On May 15 2011 23:46 Flymite wrote: Here are his ESEA games vs Cruncher. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM[/url]
Is game 2 anywhere? I cant find it on that guys profile..!
On May 15 2011 23:46 Flymite wrote: Here are his ESEA games vs Cruncher. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM[/url]
Is game 2 anywhere? I cant find it on that guys profile..!
On May 15 2011 23:46 Flymite wrote: Here are his ESEA games vs Cruncher. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORPe-vnqhM[/url]
Is game 2 anywhere? I cant find it on that guys profile..!
On May 15 2011 04:56 grrr.ark wrote: the cruncher/idra thing goes back into beta. I forget which patch but it was when idra was playing protoss and 4gate was seen like every single game. idra flamed him in ladder when he lost to crunchers 4gate. they matched again and idra tried to 4gate him and got demolished and flamed again. Its most definitely not a recent thing between them so you know :p There mighta been something before that but afaik that was the first time cruncher played him
You sure about that? I've heard (two times, actually) DJWheat tell a story about how Cruncher was complaining about the downfall of W3 at Blizzcon last summe, so I'm assuming that he switched to SC2 sometime after that.
yup i am sure. cruncher was playing sc2 before blizzcon he started before me and i didn't get a key until like patch 9 or 10 or so
Did anyone catch the last line of his NASL casting week? I kinda missed it but I heard him say "Was there something wrong with my eyes?" and someone else said "No, they're fine."
Just paraphrasing because I'm not sure what was said.
On May 16 2011 11:02 Let it Raine wrote: idra vs sen in nasl tonight
probably the most hyped i'll ever be for a zvz tournament match!
(more so than dimaga v nestea)
This is really the only possible threat to IdrA's win streak. I can't see Zenio or BoxeR beating him at this point. As much as I love Sen, I'll be rooting for IdrA. (But you probably knew that if you see how often I'm in this thread.)