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First Gundam I watched was Wing. Saw about 10 episodes. Then was busy, forgot about it, and never went back to finish. But I did like it and gave the next one a try. So then I watched Seed. Which I liked a lot. First and perhaps only true mecha I actually like(not semi-mecha like Zegapain that only uses mecha for the hell of it). Seed was very tacky and cliched, and Gundams were so OP it became a turnoff. But overall it was fun, guilty pleasure type of a show. Seed Destiny was okay, but it was a sequel and wasn't too bad. So I did finish watching. Gundam 00 I disliked because I couldn't relate to the pilots. I guess a similar problem with Wing, which was probably why I never finished it.
And then I watched bits and pieces of Unicorn and other OVAs. But none of them really caught my attention.
As for Macross, I watched and finished Frontier. But overall felt it was average despite incredible animation quality. The best thing from that show for me was Aimo ~ Tori no Hito. Still on my playlist. Both the original and the more upbeat version that had from one of the episodes.
On a final note, Trieze made a much better antagonist than Char because unlike Char Treize actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Char was how much attention he gave to fighting Amuro Ray, it's like he would put the neo-zeon movement on the back burner if it meant stomping Amuro in a duel.
On a final note, Gihren made a much better antagonist than Zechs because unlike Zechs Gihren actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Zechs was how much attention he gave to fighting Heero Yuy, it's like he would put the World Peace on the back burner if it meant stomping Heero in a duel.
first two novels of the commonwealth saga definitely had politics too em, and in general some damned good space opera. but those are books along with dune. as for anime kind of curious too can't think of any I've seen in particular.
started watching mobile suit gundam recently up to episode 7, had watched the movies and zeta years ago. another go at getting through the series, may skip g(seen it enjoyed but don't feel any great need to rewatch) wing(seen it at least twice) doubtful on skipping seed(seen and liked) lets see how long I can put off starting unicorn, and watching cca. I wonder how long before I give in to the urge to play gundam vs zeta gundam or crossfire.
also started chaos head got a lot better after the first two episodes finished 6 yesterday. watched first two episodes of ano hana loved it but think I'll wait a bit to watch the rest. and for some idiotic reason shall slowly go through school days.... been reading this thread too long
Just my personal experience, and probably why my view is a bit narrower. The only 3 Gundams I've seen all the way through are Wing (plus Endless Waltz), SEED, and G.
I really like that Wing was a political thriller type, it kind of made me think, in some small way, of a Tom Clancy book with giant robots, which can never be a bad thing. I personally like space political dramas, like BSG and Deep Space 9, so that's probably preference. It was serious, deep, and all the characters were pretty great. Some more than others, but there weren't any I hated. The story felt, for all intents and purposes, more realistic, like the characters and events could really take place if we colonize space and have giant robots. Also, it was my first Gundam, so it gets +10 to nostalgia.
SEED was... I dunno. It was very good, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching it, but I didn't like it as much as other shows or Gundams. It felt a bit more, I dunno, emo? Blindly idealistic? The story was great, as good or better than Wing's (aside from some plot holes), but the main characters ranged from "I'm gonna change the world!" to "Everything sucks" with very little in between. I wanted to smack Shinn throughout most of it, but maybe that was just an accurate idea of a young person in war, like it was in Evangelion.
G was fun. It was really more of a Shounen Gundam than anything else. The story often took a back seat to the action and tournament, so it ended up a bit weaker than the others. The characters were fun, if a bit stereotypical, and the action was top notch. Overall, it's great and fun, but if I'm watching for plot, it's not my first choice.
On a final note, Trieze made a much better antagonist than Char because unlike Char Treize actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Char was how much attention he gave to fighting Amuro Ray, it's like he would put the neo-zeon movement on the back burner if it meant stomping Amuro in a duel.
On a final note, Gihren made a much better antagonist than Zechs because unlike Zechs Gihren actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Zechs was how much attention he gave to fighting Heero Yuy, it's like he would put the World Peace on the back burner if it meant stomping Heero in a duel.
Herpa derp.
The same could've been said of Char, who not only set the "salvation of humanity into space" aside to defeat Amuro in combat, he even provided the technology for Amuro to fight him on equal ground so he could get stomped and dissipate into space dust instead of SAVING HUMANITY BY BLOWING UP THE EARTH
Also: Amuro killed his loli waifu, and that's unacceptable (unless its the later parts of Zeta)
Slower episode this time but imo with interesting characterdevelopment. Can someone tell me what Rider and his master found in casters lair? Must be related to the children but it was censored so much I couldnt see anything.
Slower episode this time but imo with interesting characterdevelopment. Can someone tell me what Rider and his master found in casters lair? Must be related to the children but it was censored so much I couldnt see anything.
The novel details Caster and Uryuu making instruments, appliances, furniture, etc. purely out of human body parts. The first concrete example is some sort of blowing instrument forged from a girl's intestines, which are unraveled and played while she's still alive.
On a final note, Trieze made a much better antagonist than Char because unlike Char Treize actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Char was how much attention he gave to fighting Amuro Ray, it's like he would put the neo-zeon movement on the back burner if it meant stomping Amuro in a duel.
On a final note, Gihren made a much better antagonist than Zechs because unlike Zechs Gihren actually gave 2 shits about his soldiers as a leader. What was really dumb about Zechs was how much attention he gave to fighting Heero Yuy, it's like he would put the World Peace on the back burner if it meant stomping Heero in a duel.
Herpa derp.
The same could've been said of Char, who not only set the "salvation of humanity into space" aside to defeat Amuro in combat, he even provided the technology for Amuro to fight him on equal ground so he could get stomped and dissipate into space dust instead of SAVING HUMANITY BY BLOWING UP THE EARTH
Also: Amuro killed his loli waifu, and that's unacceptable (unless its the later parts of Zeta)
On November 27 2011 03:11 NationInArms wrote: I hate Gundam SEED, wasted hours of my life on that which could have been better spent watching different anime. >.>
I also dislike the Federation, Sieg Zeon all the way!
On November 27 2011 03:11 NationInArms wrote: I hate Gundam SEED, wasted hours of my life on that which could have been better spent watching different anime. >.>
I also dislike the Federation, Sieg Zeon all the way!
IMO the girl in the picture at the end isn't Inori, but a relative of hers (mom? twin sister?). It kinda looks there's a big age difference between the girl in the picture and who I suppose is Shu for her to be Inori. I also think she had something with Gai, since she's wearing that silver cross Gai wears. Well, antoher possibility is that the photo shows Inori, Shu, Gai and Shu's mother. If you look closely at the left corner, there's a person whose face isn't shown, but you can kinda see his hair is blond, as soon as the photo appears, before it scrolls a bit, and... well, Gai's blond. I hope I'm wrong though, and whatever that photo meant surprises me :D