How can they... I dunno... justify? The next battle?
From this last episode surely some 98% of Dany's army died. If not 99% - All we could see at the end were a few lonely soldiers fighting on the wall towers etc and ofc some of the main cast.
Cersei just got another 25.000 soldiers from the Iron Bank + the army she already had.
I dunno...Can Dany somehow find another army? For a second I thought Melisandre would resurrect everyone but then she just fell over and died for no reason.
Can't wait for next episode but damn I was.... expecting more main characters to die I mean the castle was overrun for an eternity and Brianne / Jamie etc were fighting against a horde with their back to a wall.
On April 29 2019 22:16 Laurens wrote: I can believe that Arya is the one that kills the NK in the books too. Otherwise what is the point of her entire arc? She's trained to be an assassin, this is a pretty big topic in 2 of the books. It was written in the stars that she would either assassinate Cersei or another major character. My money has always been on Jaime as Cersei's killer so that means Arya has to assassinate someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire battle is somewhat similar in the books, except more major characters will die. Brienne and Grey Worm for instance.
There’s no NK in the books. It’s all fan fiction
From what the show runners have said, GRRM has given them the highlight reel of what happens. The death of the night king is likely one of them and Arya seems like a safe bet for murdering him.
On the inside the episode segment they said they determined who kills nk about 3 years ago. It sounds like something they made on their own. In any case in a vaccumn I thought the ep was absolutely amazing. It just felt so hopeless. The dead literally rushed at winterfell like a wave. So much of the army died. The dothraki and unsullied basically dont exist anymore. The north is all but cleansed. Maybe a handful of Vale lords and Riverland folk remain. I also dont like that it was arya but what can you do....
It is hard to tell because have said there are limits to what they can talk about when it comes to what GRRM has told them is in the books and what isn't. I wouldn't doubt it either way. It is entire possible that GRRM didn't have a resolution to the Night King, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.
There is no night king in the books, they made it up to give the army of the dead a clear leader. Now maybe they will have some hierarchie in the books as well, but so far it doesn't seem like there will be that one guy you have to kill to resolve everything.
While i don't like it to be that generic, i understood why they did it and it gave us great scenes as well. But you cannot end it in this way, it is literally arya jumping at him from nowhere with a big gotcha moment. There are a million ways to make it more satisfying, and a lot which would work better if you really want arya to do it as well.
Just an example i read somewhere, it would have been better if they did the typical arya thing of the last seasons, where she takes the role of someone and then kills the subject. In this case, taking the role of bran. I think this wouldn't have necessarily means that bran has to die, but even if that would have been a more thematically adn emotionally rich ending.
As i said a few days ago, everything mythic the show always kinda fucked up and it showed here again. Bran's whole purpose apparently was to be a bait. Why the nightking even wanted to kill him? No idea, no legends around it, nothing. It really reminds me of lost, setting up some things, never develop them to something truly great and then fail at the ending. I already see the same defensive arguments as well "this stuff never mattered, it was always about the throne". While the focus was on the human politics, as soon as you add other things you have to make it work as well, and sadly it's only mediocre in this regard.
I'm guessing we'll maybe see the return of some allies: a few troops from Yara, some extra Northern forces that weren't at the battle (Deepwood Motte), maybe the Dornish soldiers since they're not dead, just leaderless.
It also wouldn't be the first time they show a situation as "barely anyone alive" then magically have a bunch of troops get created.
On April 29 2019 22:16 Laurens wrote: I can believe that Arya is the one that kills the NK in the books too. Otherwise what is the point of her entire arc? She's trained to be an assassin, this is a pretty big topic in 2 of the books. It was written in the stars that she would either assassinate Cersei or another major character. My money has always been on Jaime as Cersei's killer so that means Arya has to assassinate someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire battle is somewhat similar in the books, except more major characters will die. Brienne and Grey Worm for instance.
There’s no NK in the books. It’s all fan fiction
From what the show runners have said, GRRM has given them the highlight reel of what happens. The death of the night king is likely one of them and Arya seems like a safe bet for murdering him.
On the inside the episode segment they said they determined who kills nk about 3 years ago. It sounds like something they made on their own. In any case in a vaccumn I thought the ep was absolutely amazing. It just felt so hopeless. The dead literally rushed at winterfell like a wave. So much of the army died. The dothraki and unsullied basically dont exist anymore. The north is all but cleansed. Maybe a handful of Vale lords and Riverland folk remain. I also dont like that it was arya but what can you do....
It is hard to tell because have said there are limits to what they can talk about when it comes to what GRRM has told them is in the books and what isn't. I wouldn't doubt it either way. It is entire possible that GRRM didn't have a resolution to the Night King, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.
