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On April 28 2010 11:04 Ecael wrote: Characters that transcend archetypes? What's that? There are only major archetypes and minor archetypes.
About Yangire vs Yandere, I prefer the former because of greater freedom of movement, but honestly even with yandere it is easily enough to use a love related reason to act all insanely.
Wait, Louise + Tsundere talk =/= ZnT?
What would you classify Anri as? I think she transcends to a certain extent any archetype you might want to slap on her. At the very least you can't define her by a certain stereotype.
On April 28 2010 11:04 Ecael wrote: Characters that transcend archetypes? What's that? There are only major archetypes and minor archetypes.
About Yangire vs Yandere, I prefer the former because of greater freedom of movement, but honestly even with yandere it is easily enough to use a love related reason to act all insanely.
Wait, Louise + Tsundere talk =/= ZnT?
What would you classify Anri as? I think she transcends to a certain extent any archetype you might want to slap on her. At the very least you can't define her by a certain stereotype.
Anri? I say that only the ones who read the novel have enough information. Up until this point her treatment is practically an extras character other than the hints. Only when it moved onto Saika did the plot started to involve her more. She is still easily classified, you just didn't have enough information.
As for archetype though, she definitely has one. As long as someone has a character that person has an archetype. It doesn't have to be something as specific as say, a yandere. Just the character type and feel that Anri gives off though overlaps with many other characters I've read before.
On April 28 2010 11:59 Ecael wrote: Anri? I say that only the ones who read the novel have enough information. Up until this point her treatment is practically an extras character other than the hints. Only when it moved onto Saika did the plot started to involve her more. She is still easily classified, you just didn't have enough information.
As for archetype though, she definitely has one. As long as someone has a character that person has an archetype. It doesn't have to be something as specific as say, a yandere. Just the character type and feel that Anri gives off though overlaps with many other characters I've read before.
Spazer, you are basically wrong
Well, it's good to know that the spoilage doesn't extend that far then.
On April 28 2010 11:59 Ecael wrote: Anri? I say that only the ones who read the novel have enough information. Up until this point her treatment is practically an extras character other than the hints. Only when it moved onto Saika did the plot started to involve her more. She is still easily classified, you just didn't have enough information.
As for archetype though, she definitely has one. As long as someone has a character that person has an archetype. It doesn't have to be something as specific as say, a yandere. Just the character type and feel that Anri gives off though overlaps with many other characters I've read before.
Spazer, you are basically wrong
Well when I say "archetype", I mean pretty much that the character embodies the epitome of a certain aspect. I don't think Anri falls neatly into any one category. If someone is a combination of "archetypes", then that means that he/she defies any real archetype since that person isn't the epitome of a certain concept...
A lot of characters fall under my definition of "transcending archetypes", but I'm fine with archetypes if they get across a certain point.
But we combined tsun and dere and got tsundere, why is combining traits now an issue? Do we absolutely have to have every meganekko classified under bookworm and softspoken and more or less plain? We create more categories as to suit our purposes, someone's character isn't a novelty just because you stuck a pair glasses on a tsundere then gave character traits from both stereotypes.
Honestly, if we were to talk of epitomes. Kotobuki Nanase is the only tsundere, ever. I am rather uncomfortable working with such extremes.
I am just curious if anyone here knows if there will be a season 4 for Zero no Tsukaima. Sorry to interrupt the topic but this seemed like a good place to find out.
Wasn't fan reaction for season 3 pretty bad though? Anyway, the only project JC Staff has announced is Shana season 3, so chances are season 4 of ZnT won't be in the queue for a long time. I'd imagine (and hope) that Index season 2 and/or Hayate would also be higher priority.
Combining traits isn't an issue. You can define an archetype in any way, as long as the archetype in particular is something that people will see and go "oh yeah, this character is X archetype". Archetypes are kind of like the label that you give to a phenomenon that's essentially been mass produced and everyone recognizes.
All the deres pretty much fit that concept, in that characters that follow that archetype follow a predefined set of characteristics, which are then exaggerated to an extreme. You can probably rate characters based on their level of "tsundereness", but that's essentially a non issue since all characters that are built off of this archetype generally conform fairly closely to it.
And perhaps marking archetypes as the "epitome" of something isn't the right word. Perhaps better phrasing would be "conforming completely to the set of characteristics that define an archetype".
Hayate is way more important than ZnT season 4, wouldn't they be getting up to the point when Saito and Louise finally have sex by then, actually?
Meh, coming down to a rather trivial point of how readily people will dissect the characters. That has its upsides and downsides, half of the people will never quite realize the kind of things on tropes describing a certain set of characteristics. However, they probably grasp intuitively that this has been done somewhere. Anri fits plenty of the established types that most should recognize, just spread fairly evenly as to not immediately cause people to react in a certain fashion. That along with the extras-like treatment she suffered from for the most part made her look as if she is a novelty. Mass produced? Depends on how wide a range you want to set.
Well, your definition is fine after a fashion, I am just not really satisfied with how easily it allows characters to have "transcended archetypes".
On April 28 2010 12:18 Spazer wrote: Depends on what you define as a character archetype I suppose. Heck, if we wanted to, we could classify the entire male cast of Durarara as bishonen.
You know it's true.
Edit: lol tvtropes. "Not to be confused with Mega Neko, also known as "really big cats". "
Edit 2: Oh great, now I'm browsing tvtropes instead of studying.
ZnT should have stopped at season 2 with the last 5 minutes cut out + Show Spoiler +
That whole "lol i died oh wait I'm alive again" really ruined it
Don't mind Shana that much, I thought the 2nd season was quite good. Though maybe I'm just hoping they bring Sebrac out again so we can see him rape an entire city.
None of these (specific) archetypes would even exist if the anime companies put some effort into character personalization. I blame visual novels for starting this cancer. If you look back at pre 2000 this shit didn't exist in anime. The categorization got crazy when people started watching shows for the characters and the characters only - not minding the fact that they were being recycled over and over again. I could be wrong, but I think a lot of the 'hardcore' otakus in Japan are like this. It's not just that the anime companies/mangaka/VN creators are lazy - it's obviously because there's a demand for recycling the Rie tsundere shit (as an example). The industry is getting worse and worse because you can't fund creative shows anymore. It's pretty obvious if you compare things like K-On and Bakemonogatari to Kaiba and Casshern Sins in sales revenue. Madhouse, one of the few anime companies to actually produce a few creative and mature shows every year is having major economical problems and might declare bankruptcy.