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On June 29 2012 08:17 Ecael wrote: I hope they do a better job w/ Kizu than they did with Nise, though being a movie helps with the pacing plus book is one of the easiest ones to adapt.
Not hard to animate Koyomi getting his ass handed to him for 90 mins :p.
Movie is the best Nanoha product. A's is really strong, considered the best season. StrikerS is really fucking cool in its second half. Some people bitch about "omg not lolis" but fuck them. 1st season was weak.
Movie is the best Nanoha product. A's is really strong, considered the best season. StrikerS is really fucking cool in its second half. Some people bitch about "omg not lolis" but fuck them. 1st season was weak.
Oh yeah StrikerS has GaoGaiGar-tan
Haha, I'm looking forward to it then. Is the first half of StrikerS slow or bad, or is it just that the second half is way better?
Movie is the best Nanoha product. A's is really strong, considered the best season. StrikerS is really fucking cool in its second half. Some people bitch about "omg not lolis" but fuck them. 1st season was weak.
Oh yeah StrikerS has GaoGaiGar-tan
Haha, I'm looking forward to it then. Is the first half of StrikerS slow or bad, or is it just that the second half is way better?
slow/training/2nd half has some really cool scenes at the climax
biggest problem strikers has is its 26 eps rather than 13
Movie is the best Nanoha product. A's is really strong, considered the best season. StrikerS is really fucking cool in its second half. Some people bitch about "omg not lolis" but fuck them. 1st season was weak.
Oh yeah StrikerS has GaoGaiGar-tan
Haha, I'm looking forward to it then. Is the first half of StrikerS slow or bad, or is it just that the second half is way better?
slow/training/2nd half has some really cool scenes at the climax
biggest problem strikers has is its 26 eps rather than 13
Aha. Slower buildup and twice as many episodes. Well, nothing surprising really. Some shows should have had more episodes, some should maybe have had less.
I did find the part where a female kid basically rapes another kid mildly disturbing... ok rape and rape but if you've watched it you (should) get what I mean, and they were just too bloody young, so yeah, was fairly disturbing.
That said, there was one moment where the timing of a certain door and a (literal) orgasm face was pretty good >.> I still wonder why I watched that anime. Okay, I guess the answer is twincest, but still. I'm an odd person, my second favorite scene in Nisemonogatari was the toothbrush scene... oh god I am terrible. Q.Q
Yosuga anime was hilarious, more hilarious is the fact that it scrapped by the Tokyo censorship laws and the dvds can actually be sold to minors.
The game was cute but yeah basically only thing going for it is twincest and good art. The setting isn't too bad to work with but they weren't able to do much with it. So yeah.
Look on the bright side, if not for Mirai Fukuin, Azaka fanboys can look to Yosuga for a successful demonstration of her plan.
On June 29 2012 10:29 Ecael wrote: Yosuga anime was hilarious, more hilarious is the fact that it scrapped by the Tokyo censorship laws and the dvds can actually be sold to minors.
On June 29 2012 10:29 Ecael wrote: Yosuga anime was hilarious, more hilarious is the fact that it scrapped by the Tokyo censorship laws and the dvds can actually be sold to minors.
Are you serious? How the hell did that happen.
How not I guess? The law is just a joke because of how vague it is and how enforcement is just reliant on a panel that is being paid to do nothing. It was just something to appeal to the conservatives with a huge room for actual actions but all that is likely to come out of it is bribery keeping titles out of the ban. The usual really.
On June 29 2012 10:31 Southlight wrote: The game made me rage because it had such a good setting and premise but they ruined it by turning her into a standard imouto and such.
On June 29 2012 12:40 Shiragaku wrote: This is for Persona 4 fans.
Should I watch the anime first or play the game first?
I never finished P4 game myself, but from friends of mine who played P4, they say its best to play the game first. Apparently, the anime is alot of fanservice meant for people who already like the game (I suppose the way SRW:OGIN was meant for SRW fans). Persona games are good anyway, so I wouldn't worry about playing a bad game or anything.
I watched the P4 anime without beating the game, and you are able to follow it fine/liked it, but you can really tell its meant for the fans.
On June 29 2012 13:07 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, the anime is alot of fanservice meant for people who already like the game
I loved P4 but quit watching the anime after a few episodes. It seemed kind of pointless to watch a stripped down version of the same story. While the game does have a good story, its gameplay is the best part. Definitely play the game, and probably just forget the anime.