There is no night king in the books, they made it up to give the army of the dead a clear leader. Now maybe they will have some hierarchie in the books as well, but so far it doesn't seem like there will be that one guy you have to kill to resolve everything.
While i don't like it to be that generic, i understood why they did it and it gave us great scenes as well. But you cannot end it in this way, it is literally arya jumping at him from nowhere with a big gotcha moment. There are a million ways to make it more satisfying, and a lot which would work better if you really want arya to do it as well.
Personally, I didn't see that as a problem. Her character has been all about sneaking by stuff for a while and the White Walkers have never been that "quick" or perceptive. They have always been a slow moving opponent that was immune to most human weapons, giving them this terminator like dread to them. Someone like Arya quickly moving past them seemed reasonable. Plus that moment is the one where I was pretty convinced they were going to lose and have to retreat. It was nice to be surprised with a villain getting murdered for once.
My question is - who do you guys think will die? I just can't see the show ending before maybe 4 to 5 main cast characters die. That would just not be Martin and how he portraits the world.
Very likely:
- Cersei - Jamie - Bronn - Euron - Greyworm (I still can't believe he survived Winterfell...) - Sandor - Gregor
Villains and people who should be wrapping up their arcs pretty soon. The Greyworm x Missandei situation just screams tragedy waiting to happen. Also I love Bronn, but the guy is a total cockroach. He should've died like 2 seasons ago.
Mild chance:
- Tyrion - Missandei - Davos
Conflicted about Tyrion. Not sure if they're going for total extinction of Lannister house or the irony of Tyrion getting it all in the end because everyone else is dead. For Missandei see above on Grey Worm, she's just a tad less likely as a non-combatant. Davos just because he's skated death way too many times and Melisandre is dead so it feels like his arc should be wrapping up.
- Dany - Sansa
If this were the GoT of old I'd feel more confident in these two biting it. They've been sowing the seeds of discontent with Dany for awhile now and Sansa just strikes me as another Cersei in the making. But with how GoT has been for the past two seasons, it might all just be misdirection and everything works out in the end. Too much fanservice not enough tragedy.
It's not like someone has to die when his/her character arc is complete I don't see why Davos, Missandei, Tyrion, Grey Worm, Jamie or Bronn (let alone Dany and Sansa) should die Maybe they will but it would not be weird to me if they don't
Never said they have to die. But it does tend to raise the probability of them making an exit from the show after they've run their course. Jorah's a good example, he immediately went on the chopping block for me after his encounter with Lyanna, they had to give him that sense of closure with his kin and sure enough in the next ep...
On April 30 2019 01:16 Plansix wrote: We will have to see. I don't know how pumped the Golden Suns are going to be to fight the two remaining dragons.
Golden Company are Targ loyalists in the books. We’ll see if they’re hyped to be fighting the Targ restoration.
Flying things that spite fire are still a staggering threat.
We will also have to see how pumped the Iron Bank is to take on the the force that just beat the army of the dead and stopped the long night. No matter how much they don't like the Targs, there is a real political unknown to taking on the people that just fought to save the 7 Kingdoms for existential threat.
Since GoT made it clear that massive (and stupidly shown) plot armors exists, it will be a truely unexpected and shocking moment IF they decide to kill one more major character (from the good guys) after all. Just like in season 1 when nobody (who didn't read the books) was expecting it.
On April 29 2019 22:16 Laurens wrote: I can believe that Arya is the one that kills the NK in the books too. Otherwise what is the point of her entire arc? She's trained to be an assassin, this is a pretty big topic in 2 of the books. It was written in the stars that she would either assassinate Cersei or another major character. My money has always been on Jaime as Cersei's killer so that means Arya has to assassinate someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire battle is somewhat similar in the books, except more major characters will die. Brienne and Grey Worm for instance.
There’s no NK in the books. It’s all fan fiction
From what the show runners have said, GRRM has given them the highlight reel of what happens. The death of the night king is likely one of them and Arya seems like a safe bet for murdering him.
On the inside the episode segment they said they determined who kills nk about 3 years ago. It sounds like something they made on their own. In any case in a vaccumn I thought the ep was absolutely amazing. It just felt so hopeless. The dead literally rushed at winterfell like a wave. So much of the army died. The dothraki and unsullied basically dont exist anymore. The north is all but cleansed. Maybe a handful of Vale lords and Riverland folk remain. I also dont like that it was arya but what can you do....
It is hard to tell because have said there are limits to what they can talk about when it comes to what GRRM has told them is in the books and what isn't. I wouldn't doubt it either way. It is entire possible that GRRM didn't have a resolution to the Night King, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.
