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I didn't understand the Jiyeon blondie hate to begin with but this MV proves she could go bold and still rock. o.o (ok ok nvm) On a serious note tho, the MV is godlike... Except for the bad sword control from Hyomin but then again she's not a fighter I guess, even in a timeperiod like this while rocking badass hair. You should at least have some skills to back it up. Dani is actually quite pretty in this vid man, and I like the cage knocking part with Jiyeon. And when they were walking out with the Dani 'totem' (using this word to keep consistancy), Jiyeon had a tatoo on her tighs, couldn't stop staring. Couldn't stop staring at her at all anyways, max fanboy mode. JIYEON HWAITING!
The album sounds just like how a T-ara album should sound like cept this time they added Holy-day. Day by Day and 떠나지마 very good. The other 2 are nice aswell, I guess the only shitty song is Holiday for me.
On July 03 2012 14:20 HaXXspetten wrote:Probably the only Qritical error besides logic of course. I laughed so hard :p Maybe they didn't want to spoil it just yet but let us hope that Dani becomes Qri instead of Eunjung. Doubtful tho because I think her theme is blue (eyes went rampage) and Eunjung was wearing blue cloths throughout.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/J8aHe.jpg) + Show Spoiler +
Really? I don't think it sounds much like a worship song. Granted I haven't heard too many, but worship songs have this distinctive "Christian rock" kind of sound and I don't think Day by Day really had it. Worship songs' choruses especially for power songs have this big buildup and a bunch of pounding major chords, but Day by Day was minor-sounding stuff, and wasn't that "explosive" so to speak.
The vocal part of the chorus is C# F# G# A B C# B C# B F# B, A B A G# F# E G# F# and while I suck at recognizing chords because I don't practice doing so at all, I'm pretty sure the chord progression is quite different from contemporary worship music. Usually worship songs have this bigass climax at the chorus with tonic especially being hit over and over again generally. I think.
This weeks episode of Big was so good. LMJ makes my heart flutter, she is the Nicole to my TuElite...
HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG that MV THAT MV!!! That's why T-ara is fucking #1 girl group! Gotta listen through the whole album now though but that MV so sick. Can't wait for part2.
The MV left me confused, they want to make a drama MV yet the story always manages to bore me. Blond PJY is still terrible and I am definitely not convinced by this song. I don't know just disappointed I guess..
On July 03 2012 12:03 nichlion wrote:T-ARA's Day By Day MV is out. + Show Spoiler +It's only 15 minutes? I was expecting like 40.
5 minutes of my life I'm never getting back
On July 03 2012 11:07 Moonwrath wrote:The MR cut out twice during Hoot at the Kpop Nation Concert in Macao yesterday, pretty funny reactions by Taeyeon + Show Spoiler +
Such an entertainer lol ^^
My favourite of Younha's album
+ Show Spoiler +
Day by day MV was watchable, Jiyeon always the best <3. Japanese versions of HUE and Keep out much better than the Korean ones :/
Watchable? ... Which recent MV have been better? Here, have a subbed one: + Show Spoiler +
The album is sooo good also. Holiday, 떠나지마 (Don't Leave) and Day by Day my favs in the album. Especially Don't Leave, Soyeon sooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooood
how is Holiday among your favorites? :o
On July 03 2012 21:06 HaXXspetten wrote: how is Holiday among your favorites? :o
Well they are all good but from 1-2 playthroughs of each song it's 1 of the ones I remember the most. Maybe because it's titel is english
I watched the Suju MV but not the T-ara one, fuck 15 minute MVs, I don't watch 4 minute ones that often in the first place. Eunhyuk's dance part was short but sweet and I can't wait till Leeteuk finally leaves.
Will listen to all the new albums tomorrow (today after I sleep some) probably.
On July 03 2012 21:20 Sableyeah wrote: Actually it's only 10mins. 5min extra/teaser/credit
I'll sleep on it then, that isn't as horrible.
Actually it's only 10mins. 5min extra/teaser/credit
The people standing around that car were super creeper. There was one fat kid about 15 years old that kept asking for a bwing bwing pose and Hyomin gave the 'ughhh' face at it.
On July 03 2012 20:26 DwD wrote: HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG that MV THAT MV!!! That's why T-ara is fucking #1 girl group! Gotta listen through the whole album now though but that MV so sick. Can't wait for part2. That's some sone level shit right there.
I honestly don't get the point of these drama music videos. You watch it once and there is no point in watching it again. As for the song, it featured some decent rapping for the first time since TTL days. Not liking the chorus at all.
On July 03 2012 21:56 klogg wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 20:26 DwD wrote: HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG that MV THAT MV!!! That's why T-ara is fucking #1 girl group! Gotta listen through the whole album now though but that MV so sick. Can't wait for part2. That's some sone level shit right there. I honestly don't get the point of these drama music videos. You watch it once and there is no point in watching it again. As for the song, it featured some decent rapping for the first time since TTL days. Not liking the chorus at all. Sone level is good for you, helps your mindset, and while I agree that watching the whole MV is something you're not gonna repeat a lot, that doesn't necessarily make it bad. Sure it was kinda non-sensical and whatknot, but the amount of effort T-ara puts into this compared to ordinary MVs by other groups is commendable. Song's awesome by the way.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Not their greatest work(doubt anything will ever beat Absolute first), 사랑놀이 is a fun song though.
On July 03 2012 21:56 klogg wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 20:26 DwD wrote: HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG that MV THAT MV!!! That's why T-ara is fucking #1 girl group! Gotta listen through the whole album now though but that MV so sick. Can't wait for part2. That's some sone level shit right there. I honestly don't get the point of these drama music videos. You watch it once and there is no point in watching it again. As for the song, it featured some decent rapping for the first time since TTL days. Not liking the chorus at all.
Really? You don't understand the point of making a sick talked about music video? Hmm how about creating buzz to earn more money through more album sales? Seems pretty straight forward to me...
and you all said t-ara got the "boring" song. love the album so much <3. japanese versions of the song didn't really interest me that much, glad they did them in korean.
On July 03 2012 21:56 klogg wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 20:26 DwD wrote: HHHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG that MV THAT MV!!! That's why T-ara is fucking #1 girl group! Gotta listen through the whole album now though but that MV so sick. Can't wait for part2. That's some sone level shit right there. I honestly don't get the point of these drama music videos. You watch it once and there is no point in watching it again. As for the song, it featured some decent rapping for the first time since TTL days. Not liking the chorus at all. If this doesn't get you to watch something twice, nothing will. Move on bro and don't try to sabotage the T-ara WARSHIP.
New T-ara album is goooood. A nice mix of different kind of songs and great rap parts. Holiday and Hue are the lesser tracks for me but they're still enjoyable. 'Loliloliday' really is cringe worthy though.
I'm not so big on the MV, but it being some kind of mini-drama does have something awesome to it. The thing that does really bother me though, is that after watching the MV you don't even know how the actual song goes. It get's interrupted all the time, you get to see some fighting, some talking etc. and then it continues again. You don't actually get to hear how the different parts flow into each other, if you get what I mean.