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On July 17 2010 21:34 Spazer wrote: Cat Shit One is sweet. Tactics? Double tapping (I've never seen any show, anime or otherwise, put this in before)? Cute animals? Okay, maybe not so much that last part, but this series looks really promising right now. I like how the rabbits wear ear protection that doesn't actually cover their ears because they're, well, rabbits. Also, the use of camels is hilarious.
On July 17 2010 18:11 Eroqa wrote: I've fallen behind since spring, I want to catch up from there and watch some completed series. Any suggestions? Already planning to watch house of five leaves and tatami galaxy. Maybe pick arakawa under the bridge and maid-sama back up. What are the other gems from spring and whats still airing?
On July 17 2010 18:11 Eroqa wrote: I've fallen behind since spring, I want to catch up from there and watch some completed series. Any suggestions? Already planning to watch house of five leaves and tatami galaxy. Maybe pick arakawa under the bridge and maid-sama back up. What are the other gems from spring and whats still airing?
Tatami Galaxy was amazing. B Gata was surprisingly good. Angel Beats has bad pacing but is still entertaining. Working!! was pretty good too.
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei was only "amazing"? It's now my top favorite anime EVER.
I couldn't say it was my personal favorite ever, within my top 10 but not my favorite. I would agree that it's very, very good...but to me "amazing" equates out to "incredibly worth it, 10/10".
On July 18 2010 07:02 SwEEt[TearS] wrote: did you guys watch the [Pretentious] sub of CSO? cause I don't see any other sub (despite many sites saying it's gonna be subbed and streamed on YT?)
I just finished Working!! I've got to say I really enjoyed it, it was genuinely funny . There were quite a few parts that had me bursting out laughing. It was much better than Arakawa Under the Bridge, which was just awkward funny.
I also started Shiki, which is developing the story veeeeery slowly, like a nose bleed -.-. Hope it will speed up in time.
So basically Amagi SS is like a dating sim except we don't control anything and we just watch every single part of the game just play out before our eyes. Uhh.
Anyway, Legend of the Galactic Heroes was recently suggested to me. How many of you have seen this, and what can you say about it without spoiling? I may just download this, but it IS 110 eps after all (or something.)
Also, were there any particularly great FMA: brotherhood OVA's, or should i just watch them all?
On July 18 2010 07:02 SwEEt[TearS] wrote: did you guys watch the [Pretentious] sub of CSO? cause I don't see any other sub (despite many sites saying it's gonna be subbed and streamed on YT?)
There's nothing wrong with Pretentious's subs.
They're better than Commie's at least.
Cat Shit One streamed on YT region-locked to Japan with no subs.
On July 18 2010 14:19 Thesecretaznman wrote: So basically Amagi SS is like a dating sim except we don't control anything and we just watch every single part of the game just play out before our eyes. Uhh.
Anyway, Legend of the Galactic Heroes was recently suggested to me. How many of you have seen this, and what can you say about it without spoiling? I may just download this, but it IS 110 eps after all (or something.)
Also, were there any particularly great FMA: brotherhood OVA's, or should i just watch them all?
I haven't watched LoGH myself (although I plan to soon), but I've never heard anyone give it a bad review. Its supposed to be pretty amazing.
Setokai Yakuindomo ep3: second drop of the season (first one being Mitsudomoe), I have no clue how they can get the first episode absolutely right and straight up destroy it right after. the engrish "ECUSE ME PURI PERA PERU PE PERINSHO PERA?" was just...ugh. gtfo. sticking to the 4koma from now on, sigh.
On July 19 2010 01:19 SwEEt[TearS] wrote: lol so Cat Shit One: that's gonna be so gooooood.
Setokai Yakuindomo ep3: second drop of the season (first one being Mitsudomoe), I have no clue how they can get the first episode absolutely right and straight up destroy it right after. the engrish "ECUSE ME PURI PERA PERU PE PERINSHO PERA?" was just...ugh. gtfo. sticking to the 4koma from now on, sigh.
Yeah, Seitokai's 3rd episode was a complete trainwreck. I'm giving it one more episode but it just wasn't funny at all and felt like it was trying way too hard.
That was amazing... i hope its weekly or even monthly releases but the quality of the 1st episode was just out of this world . Animation 9000/10 , Sound/Voice 10/10 , Characters 10/10, Story/Plot 1/10 but i dont really care everything else is just so good.
On July 19 2010 07:12 SkelA wrote: Holy Cat Shit One !
That was amazing... i hope its weekly or even monthly releases but the quality of the 1st episode was just out of this world . Animation 9000/10 , Sound/Voice 10/10 , Characters 10/10, Story/Plot 1/10 but i dont really care everything else is just so good.
Unfortunately, it's not. Supposedly the next episode will come out next year.
On July 19 2010 07:12 SkelA wrote: Holy Cat Shit One !
That was amazing... i hope its weekly or even monthly releases but the quality of the 1st episode was just out of this world . Animation 9000/10 , Sound/Voice 10/10 , Characters 10/10, Story/Plot 1/10 but i dont really care everything else is just so good.
Unfortunately, it's not. Supposedly the next episode will come out next year.
If I remember it took them two years just to finally release this one, and boo for the region lock on the youtube stream, don't they know the internet has no borders
On July 19 2010 07:12 SkelA wrote: Holy Cat Shit One !
That was amazing... i hope its weekly or even monthly releases but the quality of the 1st episode was just out of this world . Animation 9000/10 , Sound/Voice 10/10 , Characters 10/10, Story/Plot 1/10 but i dont really care everything else is just so good.
Unfortunately, it's not. Supposedly the next episode will come out next year.
On July 18 2010 14:19 Thesecretaznman wrote: So basically Amagi SS is like a dating sim except we don't control anything and we just watch every single part of the game just play out before our eyes. Uhh.
Anyway, Legend of the Galactic Heroes was recently suggested to me. How many of you have seen this, and what can you say about it without spoiling? I may just download this, but it IS 110 eps after all (or something.)
Also, were there any particularly great FMA: brotherhood OVA's, or should i just watch them all?
I've seen LoGH and I absolutely loved every episode. All 110 of them.
It looks like they've taken random lines from lots of different places in the manga(/novel?) and put them together into the prequel.
The actual OVA is pretty good though, flows nicely despite that. It has a very nice sense of mood, crossing between happiness and nostalgia. Hopefully the movie turns out good too!
You mean take things we actually have had no knowledge of until this point. We've seen referenced here and there some random events seen in the first OVA, but never had a clear description. For one, we never had much of anything about Touko's thoughts when she first read Inoue Miu's work. Or rather, her thoughts were referenced, but we never had this much detail about what happened at that point. This OVA is essentially the piece of Touko that we were missing in spite of all the stuff out so far. I loved it.
The books have covered a bunch of fairly random stuff, from stuff from Konoha and Miu in elementary school~middle school to Chia in afterstory fashion, but we actually never had anything about Touko from her middleschool days outside of random talks about what she was doing back then. Honestly, this is a prequel that's meant to be watched for those who have finished the series (or at least watched the movie), as many of the details about the household that Touko is living in isn't revealed until vol 5. I can imagine that most of the people will see Kanako's reactions from this OVA and be completely clueless as to what is happening.
Also, did this group use Tooko? If so I'd need to go bug more people to have them stop that.
Taco subs? Never heard of them, which doesn't bode too well... Hope they did a decent job. It sucks that this is getting subbed before the movie, but it really can't be helped.