You are without a dought my favorite progamer and have been for so long. I really look up to you. I'm always doing and trying out every build\reaction that I see come out from you. Your stream is always the most fun to watch which I think is saying quite a lot.
I look forward so much to your future career and seeing you play with the incoming expansions.
Love you buddy <33333333333333
On August 14 2011 13:13 darklight54321 wrote: I am very upset that tyler is using a depressive disorder as an excuse to lash out at others. It could easily be used to explain the lackluster performances, but as a sufferer and attempted earlier in my life i find it an insult when a thing like this is used as a blanket excuse.
I was diagnosed the BD (behavioral disorder) when i was 5, which in a public school system is a death sentence. No matter what you do, teachers will never trust you, never treat you as the same. In truth, i had aspergers, as diagnosed later on in my life. I suffered through depression most of my early life, which is debilitating in a kid as it is for no adult. It wasn't until highschool that I ever fully recovered from it. During this time I fortunately had a teacher parent who was able to force me into situations so I never became stagnant, as i'm sure tyler has in his wife a person who can do the same. The very presence of a helping hand like that is the biggest counter (ha, using sc2 terminology, oh so funny) to depression. ALl this tourn a round though, became nullified when i was forced to drop out of college because of a recurring depresion. For 2 months, i was inside a dorm room the size of a living room, with a run to get 2 two-liters and some ramen normally once a week being not only my one outside contact, but my only source of food or drink. I was unable get off the couch most of the time, meaning i slept on a love seat tight inbetween two walls which is very tough when you over 6'. It was all meaningless, attempted suicide several times.
The point of this whole sob story. during those two months whenever i saw a person, talked to a person, or anything, i didn't lash out at them. When your feeling hurt, don't blame it on others. Someone calls you out? Explain it, but don't do what has become a prevalent thing in this community and use it as a blanket excuse for anything and everything. You are lucky, you still have a family to take care of you. My only family left is a failing aunt and father and a mom whom we cant stand the sight of each other. Then there is the drug dealing brother who lives 4-5 states away.
Yeah, and you have it fucking tough.
It is regrettable that you had to experience this but you have to understand that no two cases of a disorder are the same and that no two people react to various issues the same way. Try to be understanding, just because not everyone had it as bad as you doesn't mean they don't have it bad.
Tyler fighting!
On August 14 2011 13:13 darklight54321 wrote: I am very upset that tyler is using a depressive disorder as an excuse to lash out at others. It could easily be used to explain the lackluster performances, but as a sufferer and attempted earlier in my life i find it an insult when a thing like this is used as a blanket excuse.
I was diagnosed the BD (behavioral disorder) when i was 5, which in a public school system is a death sentence. No matter what you do, teachers will never trust you, never treat you as the same. In truth, i had aspergers, as diagnosed later on in my life. I suffered through depression most of my early life, which is debilitating in a kid as it is for no adult. It wasn't until highschool that I ever fully recovered from it. During this time I fortunately had a teacher parent who was able to force me into situations so I never became stagnant, as i'm sure tyler has in his wife a person who can do the same. The very presence of a helping hand like that is the biggest counter (ha, using sc2 terminology, oh so funny) to depression. ALl this tourn a round though, became nullified when i was forced to drop out of college because of a recurring depresion. For 2 months, i was inside a dorm room the size of a living room, with a run to get 2 two-liters and some ramen normally once a week being not only my one outside contact, but my only source of food or drink. I was unable get off the couch most of the time, meaning i slept on a love seat tight inbetween two walls which is very tough when you over 6'. It was all meaningless, attempted suicide several times.
The point of this whole sob story. during those two months whenever i saw a person, talked to a person, or anything, i didn't lash out at them. When your feeling hurt, don't blame it on others. Someone calls you out? Explain it, but don't do what has become a prevalent thing in this community and use it as a blanket excuse for anything and everything. You are lucky, you still have a family to take care of you. My only family left is a failing aunt and father and a mom whom we cant stand the sight of each other. Then there is the drug dealing brother who lives 4-5 states away.
Yeah, and you have it fucking tough.
When did he ever use it as an excuse to lash out at others? If he calls someone retarded, its because he feels they are retarded, it has nothing to do with his depression. I don't think he has ever used it as an excuse (other than it affecting his practice regime, which is understandable). If anything, tyler might feel regretful about even bringing this up as now people will use it to explain his actions (sort of similar to how idra cannot lose a game now without somebody claiming he is raging).
Shit, just heard about yourcondition. As someone who nearly dropped out of college and lost most of my friends because of it I feel like I should say something... Well all I can say is it gets better and fuck the haters. That said, I say this with the utmost possible respectful way, have you considered some time off? I remember when my psych told me to do so I thought it would be an admission of failure, that I had to bow out because I wasn't good enough, but in retrospect it made a whole lot of sense. Staying in the same position you are still inwont helpmuch. By taking time off, I sure as fick dont mean retirement but rather travel or do volunteer work for a few weeks or months. I didnt follow my psych's advice so I dont know if thats really gonna work but yeah... Just wanted to say youre not alone and fuck them haters.
Northern Ireland23912 Posts
Exactly, I'm with Dudeman's post. Look this community is generally pretty great, especially compared to those of a lot of other games
However, people screen capping a private convo from his stream, and debating his PRIVATE life, to take just one example is going to be something that would justifiably annoy anybody. Just because he has pseudo-public status doesn't make him a legitimate target for idle fucking gossip and he's entirely within his rights to become irritable about such things
I dont think I post in this thread as much as I should. Tyler is a sick Protoss player, I love his approach to the game and I do my best to take the same approach :D really cool guy too. I hope everything turns out excellent for you, you have it in you to dominate.
Since 1998 for me, Tyler. I know it's not much, but I feel you, man. I've been there. I've always been a fan and always will be.
Don't pay attention to Reddit and it's sheep community. We all love you Tyler and we're all behind you! I don't care if you don't win any tournaments or anything like that, you will always remain my favourite player no matter what!
Tyler fighting!
Some people would prefer time to think through things rather than be crowded by people they hardly know. As a massive introvert, I humbly suggest that people calm down.
I'll be there waiting to cheer you on when you get your groove back 
<3 you will get there with time.
Fuck the haters. Just remember the big lebowski, the dude always abides.
Best wishes Tyler, depression is no laughing matter. I am sure you will overcome it and show people what the iron fist of conservative play really is!
Keep in mind tyler posted about his depression because of a post he previously made, not in reaction to that twitter shit, although that may be a symptom of the problem.
just wanted to show my support for you tyler. Life is rough. Depression sucks, but you can get through it and it does get better.
You have our love.
Tyler I love you
I really do
You are one of my favorite players. You are my favorite on State of the Game. I, and a majority of the community loves you. ♥
Tyler Hwaiting! Keep being a boss Tyler!
Just remember man, you only need 1 probe to beat IdrA, but a 3-3 zealot to beat SelecT was it? Keep on truckin <3! PS - We should watch MLP together sometime.