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On July 24 2011 09:50 Angelbelow wrote: What tourney are you guys talking about with Sen vs idra? Just finished the IPL where he beat mini. The Verizon tournament. That is live, and Ipl is from replays.
Noooo.. playing against Axslav T_T He is such a bi*** to play against >.<
On July 24 2011 09:50 Angelbelow wrote: What tourney are you guys talking about with Sen vs idra? Just finished the IPL where he beat mini.
Verizon SC2 Open.
Streamed here: http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Axeltoss
You'll find the links to the caster's justin.tv and youtube pages there, the VODs should (I'm guessing) be up on those eventually.
Thanks tablespoon and _vk_
Axlav will go some kind of 2 base Voidrays, but he doesnt like Phoenixes, so Idra's hydras will pop in time, and kill Axlav :p
Bleh, no chance of catching the end of that, definitely not being run with euroes in mind. Oh well, not like it matters that much, since he's gonna roll axslav and meet SEn in the finals. =(
On July 24 2011 09:53 Aocowns wrote: Noooo.. playing against Axslav T_T He is such a bi*** to play against >.<
axslav is very beatable.
he tends to favor turtlely protoss style tho...but im sure idrA is very aware of this
IdrA beats Axslav quite regularly in most tourneys. Sen is definetly his biggest challenge- he still probably will have to face Sen again when Sen comes up from the LB finals
If one thing I am happy about this IdrA matches overload and wins, is that I am finally forgetting of all the stupid drama around the forum. Need MLG to come already to forget about anything and just watch games!
On July 24 2011 09:58 CeriseCherries wrote: IdrA beats Axslav quite regularly in most tourneys. Sen is definetly his biggest challenge- he still probably will have to face Sen again when Sen comes up from the LB finals
Believe in DeMuslim, he could take Sen out in the LB,
I was silly to question Idra... gogogo kill Axslav!!
Man idrA useing Nydos is so amazing !!!! 1-0 against axlave
Idra's builds are super fucking refined, its amazing to watch. Even if Losira made that build popular, he does it so flawlessly
9 overlords... misclick? Hope he can pull it back...
Tapped out a bit early no?
On July 24 2011 10:41 Kracklings wrote:Tapped out a bit early no?  nah, axlave had tons of blink stalkers + third base up and running for a long time, and idra was behind in tech.
hope he will take game 3.
Edit: yeahhhhh, idrA takeing game 3 with amazing aggresion against axlave, terrific play by both.
Is it BO5? Edit: Yes it is