On June 29 2012 13:07 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, the anime is alot of fanservice meant for people who already like the game
I loved P4 but quit watching the anime after a few episodes. It seemed kind of pointless to watch a stripped down version of the same story. While the game does have a good story, its gameplay is the best part. Definitely play the game, and probably just forget the anime.
If you already played the game, you obviously wouldn't be watching it for the plot, you would be watching it to see parts of the game you liked in anime form. Thats what I meant by "fanservice for people who liked the game".
Also, Gundam SEED HD Remaster:
So, apparently they turned Nicol into a retard, and had him run into Kira's sword to kill himself. That was lol. But, they like almost completely reanimated Kira and Athrun's climatic mid-show showdown, complete with more gore:
On June 29 2012 13:07 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, the anime is alot of fanservice meant for people who already like the game
I loved P4 but quit watching the anime after a few episodes. It seemed kind of pointless to watch a stripped down version of the same story. While the game does have a good story, its gameplay is the best part. Definitely play the game, and probably just forget the anime.
If you already played the game, you obviously wouldn't be watching it for the plot, you would be watching it to see parts of the game you liked in anime form. Thats what I meant by "fanservice for people who liked the game".
Well yeah, but that isn't much of a draw imo. Seeing books made into movies and TV shows is cool, but games already have animation and voice acting. The anime doesn't really add anything, but instead takes away all the fun parts.
Does anyone know when Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo will be released this year? Everywhere I have been looking just says fall 2012, was wondering if anyone knew a more exact date.
On June 29 2012 13:07 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, the anime is alot of fanservice meant for people who already like the game
I loved P4 but quit watching the anime after a few episodes. It seemed kind of pointless to watch a stripped down version of the same story. While the game does have a good story, its gameplay is the best part. Definitely play the game, and probably just forget the anime.
If you already played the game, you obviously wouldn't be watching it for the plot, you would be watching it to see parts of the game you liked in anime form. Thats what I meant by "fanservice for people who liked the game".
Well yeah, but that isn't much of a draw imo. Seeing books made into movies and TV shows is cool, but games already have animation and voice acting. The anime doesn't really add anything, but instead takes away all the fun parts.
Sure the games already have "animation", but that really isn't the same type of "animation" as in anime, right? Like I said, its the same thing as with SRW and SRW:OGIN.
On June 29 2012 01:48 iky43210 wrote: I have though about picking up nanoha for a long time as well, I've heard alot about it. just a few questions if anyone mind answering
1) how much yuri is in this show? comparable to madoka? 2) how action packed is it? 3) It is an old series, is the movie coming out this year the finale of the franchise or are they producing more anime later?
thanks in advance
1.) There is no yuri at all in it. 2.) Depends on which season. 3.) The 1st movie covered season 1, the 2nd movie cover season 2.
Even though the 1st Movie is technically a "recap" of the first season, it is better than the first season in literally every way. It looks better, its paced better, it cut out all the crap from the first season, and made all the stuff that was good better.
However, its nothing but mahou shoujo battle mahou shoujo talk mahou shoujo blah blah blah
And I also can't really stand mahou shoujo , they just don't make any sense military wise. Why in the world would you want to recreate human technology on magic machines when you are not bound by mechanical laws? Bows and ribbons on mahou shoujo makes no sense, and such huge surface area only makes you a target practice and greatly increases drag force. Having legs on mahou shoujo have no use whatsoever most of the time unless traversing in jungle-like environment, but why bother when you can fly. mahou shoujo in those shows don't even use their legs to "run" anyway, they just have some wings at bottom of their feet to push them forward. Completely defeats the purpose!
any show with heavy mahou shoujo undertone kills the series in my book. Heartcatch Precure was ok, at least they have the common sense to transform when going at a high speed (also mahou shoujo was not the selling story)
I can tell this is a cheap shot at my earlier post, but you do realize they are not comparable right? Mecha shows invest and takes itself seriously within the realm of realism, while mahou shoujos are not.
I wouldn't have a problem with mech too much if many of them don't spend wall of texts telling the scientific reasoning behind why mech was superior or how they destroyed tanks and armies with them. You do realize these are areas that ticks on people, right?
I don't go around watching movies and think about how unaccurate or unscientifically it is, especially fantasy or comedy films. But you bet I will realize the miniscule details if it uses science as the story backbone.
Seriously, why do you post to make fun of someone? If you don't have valid information regarding to my question, why even answer? I don't remember attacking you personally at all. way to be a complete ass