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On January 03 2013 17:38 2xNoodle wrote: SME is re-uploading "Dancing Queen" with an edited version that censors out Sunny's hat cuz it says "WELCOME MOTHERF*CKERS" (I didn't censor the word with an asterisk, that's literally what it says on it).
Meanwhile, Jewelry has a MV with a girl wearing a heat that uses the Coco Chanel logo to spell out "COCAINE"...
Now I sorta wanna sport that hat while yelling out "AYO GEE GEE".... that's l3git. SNSD too gangster for me.
On January 03 2013 17:38 2xNoodle wrote: SME is re-uploading "Dancing Queen" with an edited version that censors out Sunny's hat cuz it says "WELCOME MOTHERF*CKERS" (I didn't censor the word with an asterisk, that's literally what it says on it).
Meanwhile, Jewelry has a MV with a girl wearing a heat that uses the Coco Chanel logo to spell out "COCAINE"...
On January 03 2013 17:38 2xNoodle wrote: SME is re-uploading "Dancing Queen" with an edited version that censors out Sunny's hat cuz it says "WELCOME MOTHERF*CKERS" (I didn't censor the word with an asterisk, that's literally what it says on it).
Meanwhile, Jewelry has a MV with a girl wearing a heat that uses the Coco Chanel logo to spell out "COCAINE"...
Now I sorta wanna sport that hat while yelling out "AYO GEE GEE".... that's l3git. SNSD too gangster for me.
Where I live, the TLD is .gg, and we sign off stuff at work with our initials, and I work with someone whose initials are GG.
So apparantly Urban Zakapa was on M! Countdown this week but they did a short version of their song and I've only found a bad quality vid. But it got me interested in finding a proper live perf since I had been enjoying that song a lot.
On January 03 2013 20:55 DwD wrote: SNSD at #36 - Bad reception from koreans aswell or just because new? I thought it would be #1 lol And Red > White!
well, the viewerrating for their special was pretty low too (3.8%) so probably not that well recieved too. plus if u ve LSG in the charts u dont get #1 P:
btw anyone knows where i can find Akdong musician stuff? JPS doesnt seem to have it, neither asiantorrents
IY Sori was no lameass =(, she just got almost completely edited out. The few screen time she had, she would do breakdancing like a pro and make everyone go O_o. I liked her. She's strong, but I really don't know how well she can sing. I'm anticipating this. I think she's talented enough to get rid of all the straight pelvis shots though, these are really unnessecary.
Finally had time to watch the Year End Billboard top50 video, cool that sistar made it top 5 with 2 songs, and Lyn OST is just a sick song. GS #1 obvious.
Almost spit my drink though when t-ara love dovey got #5 or #6, such a shitty song. Funnily enough I tried to listen to almost all of t-ara songs and the only one I liked was "We were in love" without realizing that Davichi featured in it. Now that explains everything..
Also going through the pages I think it's quite funny that some people try to tell me and others that our judgement on IGAB is biased because their older releases were better, the latter might be true but doesn't change the fact that (imo) the song is shit.
[TRANS @misskahi] I - don't - fear - death. I - simply - hate - killing - myself. I - wanted - to - die - but - live. I - just - hate - it - really... hate it... completely hate it...
[TRANS @misskahi] I - don't - fear - death. I - simply - hate - killing - myself. I - wanted - to - die - but - live. I - just - hate - it - really... hate it... completely hate it...
trans by oniontaker
kahi just tweeted that, omg.
Wonder what's going on... I saw her earlier tweet and chrome translated it into something along the lines of rest in peace. Maybe someone close to her passed or something Hope she is ok!
If snsd came out with Rebecca's "Friday" or Justin bieber's "Baby" fans would still say " OMG THIS IS GOOD" so sad that fans like these are ruining kpop music quality
I am just sad, it was my favourite couple, but just shows that its just fake, some couples i would ve wished it wasnt cuz it was cute ~~ taeyeon and pudding lol
On January 03 2013 20:55 DwD wrote: SNSD at #36 - Bad reception from koreans aswell or just because new? I thought it would be #1 lol And Red > White! + Show Spoiler +
If wiki had any truth behind how they did the rankings, it should be based on radio plays and sales. Since this video was for the week of Jan 3rd, that means the new SNSD album has been out for 2 days and it has been on sale physically for a day, digitally for two I think. I hardly think it is possible for them to accurately have any accurate album sales numbers yet. This being said, they should have more accurate numbers that actually reflect a song/albums sales next week and have time to actually be played on the radio and what not. Then we should see a rise in the rankings, if that matters to anyone.
For the record, it is extremely rare for a song/album to appear on the top50 if they were released 2-4 days before the Billboard rankings. Reasons are obvious as listed above. The fact that it actually appeared means it has been played a crap ton, but that's obvious...SNSD.
On January 03 2013 20:55 DwD wrote: SNSD at #36 - Bad reception from koreans aswell or just because new? I thought it would be #1 lol And Red > White! + Show Spoiler +
If wiki had any truth behind how they did the rankings, it should be based on radio plays and sales. Since this video was for the week of Jan 3rd, that means the new SNSD album has been out for 2 days and it has been on sale physically for a day, digitally for two I think. I hardly think it is possible for them to accurately have any accurate album sales numbers yet. This being said, they should have more accurate numbers that actually reflect a song/albums sales next week and have time to actually be played on the radio and what not. Then we should see a rise in the rankings, if that matters to anyone.
For the record, it is extremely rare for a song/album to appear on the top50 if they were released 2-4 days before the Billboard rankings. Reasons are obvious as listed above. The fact that it actually appeared means it has been played a crap ton, but that's obvious...SNSD.
- by a friend
Reasonably easy with the daily updates to digital retailer rankings, going by that and video views should be enough to give a rough estimate of how well the song did. It will likely climb a lot next week, surprisingly though Baek Ji Young is topping all the charts at the moment.
For the record there have been a bunch of songs released mid week or days before the weekly update happened and they got in the chart.