There is no night king in the books, they made it up to give the army of the dead a clear leader. Now maybe they will have some hierarchie in the books as well, but so far it doesn't seem like there will be that one guy you have to kill to resolve everything.
While i don't like it to be that generic, i understood why they did it and it gave us great scenes as well. But you cannot end it in this way, it is literally arya jumping at him from nowhere with a big gotcha moment. There are a million ways to make it more satisfying, and a lot which would work better if you really want arya to do it as well.
Personally, I didn't see that as a problem. Her character has been all about sneaking by stuff for a while and the White Walkers have never been that "quick" or perceptive. They have always been a slow moving opponent that was immune to most human weapons, giving them this terminator like dread to them. Someone like Arya quickly moving past them seemed reasonable. Plus that moment is the one where I was pretty convinced they were going to lose and have to retreat. It was nice to be surprised with a villain getting murdered for once.
Nah sorry but at some point one has to call shit shit. We are watching a television show which has to actually visualize the most important moments, this was the major kill in the show so far and it literally wasn't set up at all. It was her jumping from nowhere when there were other white walkers and wights everywhere. You can have an own headcanon and try to be content with that, but that's not how (visual) storytelling works.
If you want arya to kill the nightking you have to set it up in a reasonable manner, her using her skills to actually make it happen. This was completely out of left field and the only positive aspect about it is that noone could have seen it coming. But that's one of the weakest form of writing, just don't care about context and make the plot point happen no matter what. I really cannot think of a worse execution of the plotpoint of "arya kills the NK".
On April 29 2019 22:16 Laurens wrote: I can believe that Arya is the one that kills the NK in the books too. Otherwise what is the point of her entire arc? She's trained to be an assassin, this is a pretty big topic in 2 of the books. It was written in the stars that she would either assassinate Cersei or another major character. My money has always been on Jaime as Cersei's killer so that means Arya has to assassinate someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire battle is somewhat similar in the books, except more major characters will die. Brienne and Grey Worm for instance.
There’s no NK in the books. It’s all fan fiction
From what the show runners have said, GRRM has given them the highlight reel of what happens. The death of the night king is likely one of them and Arya seems like a safe bet for murdering him.
On the inside the episode segment they said they determined who kills nk about 3 years ago. It sounds like something they made on their own. In any case in a vaccumn I thought the ep was absolutely amazing. It just felt so hopeless. The dead literally rushed at winterfell like a wave. So much of the army died. The dothraki and unsullied basically dont exist anymore. The north is all but cleansed. Maybe a handful of Vale lords and Riverland folk remain. I also dont like that it was arya but what can you do....
It is hard to tell because have said there are limits to what they can talk about when it comes to what GRRM has told them is in the books and what isn't. I wouldn't doubt it either way. It is entire possible that GRRM didn't have a resolution to the Night King, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.
There is no night king in the books, they made it up to give the army of the dead a clear leader. Now maybe they will have some hierarchie in the books as well, but so far it doesn't seem like there will be that one guy you have to kill to resolve everything.
While i don't like it to be that generic, i understood why they did it and it gave us great scenes as well. But you cannot end it in this way, it is literally arya jumping at him from nowhere with a big gotcha moment. There are a million ways to make it more satisfying, and a lot which would work better if you really want arya to do it as well.
Personally, I didn't see that as a problem. Her character has been all about sneaking by stuff for a while and the White Walkers have never been that "quick" or perceptive. They have always been a slow moving opponent that was immune to most human weapons, giving them this terminator like dread to them. Someone like Arya quickly moving past them seemed reasonable. Plus that moment is the one where I was pretty convinced they were going to lose and have to retreat. It was nice to be surprised with a villain getting murdered for once.
Ok, so she is completely stealthy and a godmode assassin. Why does she fucking jump and scream while flying towards him, giving away all the surprise, instead of just stealthily backstab him? Why the forced tension. Also
The more I think about how much tangled shit is going on in the books the more certain I am that he has no clue how he’s going to end it. There is so much that can’t have any relevance.
Just watched the e3 behind the scenes clip in which one of DnD says that the idea of having Jon kill the NK 'didn't seem right to them' so they decided on Arya. Whatever plot guidelines they were given by GRRM they seem to have been pretty fucking vague.
On April 30 2019 01:35 Longshank wrote: Just watched the e3 behind the scenes clip in which one of DnD says that the idea of having Jon kill the NK 'didn't seem right to them' so they decided on Arya. Whatever plot guidelines they were given by GRRM they seem to have been pretty fucking vague.
Yeah the whole mythos is built around how prophecy works in the GOT universe doesn’t matter, what we want is GOTCHA moments that have hundreds of hours of tension built up behind them..